How to Bind a Quilt - 6 Simple Steps

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at heirloom creations we are always being  asked what is the easiest way to put binding   on my quilt so today we're going to show you the  easiest fastest down-and-dirty way from start to   finish in six easy steps we're going to start off  by actually cutting your binding you can cut it   between two and a half and two and one-quarter  inch wide strips you can go ahead and use your   rotary cutter and mat and cut apart or if you're  like me you choose the shape cut plus this will   allow you to cut multiple strips at one even past  is one right after the other just line up your   fabric and away you go to sew all the strip's  together in two end to form the binding we're   going to stitch along the diagonal from corner to  corner here now if you don't want to draw a line   try one of the new clearly perfect angles this  is a item you can purchase it sits right at your   sewing machine it's going to clean get it lined  up here cling to the bed of your machine or to   your cabinet and this line here is what I'm going  to actually follow and just put this in start to   stitch when I get the needle lined up where I need  to start I'm going to then look down here at the   lower corner and keep my eye at this point that  way I have a perfectly 45-degree stitching line   on every single binding piece when you get  one done just bring that tail over do right   side up bring your next one in and keep sewing  until you connect all the pieces together lay   in perpendicular line it up put it in watch down  below here line it down the center and away you go   perfect every time after you've sewn all your  strips together trim apart the pieces about a   quarter inch away you can use scissors or a  rotary cutter next we're going to find our   end and start to press we're going to press  the wrong sides together the form our binding when you get to a steam press it open that way  it will lay nice and flat next to your quilt a   quick tip for storing your binding until you need  it wrap it around a ruler and then tie it up and   it will stay nice and neat until you're ready  to apply it to your quilt to apply the binding   to the quilt start by attaching the walking  foot to the SOI machine take the binding raw   edges and match it to the raw edges of your  quilt take and open up this top edge we're   going to fold down a diagonal corner here and  then recreate that into its binding shape what   we've just made is a little pocket when we get  all the way wrap back around to the other side   we're going to just take the end tuck it in  here and sew it closed that's how easy it is   to start and stop in this particular method  so we're going to use a quarter inch seam   allowance just going to start stitching I'm  going to actually open this up a little bit when I get aways go into it I'm going to stop  lift up my presser foot can I come back on top   so I can start stitching all the way down to  the corner as I get to the corner this is the   part that people always ask us about we want to  stop a quarter inch from the end of our quilt   with that so whether you put a pin in there and  mark it and just make sure you don't go over that   amount I'm going to take one more stitch and then  I'm going to reverse just to give it a little bit   of a security stitch right there when you pull it  out completely remove it from the sewing machine   and now we're ready to create that mitered corner  the first thing you want to do is actually twist   the fabric of the binding all the way up this  way you know you've done it right because the   edge of the quilt will match up with the binding  raw edge kind of finger press that down then take   the whole binding and bring it towards you even  making the fold of it even at the top of the quilt   bring this back into the machine you don't have  to worry about where you start I usually start   in a ways and then just reverse back that gives  me a nice secure stitch and continue on around ready to see how we connect the end  point to where we started as we approach we're going to go ahead and just trim that  down so it's going to tuck into that little   pocket we create it line up the raw edges  tuck it in never to be seen ever again now that is a no math method connect to where  you started with your stitching and then let's   see how we're just going to take it to the  iron press out along the front side of the   quilt when you get to the corners you're going  to see that that extra little fold you made is   just enough to perfectly miter the binding to  the back of the quilt now so a little trick is   to use a high contrast thread in the bobbin and  then that way if you are using and doing hand   stitching you can easily see that line of thread  and know where to roll the back to so you can   hand stitch this closed or if you'd like put that  back in the sewing machine use an edge stitch foot   or a walking foot with the stitch in the ditch  option and just stitch down through the ditch   catching the back all the way around once again  okay I have a little confession to make when I   was putting this binding on this particular quilt  when it was finished it found itself with the back   and the batting all even with the front of the  quilt which is not normally the way it is when   possible and you'll probably find yourself with  batting and back extending past your binding is   you want to go ahead and put your binding on  before you do any trimming of the batting and   back away from the quilt so after you've done  your stitching and your corners you're going to   go ahead and trim down to a quarter inch away  from the final quilt and binding edge see how   we've left a little bit of the batting showing  all the way around our quilt what that will do   is give just a little extra filler to the binding  when you go and turn that to the backside see   how much fuller that is when it's all said and  done that is a way a good binding should look
Channel: HeirloomCreations
Views: 2,521,107
Rating: 4.7651181 out of 5
Keywords: bernina, viking, husqvarna viking, walking foot, even feed foot, quilt binding, binding, machine sewn binding, hand binding, how to bind, how to machine bind, quilt, batting, clearly perfect angles tool, clearly perfect, miter, mitered corner, mitered binding, sewing a miter
Id: xWh90tXr7g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2012
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