"Bondrewd Did Nothing Wrong" - Made in Abyss

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if you skim through a variety of anime titles there are a lot of bad dads whether it's guys who aren't around for their kids or those that believe their kids need to kill each other in order to prove survival of the fittest works or those that bully them into getting into a robot there's not a lot of fathers who seem to genuinely love their children in anime if you ask the average weeb who the worst anime dad is there's probably a good chance that they'll say xiao tucker from fullmetal alchemist that's a pretty solid answer too his actions were incredibly hard fearful of losing his state alchemy license without any major scientific breakthroughs for the year he ended up experimenting on his own daughter fusing her with the family dog truly an absolute monster could you imagine anyone doing something worse than that come on honey are you ready for some horrible tests [Music] take me too i knew you wouldn't be able to resist the allure of real science 12 seconds later ah crap [Music] hello doomers and dumats i'm your host dede and today we take a dive into the abyss as we talk about one of my favorite antagonists the lord of dawn himself bondrewd with made in abyss season 2 coming up next year and the success of the last video on phosphophyllite i thought it'd be worth returning to this video format once more to see if it's worth continuing and who would be a better choice than the certified best father in all of anime bondrewd now before we begin let's just address a few things this video will contain spoilers for the first season of maiden abyss as well as the film dawn of the deep soul but we won't have any manga spoilers in this time around and i do need to give a disclaimer that the nature of these did nothing wrong videos is a bit tongue-in-cheek as i'm not gonna tell you that these characters did good things but rather we're going to attempt to get into their mindset to truly understand their perspective as a character so you know don't actually go out and perform morally dubious experiments on people unless of course you get results and as always if this is content you're interested in be sure to like the video or even subscribe if you'd like to support this channel as it's the only way to get the algorithm to get this channel out there and to any returning subscribers welcome back with that said let's take our dive into the abyss i can't tell you how happy it makes me to have you working right alongside your amazing father thanks dad hey i've been working on a new theory involving replacing human blood with tiny coffee beans that's fascinating son i once conducted a similar study but there were laws against those particular methods now made in abyss is an ongoing story with a lot of characters each with their own arcs and developments of which bondroot is only the antagonist for one arc in particular but for context to help anyone who hasn't seen the series yet i'll give a very brief overview of the story and some of the leading characters but if you have the chance i highly recommend checking it out it's well worth it written by akihito tsukushi made in abyss is a manga that began publication in 2012 and received an anime adaptation in 2017. the story is about a society built around a mysterious hole that goes deep into the earth known as the abyss which is filled with artifacts of lost civilizations and horrifying dangers if you delve into the abyss you become afflicted with what's known as the curse of the abyss and if you attempt to ascend upwards and out of it the curse can cause serious physical harm to you depending on how deep you are and how you're trying to get out of it and that's not even beginning to mention the monsters that lurk deep within brave citizens known as cave raiders risk their lives descend into the abyss in an attempt to uncover artifacts of civilizations lost to time understand the curse and try to absolve it or simply unravel the mysteries of this strange phenomena the story focuses on rico a young child who seeks to live her life like her mother a highly successful cave raider who obtained the high rank amongst delvers of a white whistle white whistles are mysterious cave raiders who have achieved a legendary status in their society stories are told of them and they're celebrated children aspire to be them but no one truly knows a lot about them when we're personally introduced to a white whistle in the flesh owes in the immovable she turns out to be a very cold and apathetic person as she prepares the children for their descent into the abyss here we are warned of the other white whistles including bondrewd heck ozin even tells the children to be aware of him saying that he's not as kind as she is upon learning how to get into the deeper layers from ozen rico and her robot companion reg descend further into the abyss where they encounter a being called nanichi and it's here where we learned some of the true nature of bonjour you see bonjourd was successful in setting up a safe human base within the fifth layer that allowed passage into the sixth layer now let me stress this element in particular this was no small accomplishment this place was called the sea of corpses after all and is home to horrifying abominations such as scorpions that are two meters tall with seven tails bugs that plant eggs and living hosts which will hatch and eat their way out and other horrifying monsters as the nature of the abyss gets worse with each layer the sea of corpses at the fifth layer is probably not just a facetious title now the curse of the fifth layer itself results in severe sensory deprivation making it extremely dangerous to attempt to ascend upwards from bondrewd set up his base in order to examine the phenomena of the sixth layer the capital of the unreturned when a diver goes down into the sixth layer it's known as their last dive as they are never seen from again the curse of the sixth layer is the total loss of one's humanity as attempting to ascend too high in this layer will deform the body into a disgusting mass of flesh and the ones who are killed during this process are arguably the lucky ones it's through nanichi's backstory that we find the horror of bondrewd's experiments nanachi is something called a hollow a survivor of the scientific studies bonjour has been lowering orphaned children into the sixth layer and returning them to the fifth in order to examine the results he was able to send both nonichi and their friend midi into the sixth layer and in doing so mitigated the effects of the curse from nanichi to midi forcing her to receive a double dose of the curse while nanachi did not receive it the result of this was midi being reduced to a terrifying and near indestructible mass of flesh with little semblance of a conscious and not achieve being able to retain their personality as well as being able to see the curse itself and thus rendering them able to avoid some of its effects bondrewd then dubbed this the blessing rico nanachi and reg then attempt to journey deeper into the fifth layer but are forced to go through bondrewd's domain he welcomes them with open arms and introduces pruska his adopted daughter reuniting with nanachi after they ran away from him he congratulates them and expresses his satisfaction at seeing their development where nanichi can only see him as the monster who experimented on children nanachi demands that he not harm rico and reg but unfortunately we find that this request is too late despite his warm welcomes he already ordered his underlings the umbra hands to study reg through most invasive means what truly makes bonjard absolutely chilling as a character is his utter lack of any ethical boundaries i mean this one line in particular completely summarizes his entire character mode things go from bad to worse where it's revealed that the accumulation of bondrewd's studies is that he learned you can remove the organs of children barely keeping them alive and put them in cartridges to allow him to mitigate the effects of the curse from himself to the cartridge and worst of all we find out that he did the same to pushka his own daughter as the blessing nanichi received was only capable to take under a circumstance with a true bond of love between the two people bonjour took his daughter and used her in order to obtain his new form you hear something like that and you gotta think how can you have any redeeming qualities well here's where i think things get a little bit interesting while we can all agree that child experimentation probably won't get you any nobel peace prizes i think it's mesmerizing to take a look at the inner workings of the mind of bondrewd because it's oddly paradoxical bondrewd genuinely loves the children all of them and his love and bond with pushka as his daughter is completely honest this isn't just me making up a theory for the video this comes directly from the author himself in the commentary of the dawn of the deep soul film it makes sense too as from nanaji's experiment bondrew learns that the only way he can receive the so-called blessing is under a circumstance where there is a deep bond of love between the two individuals and so bondrewd sought out to create this bond himself [Music] m [Music] he took a suffering child one who had severe mental and physical trauma and truly nursed them back to health as her father the bond had to be genuine and he made it so it's incredibly contradicting the man responsible for torturing children cares for them and understands them emotionally and yet still proceeds with his scientific endeavors of questionable ethics bondrewd isn't evil at least not from his perspective granted everyone is the hero of his own story but i think it's different for a character such as him think for a moment if you will what makes someone evil is it a desire to cause harm or is it merely the absence of what is good if the absence of good creates evil is a machine evil for not having ethical boundaries bondrewd is an extreme case of a cold calculating pursuit of research at first glance you may think he's similar to xiao tucker from fullmetal alchemist as both fathers experiment on their own daughters but here's where i think things differ tucker operated at of far more selfishness he was fearful of losing his license and that fear drove him into drastic actions out of desperation bondrewd wasn't desperate this was deemed the most efficient way to advance research on a phenomena that is not only unknown but is presenting a greater threat to the outside world every day to make a simple comparison it's that mindset which is why he created the type 4 energy rations they taste horrible but why does the taste matter if it's an efficient and healthy meal taste is not necessary nor does it add to the nutritional benefits of it essentially he's going directly to the result without any interest in what would soften the blow of it when you think about it that kind of symbolizes his mindset of getting directly to the results with or without any fluff to make things seem better it may seem silly to make a jump from poor tasting food to child experimentation but it shows his mindset and how calculating and focused on efficiency that he truly is his experiments aren't just for his own benefit either the whole reason people have been turning a blind eye to him is without his research delving into the abyss would be even more dangerous remember bondry is a white whistle and therefore highly influential in status we know he's set up a safe passageway into the sixth layer and maintains a base on the fifth layer his underlings the umbra hands individuals that bondrewd can take over the body of at any time all serve him out of their own free will some even being former bounty hunters that were tasked with hunting him down yet now choose to serve him or even potentially become a new body for him when i say the man has no ethical boundaries bondred will even subjugate himself to his own scientific endeavors and although he has the safety net of being able to transfer his consciousness to different bodies that doesn't mean he still doesn't experience the pains of the living it's just unimportant to him in comparison to his testings and so he will allow his own body to be brutally destroyed by the curse just to advance his own schemes and that brings us to something really important the secret behind the mythical white whistles it's revealed to us that the white whistle artifacts are really something called life reverberating stones and it's told to us that the necessary ingredient to create this stone is the sacrifice of a human being it's not just any sacrifice either it's one where the individual who is forfeiting their life wholeheartedly is devoting themselves to the intended user of it through this method the white whistled artifact is only ever capable of being used by its original owner and otherwise if the sacrifice isn't compatible the ritual and the artifact will not work at all so who did bondrewd sacrifice a wife a child a friend no instead bondred sacrificed himself rejecting his humanity in the name of scientific progress it may seem a bit egotistical to sacrifice yourself and your name but i think it's a little bit more than that bondred committed himself so hard into his endeavors that he sacrificed his own humanity to do so in order to have the strength to commit such horrid inhumane acts in the name of progress you yourself cannot be human right tells bonjour to experience the pain of the abyss himself to experience his own experiments but this is something he's already done first hand time and time again and this highly coordinated assault from rico nanachi and reg was little more than just another chance for an observation to him you've surprised me did you think of this yourself once the body he was using was destroyed he promptly switches to a new form to simply continue on he then proceeds with his next plan to force the curse onto pruska turning her into a cartridge so he may receive the blessing of the abyss after a very tense rematch they finally slay him in his blessed form causing enough damage to majorly set him back and what happens when they finally beat this monster his broken form dying as the gang tries to recover child may your journey overflow with both curses and blessings he congratulates them he expresses his appreciation and wishes them the best on their journey bondrewd absolutely lost his humanity within the abyss there's no doubt about that but what replaced it was not malicious intent but rather the cold harsh logic of a machine calculating the most efficient way between point a and point b he doesn't perceive others as human when he himself is no longer one the same way a computer would calculate with people and yet despite this efficient calculation bondred is still very perceptive of human emotion he talks about the importance of what it means to love someone he cares for a child as if she were his own daughter and he congratulates nanachi for overcoming their personal hardships hardships that he himself caused yet without him nanachi reg and rico wouldn't be where they are now through his bond created with pruska she willingly gave herself up to be the life reverberating stone for rico and this wasn't from a desire to get vengeance on bondrewd but rather a wish to have them simply all be together and with pruska becoming the life reverberating stone for rico rico nanaichi and reg were finally able to enter the sixth layer if i had to describe it bonjard may have lost his humanity yet at the same time he understands the importance of human emotion in life that's why he's so contradicting he's supportive of others emotional feelings yet completely ignores human rights in his experiments he clashes with the heroes as they oppose him on a moral level yet he appreciates their endeavors and wishes them the best on their journey downwards bondred is a living paradox despite the horrors of his actions none of it would have been possible without a true bond and genuine love to those he experimented on our heroes despise him for the inhumane actions he's committed and yet in the end he only wishes to see them and succeed on their journey so that brings us to the core question of this series did bonjour do anything wrong well i think the answer is a little bit more complex than it seems despite his crimes none of his actions are for selfish gains or the pursuit of personal glory but rather the endeavor to understand the abyss and survive its curse especially with the dreaded 2000 year mark looming overhead it becomes an ethical question is it worth it to understand the complexities of a force that is threatening humanity at the cost of suffering children to bondred the answer to that question is a resounding yes but at the same time the children he experiments on are more than lab rats to him he emphasizes their importance and ensures to remember who they are and tells them how special they are almost like he's recording their sacrifice for the history books an onlooker would still be horrified to see such experiments but this kind of behavior is certainly leagues above far worse mad scientist villains who would regard their experimentations as nothing more than mere trash and that's what makes bonjour so fascinating he's an antagonist to the ark but he's not a smug egomaniac looking to further his power nor is he someone desperately trying to seek personal glory in a way that makes him even more terrifying it removes his humanity as threats have no meaning to him stopping him doesn't mean ruining his experiments it means providing him with a new perspective on how he can take additional steps going forward it's why i'd say taking a step back from the ethical issues which admittedly is a very big step bondrt is someone i'd say is only doing what he thinks will provide benefits to the scientific field in studying the abyss in the long run and considering his new understanding of rico nanichi and reg at the end of the third film as he waves goodbye to them as they enter the sixth layer i think the potential is strong for him to return as an ally to them in later arcs we've learned that being a white whistle isn't inherently a good thing and that's not exclusive to bondrewd and yet because of his actions prusko willingly allows herself to become a life reverberating stone for rico allowing her to be a white whistle diver too and in the end of the third film i believe the viewer is intended to connect with bonjour 2 at the end of the arc as for the first time we see a human eye under the helmet we're finally able to visually associate him with something close to human for the first time we no longer see that ominous black mask with a single purple light coming for it we see a human eye the emotionless mask is shattered and after all the ethical violations we can finally see him as something close to human when he finally lets the children go so i think with all that said i'm gonna add bondrewd as member number two of the doomerden certified did nothing wrong squad for a mad scientist he really doesn't give in to the mad side a whole lot and is far more accepting of the characters compared to some of the other castmates we've seen in the series before and compared to other mad scientist villains he genuinely cares for the cast and considering how things went and as we watch him wave off riko reg and nanaichi as they go into the sixth layer i'm pretty confident we'll see him return to them as an ally with the fruits of his scientific labors paying off and understanding the true nature of this deep dark abyss besides if you still don't agree with me the kids who got it real bad in his experiments bullied nanichi and midi anyway they totally had their fates coming to them right i'm sorry but i'm very busy right now we're testing some highly unstable no you have a mixture all wrong [Music] man the comments on this one are gonna be fun if you made it to the end of the video thank you so much for watching this video was a lot of fun to put together and so i definitely like to keep this format going talking about morally questionable characters as we attempt to view things from their perspective what do you think of andrew the novel is he part of your did nothing wrong squad what's seen in maiden abyss do you not want your parents to walk in on you watching let me know in the comments as always if you liked the video be sure to give it a thumbs up or even subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this and if you have any suggestions for a future did nothing wrong video let me know next up on the docket may be a certain red cyclops from the far future year of forty thousand but we'll see about that won't we thank you so much for watching and i hope i can see you next time
Channel: The Doomer Den
Views: 411,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made in abyss, made in abyss manga, made in abyss bondrewd, bondrewd, bondrewd did nothing wrong, made in abyss season 2, nanachi, nanachi and mitty, nanachi made in abyss, white whistles made in abyss, made in abyss dawn of the deep soul, prushka made in abyss, bondrewd entrance, bondrewd vs reg, bondrewd and nanachi
Id: _a_H_lzdn-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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