Mastering Non-Reactivity: Thomas Shelby's 4 Key Factors!

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have you ever wondered what makes Thomas Shelby from peaky blind is so attractive sure he may not be perfect in fact he suffers from PTSD cannot sleep without intoxicating himself [Music] and there's a cold-blooded murderer and gangster however even the seemingly bad people have the potential to have good qualities and that is what we'll try to discover today what makes them the way they are and what good qualities can we extract from them and integrate in our own lives today we will focus on a high status trait that Tommy Shelby has in abundance we have to get your body out of the city Danny new copper you know don't bury me anywhere with mood okay Daddy I'm still in shock Tommy is a loyal ambitious artworking and strives to provide betterment for his family and friends but today I want to focus on another highly sought after quality that screams Thomas Shelby it is his non-reactivity a great example of this is shown when his big plan filled he was taken awaiting his death take a seat [Music] just think for a moment how other people would react before they about to die now this is how Tommy reacts so [ __ ] close notice how call me stays securing his own shoes ready to face death and not flinching during stressful moments this is a commonality that most high status confident individuals have and there is a good reason for this when you live out your purpose when you are aligned with who you want to become you are ready to die at any moment if you do not know what your purpose is if you don't have a vision for your life I highly encourage you to watch this video and do the exercises in there it will straighten you up big time Tommy's non-reactivity comes forward from his confidence he is secure with who he is he knows where he's going he has a purpose no matter how twisted it may be when you are secure with who you are just like Tommy you need to acquire the tools to dominate malicious individuals verbally and learn to dictate the tone Tempo and topic of the conversation a great example of this I've covered already in the laws of Power video Tommy has a reputation to uphold a refusation for not being scared of anything in all the world Violent Men are the easiest to deal with before I show you the great and masterful response of Tommy Shelby to a situation in which he is being probed being paid at being provoked by this woman and it is one of the four factors actually that you're going to uncover in this video and I sincerely hope that you're able to adopt these kind of qualities in your own life and put to decide the negative qualities that we're also going to show in this video I have a great announcement to make one that you guys have been waiting on right now it is the exact day in which this video is getting uploaded and From This Moment In Time forward I'll be uploading two videos per week however there is a caveat the first type of video which will be uploaded on Fridays are the podcast Style videos they are barely edited videos the ones that you guys have told me where you'll feel more in contact with me more in touch with me more direct without all the flashy editing and highly scripted videos and in some videos I answer your questions I'll be sharing my thoughts upon certain topics which either I am actively trying to figure out myself or I just want to share my opinion off the second type of videos which are videos like the body language breakdowns the power videos the attraction or psychology stuff videos the highly edited compact videos which have all the fleshy editing you guys wanted those will be uploaded on Sundays but here's the caveat whether those videos get uploaded or not are highly dependent on whether my wonderful editor is able to produce them on time now if I notice that for a prolonged period of time the videos are not coming or coming I will need to search for another editor and if you guys are up for that task let me know and hit me on Instagram so we can have a discussion because who knows if you're good enough I do want to expand the team in order to make this production go as smoothly as possible another great thing I want you guys to know is I'll be taking out the camera more with me throughout my day so you actually understand what it is and what kind of life I actually and why YouTube has been on a back burner so much the mistakes I made I've been spreading myself out way too thin from neglecting the gem and Jiu Jitsu and applied psychology which is a study I want to finish perhaps I'll redo the entire year from scratch why because I haven't gotten the value as much out of it as I actually wanted and that has all been my own fault however the reason I did that the reason I made the deliberate decision is because I've been focusing on a lot of other goals and like I said I have achieved quite a few things which I didn't think was possible for at least another five to ten years whether that's my dream car or a house over half a million what I want you guys to also understand is those materialistic goals the materialistic achievements that I have they do not outweigh not even nearly they're far far inferior over the other goals which I'm striving why do I think that way I want you to understand that developing your own character your integrity living the lifestyle you want to live without all the external achievements there is fulfillment in that acquiring those things the satiating reward system is like peaked for a couple of minutes or days or even weeks but eventually what you're left with is you and yourself and if you've been neglecting a lot of things if you are in a slump trust me the videos that will come up in which I'll show you how you can pick yourself up from that you will enjoy them a lot you will be able to develop your own character to live with Integrity live with principles setting the boundaries in your own life not having other people mess around unnecessarily with you and at the same time providing some good for the world to enrich your environment if those are the things that you are interested in I highly suggest you to subscribe because a lot of great content is coming and again if you want to work closely with me hit me up on Instagram and we'll see what kind of value you can bring to this Channel and at the same time to the community that is extended through this channel now what is that one out of four qualities that we'll cover in this video that Tommy Shelby does wonderfully here let's see she is attacking him trying to probe him and get under his skin here is how he responds tell me which brand of Rebel are you I read somewhere that you Patty started fighting amongst yourselves now stay strong and doesn't enter her frame he creates his own frame and that is what the essence of non-reactivity is you are not easily distracted dominated or pushed around later in the scene you see Tommy being held at gunpoint but look at the difference between them there are other ways of carrying out this Mission please allow me put a bullet in this scum tanker's head Tommy is like a rock whilst he is like the Ferocious feminine ocean calmness versus Chaos non-reactivity versus reactivity you can clearly see this dynamic in the latest James Bond movie as well James okay good [Music] again Chaos versus calmness in the verbal dominance videos I analyze some of these conversational gems more so subscribe to not miss out on those also this is the first voice over Style video I'm doing we have a great great scriptwriter who is creating the vast majority of this video so show some love in the comments if you'd like to see more of these type of videos in this video you'll see many examples of non-reactivity and you will explore how you can develop this trait and What factors contribute to having such a great quality non-reactivity also referred to as emotional control or regulation speaks about the ability to remain composed and calm in situations that may be stressful or emotionally charged it involves being able to control one's own emotions and not let external stimuli or events affect one's State of Mind even if it does affect one state of mind to not show it then externally we'll see Tommy vs Campbell in a second where Tommy is furious on the inside but he doesn't show it to Campbell hair he looks calm and controlled and your sister too a baby Insider would be of no consequence to me the only one to be spared would be your little brother Finn that is what he shows to Campbell but deep inside this is how it really feels the clock is taken we've covered another great example of this in the Alfie Solomons versus Tommy Shelby body language breakdown video look at how long time it takes to answer the phone it's not a high power pose no no do not tell me very slow and controlled movements he's okay with the psychological pressure that's put on him here and you will see a great exercise on how you can train yourself to become more Adept and more capable of handling psychologically pressurizing situations in your own life and friends this kind of emotional regulation or better put emotion expression is key to his non-reactivity which will cover more in depth in a second in the context of noble gases non-reactivity can be compared to the characteristics of gases which do not react easily or sometimes at all with other elements due to the stable and close electron shells similarly individuals who exhibit non-reactivity are able to maintain their calm and steady state even when faced with challenging or triggering situations on the other hand those who are reactive May easily become agitated or affected by external stimuli much like how certain elements such as hydrogen are more prone to reacting with other elements in social situations the person who sets the frame and remain relatively unaffected to the stimuli is often the one who holds more power or authority by remaining non-reactive individuals are able to maintain their power and control in social interactions overall non-reactivity is a valuable trait to have as it allows you to remain level-headed and in control of your emotions even in challenging situations it can also be seen as a sign of confidence and leadership in peaky blinders Billy Kimber is portrayed as a highly volatile character much like the element hydrogen which is known for its reactivity he is easily agitated and affected by his surroundings and external stimuli as you can see in this scene which one of you is the boss I'm Mr Kim's advisor an accountant scum where he explodes when his authority is challenged on the other hand look at Thomas Shelby observe how calm and level-headed he stays I'm told the boss is called Tommy and I'm guessing that's you because you're looking me at Mandela I'm a [ __ ] tart I want to know what you want if you wish to see a more in-depth breakdown of that video you can watch this video on the channel afterwards by the way which one am I talking to who's the Boss well I'm the oldest unreactive locked eye contact notice how he doesn't turn his head to look at his brother he just turns his eyes it's as if the brother asks for permission to speak and he grants it with his eye contact the moment he gives it the brother looks down in this case sign of submission then tilt his head up and speaks friends even in situations where emotions are running High Tommy is able to remain calm cool and collected and in control of his emotions [Music] non-reactivity may seem like a desirable character trait but it is actually quite unnatural for humans as it goes against our natural orienting reflex but we'll cover that later in the video what you need to know is that there are ways to become less reactive and develop this trait to certain simple yet powerful exercises you can do at home before we discuss these exercises let's examine first four possible factors that may contribute to Tommy's non-reactivity all of these factors play a role in allowing Tommy to maintain his calm and compose demeanor even in the face of challenges or threats the first Factor deep-seated confidence this is different than superficial or even fake confidence adopting a high status or high confident body language which is an outside in approach may give you a little boost but it's a world in night difference compared to people who have deep-seated confidence which they have acquired as a result of who they've become because then the behaviors come forward from within making it an inside out approach this type of confidence comes forth from within and is not dependent on external factors or appearances it is a confidence that is rooted in one's own abilities accomplishments achievements beliefs principles and emotional regulation rather than a superficial confidence that may be affected by external validations or the adoptions of certain body language or spitting certain prepared lines to people I mean look at Tommy he's a man who has risen from nothing to something from Zero to Hero his deep-seated confidence is evident in his rise from a small time gang leader to successful and influential political figure he has worked hard to build his Empire and has proven his abilities and resourcefulness time and time again his confidence comes from within and is not easily shaken by external challenges or threats guys this type of confidence is important in allowing you to remain calm and composed in stressful situations as it allows you to trust in your own abilities and your own judgment it is also a key factor in non-reactivity as individuals with deep-seated confidence are able to maintain their cool and remain in control of their emotions and not be sent into a state of panic [Music] move on to the second Factor emotional regulation emotional control and regulation is an essential skill for leading a healthy and fulfilling life without the ability to manage your emotions you can easily become overwhelmed and reactive to the events and people around you you can be played like a puppet with someone else being the Puppet Master the inability of regulating your emotions can lead to relationship problems poor decision making and even physical health issues one way that Tommy is able to effectively regulate his emotions is by finding ways to release physical steam in the following clip you can see a wonderful example of this [Music] you see him engaging in an activity that helps him blow off some steam and manages emotions he's done this multiple times through the series if any of you do martial arts you know how satisfying that is but it doesn't need to be something like that you can also work in the garden hit the gym or any other activity that forces you to expand that emotional or aggressive energy so why is it so important to have strategies for managing and regulating your emotions well consider the character of Billy Kimber in the video if you cannot control your emotions you may end up being as volatile and unpredictable as Billy is and I'm the [ __ ] boss okay your environment can have a huge impact on your emotional state but by finding healthy ways to cope with and regulate your emotions you can take control of your life and make it more stable and balanced it's just nice it's just nice hey this is noise if you're used to it this is nice to recap the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or upset try finding a healthy way to release that physical Steam and regulate your emotions it could be going for a run hitting the gym or even just taking a few deep breaths whatever works for you ah the important thing is to find a way to manage your emotions and take control of your life third Factor State breaking questions State breaking question is a powerful tool that can be used to surprise engage and challenge your listener however it is important to use this type of question only when it's necessary as it can disrupt the normal flow of conversation and cause confusion if overused when used judiciously a state breaking question can help you steer the conversation in a New Direction and get your listener to consider different perspectives so next time you want to spark a lively discussion or challenge your listeners assumptions use a statebreaking question only if it's truly needed to make your point or engage your listener effectively then you know a man called Jimmy mccaven may I take a cigarette please let's look at this scene talking to you Mr Shelby so the Odd Fellows want you to know that any deviation from your instructions will have consequences what's your dog's name here is another one Violent Men are the easiest tell me which brand of Rebel are you I the fourth and last factor of this video is Tommy Shelby regulates his mask like a pro he is in charge of his own ego well holy Lord God Tommy Shelby Obe does your vanity have no limits I believe it's called the ego these days Tommy is an expert at regulating his mask and maintaining control over his ego this is a key aspect of his character and is demonstrated through various scenes in the show One such an example can be found in season 4 episode 6. my brother he's dead [Music] during this scene Tommy is shown to be a strategic thinker who is capable of playing various roles in order to achieve his larger goals and friends this is a clear illustration of law 29 from the 48 Laws of Power which states plan all the way to the end as Tommy is able to think ahead and carefully craft his action in order to achieve his desired outcome I think so you don't have to friends even though he doesn't like to show weakness he deliberately shows it here for a higher purpose I've covered the scene in depth in this video which explains the six Laws of Power using this exact scene in essence you will see how Tommy is a master of his Persona Tommy then went after his brother and found them apparently dead now here is where this law comes in he had to sell to the changratas that their plan had worked how could he do his best by courting the attention of the entire rule feigning pain and hurt Tommy Shelby is a master of body language he controls his ego which I see as the interface with which we operate in the world or simply put our math in addition to his strategic thinking Tommy is also skilled at emotional regulation this is evident in a scene where Tommy appears anxious and fidgety foreign but as able to present a calm and composed facade when others are present this ability to regulate his emotions and take charge of his emotion expressions and maintain control over his mask is further highlighted in this scene gonna come through that door on the other day once I plan to kill me it's your job to stop that happening he was killed by a wild [ __ ] animal in this scene where Tommy's demeanor changes significantly after the people leave because it is then when you see his mask being taken off as much as Tommy is a master of his mask it doesn't mean he never snaps or he never loses temper even though fictitious he is a human being after all and a great example where we can see Tommy losing a Stamper is here because legitimate business John her priority legitimate business please win [ __ ] wife took a bullet meant for me and also here nothing just like he loses his temper you will sometimes lose yours but by becoming aware of the triggers that set you off you take one step closer towards staming it I'll cover these types of scenario in more details as the one who stays the most cool usually is the more dominant one Harvey Specter lost the school in this scene Tanner you want to take this to court go right ahead I'd rather watch her Cut You Down than see her cut a deal anyway I mean you're uh throwing her under the bus watch yourself Tanner oh what's the matter harv did I offend your delicate sensibilities you want to take your ball and go home this deposition is over oh is Mommy going to take you home now you got a thing for Mommy and now it all makes sense because I actually looked into your mommy and it turns out that the whole time you were home with daddy mommy was out banging again there was a ton more to come in the verbal dominance Series in due time overall Tommy's expertise in regulating his mask and controlling his ego is a major factor in his success and is demonstrated through various scenes in the show such as those mentioned before this ability to carefully craft his actions and emotions serves as a powerful tool in achieving his goals and allows him to navigate various situations with ease and guess what this AIDS and builds his deep-seated confidence the ability to remain non-reactive goes against her natural human instincts specifically The orienting Reflex that help their ancestors survive in the wild this reflex has triggered when we are faced with a Potential Threat causing us to quickly shift our attention and become reactive in order to protect ourselves while this reflex was essential for survival in the past it is less necessary in a modern world now this doesn't mean unnecessary in order to overcome or at least take charge of our innate reflexes to the extent it is possible and maintain a non-reactive demeanor it is essential to be in charge of our mask or Persona and Tommy is a master at this here you see an example of how Kami stays under pressure of this Mission please allow me put a bullet in the storm tanker's head even though the point man pulled the trigger Tommy still stays unfazed here is another example of how he controls his mask in front of Oswald mostly I want to know what your strategy is but the moment he leaves he breaks his mask next time bringing an open mind and a cigar to celebrate our Union [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] are I also if you want to check the body language analysis of this scene which is a great iconic scene you can click here I did a full in-depth analysis to have to watch the Pinnacle of confidence is portrayed on his face unreactive no tension also look how his stairs Arthur down as a form of establishing dominance over him if you watch closely Arthur is the one who looks away first there [Music] non-reactivity or the ability to remain calm and collected in the face of stress and tension is an essential skill that can greatly benefit individuals in various aspects of life from business and Leadership to personal relationships the ability to maintain control over your emotions and reactions can help you navigate various situations with boys and confidence at its core non-reactivity is about your ability to deal with tension both psychological and physiological tension psychological tension can come in the form of stress anxiety or other negative emotions while physical tension can manifest as physical discomfort or pain learning to cope with these types of tensions is essential for maintaining control over your emotions and reactions to develop the skill there are several exercises that can be helpful the first exercise is an attention exercise that can help you train your attention muscle and fight your natural urges this exercise involves taking charge of the gap between stimulus and response allowing you to maintain control over your reactions so you might wonder how do I do this here's what you do the first thing is you turn on a video on YouTube and put an inanimate object behind the screen which you can look at this could be a bottle of water or just a plant and the second step is as the video is playing your task is to look at the object and not the screen which is moving all of the time what you will notice in a couple of seconds as your eyes will naturally draw towards the screen every time this happens you redirect your focus back to the object this strengthens your non-reactivity muscle it teaches you how to deal with psychological tension if you're able to do this for two or let's say three minutes straight without looking at the screen and you're staying dead on on the inanimate object you're golden the second exercise teaches you how to cope with physiological pressure how do you do this exercise you take cold showers every day and you should aim to do this for at least two minutes a day and by the way the benefits of this are way bigger than just becoming more non-reactive it also helps you build up your tolerance for stress and improve your ability to remain non-reactive in the face of tension it also teaches you the fundamental key lessons of discipline and dedication in learning how to become a better version of yourself doing the thing that is so unnatural and it feels hard and just shitty in general but by going through that shower you come out as a better person now as said aim to do both these exercises for two minutes France as mentioned before I can produce these type of content at an enormously fast rate since I don't write the entire script myself if you enjoy videos like these let me know in the comments below and in conclusion non-reactivity is a highly valuable skill that can greatly benefit individuals in various aspects of Life by developing your ability to handle tension through exercises such as attention training and cool showers you can improve your ability to remain calm and collected in the face of stress and succeed in various Endeavors whether you are facing a high pressure business meeting or a challenging personal situation the ability to maintain control of your emotions and reactions can help you navigate these situations with confidence and Grace so non-reactivity is not just a skill but a necessity in the world of a high status individual foreign
Channel: Shayan Wahedi
Views: 339,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shayan wahedi, body language analysis, body language breakdown, 48 laws of power
Id: ctqmCk8dQIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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