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this is why most real estate agents suck when it comes to converting for sale by owners listing their property and selling it for top dollar hi there my name is kevin ward the founder of yes masters real estate success training and today i'm going to talk specifically about how to use the new for sale by owner approach and for sale by ownerscript to help you as a real estate agent without any bs to be able to help a for sale by owner make the decision to meet with you hire you and let you get the property sold in a way that helps you get them a better result in other words it's a win-win it's a win for you and it's a win for the for sale by owner a lot of people think incorrectly that that for a for sale by owner to hire an agent means the age the for sale by owner is going to lose money not so when the real estate agent is a master and that's what we do at yes masters real estate success training is we train real estate agents how to master helping sellers get a better result that's not the point of this video but it's just a i want to give you this uh understanding upfront that helping for sale by owners sell their house as a real estate agent is something that is not only good for you because you get paid when you do it but it's good for them because you can help them get a better result almost every single time including netting and netting them as much or more or more money in their pocket than they can do by doing it themselves now having said all of that i want to talk specifically about a conversation that one of my uh one of my yes masters was having with a for sale by owner by text now we started training this year on how to use text messaging with for sale banners to get appointments now you can click on the link in this video you can click on the link down below to get your free download of the yes masters agent power pack which includes all of my core my best core prospecting scripts including for sale by owners and expires and the 2020 edition of how to use text messaging to get them to engage with you in a conversation and so that is the framework where this conversation came from and this is a post in our face our yes masters uh real estate success community facebook group which you can also join we'll put a link in the description of this video down below so that you can join that facebook group if you're a real estate agent and want to learn how to get more yes without the bs so here is the question and then and then i'll share with you the actual text message conversation so this is from one of my good friends jonathan hawkins he is uh one of my been a yes master for a long time jayhawk i love you bro but i'm going to throw you under the bus on this one because you know better than to ask this question so jayhawk says okay this for sale by owner is way off the mark with what he or she would take for this property should i still shoot for an appointment and help them see the light or are they way too unrealistic about the price what would you do kevin ward so thank you for asking jonathan you're the i'm the right guy to ask in this case because i'm the one that trained you on these scripts so here we go here's the actual text message we'll put this up on the screen for you so you guys can see it hi this is from the agent now this is from jonathan he says hi this is jonathan with you for your realty would you take three hundred and thirty three thousand five hundred dollars for your house after all expenses in other words net you're going to net 335 000 dollars there the seller replies thanks for the offer but no we won't so this is all script so the next question is what's the lowest amount you would take now when you go and get the agent power pack you download the scripts you'll see that this is the conversation you text them and say hey this is would you take this amount and what you've done is you've done a quick cma figured out the property will sell for about three hundred and sixty thousand dollars we count we subtract out the traditional typical closing costs in your market including commissions and everything and then that would be the amount of money conservatively that they're going to net when they sell it and then we asked them would you would you take this amount of money after all expenses and he says thanks for the offer but no we won't so what's the lowest amount you would take the answer 429 k 429 000 now by my calculations we're about 100 000 off this guy's about 25 or more about 30 percent overpriced in what he would take as a net now what we don't know is he may not have understood the question he may have thought we should take a sales price of 335 33 500 it doesn't matter okay it does not matter now here's what's funny to me is this is in a facebook group real estate agents some of them are yes masters in other words have been trained by me and some of them are newbies that have no idea what they're talking about so you get all kind of answers and i'm again this is not to be critical of anyone it's just like you you need to learn you need to learn what you are doing if you want to win with for sale by owner so somebody says i wouldn't even want to take an appointment with these guys and another one says it's pass they're not motivated they're playing the make me move game from the old zillow make me move thing another answer is stay in touch with uh with one call a week send comps set up a zoom but don't waste your time unless they're at all motivated no don't do that another one toss that fish back in the water and let it swim away not all catches are good okay another one just says bye buyers are liars and sellers too r2 get an appointment and find out their motivation for selling so this is a better answer now i don't really like to think buyers are liars and sellers are too that may be true but i don't i'm not going to start with that previous supposition anyway another person answered waste of time move on anyway it goes on and on there's a couple of really good answers here so um scott marlow from phoenix arizona one of my long time yes masters had a really good answer but here's the deal here's the problem you allowed your reaction your emotional reaction to their price to make you go like i don't know if this is a good seller or not okay we'll all agree they're probably way way ridiculously off on price i'm not gonna say probably they are ridiculously off on price that could be one or two reasons number one they don't understand your question and number two nobody's helped them understand what the right price is so they don't have a clue now the question is are they too unrealistic about the price for me to even shoot for an appointment and here's the answer i don't care how unrealistic they on the price i don't know what i need to know to find out whether or not i want an appointment with this for sale by owner what do i not know that matters and here's what i don't know that matters i don't know their motivation are they selling or not is this really a seller or is this just some like somebody said a make me move or just like you know well if somebody will give me my price i'll move but i'm not really that motivated i don't know and so that's the this is the real problem is whenever we make a decision about well i don't want to talk to this person because they're too unrealistic on price in three months they may have to move they're out of here and if that's the case they're selling and if they're selling they need a great agent and need somebody that can tell them the truth on the price in a way that they get it and they understand it so what is the answer to this conversation i throw up the text message again here what's the lowest amount you would take 429 000 okay what's the next thing well once you've downloaded the agent power pack you'll have the for sale banner script or if you you'll have the the uh for new for subway on a script and you'll see what's the next question next thing to say and so i happen to have here the script in front of me and it says that your response to them when they give you their price is great when it'd be a good time for me to give you a call or got it wouldn't it be a good time for me to give you a call now if the guy said 3 30 3 5 is that would you take that and he says thanks for the offer but no he won't and he's what's the lowest amount you take and the guy came back and he said um 3 45. okay well 3 45 we're only you know 10 000 off we're just two or three percent off we're really close and say great wouldn't it be a good time for me to give you a call here he's nearly a hundred thousand dollars off what i put got it wouldn't be a good time for me to give you a call now why would i want to talk to a guy that's this much overpriced because i don't know what his motivation is okay here's the point there is one moving part when it comes to winning with for sale by owners or any seller in the market any homeowner who wants to sell there's one moving part and here's the moving part a motivated seller do i have a motivated seller or not and the answer on this one is i don't know yet how am i gonna know i'm not gonna know until i engage with them in a conversation and the key of a text message script what makes a text message script work is i gotta get them on the phone if i can get them on the phone now i have a conversation and this is a permission-based conversation on the phone because when i text back and say great when it'd be a good time for me to give you a call and they go like i'm available now or how about in 30 minutes or whatever okay if i can get them on the phone and if and i'm going to get them on the phone then i'm going to follow up with the script and just say hey i'm the guy that was text detecting you and all that i know you said you would wanted to take you wanted to net no less than 429 000 is that correct got it so and then i'm going to go right into the script and if i don't know their name yet by the way again my name is kevin what's your name bill hey bill so when you sell this house where are you going next and then they tell you and great how soon do you want to be there and they say i'd like to be there by the end of the year awesome what's taking you to san diego or wherever it is they want to go what i'm identifying now is what really matters and that is motivation if i know their motivation then i know whether either i've got somebody here that is so unrealistic and they're not motivated no need to talk no need to meet great well listen right now based on what the mark is telling us 429 000 is not even close to anything that's gonna that based on what the market is telling us is not gonna be something that i can help you with so right now you know i think i just wish you the best of luck if anything changes let me know but if they're moving i say great 429 000 is probably a little optimistic wouldn't be a good time for us to get together and look at what the actual comps are and see what we can do to get you the most money in your pocket to make this move happen okay use the for sale by honor script that we give you in the agent power pack again the link is in the description below so what are you seeing here what has been your experience what questions you have as you see this and as you hear about this if you have questions post them down below if this video has been helpful for you give it a thumbs up with all do i want to give my my shout out and compliments to jonathan hawkins my friend bro even though i kind of threw you under the bus on this one i want to applaud you and acknowledge you for getting these conversations going because this my friend is how you win it's how all of you win when you're talking to sellers you're putting yourself in a place where you can help them and you can help [Music] [Applause] yourself
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 4,536
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, coaching, real estate scripts, prospecting, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, fsbo script, sell your house for top dollar, kevin ward scripts, the book of yes, best real estate scripts
Id: jyKue3Boxu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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