How to Bring Fasting Blood Sugar DOWN FAST!

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hello guys this is dr ahmed ergin i'm an endocrinologist a diabetes education specialist and a metabolism expert today we are talking about how to bring blood sugar down in the morning or the fasting blood sugar so let's get started so guys a lot of you in my clinic and in the questions in the youtube asking about how to bring fasting blood sugar down and that is a good question because a lot of people have high blood sugar in the morning during the day they're fine in the morning they're high they're like hmm what's going on here because i'm going to bed with an okay blood sugar i wake up with a high blood sugar and i'm doing nothing i'm sure i'm not you know sleep eating or i'm not doing anything at night so then why is the blood sugar high well we have a video about this very comprehensive why is phantom blood sugar high you can click on that link below in the description but today we are talking about how to fix it so again that's not going to be one-way street so you have to be patient here because what works for you may not work for someone else so you may want to see what will work for you now if you know the reason sometimes you will figure out how to fix it too insulin resistance is the biggest problem right insulin resistance in addition to what we call relative insulin deficiency so your body for most diabetics are insulin resistant and somewhat insulin deficient based on the need so i always give this financial examples because it makes resonates with people more you know if you have an expensive car and expensive house you have to make a lot of money if you keep buying things you know credit card expenses go up if you're not making any more money it looks like you're actually poorer because you're in debt so somebody who lives in a smaller house and you know a less expensive car they may have more money in their bank account that's readily available although they are not making more than you so same thing with diabetes you know your body when you have abdominal circumference a lot of fat in your body and you're not eating good food etc etc or you have not done good in the past and now you're trying but you're still insulin resistant because insulin resistance does not develop overnight and it doesn't go away overnight so when you have insulin resistance your body is not able to keep up with it now how does really blood sugar go high in the morning you know your liver makes sugar and wants to maintain your blood sugar at a healthy level but your poor liver has no idea what to do unless your intel insulin tells him what to do i said him i'll say it unless your insulin will tell it what to do now the liver may also be insulin resistant so your insulin may be knocking the door but your liver is not responding so as a result your liver is thinking that there's nobody coming to saying okay don't make too much sugar so your liver goes crazy because it's like if you don't know how many people are coming to your house for dinner then you better make a lot of food right so your liver says okay you know what i'm just gonna make a lot of sugar then the question is do you need insulin well maybe you do or there are alternative ways of you know making that insulin or cutting the expense which is insulin resistance so what you need to do here is either make more insulin right your body has to make more insulin if it can which it can we know that because there are a lot of non-insulin medications that can help you with that if you don't want to take a medication what you have to do is you have to reduce the insulin resistance now there are some medications actually that help reduce the insulin resistance as well which we will talk about and by the way our supplement sugar md advanced glucose support is on its way i'm gonna tell you guys in two weeks or so it should be on amazon and it should be in some local stores as well but i am going to tell you when it's time and you will be able to purchase that that new supplement will be able to make your body make insulin and reduce your insulin resistance in a totally natural way because i know you guys hate taking medications and i know a lot of you are trying to do your best with your lifestyle changes and you are still needing some help sometimes insurance doesn't cover the good medications etc says are so many reasons that made me produce or manufactured this new supplement that brought together a lot of natural things that i know for a fact helps the blood sugar especially in the morning having said that you know we said that there are medications or some supplements we are coming up with can help to bring the blood sugar down now if you don't want to do any of that then you really have to take some action you have to really up your game with the exercise now exercise is very important now a lot of people will tell me oh doc i'm busy i'm always on my feet that's not really exercise what we're looking here is a consistent 30 minutes to an hour exercise with a rhythm where your heart rate goes up your muscles continuously uses the glucose reduces the inflammation in your body and make you more insulin sensitive and you have to keep doing that almost every day because once you take a break your body goes back to where it was so insulin resistance and exercise go hand in hand if you do not exercise you become insulin resistant very quickly so you you do not want to give a break more than 48 hours if you're exercising and you have to keep your heart rate up as much as you can i mean if you have a heart disease etc it may not be possible for you but at least whatever you can tolerate discuss with your doctor first sometimes you guys may need a clearance if you already have some chest pain or some exercise intolerance but for most of you you should be able to start walking and gradually increase your exercise capacity start working a mile and then two miles and at three miles every week you can put yourself a goal now walking is not the only thing there a lot of you have joint problems hip problems knee problems you can try bicycling stationary bicycle you can even your use your upper body there's so many things that if you put your mind to it you can definitely come up with an exercise that's not gonna hurt your joints your back your hips your knees your body is not just your back and hip and knees you have a lot of body parts that you can actually use to get your heart rate up if you start doing that you will realize that you are definitely bringing your blood sugar down that way another way of reducing insulin resistance as we always talk about is intermittent fasting so if you for example do not eat after six o'clock and increase that fasting period your body that 12 hour period overnight at least 12 to 16 hours your body is going to be able to handle sugar a lot better and if you fast even longer like 16 hours 20 hours of course when you first start it's not easy to get to those levels but i always tell my patients hey if you're not able to fast for four hours try it four hours first and then try five hours and then try eight hours it's like an exercise the more you do it the more conditioning you get the more fitness you get out of it so same thing with the fasting you just need to condition yourself train yourself to stay hungry longer and that definitely will help you bring your blood sugar down in the morning again if you have excessive abdominal obesity if you have excessive insulin resistance unless you get rid of that excess of fat or unless you push your body to stay hungry for a long time or you push your body to exercise more you are not going to be able to do that now when you exercise more you get hungry more and when you break a fast you may feel like you may want to indulge in the trick here is to have a high protein and high fat diet because your appetite will immediately go down if you're starting your breaking pass with water very important you have to have a glass of water before you eat anything that helps to prevent overeating and also you want to eat protein and fat first then you're not going to have an appetite as much for the carbs although you may be dreaming about carbs when you're fasting your body is craving but instead of reaching out to that bread or reaching out for that pasta reaching out for the potato if you eat your protein and fat first you're gonna realize that ah that carbohydrate is not as appealing to me anymore you know what i can go without it and as a result you're not introducing more carbohydrates to your body you're fasting longer you're eating healthy protein and fat first of all you're going to feel amazing you're going to feel great you're going to want to do it again it's just an exercise you know when you exercise you know you feel like you're dying your body is aching but then you know after the exercise you know you take a nice shower you feel like oh my god i feel so much better or next day you feel better your exercise capacity gets better so same thing with fasting initially it's kind of a little hard but then once you get the hang of it then things are a lot easier you're satisfied because your morning blood sugars are better and so forth as i said guys do your best whatever you can do with these diet and exercise measures we talked about metformin is a drug a pharmaceutical drug paya glutathione is another pharmaceutical drug they have their drawbacks not everybody's a candidate for those drugs there are glp-1 drugs we like because they help with the appetite control such as ozempic rubellsis truly data bunch of brands out there they help we call them a glp-1 class so i prefer if i have to use a medication i try to use those medications the only barrier in front of me is typically the insurance insurance companies wants you you guys to use the cheap drugs again we are not trying to give you expensive drugs but like everything in life something is good it comes with a price especially these regulations they are somewhat very expensive for that reason because the production cost is too high but thanks to the supplements the fda still regulates them but not as tight as pharmaceuticals because you know they're called considered dietary supplements we are basically using hundreds of years of experience anecdotal experience that people have used for diabetes blood sugar management insulin resistance management so we came up with a sugar md supplement that may be a great option for you now don't ask me how to buy it because it's not available as of today it will be available at the end of february or early march on amazon is called sugar md advanced glucose support and again we'll definitely announce that on youtube as well so guys make sure you give a thumbs up make sure you give a like and comment and share this video we'll see you in the next one
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 335,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a1c levels, accu chek active how to use, accu chek guide, blood sugar, dexcom g6, diabetes, diabetic, exercise, fasting, fasting blood sugar, glucose, intermittent fasting, jari love, lower blood sugar, lower fasting blood sugar, lower glucose, lower morning sugar, lower sugar, lower sugar level, medication, morning blood sugar, morning glucose level, morning sugar level, sugar level in the morning, sugar mds youtube, supplement, mellitus, Diabetes mellitus
Id: hWr_i0f2pfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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