Pro Barista with $400 machine vs Beginner with $30,000 machine

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what matters more your skill as a barista or  is it the equipment that you use today we're   putting an amateur barista and a pro head-to-head  they'll both be using the same blend of coffee   but our amateur barista is going to be using a  state-of-the-art 30,000 dollar commercial machine   whilst our pro is going to be using a cheap and  cheerful four hundred dollar home machine our   baristas will then each make two espressos and two  flat whites which will then be judged by coffee   professionals hidden in another room so they won't  see who made each of the coffees who will win   let's find out okay so it's safe to say that we're  putting both of you a little outside your comfort   zones Georgia you're going to be using our cheap  and cheerful domestic home machine what's your   thoughts i am not very confident to be honest  josh i have never really had much experience with   home machines before i tend to make filter coffee  at home and i'm very spoiled with the equipment   that i use at work so fair enough so you're  looking forward to the challenge yes and no   yes or no here we go okay i'm nervous i like it  josh you're a wiz in our marketing department   so i hear you're really good with crayons  and chalk and all those colorful pictures   how do you feel about this machine i'm quietly  confident i've bought and drunk a lot of coffee   yeah and this can't be any harder oh oh  he's feeling very confident people all   right let's get into it so you'll each have 10  minutes to set up your machines and get to know   your coffee after which you will then have 10  minutes to make two espressos two flat whites   and then the judges will taste it whoever has  the highest score overall will be the winner   and will have their name immortalized on this  beautiful trophy forged in the fires of mount   doom before we get started is there anything you  guys would like to say to each other keep it nice   keep it friendly i'm going to take the trophy  and your job oh talk to the tamp pretty boy   i don't know what a tamp is oh it is getting  fiery in here guys your setup time starts now   while they're setting up here is a quick  rundown on the equipment that they're using   josh is using the La Marzocco Strata AV ABR  which features a 12 litre steam boiler as well as   three independent saturated brew boilers  with digital PID temperature controls   it also has high capacity cool touch steam wands,  it's handmade in Italy and weighs over 100 kilos   and is also using a professional Anfim SP2 grinder  which comes in at just over three thousand dollars Georgia is using the base model Breville  Bambino which doesn't have a boiler at all   instead it uses a tiny thermo jet heating system  for both brewing espresso and steaming milk   which means that she can't do both at the  same time, the bambino also features an 18   gram pressurized basket designed to help improve  pre-ground coffee, a three second heat up time,   a single hole steam wand and it weighs  less than the cat - oh and we've also   paired it up with the matching Breville smart  grinder which will set you back just over $200   so uh josh how's it going so far how are  you finding the commercial system i feel   like i've been stitched up a bit yeah why is  that no one told me that it sprays in your   nether regions so you've caught a little bit of  water where did that come from ah the steam wand   got caught out by the old steam wand trick i put a  warning sign on that and how is the coffee tasting   you started tasting that yet um i haven't drunk  any of it yet but it looks like it's pretty tasty   yep and you know what the buttons do have you  worked that part out yet know which is which   i've i've pushed two of them but i haven't pushed  the swirly one yet so that's next okay and Georgia   how are you going with the Breville Bambino i am  like the unhappiest i've ever been in my life.   that's such a strong reaction. no i think i've  got something all right for the milk coffees   i'm still going to work on the espresso okay okay  time is up clean down your stations get ready for   the battle of your lives. Georgia you are a pro  barista you have good familiarity with all our   coffees do you think that might give you a bit of  an edge over your competitor well yeah look i know   what the coffee is supposed to taste like i don't  think i'm gonna get quite there with this machine   to be honest but um we'll see how close i can get  yes okay cool i love i love it i love it and josh   how do you feel your preparation time do  you feel like you know what's what now i've   got my tactics straight yeah you go style over  substance okay speed yes and worst case scenario   violence and bribery okay okay well  my rates are pretty high so you know.   So to give you a breakdown on what's going on  again we have two espressos and two flat whites   from our competitors they're going to our judges  at the back one of our judges is Mike Ford one of   our head roasters and a certified Q-grader he's  going to be tasting these coffees and surprise   i'm your actual other judge so make sure the  coffees are tasty i'm drinking them when you   guys are ready and you've got both your espressos  and your flat whites put them down onto the saucer   ring the bell and the lovely Freya will come  and grab these coffees and bring them out to   us hidden away i'm gonna hide myself out the back  with Mike Ford waiting for these delicious coffees   and i'll see you guys real soon let's  get started your time starts now i'm making it flat and squashed flattened squashed  uh i'm still grinding the coffee yeah it's taking   a lot longer than the grinders i'm used to i've  got two espressos which i've made at the same   time i've learned that the two cup button means  two espressos that looks absolutely delightful okay thumbs and i'm doing exactly the  same thing but in a bigger cup that looks delicious are you sure about that let's  get out of their mind games   swirly swirly swirl swirl okay i'm  going to mean this to be abstract cheat does anyone know how to draw a swan  this one looks a bit like a lion i guess it just doesn't look very good does it you've got  five minutes to go well that's yes it's good i'm   gonna go again this is a first for me but um  i've been spinning milk for quite a while so   i'm still kind of figuring it out can i  use his hot water button to heat my jug?   Get out of town. Okay well they're  just gonna have to have cold coffee because this jug is so cold when you pour hot milk  in there it actually takes a lot of temperature   out of the milk so whenever i split jugs i always  preheat. it's not being very malleable this um   crema so i'm trying my best but it's really  hard to pour in and then we've got a rosetta three minutes you're laughing i can tell you one thing you've  done wrong you've underestimated me   that is a whirlpool of magnificence this one hang  on i need to do it before i decide what it is   people will watch this and learn  in the future i'm making a NFT it's a donkey lying down in a meadow on a warm day Plan C, tidiest workspace. i bet i can tidy faster  than you can tidy i really really like the milk   but i didn't like it all in black yeah and the  other one a had totally the other way around i   really like the espresso that didn't like the  milk yeah i like the richness on that on that   so i've got totally contrasting scores between  black and white for each one yeah for each one   yeah i would say the black one that i had for A  was yeah definitely richer um the B one just lost   it out for me but our scores are pretty similar so  yeah yeah they all add up at the end i like this   okay the competition is done but before we  reveal the results i do need to find out   from our baristas what they thought about the  whole challenge Georgia how did you find using   the Breville Bambino i mean look it did the  job i definitely wouldn't do it by choice but   wouldn't do it by choice he'd rather go back  to your machine fair enough how did you feel   about your coffees i i thought they were a lot  more acceptable than i thought they were going   to be in the first place did they go did your  plan come to play like did it all work out yes   the latte art was a bit harder with  the texture of the espresso but um   yeah in the end i got there in the end very  nice josh how did you feel about working on   a high-end machine did it intimidate you  did you get comfortable with it i think   next we'll need a more expensive machine more  expensive just meet my standards fair enough   he will take that feedback on board how about your  strategy did that go to plan style over substance   works i think i carried that through yeah good  vibes all right yep speed so yeah for me it's a   win-win yep great fantastic are you guys ready  to hear the results of what the judges thought yeah you guys are first enjoyed let's  get to it so for Georgia's coffee judges   did think that the espresso did not have  much crema, it was very short in volume   more of a harsh flavor than the espresso from  barista Josh, it had much thicker mouthfeel   and had a very strong flavor the milk it had  great appearance it was clean in texture it   had caramel flavors and slightly dissipated in the  flavor but it did have a clean finish at the end   okay so for Josh's coffees the espresso it  had good crema it held very good balance it   was slightly thin on the mouthfeel but it did  still have a clean flavor milk not so good on   the appearance no latte art at all low cut with a  very dry finish how do you feel just so offended   so offended it's cut throat this industry the  judges thought for a combined score Georgia's   uh efforts behind the bar totaled to a six for  the espresso and for Josh's espresso it came to   a total of six so you guys are tied currently  for the milk based coffees Georgia had 7.5   so to beat that you need more than 7.5 josh and  your score for milk was five for a grand total of   Georgia's coffee was 13.5 and Josh's coffee was  11. these are the results so please applause thank you very much guys for participating  the wonderful award does go to our pro barista and what did we learn here today i think the  takeaway from here is that practice practice   practice does make perfect so now the scores have  been revealed and we know whose is who what do you   think Georgia does it take a machine or does  it take skill to pull out a good cup of coffee   i think it's a it's a good combination of  both practice definitely does make perfect um   but also at the same time things are much  easier on a commercial machine fair enough   and josh what do you think do you think uh some  lessons are in store or you're like not get get   me some higher-end equipment and i'll definitely  get us over the line i'd like a tribunal so look   at the results okay fair enough tribunal  that's the judging yeah so long and shortly   i think it is pretty clear that skills do trump  equipment so at the end of the day baristas get   out there practice more and your skills will come  together talking about barista skills if you want   to up your own skills be it at home or in the cafe  definitely click here at josh's face and i'll show   you how to dial in your espresso better and until  next time stay stoked oh it's just so much better victory tastes amazing
Channel: Seven Miles Coffee Roasters
Views: 2,842,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pro vs noob, pro barista skills, cheap coffee machine, cheap espresso machine, pro barista, professional barista, beginner barista
Id: r9YhsDPz2I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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