How to Become Rich in GTA 5 Online in 1 Day

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what's going on youtube in this video i'm gonna show you guys how to become rich in one day starting from level one this will be like my ultimate millionaire guy for beginners if you're trying to get to become a millionaire in one day we're going to be making more than a million dollars from this guide and i want to start off by saying we're not going to be starting off with any money we're not going to be starting off with the criminal enterprise prac we're going to be starting off as an absolute beginner with no perks no advantages nothing like that we're just gonna start out as a level one okay guys if you don't mind leave a like on the video if you find this video helpful as well as if you don't mind subscribe if you guys would like more gta 5 videos that will help you guys make money fast in grand theft auto online so i'm gonna get right into the video the first thing we're gonna go and do is rob a convenience store the reason being is one you're gonna learn a little bit of game mechanics and two we're gonna need a little bit of money you'll make around anywhere from 1 000 to two thousand dollars from robbing a convenience store just walk in the store point the gun at the guy he'll give you the money he might try to shoot you if he tries to shoot you kill him and take the money no big deal and then we're gonna move to step two and that's going to the diamond casino the diamond casino is like in the middle right of the map you can find it by the little diamond icon that's there you're going to want to go in you're going to be put into a long cut scene you're going to meet tom connors uh miss baker woohoo kumbaya they're not really important to us at this time all we're going to do is try to go and spin the wheel now to spin the wheel you do need a membership and it's going to cost you 500 you have 500 because you just robbed a convenience store conveniently so you can buy this membership by walking up to the front desks on the left-hand side of the casino or you can just walk right up to the wheel and it will tell you in the top left-hand corner hey you can hold left on the d-pad if you'd like to buy and purchase this premium membership for 500 very cheap and it gives you the chance to spin this wheel the reason why we want to spin the wheel is because it gives you a chance to win all kinds of cool things like winning a car winning clothes winning money okay so pretty much if you win a car kumbaya if you want a shirt yay you got something new you got something that was really cheap and you can come back and spin this every day even though this is a one-day guide it's setting you up for the future so make sure you spin the wheel every 24 hours let me know what you guys win from spinning wheel in the comments section below i really hope that some of you guys actually win the car or at least like 50 000 dollars that would be really cool if you're just beginning the game or starting a new account the next thing now that you spun the wheel is we want that money back and the cool thing with this membership is they give you six thousand dollars or five thousand dollars in chips you're going to want to go to the right of the wheel see a girl sitting in a cage area you go up to her and trade in your chips to get it in cash so now that cost you absolutely nothing you actually guaranteed profited from doing this so now you have step two complete now we're gonna move over to step three where you're going to get the golden revolver treasure hunt the golden revolver treasure hunt is something that was added to the game a little while ago and it's pretty straightforward i'm not going to go into detail you guys have to go look at guides for this i don't want to make this video an hour long video i had all the clips here detailing everything outlined it was like an hour and 30 minutes we don't want to do that here guys so all you're gonna do in summary is you're gonna go and collect the clues that um you'll get you'll get a text on your phone go to the clues follow it and then follow each little path it's pretty straightforward it pops up in your mini-map once you get the actual gun from this treasure hunt you're going to want to link your social club account to your account if you haven't already so make sure that's done and then you're going to want to get 50 headshots with this weapon and once you complete all of those steps for this treasure hunt you'll be rewarded with two hundred and fifty thousand dollars total so you're already at two hundred fifty thousand dollars and this took me i'm gonna be 100 honest with you guys took me 45 minutes so it took me like around 45 minutes it should take you guys anywhere from 30 to an hour and i did a lot of things i shouldn't have so i'm sure most of you guys will land around the 45 to 30 minute mark but if you take up to an hour it should take around there to complete all the headshots to collect all the clues to do everything from start to end okay so about an hour you've invested in time there to get that revolver and get that 250 000 as a beginner that is a crazy great payout do not spend any of the money that you're getting from this if you are actually trying to follow this guide because it will mess you up for later stages just want to mention that early on so you guys don't spend up this 250 000 on a sports car that is completely useless to you guys so let's move on to stage four stage fours we're going to be completing the midnight slasher missions so pretty much you're going to want to go and find the clues for the midnight slasher you can look it up online check out the guides on youtube there's tons of them but pretty much you're going to want to go to this pie area look at this clue on the wall and it triggers all these other clues that you guys can go collect the last clue is a random spawn so if you guys get confused in the guides and they don't tell you the last clue is a random spawn and it's a van i'll have a whole bunch of bloody parts and machetes and tools in there that you guys will see you look at that last clue you'll get a text from an unknown texter you read the text and then you're going to want to go to the airport in the desert up north it's um the blaine county airport just go there sit there with your shotgun out at 1900 gta 5 times so 19 gta 5 time on your phone you just pop up your phone you can see the time it'll say one nine zero zero okay when the time hits there the slasher will be triggered and he will come within the next few minutes okay so have your shotgun ready he takes a hit it took me three shotgun shells to his chest to kill him so just keep that in mind and he can kill you if he kills you it's not a big deal you just have to wait till the next day till 1900 it comes up again so that's what you're going to want to do kill the slasher and then you'll be rewarded with a navy revolver take this revolver and simply get 50 kills it doesn't have to be headshots like the last revolver this one just has to be 50 kills once you get 50 kills you'll be rewarded with 200 000 not only that you've gotten rewarded with five thousand dollars for going to all these clues and stuff like that and when you kill the guy i think you get rewarded like 50 000 so you get quite a bit of money for completing all these steps so you guys should be around 500 000 in and around there already this took me around 40 minutes as well to complete so let's just say two hours for both those steps right two hours of gameplay of grinding looking at stuff looking at guides i'm telling you that's how long it actually took me i'm being 100 legit with you guys that's how long it took me to complete these two steps now we're gonna move on to the fifth step which is probably my favorite step of this whole guide and that's the stone hatchet bounty hunting so pretty much this lovely lady mouth or whatever her name is i slaughter her name i'm so sorry but this lovely lady is going to send you a text saying hey i'm in let me know if you're interested in some bounty hunting of course we are we're on gta 5 online so we're going to go ahead and do that for her we're going to read her text she's going to send us the details in our inbox and we're going to go ahead and find the target and we're actually going to kill the target you can deliver the target you'll get 10 000 for delivering each target but you get five thousand for killing them it's not worth the extra five dollar five thousand dollars for killing them i promise you it's just not worth your time especially as a beginner you don't have the proper vehicles to deliver them back and forth efficiently trust me just kill the target i promise just trust me as well as you're gonna want to go ahead and do that five times so she will send you five different targets make sure that you read her text exit the phone wait for her to send you a new one and then continue that process over and over again the target will show up in an area on the minimap and you'll be able to see exactly where they are if you look up the guide for the stone hatchet guide for where the targets are but it's pretty simple to find them they're not hard to find so go ahead kill them then go collect your reward which is the hatchet it will be in the northern part of the city in polito bay and you'll get a stone hatchet which is this really cool hatchet it's a one hit kill and it puts you in this cool mode when you kill people with it all you have to do is get 50 kills with the hatchet and then you'll be rewarded another 250 000 plus all the bounty money you got from killing the bounties so that's a quite a big chunk of money that puts you around 800 dollars after you've done all of these things now we're gonna move on to the sixth step now the sixth step is register as a vip to do that you're gonna wanna bring up your interaction menu on xbox you're gonna hold the back button on playstation you're going to hold the touchpad and on pc you're going to hold the menu m button to bring it up you're going to go to vip register as a vip and you're going to want to go to vip vehicles and then you're going to want to go to rent a buzzard it's going to say securo serve instead of vip it might say but just know that's what it is the same thing securo serve ceo and vip all the same thing okay so you want to go there rent a buzzer it's gonna cost you 25 000 you rent the buzzard you only get it if it blows up you have to re-rent it so be careful with it okay now you're going to want to go ahead and in the same interaction menu go to the securo serve same thing vip work and start up headhunter be in the city when you set up the headhunter because if you don't they get spread across the map entirely and it's very annoying so be in the middle of the city when you start and launch these works so you don't have to go all across the world to complete them so you're going to want to complete a headhunter you're going to wait for the cooldown you're going to go into the vip work again and start a sightseer the cooldown's about five minutes in between each mission so just go ahead headhunter sightseer headhunter sighsier and keep doing that until your buzzer blows up you should at least get one headhunter done in one six year done so you are profitable by the end of it but try to get at least four of them done just run it until your buzzer dies now that you've done that you're gonna want to go to your ammunation and go and buy the following weapons in my opinion you don't have to do this but this is what i recommend i recommend you buy the carbine rifle the mini smg buy a parachute buy pipe bombs buy the marksman rifle and buy the homing lock you can re-read this list it will kind of give you guys a better idea of what i'm saying i don't want to spend too much time here just buy those it'll give you a decent kit to compete with people that are going to try to kill you and it'll help you be able to complete missions a lot easier now we're going to put all that ammo and guns aside and we're going to go to step 7 and complete flight school flight school is at the bottom of the map you will see an airport and you'll see a little airplane icon on the mini map or on the map where you can actually complete flight school flight school when you complete these lessons and get gold on these lessons you get ten thousand dollars you will only get ten thousand dollars on the first time you get gold on it so if you repeat it and get gold again you will not receive ten thousand dollars but the first time you complete that lesson and get gold you'll receive around ten thousand dollars my thing is there's ten missions try your best to get gold on five of these missions minimum so you'll get fifty thousand dollars but if you can't get all five it's not a big deal you can just grind a little bit more head hunter a little bit more slicier and you'll make up for it but five you should be able to get gold on at least five what i recommend is you play through all of them then check to see ones you're kind of good at what ones you could have easily improved on or you just didn't understand and could have crushed replay those to get gold on them but the ones that you really suck at you have no chance of getting gold on them just don't worry about it don't stress about it you can come back to it later another time in your career it's only day one we're just here to get as much cash flow into your bank account as possible right so now that you completed five flight school you should have around fifty to a hundred thousand dollars from that if you don't again just run some head on through insights here it's more of a grind not as enjoyable but that's what i recommend is some flight school now we're gonna move on to step eight which is by a ceo office you guys have a million dollars in your bank account guys congratulations you made your first million in gta 5 online in your first day so you became a millionaire already and now we're going to go ahead and spend it all on something that's going to be useful you're welcome for not letting you spend it on supercars buy a ceo office it will be one of the most senseless investments you make it kind of feels like you're wasting your money but i promise you it's not because it's the hub of life and money in grand theft auto 5 online so to do that you're going to want to press up on the d-pad go to the internet go to money and services go to dynasty 8 executive and then go ahead and buy the amazed bank west ceo office the maze bank west ceo office is generally one million dollars it comes on sale all the time stuff comes on sale so it should be one million dollars at normal price but if it's on sale congratulations you got a good sale so that's always good go ahead pick up that maze bank west ceo office for a million dollars do not buy any of the upgrades that means no accommodations no gun locker none of that fancy stuff but do name your organization so organization name name your organization whatever you want i named mine rags to riches now we're going to change the style um you're going to go into your interaction menu go to secro serve then go to management and i'm going to change the style to syndicate leader you can change it to whatever you want but now you have a pretty cool outfit that you guys don't look like a complete and total noob to the game so that's pretty cool feature of becoming a ceo now the difference between ceo and vip must be wondering like why would i want to do this well one it's going to give you access to different businesses and two vip is actually a temporary thing it only lasts four hours and then it goes on a 12 hour cooldown where this doesn't have a limit of how long you can be a ceo as well as it doesn't go on a cool down i'm not saying that there's not going to be cooldowns between headhunter and sightsee here i'm saying there's not a cooldown between registering as a vip or ceo that's what that removes as well it gives you access to the hub of the um vehicle crit and crate warehouses as well as special vehicle work now i know you're probably all excited we have a ceo office but we're not even going to go and visit it yet we're actually going to go and get a job to do that you're going to want to press start then go to online then go to jobs and then you're going to pick whatever job this week is two times money now i cover this every week if it's worthwhile in my weekly videos on thursdays so if it's a thursday or close to a thursday and you're watching this video go check out my most recent video it will tell you what the best way to make money this week is this week it is survival and it's a halloween event survival project survival is there that's what i'm playing project survival will only be here during the halloween event but there is always some two times money job of the week so just complete whatever the two times money job of the week is or just play regular survival whatever you guys want but the two times money job of the week is what i'm recommending for you guys and the truth is i'm not gonna lie you just have to grind you're gonna have to sit in these missions and do these jobs and grind until you have 250 000 this should only take you if you're making 20 000 permission at 15 minutes permission shouldn't take you any more than two to three hours should maybe four hours at max to do this and to be honest you should be enjoying yourself now if you're doing the two times money job of the week and it's a two times a good two times money job just take anywhere from two hours i recommend that you stay in here because one it's a closed environment you don't have people blowing you up intentionally you have a team you guys all have a common objective it's a good time if you don't want to do that you can always go back and grind headhunter and sightsee your back to back renting a buzzard trying to be profitable there it's not my recommendation to do so but if you are good at that it is definitely more profitable in most cases unless the two times money job is premium again i recommend you just grind jobs but if you don't want to all the power to you now you have two hundred and fifty thousand dollars now that you have two hundred fifty thousand dollars we can move to the final step which is step ten and that is buy a small create warehouse and the create warehouse we're gonna be buying is called the convenience store lockup to buy the crate warehouse you're going to want to go over to your ceo office finally you're going to be put through a cut scene and you're going to go sit at your desk okay you're going to make sure you register the cao go ahead go into the computer and then go to special cargo once you're in special cargo you're gonna go and buy go to the warehouse map filter by small and buy the convenience store lock up it's the only one that's on for 250 thousand dollars that's regular price if you get it on sale again good for you i'm happy for you get it on sale and you're going to want to buy that then you're going to want to go ahead and buy three crates only buy three crates at a time do not buy one crate at a time do not buy two crates at a time if you don't have money for crates what can we do we can go ahead and do a headhunter or sightseer mission buying three crates costs eighteen thousand dollars and ceo mission or vip work gives you around twenty to twenty five thousand dollars to complete so you kind of get the cycle that we're gonna about to get into here so pretty much what you're gonna do is you're gonna buy three crates for eighteen thousand dollars you're gonna deliver those crates to your warehouse and then you're gonna complete headhunter our size here then you're gonna go back to your ceo office buy three crates from the ceo office go to the crates deliver the crates to the small crate warehouse then do a headhunter or cicer then you're gonna do go to the ceo office then you're gonna go to um source the crates then you're gonna bring deliver the crates to the warehouse and then you're going to do headhunter insights here yes i know i said that like six times but i know people are gonna be like bro how do i do this that's how you do it replay that six times and you've heard it like nine times now that you've done that you're gonna wanna do that five times you're going to want to have to source three crates five times so you've done five crate missions you got three crates permission that means you have 15 crates to sell rewarding you when you sell those crates from your crate warehouse you'll be rewarded with and twenty five thousand dollars so two hundred twenty five thousand dollars for five crepe missions not bad at all especially as a beginner that will get you set up for my next video but that's how you become a millionaire in day one i did this all in one day you can do all of these things in one day i spent probably i must say eight hours playing which is a long time but if you are a gamer you know you can easily spend eight hours playing on this easily so hopefully that gets you guys started that would be the small crate warehouse grind for beginning players that gives you a ceo office you got in there i also bought a baddie 801 in this time i also bought an apartment in this time i also bought a small crate warehouse we bought some weapons we got a lot of stuff here we got a lot of free weapons as well um so hopefully again this is my money making guide how to become rich in one day starting from level one this is like my ultimate guide to become a millionaire for day one hopefully again this guide helps you guys make money fast in gta 5 online if you liked the video please leave a like comment and subscribe and as always thanks for watching you
Channel: Light Skin Gaming
Views: 10,047,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become a millionaire in gta 5, from broke to rich, gta online from broke to rich, gta online guide, gta online beginner guide, gta 5 online guide for beginners, gta 5 money guide, how to get money as a beginner in gta 5 online, broke to millionaire, how to get rich in gta 5 online, how to get money as a beginner in gta 5, gta money guide, money making guide, How To Make Millions In Gta V Online, How To Make Millions In GTA V, gta 5 online guide for beginners 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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