Becoming Rich in GTA 5 Online

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what's going on youtube in this video i'm going to show you guys how you guys can become rich in gta 5 online so if your goal is to become rich in gta 5 online you have come to the right video if you were a beginner and are trying to start out to make a lot of money if you have been playing gta 5 for a while now you still might want to watch this video because you might learn a few things along the way so our goal overall is to become a millionaire make millions and millions of dollars in gta 5 online and this is the second video of the series so if you guys want to check out the first video how to become rich in one day in gta 5 online i highly recommend you go and play that first if you're just beginning as it will help you stay on track with what we're doing in the game to help us progress through the game so i'll link a card to that video and leave a link to that video in the description box below so you guys can go ahead and follow along so if you have watched the first video you know in that video we made one million dollars we went ahead and bought a ceo office and then we went ahead and made a little bit more money and then bought a crate warehouse so that small crate warehouse gave us a way to make money plus the two times money work that was available to us at the time and we went ahead and we grinded that out to make money over the last few days so hopefully if you have been following along you haven't spent all your money because we're about to make a pretty big purchase before we get into the video please don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you would like to see more gta 5 videos helping you guys make money on gta 5 online so the first thing we're going to go ahead and do is obviously spin the wheel make sure you guys spin the wheel every day especially if you're new to grand theft auto you need to make sure you guys are doing that as you will win little prizes and stuff like that and i want you guys to be successful and this is definitely going to boost your success rate as you can see here i only won 7 500 trips but still 7 500 chips is better than nothing so as you guys can see i've been grinding out crates i also did a whole lot of work so i've earned over a million dollars with this crate warehouse over the last day or two as well as i did a lot of work now i'm going to say this you could definitely do all this work in one day but i don't recommend it it is very grindy but of course you could do all that grinding that i did to get here in one day so let's take a look at what we're going to be doing so the first step is you're going to want to go ahead and go over to your ceo office and the reason why we're going to go over to our ceo office is because we are about to go and buy a vehicle warehouse the vehicle warehouse is one of the most profitable businesses in gta 5 online and to buy vehicle warehouse you need the ceo office which we already purchased in the last video when you get to your ceo office you're going to want to go to your computer then go to vehicle cargo and choose a warehouse the cheapest warehouse in the game is the lomensa warehouse and it's coming in at 1.5 million dollars so it's gonna cost you 1.5 million dollars but we have the crate warehouse we have headhunter and we have two times money jobs that are going on in gta 5 so you guys can make that money fairly fast and again you did all that in the last video so luckily for you guys we have enough money to go ahead and buy that now and this warehouse is actually a pretty good location even though it's the cheapest it does have gang members around it but i honestly never had problems with them they're actually kind of beneficial they protect me more than they actually damage me so we're quickly going to go over how the business works the vehicle warehouse pretty much allows you to import or steal vehicles from around the map and then you can then later upgrade them modify them and sell them for profit so pretty much you steal and sell vehicles pretty straightforward to start the importing process of the actual business you're gonna have to go to your ceo office or a terabyte for advanced players but ceo office for us because we're just starting out and go on the computer and then go to the vehicle cargo tab and then you're going to want to click source a vehicle once you've done that you're going to have to exit the office and go ahead and seal the vehicle there's tons of different missions to steal the vehicle and people are going to try to attack you whether it be the police or npcs that they have come after you and deal damage to your vehicle if it's the police just go ahead on your phone call lester and disable the police so they don't kill you and if it is an npc most the time it's best for you guys just to keep driving and out drive the npc because these cars are super fast um but sometimes you might want to go ahead and kill those npcs we didn't have to do that in our situation because we are importing a very fast car your vehicle will take a lot of damage and when you bring it back to your garage you're going to have to pay the fees of the damage so if you have no money you're not going to have to pay these fees which is kind of a bonus but again if you do a lot of damage it's okay just bring it to your warehouse especially when you're first beginning because we're gonna have to go over a few rules of how to actually make this business profitable if the vehicle does take too much damage it will actually catch on fire and explode so just try to minimize your damage i think it's around thirty four thousand dollars is the maximum amount of damage that a top range vehicle can take now they have imported the top range vehicle for the exporting portion or the selling portion you're gonna have to go to your vehicle warehouse then go on the computer in there and then select a top range vehicle then export a top range vehicle using the specialist dealer option this will cost you twenty thousand dollars per vehicle you're exporting you can export anywhere from one to four vehicles depending on how many people you have one car equals one person so you need four people to export four at once and pretty much you will profit eighty thousand dollars per vehicle because you're spending twenty thousand to sell it and you're going to be um getting 100 000 for this so that gets you your 80 000 profit so during the delivery they will actually send npcs or other players towards you to try to kill you and deal damage again this can be avoided by out driving the npc's as well as for people you can always go into a public solo lobby um so that will definitely make sure that you don't uh take too much damage so there is a 20 minute cool down and an additional 10 minutes to the cooldown per each vehicle sold for the selling missions so if you sell one car you will have a 20 minute cooldown if you sell two cars you'll have a 30 minute cooldown and if you sell three cars you'll have a 40 minute cool down and finally if you sell four cars you would have a 50 minute cooldown between selling so this will definitely change how much money you're making per hour in the game so obviously having players help you sell is going to be the best method but i just want to let you guys know that the cooldown does increase with the amount of cars being sold so now this is the most important part i can't stress this enough if you are new and you guys are trying to become rich in gta 5 online you have to understand this concept and this concept i call the rule of 32 and i'm gonna try to explain this as simple as possible because for some reason it seems to be confusing to new players i understand why it is confusing i didn't find it confusing but i'm going to try to again explain this very simply so first things first the most simple way i can put this is the warehouse can hold 40 vehicles every warehouse vehicle warehouse in the game can hold 40 vehicles we will never source or have at a time more than 32 vehicles in our warehouse okay so never have more than 32 vehicles in our warehouse the reason being is because there are 32 unique cars for the warehouse that you can source anytime you go past 32 you will be getting a duplicate of one of those 32 unique vehicles and we do not want duplicates this means you would have 10 standard 10 mid-range and 12 top range vehicles because there are 10 unique standard 10 unique mid-range and 12 unique vehicles at a time the warehouse will only give you unique vehicles up to 32 vehicles after that again you will get duplicates so the idea here is that if you have 32 vehicles and you sell two top range the next time you source two vehicles you will source two top range vehicles so again you would have 10 standard 10 mid range and 12 top range and you only sell top range so here are the rules never have more than 32 vehicles in your warehouse at a time only sell top range vehicles and you should be okay this is very very simple just don't sell mid-range don't sell standard range at any point in time and if you have already done this and you are not a beginning player and you just didn't know what you were doing just go through your list and see if there's any duplicates in your standard top or mid-range and sell those that will help get rid of the duplicates and you can kind of restart and readjust your warehouse to make the maximum amount of profits so again if you go past 32 vehicles you will get random vehicles and this will not be as profitable business you'll still make lots of money but you have to stay within those ranges to make the maximum amount of money every time you source a vehicle there will also be a cooldown depending on how fast you can source the vehicles and how long it takes you back to get to your ceo office try to source back to back but if you cannot you have two options in this step you can either source a vehicle then run a headhunter or sightseer or some type of vip work or you can source the vehicle and then go ahead and source a crate back to back or you can do some type of cycle of this this allows players to make money in between especially when you're looking at the sourcing the crates in between this is highly profitable especially if you are comfortable and willing to actually source crates so if you're comfortable with sourcing crates sourcing crates in between vehicle warehouse missions is a good idea so that pretty much concludes the second step of how to become rich in gta 5 online i didn't want to overload you with a whole bunch of steps there are different things you could have done in the same day just this video doesn't need to be longer than it already is because it's a lot of information to take in especially with the vehicle warehouse being kind of complex when explaining it just try to take your time grinding the money to get the vehicle warehouse if you haven't already then set up the vehicle warehouse as described in this video i will leave a link again in the description box below to a more in-depth vehicle warehouse guide as well as a card for you guys and on the video for that guide so this part of the series should set you up to become crazy rich in gta 5 online they're going to be making around 80 000 per sold car which is a lot of money especially if you have friends you can make quite a bit of money per hour if you like the video please leave a like comment and subscribe and as always thanks for watching you
Channel: Light Skin Gaming
Views: 278,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become a millionaire in gta 5, from broke to rich, gta online from broke to rich, gta online guide, gta online beginner guide, gta 5 online guide for beginners, gta 5 money guide, how to get money as a beginner in gta 5 online, broke to millionaire, how to get rich in gta 5 online, how to get money as a beginner in gta 5, gta money guide, money making guide, How To Make Millions In Gta V Online, How To Make Millions In GTA V, Becoming Rich in GTA 5 Online
Id: JpnGcA8uxHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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