How To FIX AUDIO and REMOVE Background Noise In CapCut!

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in just two steps I'll show you how to fix audio and remove background noise all using the cap cut app step number one which is kind of self-explanatory but still covering it just in case is to make sure that when you are recording you know you have your microphone on the front of your camera that's pointing at your mouth and that it's not pointed at the loud noise source so if you're at a concert let's say there's a concert right in front of me I'm not gonna turn this way because then the microphone is going to capture everything in that direction we want the loud source to be to the back and the front is where we are talking we really need to help our phones microphone as much as possible because there's only so much software can do now let's get into fixing that audio inside of cap cut alright so here we are in cap cut and here's the video I have added to my project so this is a recording of me talking with fan noise in the background test one two three as you can hear there's that constant humming going on and we want to remove that so what we can do is we can click on our video scroll all the way to the right and then you'll see the reduce noise button we're going to click on that and then we just turn on this knob and to help demonstrate this effect what I'm actually going to do is split the clip in half and this ending part is going to have the effect turned on and this part is going to have it turned off so now you can hear the difference so this is a recording of me talking with fan noise in the background test one two three and you can definitely hear it focus more on my voice than picking up stuff in the background which is awesome for our videos now this is just a small part of what you can actually do within cap cut be sure to check out our full playlist here of all the amazing effects that you can make within cap cut and subscribe because that shows that this video was helpful
Channel: Collin Michael
Views: 454,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wdlij-jP5UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 44sec (104 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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