How To Blur Video Background In CapCut - Full Guide

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we'll guide you through how to blur a video background in cap cut if you find this guide useful then please consider subscribing and liking the video first of all add the video which you wish to blur the background of to a new cap cut project and then what you want to do is go and make any sort of edits to it whether that be Snips or trims um before you go and get any further and then what you need to do is just before you go and blow it or you're ready to blur it you need to go and render the unblurred version so I'm now going to go and render this by pressing on the export button in the top right and wait for it to finish and you've now gone and done it so press on the back button in the top left and now what we need to do is go and blur it so make sure the video is unselected by pressing the back button in the bottom left and then go to the bottom and click on effects and click on video effects click on the search bar and type in blur just like so and search for it the blur I'll use is this blur close one here so let me go and click on it and there we go then what I'll do is I'll press cancel and then press on the tick like so and then what I'm going to do is just go and make sure this drags throughout the whole video and as you can see the video is now blurred one thing that's important to not is that you don't make any further edits after you rendered that first one we did now we can go and render this one and so now you've got a blurred video and a non-blurred video so go and press done and what you want to do is click on new project now you want to go and add the Blurred video first which is this first one here in mine so click on it in the top right and then click on ADD as you can see it then blurs now what you need to do is have your cursor right at the start of the video and go to the bottom and click on overlay click on ADD overlay and now we add the non-blurred video which is this one here just a normal one which is the original We rendered and I'll then press on add in the bottom and then it'll go and add it as an overlay what you want to do is just make sure that it's the same size so pinch it so it fits exactly how the other fits like this and then what you want to do is make sure it's selected as it is and scroll along at the bottom until you see the option for cut out click there and then click on remove background and it's now removing the background so wait for it to finish and then press on the tick in the bottom right and now as you can see when I play it the background is now blurred now one thing I like to do as well is because there are two videos if you've got speaking in the video you may want to go and remove the volume or mute one of them so just make sure one of them selected I'll do the Blurred background clip like this it's selected and scroll along at the bottom and TC volume and drag it all the way down to zero and press on the tick like so and that's it the background is now blurred and what you could now do is make further edits or you could just go and Export it
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 2,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to blur video background in capcut, how to blur background in capcut, blur background capcut, blur video background capcut
Id: SQt-nX2B1U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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