How To Become Like Tommy Shelby

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chances are if you've clicked on this video you know who Thomas Shelby is his popularity is undeniable even securing the place as the greatest TV character of all time in the lad Bible ranking boa makes Thomas Shelby so attractive as a character so popular among fans and more importantly for the purpose of this video how can you make yourself more like him this is the question I'm hopefully going to help you answer today through the analysis of body language and speech clothing psychology and books you can read feel free to skip to each segment this video can be watched in any order now let's get started body language and speech now the two most important body language tips that can be instantly applied to make yourself seem more confident and authoritative like Tommy Shelby are the following one move slow and two take up more space than needed by moving slow and deliberate and almost non-reactive essentially taking your time with movements it exudes confidence in oneself and the actions oneself is committing to when your movements are fast and jerky this indicates insecurity and nervousness you are neither comfortable in your environment be due to other people a new situation Etc and or you are not confident in the action you are undergoing by slowing all of your movements down you are counteracting this problem as well as this the place to which you answer questions depicts your status of power and confidence it can be seen multiple times throughout peaky blinders as well as in other movies such as James Bond the speed to which they answer questions deliberately taking their time often around two to three whole seconds before providing an answer all right well what now I will continue and I found a man and I can't defeat this depicts that they have thought about what they have said and they are confident in saying so it also depicts that they do not feel pressure or in a rush to cater to the other person's needs and or interests their slow nature exudes confidence secondly by taking up a larger amount of space be it through the positioning of your body or the placing of personal belongings and or public items such as menus at a cafe Etc indicates a sign of power taking up a greater amount of space communicates to others that you are in a position of power for example Thomas Shelby sits in a manner which makes him larger than he actually is as can be seen by the extruding arm resting on the knee and the other arm pointing out horizontally individuals who feel confident as well will subconsciously Place their legs and or hands on objects around them even people establishing their territory and signaling to others more or less that I own this space and should be noted however that leaning on somebody's objects can be seen as a sign of intimidation and an aggressive way to establish dominance Tommy Shelby is a master at keeping calm and stoic under pressure through his unreadable body language certain actions perceived as unimportant can depict a lot about an individual's comfortability in a situation as well as their confidence for example in season 5 episode 3 when Tommy Shelby meets Oswald Mosley with Michael and Arthur Tommy is first seen sitting in his chair tightly clenching his hands his clenched hands depict that he is both nervous feeling unsafe and or uneasy and is thus defending himself and all that he is ready to attack in this same scene Arthur is seen shrugging his mouth this is indicative of an unawareness and the unknowing nature of an individual when faced with a complex situation are a question to which they do not understand continuing just before Tommy picks up the phone it can be seen that he is fidgeting severely fidgeting is a self-soothing action which is done subconsciously to calm us down when entering or amongst a stressful and or scary situation fidgeting however is not only The Telltale sign of such stress other fidgety type actions such as clenching squeezing and persistently robbing touching certain parts of the body to pick the same self-soothing behavior fidgeting however can also be an indication of withheld aggression take this as a note if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation where events could take a more violent unpredictable turn another noticeable element depicting Thomas's nervousness before meeting Oswald can be seen through the doubting nature of his eyes his eyes are constantly moving around the room person to person wall to window all in a quickened manner this depicts anxious nervousness in this case Tommy is nervous and anxious to meet Mosley a man who has more power than him however as can be seen after answering the phone and more specifically when Mosley enters the room Tommy's hold demeanor changes with the ceasing of fidgeting the ceasing of his darting eyes and the consolidation of a calm non-reactive Persona an application of bodied language historic unreadable mask has come into action when in situations like this do your best to hold eye contact speak slowly and move slowly you never want someone to know be it in a business meeting Etc that you are unsure and are unconfident in yourself or your proposed actions a quick tip if you want to make someone feel nervous and uneasy make sure they are sitting with an open space behind them it's even better if you have a partner or accomplice standing behind the seat in person by doing this the person becomes nervous and may be submissive with your declarations and advances another quick and useful tip is the way in which people smoke cigarettes if somebody shows you their wrists openly in a gesture as can be seen by the images attached this can represent that they are telling the truth and are comfortable being around you men most often face their palms inwards as they smoke depicting a defensive wall as opposed to the feminine of showing the wrist in summary if you want your body language as well as speech to be like Tommy Shelby you must do the following move slowly and deliberately speak slowly and deliberately thinking about each word deeply and not feeling a pressure to cater to someone else take up more space than needed with both body parts and environmental objects and always be conscious of your own body language are you fidgeting are your eyes darting are you making math expressions which give away your nervousness if you notice you are doing any of these things consciously make a note and correct them it is undeniable that not only Tommy Shelby but the whole peaky blinders a gang and really anyone in the TV series has impeccable Style now their style is very formal and I'll be going through each individual piece of clothing and discussing where to purchase them firstly the Overcoat Tommy Shelby wears his Overcoat long and heavy and most often in a dark Navy or black now when looking to purchase said Overcoat it'll be expensive as most of these clothing items will be as you can see on the screen displayed here are three alternative options for an Overcoat with their respective prices and brands with Garros and Taylors being the official peaky blinders and menswear brand secondly the suits now the shelbas will be wearing the best quality suits available to buy this is most often determined through the grade of wool used in the suit such as super 130s and super 150s super essentially indicates the quality of wool being new and pure whereas the numbers represent the thickness of the actual fibers of wool with the higher the number the thinner the material being essentially the higher the suit gray number the higher the quality of the suit for yourselves a suit with a quality of 100 or 110 will be sufficient as with higher the grade the higher the cost ranging from three thousand to six thousand dollars for a suit with a wool quality ranging from Super 130 to Super 150. Tommy Shelby most often would wear a suit in the range of super 200 plus however these are extremely rare as well as extremely expensive costing near or more ten thousand dollars a suit the best way to acquire a suit would be to go to a local tailor or suit shop ask for a super 110 or lower if money is tight and experiment it should also be noted that Tommy Shelby is almost solely known for his elegance and sharpness in a three-piece suit if you are going for the full peaky blinders suit look a three-piece suit is the only option below are three options for suits which can be purchased online for a cheaper price thirdly the white shirt as can be seen throughout the series Tommy Shelby's white shirt underneath his suit coat and vest evolves initially starting with something called a penny color shirt and evolving into a more modern simple button-up white shirt this will most probably be the cheapest aspect of your peaky blinders outfit as well as the most versatile it is important that you acquire a shirt which is comfortable and affordable as this is the least distinguishing part of your attire below are three options with one being the season one penny color style fourth the shoes Tommy Shelby has a variety of formal shoes he wears to complement his already extraordinary suits ranging from a formal shoe to a boot he either can be a tired with a suit and the previously aforementioned clothing items when purchasing a shoe you should preferably seek out both leather and hand stitching as this is most often the best quality of shoe below once again are three options for what can be purchased and worn finally and perhaps most obviously you cannot become Tommy Shelby without his signature peaky blinders cap also known as a Newsboy and or Baker Boy cat it is all about finding one you like one that fits comfortably below are three available options for purchase as an extra fun tip if you are wanting to fully embrace the peaky blinders look it is essential to acquire the haircut this can be simply done by going to your Barber and asking for a 0.5 to 1 on the sides and a knee to cut on top it should also be noted that Tommy's fashion evolves with the times you can see that his fashion and clothing evolves throughout the series of peaky blinders so it is important for yourself to keep up with fashion understand what is popular and acquire that item now if you acquire all of these items to some degree and pair them together you will undoubtedly look sharp professional and sophisticated just like Tommy Shelby and the members of the peaky blinders gang the next section focuses on discipline and the importance of scheduling arguably the most important aspect of this course relates to the importance of discipline and strategic planning with regard to discipline there's not much that can be truthfully taught it solely relies on your own ability and willpower to push through and Achieve greatness however I can provide some tips and insight firstly never trust motivation it should be stated that motivation is useful and good if you have it and grasp it when it pops itself up but do not solely rely on being motivated to complete your tasks this is because motivation is not always readily available some days you may feel miserable and the last thing you feel like doing is the work which needs to be completed towards your goals thus the best way to initially get started in becoming more disciplined and ultimately more like Tommy Shelby is that of habit building habit building refers to the small building of fruitful actions which will help you achieve your goals essentially with consistent incremental improvements and activities you should be able to achieve whatever it is you desire and how how can you actually build a habit the answer is willpower willpower is the key instead of saying I'm going to read 50 pages a day because I'm motivated and will become like Tommy Shelby or I'm going to read a lot today because that's what Tommy does instead say I'm going to force myself to Read 50 pages today even if I don't feel like doing it and even if it takes extra long because I'm strong enough and smart enough to push through and achieve the goals which I want another key in helping you achieve the creation of these habits is to start out incrementally so small that you can all but achieve it for example set the initial goal of reading one page a day through this you can almost never fail once you finish one page a day for a week begin to read two pages a day and so forth until you build a disciplined habit of reading 20 Pages a day another beneficial habit that will improve your discipline and mental Clarity is that of waking up early in an improved sleeping schedule Tommy Shelby is constantly seen throughout peaky blinders waking up early before 6am this is important and a major factor to his success and mental sharpness the most beneficial sleep you can achieve is between 10 pm and 12 am if you are awake after 12 am your body spikes in cortisol and adrenaline to keep you awake this is extremely unhealthy with having a good night's sleep your mental Clarity cognitive function and vitality as well as motivation increase a drastic amount everyone is different but a recommended length of sleep is between 8 to 10 hours make sure all of your distractions and or electrical devices are off by 9 30 pm and you are in bed by at least 10 30 pm to assure you experience a sufficient deep refreshing and productive I cannot state it any more clearly what I've provided you for improving discipline is merely tips and the true work is done by yourself you need to have the willpower to stay disciplined and achieve the goals you set out to achieve it is as the quote says inaction is followed by stagnation stagnation is followed by pestilence and pestilence is followed by Death do not let your life get away through the constant lapsing of your own betterment through the wrong and disciplined decisions you consciously made now for the second part of this section the planning and scheduling Thomas Shelby and the whole peaky blinders gang depict Exquisite and sharp planning and organization be it from the planning assassination attempt on Oswald Mosley the Takeover of Billy Kimber other deals with the Russians as a cool side effect it should be noted that the introduction of a daily schedule as well as the planning of your goals will subsequently help increase your discipline now how can you implement scheduling and planning to become more like Tommy Shelby firstly establish a daily schedule block out each hour or group of hours of the day and write specifically what you'll be doing during that hour or hours of the day an example of this can be seen on the screen now once you have established a feasible schedule it is also important that you take a good amount of time such as one whole hour to stare at a wall deeply think and then write down what your goals are what you want to achieve and the possible ways in which you can approach these tasks in the modern day we are so consumed by technology and overstimulation that we forget to actually take a moment to think to think about our lives to think about our goals Tommy Shelby living in the 20th century with very little technology available had plenty of time to think and meticulously plan out his goals and the specific ways in which he wanted to achieve them it is also important to understand that if you plan goals and ways about achieving them yet your experience a setback or something doesn't go according to plan do not panic I repeat do not panic unpredictability is an aspect of life and no matter how prepared you are the unexpected can always occur look at Tomi Shelby for example he planned Oswald Moses assassination precisely and strategically yet he did not account for the IRA to thwart his plans another example is when Tommy was planning to take over Billy kimber's gang in season 1 episode 6. word got out to Billy Kimba and Tommy's plan was deeply compromised forcing him to act on his feet and procure a new solution which still achieved him the same end goal the securing of an enemy's opposition gang and their operations dare not use failure or unexpected setbacks as an excuse to give up on your goals simply re-evaluate the situation reassess your problems and find a new solution to follow through and achieve your established goals the next section focuses on books to read to become like Tommy Shelby now as a disclaimer it would be a disservice to the authors of their respective books if I was to provide all the information contained however Tommy is a master manipulator a master at social interaction body language emotional suppression planning and Leadership thankfully there are a large variety of books which are relevant to these topics and thus here are some recommended books covering the previously aforementioned topics How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie e The Art of War by Sun Tzu psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell malt what everybody is saying by Joe Navarro and Marvin Carlin's the prince by Nicolo Machiavelli masters of command Alexander Hannibal Caesar and the genius of leadership by Barry Strauss how to be a leader an ancient guide to wise leadership by Plutarch laws of human nature by Robert Greene the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene meditations by Marcus Aurelius the daily stoic by Ryan holiday and finally a social history of England 1851-1990. Francois federalia this is just a fun book covering the period a little before and during the rise and establishment of the peaky blinders gang this is a great book if you are interested in handling during that time period for an extra fun slide and to end this course on I thought that it would be interesting and perhaps beneficial to yourselves to know what books Tommy Shelby had actually read during the period of the show the books mentioned in the show are as follows the work of Sigmund Freud including his essays on Richard III forms of Greek literature most probably the classic philosophers and a poetry like the poison Tree by William white play and poetry like the poison Tree by William Blake as spoken in season 6 episode 1 and with that being said this brings you to the end of my how to become like Tommy Shelby course I provided which I believe to be essential and sufficient knowledge on how one can become like Tommy Shelby minus the PTSD and Trauma of World War One of course I hope that you enjoyed this course and learned something from its containment and now I will leave you with a quote from Thomas Shelby himself for those of you who are last will soon be first and those of you who are downtrodden will rise up [Music]
Channel: PowerHub
Views: 77,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peaky blinders, peaky blinders season 6, peakyblinders, tommyshelby, peakyblindersedit, peaky blinders montage, tommy shelby, tommy shelby edit, peaky blinders season 6 recap, peaky blinders season 6 reaction, peaky blinders season 6 review, tommy shelby best moments, tommy shelby death, michael grey weekend, peaky blinders intro, peaky blinders arthur shelby, tom hardy, tom hardy edit, legend, legend bar fight, gangster, gangster edit, mafia edit, legend 2015
Id: ipvYF8ieeHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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