How To Become A Cloud Engineer - 7 Tips

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how's it going everybody welcome back to my channel and today i'm going to be telling you seven things that you can do to start a career in cloud engineering so you've seen the salaries you've seen the job postings you hear about everybody moving to the cloud and you decided that's the direction you want to go in today's video i'm going to give you the tips that you need to do to be able to begin your cloud engineering journey and we're just going to get right into it because there's about seven tips and each has a little bit of info for each one so first you need general i.t experience in fundamentals what i mean is you need to learn just some basic it stuff you know how dns works how http works you know what what is the osi model uh how are requests made like general little i.t things that you will learn in school and in college if you're still going to college maybe take up a class but you need to learn these things because you need the base fundamentals to work in the cloud the cloud is a bunch of it roles and infrastructure roles combined into one cohesive abstracted monstrosity awesome environment so with your i.t skills there's a few things you can do to start learning and stuff i highly recommend going onto youtube and watching courses for professor messer on any of the a plus netplus and security plus certifications you don't need to get the certs but i promise you if you go through all three of those courses you will have a very very very strong fundamental knowledge of it next two you need to learn a linux operating system web servers and the cloud is all run on linux containers are ran on linux everything is run on linux there's a little bit of windows but like i said it's mostly linux so i'm gonna hammer it again one more time you need to learn linux you need to learn how to traverse the file system you need to learn how to create files view and edit files you need to learn user permissions creating users you need to learn how to update packages and patch instances because this is all fundamental to cloudwork even though we're in a cloud native container world containers around on linux so you need to learn this stuff so what i would do is i would go to lynnode and get a vps server for five dollars a month spin up the ubuntu instance watch a few youtube or udemy courses on administering ubuntu and just go from there you need to learn these basics because everything is based off of linux for the most part now number three you need to learn docker you need to learn these containers and i had to put this three is because it is important we live in a thermal container world which means you can bring up and scale your applications as needed you can kill them off you can update them it just makes deployment life so much easier and how the linux os and your basic it skills play into this is because when you create a container image you're creating a stainerized operating system to host an application so what i want you to do is why don't you pull down an nginx or an apache container use a docker file to build it learn how to expose the different ports you know for 80 443 for https you need to learn how this stuff works and this is where your operating system knowledge is going to come in because you're going to have to install packages you're going to have to run updates you're going to have to create a user that holds and runs your application so you want to learn some of the best practices around docker you don't have to be the ex most biggest expert in the world at it but you should have a very good grasp and knowledge of how to do docker the right way you can download it locally on your your windows system your mac system on the vps you created for linux just start learning docker and i would go to youtube or udemy and just find a doctor course don't not worry about the doctor certifications no one actually even cares about those back to my list four you need to learn a scripting language you need to learn python python is the glue of the cloud and what i mean by that is python is used to hit the different software development kits or sdks to pull down information say if you wanted to see how many servers are running or stopped in your amazon environment you want to see who has access you want to get a bunch of data you're going to use python for that so you need to learn python i would highly recommend a book called python crash course and follow the first half of that book to a t the second half is a bunch of projects you can continue with that if you will but i would just learn just the first half of the book because each chapter has different challenges for it and just get comfortable with python you need to learn how what lists are you need to learn dictionaries need to learn how to create functions you just need to learn how to use the language python so now that we've made it there you need to learn your aws fundamentals and now you're finally getting into the cloud work and i'm not saying you have to go create the biggest application in the world but you need to learn how aws works five six years ago you can get aws certification and most likely land a job and a lot of those issues are apparent today from all the data breaches from people having insecure environments uh legacy aws infrastructure is poorly configured system defaults everywhere are poorly done so now you need to learn these fundamentals using either a udemy course for the cloud practitioner and as well as the solutions architect now later on you should probably try to get these certifications because if you don't have any experience they're going to help you however they're not exactly needed i have one certification but i got my cloud jobs without any of them the only one i have is cloud practitioner because i was bored on one weekend and i took it i believe in hands-on knowledge so following these courses or even in udemy or cloud guru will give you some hands-on knowledge a basic knowledge of iam ec2 vpc rds you know the core infrastructure of aws and how it all works and now that you've built up this big base of knowledge you know you know general i.t and ports and dns and https the osi model is pretty important still to this day even though these are cloud data centers you need to understand how data is ran um you understand how to build a linux system you know how to add users you know how to add packages you know how to administer it you know docker you know python you know automation so now we're going to start putting this all together into step six and step six is you're gonna start building some projects using some devops tools now you're going to hear the word devops thrown around a lot in the cloud world they work together and don't try to get too crazy on what the devops world is everybody defines it differently but you need to know that cloud engineering leverages devops practices to do the job now what you're going to do you're going to take your docker lessons right and you're going to take that docker file what i want you to do is be able to deploy that to an instance using gitlab ci and you can use i'm an ssh runner you can google all this stuff all the documentation is out there so what i want you to do is deploy that container to your vps server and what that's going to do is kind of teach you how to run things in automation using your linux scripting skills and your docker skills and now on top of that what i want you to do i want you to learn how to automate server deployments using ansible so when you spun up your vps server you had to manually install everything you had to install docker and all its dependencies in container d i want you to learn how to create an ansible playbook use a playbook that you can use go onto a server and pull down and configure a standardized server every single time just start with ubuntu and go from there so now that you have an automated way to deploy your container to a server you know how to reprovision new servers so now we're treating our workloads essentially as cattle and not pets which means we can tear them down and build a new one whenever we want because we have infrastructure as code and now the third tool now that we're talking about infrastructure is code is terraform you need to know terraform and what you're going to have to do is i want you to take that knowledge that you learned from your aws courses and rebuild your vpcs your buckets and your rds's i want you to rebuild that all in terraform and then i want you to look at the aws documentation for best practices on vpc deployments and rebuild that vpc using terraform and then learn how to create terraform modules and host your own registry and now we're going to put this all together and get you need to know get so you can store your terraform configuration you can store your terraform modules you can store your docker files and you know how to store your ansible playbook so now you know artifact storing and get repositories and you're going to start learning git flow and how git works and you know branches so you start want to start learning get as well at the end of this is creating a new branch merging your branches committing it's essential because and now we live in a world where it's no longer point and click cloud architecture has become software defined architecture and what is called get ops so you need to understand software development practices at a certain level to be successful in cloud engineering you don't need to be an expert yet but you need to understand some basic principles of using git and storing things and get and all that stuff version control is key now seven we already touched on ci cd a little bit just to push it out but i want you to expand that further and what i mean by that is i want you to create automation that where i want you to create a gitlab ci that you can create a lynnode server by running a pipeline and when that server spins up it's going to pull down the ansible playbook and then you're going to deploy your docker container on it and you're going to be like whoa that seems like a lot well it is but that's going to be the gist of the game that's what we do we automate things we make standardized deployments we create guardrails to make secure repeatable environments and that's what the cloud enabled us to do and also in that mix you're going to use terraform you can use terraform to deploy your lenovo server then you can use your pipeline to say hey you want to run an ssh daemon or user data to pull down your ansible playbook and then push your container to it once it's all done or and finally after you can move this workload to aws i want you to pre-provision your entire aws account or your vpcs and your buckets and servers using terraform in a pipeline so you're going to create an infrastructure pipeline and if you go on they have it documented on what's best practices for this infrastructure now that this is just the tip of the iceberg this is just to get started and whenever i've interviewed or interviewing any junior candidates for a devops rule or a cloud engineering rule these are the things that we're looking for and if you can get these skills down before you start interviewing you're going to put yourself so far ahead of everybody else it's not even funny because people still think if they get to aws search that they're going to get a job let me tell you you're not there's the aws the cloud world has become so complex that you need to understand so many more tools so you have a software engineer you know who becomes a master at you know two three four different technologies you know um if they're full stack you know that's definitely the thing when you're in cloud you become a jack of all trades you need to understand 20 different technologies you need to understand security infrastructure i.t user management all these things and depending on where you go for a job you'll be responsible for a lot of these or a portion of these split up among a team so take these seven things i want you to learn i t learn the linux operating system learn docker learn python i want you to learn your aws fundamentals and learn how to build stuff in aws then you can put it all together using devops tool change using terraform and ansible docker and ci cd and gitlab ci and then i want you to make an even bigger project you know like i said running infrastructure pipelines and get in a git flow fashion and also deploying things in ansible it's it's the gist of the game it's automation so if you want to be a cloud engineer you need to learn how to automate and you need to learn the basics but that's pretty much it today and i did this as a rant because someone asked me today how can i get started in cloud engineering and i hope i provided some value to you if you got something out of this video hit the like and subscribe button and as always have a nice day
Channel: Joe Terlecki
Views: 133,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Terlecki, Joseph Terlecki, Devops, Programming, AWS, amazon web services, cloud engineering, docker, gitlab, terraform, python
Id: xIyDhaIfC1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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