Getting Rid of Worthless Thoughts | Steven Furtick

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I believe God wants to give somebody  permission to copy the original,   permission to do it differently.  God is sick of your excuses. He   is. He told me to tell you. He didn't say  it mean like that. He said, "Tell them   they have…" Does your God talk in a British  accent or is that just the guy on the Bible app? God said, "I am trying to give you permission  to break the pattern of the Pharisees   to separate the chaff from the wheat." See, the  chaff is the tradition. The kernel is the truth.   The kernel is the seed the grain comes from.  The husk… Do you know what the husk is around   the kernel? I didn't grow up on a farm  either, but I just studied this this week. The reason they were harvesting by hand…  This is why the Pharisees were accusing them,   because they said, "That's threshing. Technically,  that's threshing. You're separating the   husk from the kernel, and you're not  allowed to do that on the Sabbath,   because technically you're doing work.  Now you can pick the grain with your hand,   but you can't thresh it…not on the Sabbath." But  God has been trying to thresh them the entire time   since they started putting layers of husk of  humanity on the law that was given by God. God has been threshing some of our lives lately  to try to separate the kernel of the word he   spoke over us and the character he implanted on us  from the husk of what people have said about us.   God has been rubbing his hands lately, because  he's trying to get the husk to fall off your life.   He's trying to get the chaff to fall off your  life…all the worthless stuff, all of the worthless   things you've been spending your energy on, all  of the worthless things you've been telling your   mind, all of the worthless things you've been  worrying about, all of the worthless things. The disciples are giving a demonstration of what  Jesus is doing on the earth. He is rubbing away   the husk of what is not working. He is rubbing  away the husk of everything that did not come   from his heart. For some of you, he is rubbing  away the husk of the house you grew up in,   of the habits you have developed, of everything  that is keeping you from discovering the kernel. I started studying about kernels, and I  found out something. I found out that kernel   also means, in computer programming, what is  at the core of a computer's operating system   and has complete control over everything in the  system. So, when it says they rubbed away the husk   and kept the kernel… The Lord said for me  to tell you "Keep the kernel." Some things   have to fall away for you to get to what's true.  Sometimes that doesn't happen in a harvest field.   Sometimes that happens in your mind, in your  habits, in your prayer life, in your devotion. In a computer program, the  kernel is the operating system,   and it has control over everything in the system.  So Jesus said, "There's a new kernel in town.   This system is broken." Jesus Christ… We talk  about Jesus, and we sing about Jesus, but I   wonder if we really understand what we have inside  of us to say, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." It means no amount of husk,   no amount of habits, nothing that has been  covering you… Because when God does this… Do you   know what I love about God? He threshes by  hand. I love God because he threshes by hand.   He knows exactly what needs to fall off my life.  He knows exactly who needs to fall out of my life. Somebody thank God for the breakup.  Somebody thank God for the pink slip.   Somebody thank God for the relocation.  That's God getting ready to bless you,   and everything that doesn't come from him is  going to fall off. It's going to fall off.   Work the kernel. Even on the Sabbath,  even if you've been in a bad situation,   there is a kernel of the goodness of God. The  kernel doesn't look like much, but everything   that is going to be in the grain is in the  kernel. It just hasn't come to maturity yet.   The kingdom of God is like that kernel. So,  God is in the business of removing some things.   He said, "Did you never read what David did?" How hard would it be to be David? The  only king you've ever seen is bipolar.   He really was. They didn't diagnose it like  that at the time. They said an evil spirit   from the Lord came upon Saul. Not only was it  a mental disorder; it was a spiritual warfare.   That's what David grew up seeing as king.  So he had to make a decision, and so do you.   "Am I going to copy Saul or copy God?" He had opportunity after opportunity after  opportunity to get revenge on Saul. One time   Saul was (this is really gross, y'all, but it's  in the Bible) relieving himself in the cave,   and David got so close to him he cut off a  corner of his robe. He could have killed him.   He had a decision to make.  "Am I going to copy Saul   and continue to sow the same kernels  of conflict that made him crazy?" See, God chose David because he said,  "I want a man after my own heart.   I want a woman who will copy me,   who will learn from me." To be discipled by Jesus  means more than wearing a bracelet of "WWJD?"   It really means you have to allow him to do  what he didn't stop the disciples from doing:   to separate the husk from the heart.   There were certain seasons in my  life where I owe the Devil an apology   for giving him credit for something  Jesus Christ was actually doing. All I felt was this. All I felt was threshing,  and I'm like, "O God, I'm losing this person,   and I'm losing this thing, and I'm  losing this opportunity." That was God   threshing my life by hand. That was God.  Aren't you glad he doesn't just use a sickle   and thresh you like he threshes everybody  else? Just come on through and make a row. God loves you enough to thresh you by hand   so he can get to the kernel, the kernel of the  prophetic word he has spoken over your life,   the kernel of your true beauty unadorned,   the kernel of who you really were all along  before all of the layers of 39 categories   of what God can't do got on top of you. God is  threshing all that away now in Luke, chapter 6,   and the nets are breaking, and the roof is  breaking, and the wineskins are breaking,   and the Sabbath is being broken because it has  become a prison when it was meant to be a gift. God is breaking you out. That's  what all this has been about.   Quit giving a praise service to the Devil  by telling everybody you're under attack.   You're not under attack. It's  not a threat; it's a threshing.   What happens after the threshing depends on whose  hands you're in. When God does this, you do this. "I'm excited. I'm getting ready to see God reveal  something in me that I forgot was even there.   I'm getting ready to see God do Ephesians  3:20." I wish you'd participate in this sermon   and just do what God has been  doing. Just do this. "Oh,   I can't wait to see what God has in mind. I'm  filling my horn with oil. I mean fresh oil. I'm filling it to the top, running over. I'm  getting my joy back. It's reaping time now.   God has been taking the husk off my heart and  the husk off my mind, and God has been shedding   me of wrong thinking. Now I'm getting  ready to see what God put inside of me."   He's harvesting you by hand.   He knows when the fields are ripe. He knows when  the time is right. He doesn't need permission from   a Pharisee to do it on the right day. He has been  doing it all along. The threshing was a blessing.   I don't know who needed to know…  That's God's hands you feel. He's going to keep the kernel.   I'm going to tell you something else  we need to teach theologically. God,   forgive me for not teaching this enough.   Christ in you is the operating system of  your life, not the condemnation in you.   I was thinking about David. When Jesus said,   "Did you never read what David did?" he  could have talked about a lot of things.   He could have talked about Bathsheba,  because David did that too. He could have talked about Amnon, David's  son who he wouldn't deal with. He could   have talked about Absalom, David's son he  was passive-aggressive with and wouldn't   let him come past a certain distance. He could  have talked about all of that, but he didn't.   By the time it says in Acts 13 that  David was a man after God's own heart,   it doesn't mean all of his decisions were perfect.  It means he kept the kernel of God's heart. The Enemy wants to wrap you in so much  condemnation you can't see the kernel.   That's why God brought you here today.  That's why he has been allowing you   to go through… I don't think it probably  felt good for the grain, but it was good. He is removing everything that does not belong  and breaking everything that is holding back   the purpose he created you for to get  you out of that prison, to uncover   the kernel of your true character. He will even  allow life sometimes to do this to you. Sometimes   it doesn't feel so gentle, and sometimes  we don't know how to praise God for this. I want you to rub your hands together real quick.   You can still do this on COVID protocol.  You don't have to rub somebody else's palm.   I want you to hear the Lord saying, "The fields  are ripe now. I'm bringing you into a moment   where you can grow up past what you grew up  around, to establish a different pattern,   to break tradition with the things  that are not true about you." Lord, we pray for release for the captives  today. Some people are captive by the customs of   their life, and some people are captives  in a certain area of their character, but   I see something coming forth today by faith.  I really do. I believe you have been unlocking   as I preached this word today. You literally  have been walking through the grain field. I thank you, Lord, that when you walk through  the grain field of my life, you know how to take   the husk off. I thank you, Lord, for everything  you have spoken over her life, over his life.   Thank you for everything you've planted  in them, the experiences, the wisdom,   the gift you've given. We will not allow the  lies of the Enemy or the patterns of Saul   to keep the king in them from being born. So, Father, I thank you now in  Jesus' name. Not David's name…in   Jesus' name, the Lord of the Sabbath, the  Lord of the gift, the God of the grain field.   I commit them into your hands. It's  not the spear that was in Saul's hand.   God, it is the grain in your hand that gives me  confidence and faith today to know we'll make it. This may be a word, God, that needs to  go down deep for somebody. They may need   to hear it another time or two to really get  it down deep, but I thank you that your hand   has been there keeping the kernel of their  purpose, keeping the kernel of their life,   and nothing anyone does can change it. Father,  our hands are open. Our lives are yours.
Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Views: 220,145
Rating: 4.9583559 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, elevation church, steven furtick sermons, steven furtick sermon clips, 2021 sermons, steven furtick 2021, preacher, preaching, getting rid of worthless thoughts, when the gift becomes a prison, worthless thoughts, getting rid, self imprisonment, removal, breaking, identity, thoughts, prison, attack, release, sermons about identity, sermons about removal
Id: 7uOFqed-KhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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