How to Bind and Finish a Quilt

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well could it so very easy my name is Laura and one of the last things we do when we make a quilt is put the binding on and I'd like to share with you today my favorite technique on sewing on the binding I have my quilt top all quilted and ready to go and my binding is cut pressed and stitched together I do have a video on my favorite way of making binding and I'll put a link in the description if you'd like to check it out when I do so my binding together I like to use a 45 degree angle press that seam open and then press those raw edges together so that the good side of the fabric is on the outside I do like to cut my binding at 2 in 1/4 of an inch there are many ways you can stop and start binding but I'm going to share with you today my favorite way the way I like to start my binding is with a point at the very end so I'm going to take the 1 edge and fold it so it matches up on the bottom this is going to eventually be pressed back over but I don't need all of this fabric there so I'm going to trim off a little bit at this point so I have less fabric and I don't measure I just cut off that point and just to hold that down better I do run a little bit of a fabric glue in this glue will wash off now I can refold it so that the raw edges are together and I can set all of those seams if those raw edges are facing you your point is going to be on the right hand side and the reason is is we're gonna pick this up and sew it on the quilt in this position and that's the way it's gonna want to fit under the machine so if I'm sewing down in this direction my point is coming up first you'll see this little opening and that seam allowance inside that binding if you're not looking the seam allowance we've pressed the point going in the wrong direction this little point is all that needs to be done in order for my binding to be sewn on but I do like to mark the corners of my quilts what I'm looking for is the center point and since my corner is a 45 degree angle I'm going to be able to mark it with a ruler with a 45 degree angle lay the quilt down run that 45 degree angle along one edge of the quilt getting right to that point and then mark that point so this is the metal line from that point with those four corners marked and my point pressed I'm ready to go to the machine got the Machine I pinned down by two points and that way the foot doesn't accidentally lift up those points I'm gonna start stitching off of this point come on and keep going but from this point to this point I want to do less than a quarter of an inch so I can do somewhere about an eighth of an inch when we get all the way around and come back to this point we're going to stitch a true quarter inch so that less than quarter inch will be hidden underneath I start sewing off of that point take the pin off when I come really close and then continue stitching to just a little bit past this point and remove the pen now I'm going to reset the machine to the quarter inch put the needle up and then put the needle back down and it's going to move it over into the right position I'm gonna stitch that quarter inch following that edge stopping at about an inch to two inches from this point and just stitch I will often wear a quilting glove on my left hand that just allows me to grip my quilt better as I'm going around but I leave my right hand without a glove so that I can work my thread better this just makes it a lot easier for me to grip keep stitching til you get to that point I want to transfer this corner mark on the quilt to the binding so the line is exactly the same underneath I'm going to continue stitching a quarter inch until I come right to this line and then I'm going to come off of the quilt so I'm stitching right to the line and then turn the body of the quilt so you're just stitching off and I leave my thread attached having this thread attached means I'm going to be able to use it as a helping hand we need to match up this raw edge along the raw edge of the quilt and we're going to need to make a little angle up at the top you can always put a little pin right in where you continue that drawing line just lift up this corner and swing that binding over this little fold in the top will need to match this top edge so we can just adjust that and with that pin there you're not going to be able to pull too much fabric though those raw edges match up the pin has kept my angle and that fold is right along that top you can always put a pin in to hold that position I have that thread still attached it's sort of like a handle so I can guide that fabric towards the back of the machine I will need to stitch along this edge but I do want to start outside go over that hump and then stitch the quarter inch and this thread is gonna help me do that I like to place my needle down and then slide that right up to the needle this gives me a chance to guide it into the right position have the needle touch the edge of the quilt and pull slightly with this thread just a very slight tug is gonna help that needle and that foot get over that larger hump and continue sewing that quarter inch keep all of the raw edges together and use the edge of the foot as a guide you're going to do this to all four corners as you pull this thread back to help you get over the hump you just need a very gentle tug it's more of tension than a tug please stitch all the way around until we come really close to our beginning and we'll need to trim off this binding and I want to trim the binding in this area so I just take a peek underneath and with the pair of scissors cut that binding in an angle so there's enough fabric to cover that edge but I'm going to be able to take that point and stick it inside and a stiletto or a little point of the scissors will help you feed that right in those two folds should match right up once this is tucked inside the quilt is flat and both of those bindings are flat we can continue stitching a quarter-inch now we're going to stitch right past that eighth of an inch that we did and keep stitching until you come right in line with your quarter inch seam and just keep stitching and then eventually you will line up to your quarter inch seam and then just stitch right off the binding just put a pin in to hold those layers together there's one extra stitch that we can do to hold these layers down folds binding over just stitch a little bit right there along that edge it's just going to be a basting stitch so that little bit of machine basting just going to hold those layers together until I can get to do the hand sewing as for these helping hand threads I trim can leave a nice big tail I'm gonna start sewing the binding on by closing off this opening start with my thread and knot in the back so the needle is coming right out of that edge and I'm gonna close off this seam my sewing needle is going to catch a little bit of that seam take a little stitch into the back come up through that fooled go beside the fold and then come right back up on that fold so I'm going on the fold off the fold up on the fold off the fold up on off so I'm making these tiny little stitches running along the edge when I come right to that point I'm going to go in which will form a loop and just put my needle through that loop and make a knot and even though I've made a knot I'm going to use this thread to continue stitching but I can now remove this basting stitch and that now looks like a finished mitered seam now I'm going to be able to work from the back I have that already knotted and ready to go so I can just roll over my binding to a second knot so that the knot is going into the back of the quilt there are a few different ways you can hand sew this I like to sew with my back facing up another way is that the quilt is up but you're turning it this way we want to stitch that fold onto the back of the quilt the stitch I used to stitch down this binding is the same that I use to close off that seam I'm gonna run my needle along the inside of the quilt come up and just pick up a little bit of that fold put that needle right back into the court back run it along the edge and pick up the fold let me show you with a darker thread I'm going to run the needle through the back of the quilt and at the same time I'm gonna catch that fold so it's only a little piece of that fold where I came out I want to go back in right beside there run the needle along the back and when you come up just pick up a little bit of that fold so you will have these tiny little stitches as we stitch and get to this corner we need to turn this corner into a mitered corner so that it looks the same as the front but we do want to keep the bulk down so we want the mitered corner to go in the opposite direction as the front for example when we're looking at the front the fold is going in one direction we want the fold going in the opposite direction on the backside the fold is going in this direction for the top when we turn it over the fold is going in this direction that means we have more fabric here on the one side and the extra fabric here on the second side that fold now is a nice 45 degree angle we're going to be able to continue stitching do one or two stitches along this edge and then continue stitching down and we're going to do all four corners the same way and of course you will be using matching thread so I machine stitch that binding on the front of the quilt and I take that beginning and the ending of the binding and I slide them together so I don't have to take the quilt off the machine to finish that binding I can just keep stitching and go right off the end to me finishing the binding on a quilt is like finishing a book I do enjoy that final chapter and since it's the last time I'm going to work on the quilt I do try to enjoy it there are types when of course we are happy to see it done and other times I'm sort of happy to see it done thank you for joining me today on so very easy feel free to subscribe and as always come on back let's see what we're sewing next time in the sewing room bye for now
Channel: SewVeryEasy
Views: 68,099
Rating: 4.9144387 out of 5
Keywords: fabric, quilting, quilt, sew, sewing, how to, advice, laura, coia, sew very easy, diy, do it yourself, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Sewing Machine (Product Category), tips, trick, tutorial, free, craft, crafts, crafting, learn, education, educational, teach, teaching, machine, cutting tools, rotary cutter, cutting mat, fabric sissors, Bernina, machines, thread
Id: dPDbVfE24pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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