What does an AWS Cloud Engineer actually do?

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hey everyone this is Lucy and today I'm joined by Elisa who is a cloud engineer at AWS today we're going to be answering the question what does an AWS Cloud engineer actually do we'll also be talking about the skills required to become a cloud engineer and how you can start your career in this role so Elisa to start off with do you want to tell the viewers a bit about yourself yeah sure hi everyone my name is Lisa and I'm A Cloud engineer in Amazon web services I've been working here for about a year now and I primarily support services such as IAM Key Management Services and security Hub and so on awesome so what does the cloud engineer actually do at AWS how would you explain the role yeah so a cloud engineer's main responsibility is to solve customers issues we could get emails chats or calls throughout the day and the range of questions could involve how do you use a certain service to our application is down could you help us also as a cloud engineer you would generally have a main domain which is security for me however it's also encouraged to learn cross-domained skills so there's always an opportunity to expand on your technical skills wow sounds like a great position where you get to work with customers whilst building your own technical skills so how did you land the position and what was your journey like so back in University I studied computer science and started off my career as a security analyst in Deloitte cyber Intelligence Center within that role I gained some AWS experience and found car competing to be interesting which is what prompted me to look for AWS opportunities I remember I applied through Linkedin and went through the standard interviewing process I remember I specifically looked for a cloud engineer role because as a cloud engineer you get to be more Hands-On and early in my career I was looking to expand on my technical skills nice okay so speaking of applying to the role what was your interview process like were there any skills in particular you thought that they were looking for quick pause if you lead A busy life and want to get better quality sleep I recommend check out these sleep earbuds sound core by Anka has recently released a new space A10 earbuds to help more people improve their bedtime routine Studies have shown that better sleep can lead to better mental health so with the Sleep a10's built-in library of sleep sounds you'll be able to enjoy a good night's sleep and feel more refreshed the next day I also just love the way they designed it it comes with a beautiful case that feels really lightweight the earbuds themselves are created so that even if you sleep on your side you won't be able to feel the earbuds protruding out thank you sound call for sponsoring today's video if you're interested in checking out these earbuds I have a link to them in the video description below so for me the cloud engineer interview process consisted of firstly a online simulation so it included things like emails and chats coming which would test your priority as well as your troubleshooting skills it also has some technical and behavioral questions that was followed by a for an interview as well as a four to five hour face-to-face interview that consisted of Technical and behavioral questions again for the technical interviews I think the common expected areas of knowledge are operating systems networking and some troubleshooting skills in my interviews I think the interviewers were trying to assess my technical depth as well as the breadth of knowledge in those areas as well as my main domain which is security for the behavioral interviews the questions stemmed from Amazon's leadership principles so I advise preparing a couple of scenarios Oreos per leadership principle for these interviews so the questions could include questions about taking ownership which means being responsible and accountable for your work as well as having that learn and be curious attitude great thank you so much for sharing that my final question is what advice do you have for people who are looking to start their career as a cloud engineer yeah firstly for those of you who are considering to become a cloud engineer I think it's a great role if you're looking to expand on your technical skills in a fast-paced environment solving cases could involve reviewing complex architectures and we also have Engineers globally to whom you can reach out for help at any time it's also a role that people often start with and switch to a different role later and actually Amazon is supportive with your individual career growth and we've got internal Mobility programs to help you reach that next stage of your career lastly for those of you who are going for the card engineer roles I think the behavioral part of the interview is as important if not more in the overall process I also think the AWS certification helped me in the application process I had the solutions architect associate level certification however I still recommend gaining some hands-on experience through you know personal projects to have that practical side of the knowledge because certifications mainly for your theoretical all right so this brings us to the end of this video of what a cloud engineer actually does at AWS thank you so much Elisa for joining today and if anyone has any questions please leave it down in the comments below and we'll get back to you alright bye for now today I'm joined by Elisa who's a cloud engineer at AWS he's a bad supporter I'll do that I'll do this open hand gesture this is her do you mind if I say that one more time they're pronounced decorations yeah so there's always an opportunity that's okay it's called more skills and um expensive skills hang on apply to my AWS internship oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Tech With Lucy
Views: 183,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws cloud engineer, cloud engineer, what does a cloud engineer do, aws jobs
Id: hPQgZK2vo8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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