How to become rich

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you want to be wealthy you want to be a millionaire you want to make more money honey I know how money works I know money as an energy which is very important in life um and I also came from a poor childhood I'm actually an immigrant my parents are immigrants and I went from being poor to becoming a millionaire at 24 now the things I'm going to mention in this video people actually sell this these type of videos and make multi-millions off of selling these videos okay I'm not going to sell them I'm just going to give them for free and this is everything I learned and what you can learn too this video is sponsored by Better Health good about myself and I don't want to bother anyone or talk to anyone um I don't want anyone to know that I'm going through these things so what do I do I think I should consult a therapist I should talk to the therapist on better help oh my God I can sign up right now better help is an online therapy platform that can easily connects you with a licensed therapist that can help you with any issue you might be facing ing better help has a network of over 30,000 therapists so you can definitely find a therapist that is a right match for you to get started you fill out a questionnaire to assess your specific needs and wants and then you'll get matched with therapist in as little as a few days you can schedule video phone or message based sessions if the therapist you got matched with is not the right fit for you better help allows you to switch therapist with no additional charge if you think that you might benefit from therapy consider better help click the link in the description or visit wizard list so you can get 10% off your first month at Better Health hi guys my name is this and welcome back to my channel okay let's get right into it first things first the first thing you should look at is your influence if you want to make more money how much is your influence I was reading this book about Business and Entrepreneurship and there was basically a story about a teacher this teacher was teaching a class of 25 uh students they were all very young kids and she had made a book or like a board game for these kids that they absolutely loved okay these kids were obsessed with this thing and all the parents would come to this teacher and be like why aren't you getting paid more money like this book this board game is so amazing you should get paid more and then she was like I don't know like you know I'm only earning two $2,000 a month like I don't know but then she understood the importance of influence so that's when she started to take this book or board game worldwide so now she started selling this for millions of kids so that's when she also start to make millions if you want to see how much money you can make you have to sell to more people because that's how much money you will make okay so if you look at for example artists that write music people hundreds of millions of people play their songs okay that's why they are also multi-millionaires if you look at my influence I have over 10 million people that follow me on all of my platforms combined I should have been by now a multi-millionaire but in the beginning of my career I chose to not work with any Brands to not do anything and I changed that up right now because this is also not fair to me I cannot give to people and not receive because that's not how the universal law works you must receive when you give cuz otherwise you will always be left depleted and you will never ever grow it's not a good thing we look at doctors if we look at all these people how many people do they operate in a day 10 people all these things they get paid for those type of people now if you go worldwide like even authors people that sell books comedians they affect millions of people even influencer affect millions of people they are entertainment for millions of people that's why these people become millionaires next thing you should think about is how is what you are selling or what you're doing helping people or how Are you delivering a service see in this world you only become Wealthy by helping others cuzz we're all one we're all created to help each other so anything that you have in life even if it's clothes right the things I'm wearing right now this helps me because because I can cover myself up I can wear that something that I like makeup it helps you um you can put it on a lot of people feel more confident with makeup all these things it's all these products help people my videos it's giving advice it's motivational I'm helping people um if you look at comedians they make people laugh they put people in high vibrational state they're also helping people every single person twitch streamers football players everyone they're delivering an entertainment they're making people feel less lonely they're pulling people out of their problems on a daily basis people that sell kitchen wear that helps them because now you have a mug to drink out of start thinking how can I help people if your goal is to I just want to become rich for me you will never ever be become rich the only way you come rich is through other people and for other people to give you their money you have to deliver a service you have to help them in some way in some way you have to make their life easier another thing you should address is do you have negative thoughts about money see you might say no I don't I'm obsessed with money whatever I was always obsessed with money ever since I was young but I did have negative thoughts because when the moment came that I did have a big platform and where I could monetize off I couldn't do it because I was really scared and I somehow In My Head Thought like no I don't really want to accept the money and all these things and people are even afraid of having a lot of money because if I think for example tomorrow I will get $100 million right if I that scares me I don't want that 100 million why do I not want that because I'm afraid that I will lose my passion for my work I'm afraid that I will not hustle as much anymore because this is what makes me happy happy it's a hustling it's a passion that I have but imagine tomorrow I just received 100 million I will feel like maybe I don't need to do this anymore like I'm not obligated to do this but right now I I know that I receive my money from this but also there's a passion there I'm growing and it's not just in one goal if you have your negative thoughts about money or you think people with money are evil or uh like money is a bad thing this and that address that at firsthand because you can never attract money whilst being angry at it or whilst whilst demonizing it you shouldn't demonized and also the the religious people that say like oh we're not meant to be happy on this Earth money is a demon this and that no you are the demon okay but once you start understanding that the devil you're trying to blame is you is when your life will start to change see the thing is we all want to demonize money we all want to do all these things but you know what actually happens it just amplifies who you are if you're not a good person right now with more money you will also not be a good person and you will be even worse but if you're actually a good person for example me I was always generous even if I had $2 left in my pocket I would give that $2 to my brother even though I wanted to buy something for myself I was very generous while now that I have all this money I'm even more generous I get I spend more on other people than I spent on myself it just amplifies who you are so if you think that money is a demon maybe you are the demon maybe you should realize maybe I'm what's wrong and it's not about the money money is just a tool to amplify who you really are you combat this uh these thoughts and ideas because these can also come from your parents you know your parents taught you that money is not good oh people with money are bad blah blah they will use you whatever listen broke people will use you more than anyone else okay 100% 100% anyways so if you have these thoughts then rewire your mind I even have a money meditation affirmation on my channel you can click on that you can look at other ones you can repeat to yourself money loves me I love money I deserve to have money I deserve to be wealthy you you have to start realizing you deserve this struggle is not cool struggle is not something that you should strive for not in love not in friendships not in money stop thinking this way the wealthy don't think that way they make the poor thing that way so they keep being poor another thing is do not try to look rich actually be rich I feel like in the beginning when you don't really have money a lot of people and influencer what they do is they try to portray this image of wealth but if you look at actual wealthy people they don't dress that way they always say like these luxury Brands and all these things it's who do they sell to to the poor okay all the people that are insecure and trying to validate themselves these things shouldn't validate you you should validate you you can walk out tomorrow looking homeless and still feel good about yourself that's how how strong and how confident you should be also a lot of people they go broke trying to look rich it's hard to stay Rich because right now now your lifestyle goes up so before maybe you you weren't really paying rent you were living with your parents but now you live in an apartment that cost $10,000 a month so you kind of feel like you're still in the same position you were before because your expenses go up and in a lot of ways like for celebrities it goes up so high because they have to pay their assistant their manager their blah blah blah and it's so much that they go broke because they're trying to sustain a lifestyle that is unsustainable because it's easy to get the money but what if you lose your credibility what if you're not famous anymore tomorrow or or what if you get an injury and you can't be a footballer anymore or you can't play your sports anymore what will you do because now you have all these expenses think about be actually rich and don't try to look rich in order to impress people another thing is asset versus liability so in life you have to think like this okay when you buy something is this thing going to give me a bigger return or or I'm I'm just losing money if you're just let's say if you're buying a car you buy bought a luxury car but then you think like how can I make money off of this car that I bought so that I can keep having money instead of just buying it and drainage of money from me okay so then you can think okay I can rent out this car uh people can pay me for renting my car or I buy a big ass house I can make it into an Airbnb I rent out some rooms so that I get returns from this house or I put it down payment for an apartment um then I I just make like penants move into it I get money from that every month think like that because those are our assets those are things that you bought that money is returning from or you get even more money from okay but liabilities are things that you just buy and you don't get anything from it anymore like for example a lot of luxury bags they will never go up in value they're just there in your closet and they will rot away you will not get anything from it but if you buy for example a birken a birken goes up in value so if you resell it the the resale price is higher so you can sell it for more okay it's very hard to get a biren from a store if you do get it you can sell it for more try to minimize your liabilities and maximize your assets so the things that you're actually money from that that where money is constantly returning to you instead of just draining it out of your pocket with liabilities so for my spoiled Queens girlies to you guys I would say if you are dating a guy and you're not working yourself and he's just providing for everything make sure that either he invests in a business for you make sure that the money he gives you either it's cash or he transfers it into your account and make sure that you buy stuff that is like an investment okay do not trust a man listen my even my ex he used to could just give me a credit card and when we broke up he took his credit card everything and then what did I have in my account was just my own money and I had the bags he bought from me and the jewelry but that was it you know I did not have any money that he gave me now what if I did not have my career what would I have done I would have been broke okay I was lucky that I have a career but there is many men and I've heard many many stories like this where they just take away the credit cards take away the house and honey you're you're you go you go with your bags whatever do not do this be very very smart men are not stupid they know that they still keep the power by just giving you a credit card and that's it and you think oh my God to have a credit card no no he's control he's trying to control the narrative so you switch that up and you make sure that either he invests in a business he you invest in some things to yourself even uh looks wise you can invest whatever you do like get your teeth done whatever you do so make sure that like anything you buy you think of it as an investment um all these things when you get a car make sure shirts in your name these things they always take away do not think men don't do this even if you have a kid even they don't care they do not care whether you're married you sign that pra pting you're done you you walk away with nothing okay so if you want to live off of men which I do not rec Men by way I should I always think a woman should have her own money and then she can also live off of a man at the same time but her money is her money think smart do not trust these people cuz they will claim they love you but tomorrow you're walking on the street just holding your Chanel bags okay another thing is investing your money in the stock market so I do this I actually do this to someone else I pay them like 10% of what I make uh they invest for me because I don't really understand it and it's not really about crypto and Bitcoin and all these things because these things are also very volatile it's more uh investing in the actual economy so if the economy goes up in a year let's say like a lot then maybe I can make if I put 100,000 into the stock market I I can make 30% off of that 100,000 okay um then like if it goes up only a little bit then I can make 10 to 15% now maybe that's not a lot it's like 10 to 15,000 in a year whatever that's not a lot but that's more than it just sitting in my account and doing nothing and the same way if you put it in a savings account that money you can make like uh let's say 4,000 in a year off of 100,000 like 4% like it goes up just because it's in your savings account think about these things money can make money just by sitting somewhere and growing you just hold it longterm in that position and it can grow not crazy a lot you know um you'll you'll not become a millionaire overnight but still it grows another things you have to love what you do or what you sell see my videos I watch my own videos I think my own videos are amazing and I when I feel down I watch myself because I truly think I'm a gem an icon that's what I think okay so I love what I do I wake up I I can't wait to make a video like I can't wait to even get knowledge for the videos I live for this okay the same way if you're going to sell something if you're going to sell a product make sure you love that product because that's the way you sell with conviction you cannot put something out there that you don't even love and try to sell it and try to be like oh this is amazing when everyone knows you don't even think that's amazing and that's the energy you're also giving out with your product so whatever you do make sure that you believe in it first honey be ready to work you want to become wealthy you want to become a millionaire whatever you will have to work you will almost have to give away your whole life just to work okay it's I saw this quote and said it's almost like turning a 925 into a 24/7 100% true the last three years that I've been doing my YouTube all my content and stuff I don't know the last time that I've relaxed not when I was on vacation not anywhere the whole time content content if I read a book okay I have to read this book I have to write down because this can help my followers if I see a documentary okay I have to write down because this can help my followers it's almost like I live for my followers and this is very honestly sometimes I get very drained and almost like a burnout from this at the same time I live for this so you have to be ready to give your life for whatever you want if you if you want to become very successful you have to give your life for it I knew people that owned restaurants every day they were at their restaurants for 30 years already every single day showing up and working as if they're still not there yet same thing with men that are wealthy that run their own businesses if you've ever dated one you will see they almost never have time to talk to you they're constantly on their phone working same thing with athletes uh basketball players football players all these things yes they might go to the club sometimes but most of the time they're training working watching their food they give their life for this if you want to make a lot of money be prep prepared to give away a lot of your life and a lot of your relationships as well cuz this is hard issue is as well you're not relying on a stable income every month honey if you don't work there is no money so it's all on you so the pressure is very very high if you don't take care of yourself as an athlete and something happens to you you're done as well you know the money goes other thing is do not make the product that you're selling revolve around you and especially this is for influencers and celebrities because the issue with this is when you do that that product success will depend on you so if you go down in popularity so does your product what the best thing to do is to create a product that's separate from you so not really include your name just make a different product that even when you go down in your popularity that your product can still St up as an individual entity cuz I see a lot of celebrities once they have a whole business it starts to fail because when people start to dislike them they start to boycott their business as well so that's why make sure that you create a business that's not attached to you that much that you can be like okay it's separate from me and that delivers a service on its own to the people another things is be generous but have your limits see I really believe in life what you give is what you get back so I'm a very generous person and especially to women I will die on this hill I 100% believe the more you give to a woman the more you receive it's almost like you're giving an offering to the divine feminine anyone a man or woman that takes care of a woman gets blessed I believe this 100% the most successful men the most wealthiest men always are taking care of women because they know this okay I from the beginning of my career the first money I ever made I give all to my mom like I was all into my mom every month I give her money I paid off her house I did every single thing I bought cars I did everything okay now there's a limit people that are overly generous like me okay they never get respected though you never ever get respected why because your love is unconditional you do things for people and I don't even care if they think it's from me or not I don't need that validation I don't even need to thank you I will just do it for you because I love you and I want to see you happy okay however people like me get used and there's a lot of people that want to use people for money when another person they don't do anything they just come and people seek their validation seek their respect because they don't give it to you they don't give you anything okay but people like me who give you everything and unconditional it's almost like H we know Liz will be there anyways oh we know Liz will forgive us anyways so they abuse you for that you feel used you never feel appreciated because they don't they don't so stop when you see that you're being used for your money when you see that you're being overly generous that will become self-destructive because again you're giving more than you're receiving you will never feel good about yourself then never ever Life Works in this way you need to give but you also need to receive things do not overspend on things you don't need okay this is also goes back to again don't try to look rich I see a lot of people they try to like buy all of these things to fit in or they they buy things that they can't even afford you can't afford that why are you buying it for who for who you're trying to play a game with actual wealthy people not fit in with them these people have mega Yachts private jets it constantly is up and up and you will never win this game because you're just not at that level and accept it it's okay to not be at that level okay don't try to overspend and self-sabotage yourself to be validated by people who will never validate you never even for people that have less money than you you will not be cool or good enough and for the ones that have more you will not be cool and good enough also a thing that I would love to add is you have to have a plan so I see a lot of people they go completely after their passions and everything but they don't really have a plan B and I see a lot of people making money of encouraging people to do that but I don't think this is smart because actors models um influencers YouTubers that really make it it's only a very few you don't pursue your college degree anymore if you don't live you don't live at your parents house or you don't have a partner that has stability and money that you can still rely on if your whatever doesn't work out you're going to be in big trouble that's why you see a lot of people they go to La and they think like oh my God I'm going to make it right now but then they get there and they realize how hard it is and they become homeless so please do not do that do not just stop everything stop the job that you have just to pursue a passion because it's very very hard to actually make it I mean I hope you do and I'm all for following your dreams and your passions but I think we also should be realistic here because I feel like we only get to see the 1% of people that actually make it and we don't see the hundreds of thousands of people that tried and didn't make it last but not least is do not be desperate period do not be desperate like I said in my other videos desperation worst energy ever it comes from lack it comes from Fear okay same thing for money my whole life I was desperate for money I want money so bad and then I would get money but it would go so quickly as well like I would get money from my uh ex-boyfriend my first boyfriend ever he would give me like $1,000 in a month it would go so quickly so desperate for money back then and then when I came to a point where I started on my Tik Tok I started out everything I didn't really care about money anymore I actually found a passion I found a passion in giving advice I got so happy when people would come up to you and be like oh you helped me or people would be crying and saying like you're literally the reason that I'm alive today and that would like make me cry this will give me purpose in life so when I found my purpose when I found my passion in actually giving and helping to people that's when the money also came because at that point I did not care because I was like I'm really happy doing what I'm doing and that's it like I'm just happy doing this anything you're desperate for will run from you anything okay so you have to put in the work you have to do whatever you can do if you need to work because you want to create a business and you need money for that startup get a job get a random ass job I used to clean toilets okay when I was younger and I loved it I was the best at cleaning toilets and the anything you need to get money do that once you get that money don't be ashamed of your job put that into your business and then grow your business do whatever but don't be crazy and desperate and oh I need it I I will die if I don't need it no you won't you have a roof on top of your head you you have a phone to watch this on you have feet you can go to work with you're healthy you know you're already more abundant than you think so once you start putting that energy into what you actually have and in how abundant you actually are that's when all the other abundance will come because your heart opens up when your heart opens up you attract money cuz money is an energy guys it's not about to paper cuz what the that paper at the end of the day mean if tomorrow all the banks everyone says the the money you have in your account is not real you can't do anything with it or the cash is does not mean anything it doesn't it just doesn't so what is money at the end of the day it's an energy thank you so much guys thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope you guys learned something and yeah I see you in the next video love you guys bye bye
Channel: Thewizardliz
Views: 1,206,370
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Id: G9PPtAKJ944
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Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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