How To Break Chains | Steven Furtick

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Being controlled by your emotions will always  limit your future to the level of your feelings,   so you will only do what's right if  you feel like doing what's right.   "Oh, I just wasn't feeling it today."  Well, those are the times to "faith" it. I didn't place my feelings in Christ; I placed my  faith in Christ, who's greater than my feelings.   Joseph said, after he finished weeping… They  came and said, "We are your slaves," and he   said to them (verse 19), "Don't be afraid. Am I  in the place of God?" The obvious answer is "No,"   but to the naked eye, he kind of is, because  he's so powerful at this point in his life. He's not the little brother they picked on  anymore. This boy is so blessed they didn't   even recognize him the first trip they made to  Egypt to get food. He stood right in front of them   dressed in Pharaoh's coat. Not the one his father  gave him. The one they stripped from him was still   in the house of the father, but God always has  a coat for me somewhere if I keep my character. If I keep my character, you can have my  coat. If I keep my sense of who I am,   I can go through things that would have killed  somebody else's character. This is the word.   This is the verse we focused on last week, and  I'm going to break it down again. He said, "You   intended to harm me, but God intended it for good  to accomplish what is now being done, the saving   of many lives." All right. I want to illustrate  this. Who can I use? I need three strong men,   three strong brothers. I need three. There we  go. We'll do that. One, two, three. Perfect. I want you to see it. Last week, when I got on  my knees in that sermon, that wasn't for a show.   That was so you could carry  the Word of God forward   so that it would have an imprint in your  life and you could ask the question,   "Am I in the position to make the decision  or am I letting my pain get the best of me?" Okay. Y'all line up from strongest to weakest.  All of these campus pastors. Stand up. I'm done   with that image. This is a different image. I  did that last week. That was last week. Y'all   watching online, I want the strongest  one on that side and the weakest one on this side. We'll start with the weakest. I did this last  week, but now let me illustrate it. Let's call him   bad. Jeff Bates. Let's call him bad to represent  not that he's bad…the bad things that happened   in Joseph's life. Remember, "You meant it to harm  me. You intended it for evil." So, let's say he's   the bad thing. What I endeavor for you to see  today is that at this point in Joseph's life… When something bad happens to you,  when something bad is done to you,   when the bad thing is because of you…all   of it… I'm trying to get you to see that all  things fall under the sovereignty of God.   Sovereignty. It means God uses sinful men  to accomplish saving purposes. That's the   whole book of Genesis in a nutshell. God uses  sinful women to accomplish saving purposes. "You   intended to harm me. God intended it for good  for the saving, salvation, of many lives." So,   sovereignty, salvation. But it was bad. We said  last week that that's so important. It was bad. Now, if Joseph spends the rest  of his life in the first part of   this sentence, "You intended to harm  me," then the bad thing that happened   becomes a chain to who he blames  for it. (Chet, you're blame.)   "You intended to harm me." Then he starts  name-checking them. "Reuben, Simeon, Issachar,   you rawboned donkey…" He starts calling them  names. He didn't call Issachar a rawboned   donkey. He could have. He could have spent the  rest of his life describing how they harmed him. It's such a small thing to say. "Harm me." How  much time do you give to that? I'm telling you,   some of us would have spent the next 55 years  describing the first part of that sentence.   "Let me tell you what it was like. First I had  to go down and be enslaved by the Midianites. I   was picked up by the caravan. I was shoved in the  back." He would have spent the rest of his life… Because if you start there, then you have to talk  about "Then I excelled in the house of Potiphar,   who I served, but then his wife was crazy,  and his wife kept on trying to get with me.   I mean, who can blame her? I am well  built and handsome." The Bible says that.   He was well built and handsome. But he didn't  go into any details about Potiphar's house. He didn't go into any details about  what happened after Potiphar's house,   which was prison. He didn't go into any  details about being forgotten in prison   when he was the key to one man's freedom. He  didn't rehearse the lack of reciprocation. Now come into the story with me. Don't just sit  there. I know Jeff and Chet are handsome together   like that, and all that, but  I want you to see yourself   chained to whatever you blame.  You gave your power away.   Now watch. Try to get away from Chet.  Nuh-uh. It's not going to be that easy.   This creates, what we called last week, the chain  of events that could have defined Joseph's life. Even sometimes I think you can blame yourself  and think that is somehow honoring to God.   I thought you weren't God.   Telling God you're worthless is an insult  to the word he spoke over you. It is the   opposite of worshiping God to tell him how  worthless you are, because the focus is on you. Watch this. This is a chain, and what it  becomes… It's terrible, but it becomes   bitterness, and now you have bondage.   Walk with it for me in your own life. Something  bad happens. "Oh, that's horrible. I didn't get   to finish because of them. They weren't there for  me." I mean, if we just named everything that's   in this room… Forget about all over the world.  If we just named everything that's in this room… If we named everything bad  that happened in this room,   I wouldn't get to preach another sermon  until 2064. If we spent the rest of this day,   we would spill over into tomorrow. Yet  Joseph, after everything he has been through…   Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me…"  That's all he said about that. That's freedom.   He wasn't in denial either, because he still  wept. There was a process. He didn't say it   the next day. He didn't say it in the pit.  He didn't say it in the back of the caravan   as he was being sold and chained, but at  some point, his perspective became "But God…" So, you break it with a but. Let me show you  again. "You intended to harm me…" That was bad.   Now I could blame you, I could be bitter about it,  and I could spend the rest of my life, but God…   Let me show you again. Let me  show you until you see yourself   interrupting what the Enemy sent to destroy  you, and you can break it with a "But God…"   You can break it. So, now I'm  looking… My future is my focus. I'm looking for everything in my life that  has me in bondage, and I'm looking to put   a but right here to see what God is going to do  next. The power to break it is in your praise,   in your perspective, in your purpose!  That's how you break a chain.   "They left me, but God has somebody else for me.  They hurt me, but God healed me. He's healing me   right now." Somebody say it in the chat. "But  God…" I feel like preaching in this room today!   Like God is breaking chains… I'm serious,  y'all! You can break it with a but. We were dead in our sin, but God…  You meant it for evil, but God…   The weapon was formed against me, but it didn't  prosper, because I'm still breathing, living,   walking, talking, moving! But God! I can break  that thing. You break it before it breaks you.
Channel: Steven Furtick
Views: 131,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven furtick, Stephen furtick, furtik, Steve furtick, elevation church, Steven furtik, anxiety, elevation, church, church online, Steven furtick sermons, pastor Steven furtick, ministry, online church, Genesis 50, chains, bondage, broken chains, future is my focus, future, growth, god, sermonsaboutstruggles, elevation sermons, sermonsaboutjoseph, faith, sermon clips, sermons, stress, life issues, healing, tired, pastor, breaking chains, but god, bible, Joseph
Id: DSffjkjVRxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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