Deep Into Abyss - Exploring A Made In Abyss Iceberg

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so if you're here I suppose you already know about Maiden Abyss hopefully for those who don't it's a Manga and Anime about a young girl named Rico and her robotic friend reg as they Traverse an enormous Supernatural pit called The Abyss it's a series whose World building and lore is of particular interest to me and I decided to make an iceberg or Abyss if you will talking about all the ins and outs of the series the deeper we go the more obscure and speculative the information is as nothing is really too straightforward or explained I'll try my best to pronounce things correctly I am not fluent in Japanese by any means so there's bound to be mess-ups and how I pronounce things and I am sorry for that in advance obvious spoiler warnings for the whole series I'll be talking about the anime up to season 2 in the manga up to chapter 64. so I recommend you catch up if you don't want to be spoiled for those who are caught up let's go on our last dive together [Music] the entries in orth are basic pieces of made in Abyss media that if you're already a fan you should probably know by them the series has a couple of ovas or original video animations the first set of four entitled modus daily life shows Snippets of maruk's experiences working under ozin and the Subterranean Bandits it's pretty cute there is also a part where maruk goes up to orth and meets Nat who uh he seems to develop a crush it's a it's pretty cute I'm not sure how Canon these shorts are but they're a nice little pick-me-up the other OVA is together with Papa a short starring krushka before the events of dawn of the deep Soul it's all about her trying to give the perfect gift to her papa bound trude and it ends in this sweet little musical number the art style is also different from the rest of the series and it's really Charming I really enjoyed it this entry is on the iceberg because there's like a significant amount of people who completely skip over the movie when watching the series for those who came this far and are still not aware dawn of the deep soul is the third of the maiden Abyss movies and the only one that isn't a compilation of episodes instead it follows Rico reg and nanachi on their Adventure in the fifth player it takes place right after the first season and bridges the Gap to the second season Rico's father torka is only seen in brief flashes in the original run of the first season however in one of the two recap movies we see him in person at the very beginning there's a flashback that involves torka ozen and Liza as the three of them camp out in the fourth layer it's this quaint and quiet little scene of a husband and wife chatting and enjoying a nice dinner binary star is a game developed by chime Corporation and published by Spike chunsoft the initial portion of the game hezia play as Rico and reg up until they're descent into the third layer the bulk of the game has you play as your own customizable character and Adventure into the abyss I'll leave it at that for you to discover the story if you decide to play it I thought it was fun but I wouldn't pay full price for it wait for it to go on sale the graphics are it's a very nice PS3 game I'll leave it at that the first layer talks about basic concepts from the anime and manga these are things that viewers already know about but newcomers will need an explanation for the curse of the Abyss is a phenomenon that occurs when ascending in the abyss each layer inflicts a different punishment each harsher and harsher than the last you'll get nauseous experience hallucinations bleed out lose all sense of feeling or get turned into a blobfish furry depending on where you are and where you're trying to climb to the source of the curse isn't known quite yet theories include the abyss itself being a giant creature or the curse manifesting from a relic at the bottom though everything is speculation at this point the actual limit of how much you have to ascend before getting hit with the curse is unknown as only a few steps can give off mild symptoms in certain areas in lower layers it seems like you can manage to fall a little bit and get picked back up without getting hit with the strains like when Rico fell down a crevice and the sixth layer and was pulled up unharmed narejate also known as Hollows are those who have experienced the curse of the sixth layer typically the curse manifests in the loss of one's Humanity their bodies will turn to Mush like a deep sea creature being pulled up from the depths however if one ascends with someone that cares deeply for them they can achieve something called The Blessing which lets them retain their mind and communication and only really turns them a bit non-human but still functional only nanachi and bondru have achieved the blessing so far though this is a small sample size it can be assumed that the blessing comes about because their brunt of the curse has been taken on by a person they care about in these two cases midi and pruska took on nanachi and bondru's curses the hollows in the city of illblue manifest in a different way once edumui established herself as a city she led people into her tube body thing and she stripped their Humanity away and transformed them their bodies are based on what they personally value rather than a generic fursona looking body all cave Raiders carry a whistle but white whistles Stand Out Among the rest as being the best of the best ozen says that the resonant Timber created by a white whistle can draw out certain powers from special relics the curse repelling vessel opens up for use reg becomes superpowered the altar of the absolute boundary can descend stuff like that white whistles aren't created by regular means instead they need to be constructed from a life reverberating Stone which is formed when a person with a bond with another passes away in their final moments they produce a special Relic that can then be embellished and carved into a white whistle the deceased individual now lives on in that whistle the second layer digs a bit deeper into observations of the series these are things that may not be apparent at first or require a little bit of manga digging or otherwise just little things that we can dive into there are also a few clarification entries on here the children that itamui birthed in season 2 bear a striking resemblance to the hermit rat creatures encountered earlier in her Adventure she had one as a pet for a short amount of time too they both have these oblong bodies that lead to a point and little bunny-like ears outside of Waco wazakian belaf and irimui none of the other ganja Corps members are really expanded upon there is one ganja member that we get a little bit of a glimpse of a lady named pakoyan She's shown in brief Clips interacting with Waco though not much is known about her pakuyan is shown to have at least shared a bed with voiko on one occasion due to this we can infer that voyko and pacquiaon both share a sexual attraction to other women and may have had a romance between each other whether they be lesbian bisexual or something else is up in the air but they were definitely not straight typically white whistles are made when another person with a tight bond to the white whistle to be dies for them but the Lord of dawn is a special case with the usage of the zoaholic and hopping to different bodies bondrued was able to end his first life to produce the life reverberating stone for himself talk about self-love huh despite the appearance is pretty much all but confirmed to be a boy ozin just likes to dress him up as a maid because she's a weird evil grandma evidence involves his interactions with reg during season one as well as a Side Story involving Jiro visiting the Seeker camp and doing a little bit of a double take the implication is that he met maruk while the boy was in his delving gear and looked considerably more masculine but now in his maid outfit he can be mistaken for female nanachi's gender is a bit of a tougher situation than manuk officially nanachi has no Canon gender and is all up for speculation according to the author I personally refer to nanachi as a girl and certain translations do as well but it's all Up For Debate what she was born as the fandom speculates that when nanachi was turned into a hollow the sixth layer's curse removed her sex entirely if you ask me this does not seem to be non-achi identifying as agender or something similar as this was forced by Bond rude it's more akin to mutilation as gross as that sounds and I feel bad even saying that nanachi uses the first person pronoun oida which has a masculine connotation but is more casual and evokes the imagery of a person with a rural background which this can allude to her actually being a he whatever the case nanachi's a pretty cool character and that's all that matters Rico notes that when she named reg she named him after a dog that she had when she was younger one that Nat mentioned was eventually found out and confiscated this dog isn't shown to us in the anime but we can see him in the extra Manga chapter how are you somewhere reg I don't know why it's named like that it might be translated weirdly Mio the pharmacist from overseas is sightseeing around Earth and comes across a young Rico playing with the most adorably fluffy dog who is in fact named Reg author akihito tsukushi has drawn out a height chart of all the major characters up until the Edo front Arc minus pruska and he lists each height in centimeters by far the tallest character is ozen characters in Canon have noticed that she's around 2 meters tall and this height chart confirms it she arises at over 230 centimeters tall or about 7 feet and 6 inches grandma is huge majikaja is shown having three distinct robotic appearances these are not his actual body but mechanical dolls that he Pilots his actual body is described as being gaseous and form somewhere it's mentioned that another villager even built these robotic bodies for him so that he can be more functional the third layer talks about deeper observations and explanations we'll get into the nitty-gritty of lore in this layer and several Abyssal relics have these symmetrical patterns on them nanachi thinks that reg's sigil is a countdown to how many times he has left to use his incinerator possibly until a reset she uses her mermaid's breath Relic as an example showing that the sigil's design changes after use fapta after consuming the bodies of the inhabitants of ilbu gains a change to her design besides looking fluffier and having these gold trimmings on her fur a Sigil flashes in her eye different from Greg's helmet this seems to be some sort of connection to the abyss itself or at least a tie between the relics Greg himself is a relic the mermaid's breath is one and fapta is born from one Beyond this and the speculation that the signature is a countdown nothing much can be said on the matter find Root's title is officially Sovereign of Dawn and he talks about leading Humanity into the dawn of the next two thousand years pruska's name according to Bonn means flower of dawn but these two aren't the only connections to the concept of dawn an obeyed is a musical piece that's intended to be sung at dawn as a morning love song reg is defined as an allbade or a supreme treasure for the Netherworld this terminology could imply that Reg is a sort of being meant to usher in the dawn mentioned by pandrud possibly by use of his reality rewriting incinerator however the true connection between reg and this dawn of humanity is yet to be seen the deeper you go in the abyss the more time changes on the surface for example if you spend a few weeks in the fifth layer in Ascend to orth you'll come to find that months have passed on the surface for the ganja Corps they arrived on Earth nearly 2 000 years before Rico's time yet only 150 years have passed in eel blue the deeper you go the more time passes relative to your time characters speculate that Liza could have only been in the abyss for a few months to a year compared to the 10 years that Eliza grew up without her the failed Umbra hands are a concept not shown in the anime proper besides the purushka OVA not all of bondrub's overtaking of Umbra hands with his soul worked and some people were left corrupted in the manga the failed hands do repetitive easy tasks without break and receive their food via nutritional supplements prusa gives them honorary whistles for their hard work tale with its Five Points and fluffy white fur make her resemble a flower of fortitude also known as an eternal Fortune considering fapta is the embodiment of value itself this seems like a pretty apt comparison the Abyssal Fall Of Consciousness is a bit of a vague term but it has to do with how the force field of the Abyss reacts to the thoughts and movements of creatures Within the abyss is characterized as layers on top of layers of fabric or water and moving within makes this metaphorical water ripple thoughts can affect this water and cause more ripples those who can see the flow of Consciousness like nanachi and the orbed piercer can take advantage of these Ripples and predict the movements of others the altar of the absolute boundary is not the only entrance to the sixth layer band root has its own area called the Miniature Garden of dawn that dips down into the sixth though this results in a bit of a dead end this is where a bunch of hollowed children just sort of hang out similarly the enormous sakawatari is a bird-like creature rumored to nest in the seventh layer and as such there must be some other entrance from the sixth layer for it to ascend from the seventh and up all the way to Earth in short the altar isn't the only way to get down to the sixth layer there's a track in the soundtrack entitled The Rumble of scientific Triumph whose title is in reference to a scroll of onomatopoeia in the manga where bondrued ascends from his garden of Dawn and has taken on the blessing what scientific Triumph sounds like I'm not pretty sure but banjo had made that sound it's pretty apparent that the hollows that reside in the city of ilbu are vastly different from nanachi one member notes that nanachi is from the quote Old ritual site I'm pretty sure this refers to the Edo front as a whole as the garden of Dawn was not established until laundry's time unlike nanachi the people of eelblue gained their Hollow forms via giving themselves up to ibimui in exchange for protection their appearances reflect what they value while I don't think nanachi values bunnies or kangaroos all that much typical blessings ascending from the sixth layer while in a bond with someone who cares deeply about them seems to give a more generic for reappearance while eel blue blessings reflect personal ideals the fourth layer is all about Connections to the outside world despite how deep we're in we already know about the basics of the world and now we're going to uncover Inspirations and influences upon the abyss the anime's first opening deep in Abyss is sung by the two Japanese voice actresses for Reagan Rico Maria ISE and Mio Tomita there's an implication here that it's Rico and reg themselves singing about their impending journey into the abyss the author of Maiden Abyss akihito sukushi has said that he's been inspired by multiple video games when creating the manga he's referenced games such as Wizardry and Cave Story two games that I am admittedly unfamiliar with as well as the Xenoblade Chronicles games those games I can comment on in the first Xenoblade game you play as shulk a young man who lives on the corpse of an enormous creature called the bionis the bionist stands upon a world that is otherwise this vast ocean this is the game that directly inspired tsukushi When developing the setting but I've played more of the sequel Xenoblade 2 so I can't really say much on the first game in any case tsukushi has stated that the setting is a very important part of a good story and so he began developing the concept of the Abyss which honestly is my main draw to the series he did a very good job in constructing such an interesting world as for Wizardry these games are fantasy role-playing games having inspired games such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest the series was initially made in the U.S but now has entries made in Japan the series inspired the concept of going deeper into the abyss yet tsukushi has stated that the influence has inspired a quote essential secret gimmick hopefully as time goes on this gimmick will be revealed to us as we currently do not know what it is Cave Story is a metroidvania released by Indie developer Daisuke Amaya and has been a big influence on Indie Games the story Falls in amnesiac robot named quote who must blast his way through a cave to unlock his backstory sound familiar door Beetle report is a dogenshi or self-published work by sukushi that largely consists of concept art and ideas that he's been playing with not only are there these cute little illustrations of the characters but there are also prototypes that later developed into Abyssal characters most notably is the pitch for hello Abyss which would later turn into maternibus the initial description is in line with the final manga not much is different but I always love seeing concept art I have a huge collection of concept books that it's just fun to thumb through and see old interpretations of characters overall door beetle is a pretty cool manuscript though it has a good chunk of sukushi's well you know yeah apples it really skeeved me out but the rest of the art was really cool to look at if all the weird art was taken out I would definitely want a printed version of this for my collection of art books I'm not sure if inspiration is the right term but tsukushi seems to really have enjoyed Skyrim he has two pages dedicated to it in door Beetle report and it's pretty humorous the fact that he talks about the Lusty Argonian made made me just ugly laugh as I read it for the first time he also remarks that you can even marry the NPCs and lists his alluring wife candidates and if you ask me the best NPC is Serana but you can't even marry her and uh that is a personal offense Against Me by Todd Howard in an interview with an online fan meeting sukushi revealed that his initial idea for Nana Chi and midi's relationship was that midi would have been nana she's younger brother personally I think that would have been a little cliche what makes namachi and midi's relationship so appealing and heartbreaking to me is is how they only just met and they've bonded so tightly with them becoming each other's everything a younger sibling would have been a bit of a cheap way to elicit emotions this is something I mentioned in my big video Blue Moon and black whistles represent the night sky as the night progresses while red whistles represent the dawn white whistles are the only whistles that do not have an astronomical inspiration tsukushi has stated that the recipes featured in the story were inspired by various Foods he's eaten however nanachi's Netherworld Stew was not one of them the volcanic island of algashima is stated to be a direct influence on the setting of orth in the abyss if the small island characterized by overlapping calderas looking like someone stuck their thumb in an island to create a big dimple there's no pits in the center of the Earth but instead a volcano that hasn't erupted since 1785. in an interview it was mentioned that the initial idea for part of the edofront arc was that nanachi and banjo would quote die on each other's swords metaphorically I'd assume this means they'd end up killing each other at the same time however as tsukushi continued writing he decided it'd be better if nanachi lived three members on the team would have more support than two and would be stronger as a unit the written language of Earth is actually pretty easy to translate the symbols match Japanese Kana alphabets and the easiest way to translate them is to compare the runes to the opening credits however there's another alphabet being the pictograms used by eating yui's people called Beyond glyphs according to one of the distant writings chapters these characters are quote unlimited a number and Abyssal researchers are still finding new ones bonus illustrations from the manga show concepts of what midi and pruska would look like if they received the blessing of the Abyss like nanachi to me pruska seems pretty chinchilla-like and midi seems to be inspired by a cat she also retains the claws that she has in her blobfish form when summoned by Rico using the white whistle pruska appears in season 2 in a different outfit than what she had in the Edo front this is an outfit imagined by Rico if prushka had gone with her on her Adventure in a human form the track crucifixion is this harsh industrial song on the first soundtrack it reminds me a lot of Silent Hills tracks and evokes imagery of these horrifying experiments in these inhuman machines this song was the track composer Kevin penkin intended for the elevator scene in episode 13. originally I had thought of suggesting music that was quite aggressive distorted and [ __ ] up in nature for that scene he said however the track used was Forest of the Abyss this track is more somber and a bit lonely at first and it fits the scene perfectly penkin talks about how this show has a lot of juxtapositions how these sweet young children are facing Horrors that even some adults can't face he said that the juxtaposition of these two kids getting warped into beasts was pretty interesting and was quote infinitely more effective than if it was matched with scary music I completely agree with that sentiment this scene was the first I had been exposed to the anime and the music did a really big job in making the scene appeal to my sense of curiosity it's not a scary scene like penkin said but a tragic one the official Anthology is a series of short non-canon stories drawn by a variety of manga artists some of them are more serious and some are kind of jokey scripts some of the authors share sukushi's weirdness so uh keep an eye out for that if you decide to check it out overall I suggest giving it a read There are some gems in them and seeing different artists draw the characters in their personal art styles is always fun from starstrings is a dojan she written by akihito tsukushi that's about a girl named korodu living all alone on an empty world one day a string descends from the sky and korodu is convinced that there's someone on the other end of the thread she sets herself on a journey of climbing the star string and seeing what's on the other side it's a short story only about 76 pages long and is pretty fascinating this strange unfamiliar World in a young girl going on a journey where altitude is a factor are both obvious Inspirations for made in Abyss I recommend reading it gears Maiden is another Concept in dorbital report this time for something that hasn't been developed but ideas for it have crept into Maiden Abyss initially tsukushi said that he was in talks to develop gears Maiden into an anime but that fell through from what it seems this would have been about a world where robots are paired up with human Masters there's a pair of Jima and buzza a girl who heals instantly when injured and a robot with Buzz saws for hands buzza is described as a quote hidden door robot and has a large keyhole on his body there's also Roka and Warlow an amnesiac grave keeper and a robot in mourning who keeps gravestones on its back honestly I'm pretty fascinating by buzza and Warlow already and it's a bit of a shame that this anime didn't come to fruition as for other influences the character of Tino seems to be an obvious inspiration for Nat Sensei is just Miko the doctor seems to be a prototype of Nisha Gora a currently manga only character onisan to me heavily resembles Jiro the Caravan livestock seemed to be directly lifted from Gears Maiden to be used in Maiden Abyss I'd also say that these giant robots definitely inspired the interference units like gaburun there's a lot of visual similarities between them the characters of princess saika and maodu are listed as directly inspiring nanachi as well overall gears Maiden is a really neat concept and I would have loved to see how it played out the fifth layer is all manga exclusive information as of the publishing of this video and the bulk of it is speculative we're at the precipice of new knowledge yet there's so much that waits to be uncovered knowing this information in full will take us on our last dive so let's Dive In [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is a folk tale around Earth spread by children's songs and games and is based on white whistle Tales nanachi reads one portion to MIDI with time Boulders leave a trail becoming a hail of burning steel turning the ice clad trees into clouds extending their necks through to the sky the Colossal Turtles gather together to gaze at the Amber Sky the black whistle crabbly recites another part of the song a gentle voice is calling to you sparkling gold petals a weight in the distant Nest calling you awake now and cheese portion mentions the emperor shell creatures that Liza once encountered these are described as being colossal Turtles like in the song the eggs they hatch from and grow to become their armor protects them from the iron reign of the sixth layer as for cravely Segment what he says is pretty vague though it could be thought that the gentle voice is the fabled Abyssal Shrine maiden and this distant Nest is the far away nest the line calling you awake could imply Enlightenment if the you in this case means the people of Earth a shrine maiden or Mikko is a young Priestess working at Shinto shrines they're seen as shamans and perform tasks such as sacred cleansing and performing The Sacred kagura dance in the past they were thought to be oracles having claimed to communicate the words of the Gods during trances I am not the best person to ask for the details of what a shrine Maiden is if you're curious I recommend doing your own research the hail hex member nishagora hunted down craftily in tapaste as she suspected them to be underlings of what she called the quote Abyssal Shrine Maiden Rico mentions that an Abyssal Shrine Maiden comes up in orth fairy tales a lot people who talk to incarnations of the Abyss they link with the abyss and warn people of the harping jurors of danger Hari Omari song also mentions a shrine Maiden there may be a girl in the abyss who's communicating with some sort of higher being whether that be some God of the Abyss the curse itself or something else entirely isn't revealed to us quite yet and I feel like this next Arc is going to be what's going to reveal it to us [Music] the pivotal ring is a phenomenon located within the seventh layer reported to be a mysterious ring what it's made of is not known but visually it appears to be a ring of light amongst the darkness to me it looks like the white of an eye whatever it is someone is waiting for reg at this ring a curious little observation that could be drawn between the one depiction of the pivotal ring we've seen and what reg looks like in his dark mode power up he turns monochrome and his eyes become pitch black with an eclipse like Corona of light this heavily resembles the pivotal Rings depiction to me whether or not this connection was intentional is up in the air but I think it's a pretty interesting observation dhoni is an old Delver that had a connection with Liza at some point enough so that when they died they became Eliza's life reverberating Stone fapta has the ability to communicate with white whistles having done so with pruska already and was able to hear dhoni's Voice who spoke that someone is waiting for rag at the pivotal ring nothing else is known about dhoni to this point at the bottom of the inverted Forest is this large pentagonal opening no one has ever tried for this place in the history of delving Habbo says whoever or whatever opened this hole they must know there's relics in there they come across second grade relics and note that anything special has been looted in the distance some absolutely enormous cage or orb or something can be seen I'd say it looks similar to The Cradle of Desire or the star compass Hubble remarks about how to yomari's song and asks crevely just what did you find this fairy tale are you trying to bring it to life whatever this find is it's massive and it's been hidden away on the second layer this entire time whatever cut out this enormous geometric entrance had to be huge considering how hard it is to get tools down in the abyss I think this entrance was already there before and Raiders possibly illegal with foreign Raiders may have stumbled upon it the usage of it is not known right now but I I am intrigued [Music] [Applause] oh The Faraway Nest is mentioned by tepaste and cravoli as being their method of transportation down to the sixth layer as opposed to the typical altar of absolute boundary as neither to paste nor crawly or white whistles they couldn't use the ulcerer so of course an alternate transport would be needed Giro and Habbo had a conversation regarding to paste and cravely's plans and Jiro says that the Faraway nest and the Abyssal Shrine made him come up in children's games and are mentioned in Hari Omari song first I thought The Faraway nest and the forward Expedition party's findings were one in the same but the nest seems to connect down to the sixth layer unless this pentagonal Cavern has a shaft that leads all the way down to the sixth I doubt that these two are the same one theory is that the far away Nest is the nest of the sakawatari the sakawatati's tendency to appear every two thousand years could tie into whatever is going on with the Faraway Nest the shrine maiden and Hari Omari song as well as the dawn of the new age that banjo deludes to all notably have wide sweeps of curls in their hair which all have different tones pruska in particular was not born with this curly hair but instead it manifested after she took a few spills when affected by the fifth layer's curse ozin mentions how she Styles her hair to hide quote scars from her strains of Ascension which implies she's hiding some sort of skull deformity or horns underneath based on how her hairstyle looks the Subterranean band at elme were parked through the past day that Abyssal twist in your hair you don't get that unless you've been pretty deep right these special curls seem to be the results of deep diving juico or beast form is a term used by Nisha Gora at first after comparing reg to a sheru maina it's next using flashback from bondru to sarajo before the latter descends on her last dive if one were to believe the rumors with the exception of You Hell hex is said to be composed of juico invisible people destined to be tossed aside from the moment of their birth where did you collect them he also mentions that these juico are considered taboo and valuable certain fans have translated juice so to Beast form and it seems the writing directly translates to fauna at least when I Google translated it what juso really are where and how they originate and exactly what their value enthralls all remains to be seen Umi are a pair of twins that show up in a couple of side Pages at first they discussed the Abyssal language in the Beyond glyphs in the Giro Side Story there are two pages where mini talks to an unresponsive cherumi revealed to be a corpse asking if the immovable Sovereign will return and the later passes away reg is then seen in the sixth layer as Eternal Fortune petals and funerary tickets descend one reading sherumi returns to the abyss a somber moment possibly showing the twins passing to the birthday death disease however more confusingly once Rico and her crew meet up with strajo's hail hacks two new characters are revealed or perhaps re-revealed two members of hail hex are named cherumi and are dressed from head to toe in oversized Delver clothing to pass day when meeting reg asks nishikora if he's quote in the same boat and nishagora responds with just like Shadow maina and says that he's same as juso there's a lot to be theorized from these two kids who have barely shown up in the manga we presumably see the both of them pass away yet here they are in the abyss did ozen really return and shove these kids in the cursed repelling vessel to revive them or were their souls transferred to other bodies there's a theory floating around that red either contains Liza's or the dog Soul within him and that the true residence of the Golden City or whoever built the interference units made albades like reg in order to combat the abyss it's a pretty out there Theory but with Monet and cherumi reappearing down in the sixth layer there may be something to that theory glared creatures is a term that fapto uses in chapter 63. when Nisha Gora asks the kids if they believe in Souls fapta responds with Souls exists even new layered creatures have them this term could be fopta having interpreted to pass day on nishikora's shoulders as a sort of person with layers or it could also be connected to juso the quote form of the essential part is terminology that bailoff translated from the old Earth tribal leader upon seeing Waco's star Compass the motif of the spinning top or four-pointed star is seen elsewhere most obviously is Rico's star Compass which is almost identical to voicos minus Rico's having a little Arrowhead at the bottom the Cradle of Desire also has the spinning top shape deep within its core the unheard Bell could be seen as having the star shape on its very top and most surprisingly reg's cape has this shape painted on back before he ascended to the fifth layer this Motif reappearing on various relics and on the Cape of someone who's pretty much a relic leads to many questions especially because it's not on all relics what makes the star compasses the Cradle the unheard Bell and reg so essential star compasses supposedly point to the bottom of the Abyss or something that's down there the Cradle of Desire is a relic that grants wishes in a body horror monkey's paw result the unheard Bell supposedly stops time and reg well his most important feature is that he can cross players unlike interference units besides this star Motif on all of them I can't say what the through line here could be not until we have more information the Golden City is not ill blue as first thought the ganja core were on a mission to find Golden City after all unless they became some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy as I first thought when I watched the second season we've yet to find the true City item yui speaks of a marked people to vuaco when you become an adult in the village they draw patterns on your bodies like the ones the golden cities people had looking back on the villagers we can see that they're adorned with these striped markings on their faces and their bodies and you know who else had these markings [Music] the other cyborg unit that Reg has a flashback of in dawn of the deep Soul can also be seen to have these markings and at one point as reg is fighting Fuego recalls what edemui said and says he probably was that thing you talked about a true residence of the Golden City we could safely assume that these residents either painted their faces and bodies with these markings or were born with them I think it could also be said that these true residents were the ones who constructed at least some if not all of the relics considering that reg's cape has this form of the essential part on it they definitely had a hand in creating or manipulating him as well as the cradled compasses and the bell perhaps they created the altar of the absolute boundary which is said to be a religious structure could these true residents be curse resistant cyborgs having an immunity to the curse would certainly be helpful when constructing things did they create the curse or are they appeasing whatever created it well that was a lot um I'd like to thank you guys for sticking with me this far I've got basically brain worms from the series I keep thinking about it I had a dream thinking about what the next chapter could be I am so into these like fantasy ideas and these like weird mysterious worlds and this series like it's like it fit that hole in my heart perfectly there's so much to speculate there's so much to think about the characters are wonderful the art is wonderful I really wish the author wasn't such a weirdo that is the one part that like I gotta hold back when recommending this series or say like hey there's some okay I'm not gonna talk about that I'm gonna talk about the positives I'm sticking with this because I want to know what's at the bottom they're the way that the whole series is really draws you in and I think an iceberg is something like I've only seen one other person made an iceberg for this series and half the entries were joke entries and I thought like hey there's so much like actual interesting things about this series like why are you making jokes like there are it really frustrated me so I tried to do my best to assemble like all of the interesting tidbits about these I know that I probably left some things out but hey like if you can think of other entries like for me to talk about or talk about with me in the comments like I would love that I love hearing what other people had to say the response to my other video essay was delightful I loved hearing other people's opinions and then relating it to other media um just please be respectful um this is not a place to be like arguing or be hateful like if if I see one person like be weird or aggressive about what I said about maduke or nanachi in regards to their genders like I'm I'm just gonna delete your comments I'm not gonna give you the like any sort of second thoughts we are only about Good Vibes here on my channel even though we're talking about a series where uh you know a girl gets turned into a blobfish among other things yeah but thank you for watching this video um leave a like and a comment I want to hear what you think if uh my speculations seem pretty accurate or for their way off because like I keep reading discussions on Reddit like the stuff about the far away nest and the form of the essential part I got that from two different posts that like I didn't even think about it there's so much here that it just kind of flies by me so the more we collaborate on this the more it can then the more we can uncover the mystery yeah but uh thank you for watching and I hope you have a nice day so bye
Channel: darkvioletcloud
Views: 92,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, analysis, iceberg video, made in abyss, gaming, animation, iceberg meme, anime explained
Id: R66vmg-RK6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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