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if you were kidnapped and put into a death game with four brutal tests that you had to survive what would you do he may be dead but jigsaw still has a few tricks left up his sleeve and now he's going after one of his most coldblooded enemies yet this time it's personal so we're here to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the four chambers of death in saw six this insurance executive is about to find out what it's like to have your life in someone else's hands the first game begins as this woman Simone wakes up with a horrifying device strapped to her head terrified her first instinct is to get to her feet but that was her biggest mistake as she stands up she pulls out a wire from the back of her helmet that activates her half of the Trap locked in a Cell on the other side of the room is her coworker Eddie and she tries warning him not to move but immediately imediately he goes into a total panic and ends up activating his side too now that both players are awake a message from jigsaw begins to explain the rules of the game it turns out that Eddie and Simone here are predatory lenders and have been scamming people out of their hard-earned money through a repossession scheme on the table behind each of them are two knives and they'll be given only one minute to drop as much of their own flesh as they can onto a scale when the timer runs out whoever's given the most will to survive and the loser's helmet will activate killing them by piercing their temples with two large screws just like before Eddie instantly freaks out and he's ready to do whatever it takes to survive unfortunately for Simone he's literally got more meat on his bones so he starts cutting out big chunks of his belly and throwing them into the Chute tipping the scale to his side before Simone has made up her mind with time running out she decides that her only option is to sacrifice an entire half of her arm if she wants to live it's brutal but at the last second she's able to cut all the way through her arm and throw it onto the scale beating Eddie by just a small difference as the timer runs out the screws on Eddie's helmet squeeze through the sides of his head to kill him but Simone survives the test okay I've heard of things costing an arm and a leg but this is just ridiculous Simone here may have won the game and escaped with her life but her Victory came at a high price so it's probably worth assessing the situation from an outsider's perspective now as is often the case with jigsaws traps the real danger here didn't start until they both unintentionally activated the game in this case the Trap didn't start until both Eddie and Simone had gotten out of the chairs and pulled the pins from the back of their helmets this means that if Simone had only been more cautious before standing up then she may have been able to feel the wire on the back of her head and use the knife from the table behind her to carefully work away at it with any luck she might have actually severed the wire without pulling the pin and then she'd be able to move around freely without ever activating the trap in the first place even after Simone stood up there was still a chance that Eddie here could have done the same thing on his side but he made a deadly Mistake by immediately going into fight or flight mode instead of listening to her warning with that being said once the game was officially started each of them only had a limited time to figure out how they were going to survive we heard jigsaws explanation for what they were supposed to do but nobody wants to start cutting off their own body parts if they can help it so I'd want to save that option for my last resort you're going to have to be careful though because wasting too much time just gives your opponent an opportunity to get ahead let's start by taking a look at this helmet here since that's what's actually going to kill you when the timer runs out since it's not hooked up to anything else in the room this means that it must have been some sort of built-in power supply and it could be possible to use the knife to deactivate the mechanism either by damaging the gears or possibly by cutting through any of those several exposed wires without power the screws won't be able to turn and then you'd have plenty of time to focus on getting out of there it's worth a shot but chances are that damaging the helmet won't work out so I might also try using any object that I can find in the room to give myself an advantage for example after Simone here had already cut her arm off we see that there's a barrel on a cart tucked around the corner if you could fit it through the fence then it could be possible to use the pole that's attached to the cart to press down on the scale with your body weight and when the game without without needing to sacrifice a limb alternatively if that Barrel happens to be full of liquid then you could try puncturing it with a knife and using the rubber hose to drain the barrel out onto the scale using the liquid to weigh your side down if all else fails then I hate to say it but it looks like sacrificing a body part is going to be the only choice ideally you wouldn't want to have to lose an arm but it was pretty much the only way that Simone here was going to beat out Eddie after he'd already gotten such a Big Head Start and it might have actually been the better of their two strategies besides the knives the only other item that they were provided with was a tourniquet allowing them to manage their blood loss if they cut off a limb Eddie's strategy might have seemed less destructive but with no way to control his blood loss he could die in as quickly as 5 minutes from those injuries even if he had managed to win the game Simone on the other hand may have removed a more vital body part but this way she could tie off the artery and slow the bleeding down long enough for her to get help as far as technique goes Simone here applied the tourniquet pretty much perfectly keeping it high and tight above the wound near her armpit this should keep her alive long enough to get to the emergency room once she finds a way out of the test chamber this might sound crazy but now that the test is over Simone should try to get her arm back if she can since it might be possible to surgically reattach hatch it if she gets medical attention within a few hours with this plan in mind using the cleaver from the very beginning would have been a better choice because of the fact that it makes a cleaner cut and thereby makes it easier for doctors to replant the arm but escaping with your life and one arm still attached is much better than the alternative if that's what it takes to survive veteran detective Mark Hoffman arrives at the crime scene of the latest test where he's met by special agent Ericson of the FBI as well as Agent Perez who was believed to have been killed by a jigsaw trap several days before but is actually still alive to everyone's surprise they've found fingerprints at the scene belonging to their missing colleague agent stum they want to bring Hoffman in on the investigation but what they don't know is that STM is actually dead Hoffman here is the secret jigsaw accomplice that they've been looking for and he killed STM in a convoluted scheme to frame him for the crimes at every crime scene jigsaw would cut a small puzzle piece out of the victim's body but in this case something is different the forensic investigator noticed that the cuts on Eddie's skin indicate that the blade that was used had a serrated edge every other victim was cut with a surgeon's scalpel except for one the body of Seth Baxter who murdered Hoffman's sister and was actually his first victim before he became jigsaws accomplice they've decided to investigate the back ma tape to see if they can unscramble the recording and match it to stm's voice if this turns out to be true then they'll finally have enough evidence to confirm stm's guilt but Hoffman can sense that his colleagues are getting closer to the truth with every turn next up on the chopping block is William Easton an executive at an insurance company who's been making money by finding ways to revoke people's coverage when they actually need it the most while he's burning the midnight oil in preparation for a big legal battle he sees the silhouette of someone armed with a handgun approaching through the frosted glass window fearing for his life William grabs his own weapon from out of his desk and quietly sneaks around behind the person as they enter In the Heat of the Moment he fires a single shot into the intruder's chest only to realize that it was just the building security guard as he tries to get the man some medical attention Hoffman jumps up from behind him wearing a pig mask knocking William out with a needle full of sedatives before dragging him off for his test when he wakes up William finds that he's been placed inside of a terrifying Contraption with his body stuck inside of a giant Vice and an oxygen mask strapped over his face moments later a message from jigsaw begins to play explaining that over the next 60 minutes he's going to be put through a series of four tests all centered around his formula for deciding who should receive medical coverage he has four explosive Shack attached to each of his Limbs and if he should fail then the explosions will detonate blowing off his hands and feet to make matters even worse jigsaw has also captured his family and he'll need to reach the end of the maze if he ever wants to see them again across the room William sees that his janitor Hank is also strapped to an identical device the man is a smoker who hasn't kick the habit even though he suffers from high blood pressure and heart disease showing a lack of respect for his his own life with every breath they take the vice will clamp tighter around their chest until they've finally been crushed to death and the only way for either of them to survive is to Outlast the other okay I thought this was supposed to be a challenge but it looks like jigsaw set up slick Willie here for an easy win on this one instead of the usual Blood and Guts all that he needs to do is hold his breath for longer than the other guy and he has several factors working to his Advantage he might be a worldclass janitor but he's no worldclass athlete as far as I can tell as a matter of fact Hank here is a habitual smoker which means that he's naturally going to have decreased lung capacity and a higher heart rate giving him a clear leg up in the contest inside your lungs you have about 500 million small air sacks called alvioli these air sacks collect oxygen when you breathe in and release carbon diox oxide when you breathe out smoking damages the tissue in these air sacks by killing the cells over time and once the damage is done there's no way to fix it because unlike many areas of the body lung tissue doesn't grow back the worst that the damage becomes the harder that it is for the person to fully expand their lungs which leads to a decrease in lung capacity even if Hank here wasn't a smoker he's still about 10 years older than William at that age lung capacity naturally decreases as well and that's why my money's on William to win this with ease the average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds to just under 2 minutes It'll seem easy at first but after that 30 second Mark you'll probably start to feel pain in your lungs after 2 minutes your body will start trying to force you to take a breath and after 6 minutes if you can make it that long you'll pass out as your brain takes over and essentially forces you to do a hard reset so that you'll begin breathing naturally again most people including me until I was researching this video think that the reason why you can't hold your breath any longer is because you're running out of oxygen but this actually isn't true the problem is that you haven't been exhaling carbon dioxide and a dangerous amount is building up in your bloodstream once the levels within your body are too high your nervous system steps in forcing you to Exhale even if you're about to be crushed by a jigsaw trap although there are techniques to train for a better lung capacity unfortunately it looks like it's a bit too late for that but William can still give himself even more of an advantage if he's careful his best bet is going to be to take one more deep breath and after that it's all about willpower he needs to relax his body move as little as possible and try to stay calm in order to keep as low of a heart rate as possible whatever that he has to do do to avoid taking another deep breath for as long as he possibly can this should be a layup for William here but even if he makes it through he's still got three tests to go and the next ones won't be so easy now the first game begins and both Men start holding their breath for as long as they possibly can until they can't hold out anymore they each take a breath and the device slowly closes in around them but there's still a long way to go despite his natural advantage William here actually begins to lose but as Hank gets more and more injured he starts to panic gasping for air until the vice squeezes him so tight that it completely fractures his rib cage crushing him to death with that William is released having survived his first test as the lights in the chamber turn on William finds a key that releases one of his explosive shackles and begins following a trail of red arrows painted on the wall towards his next test with just over 55 minutes left on the timer meanwhile this woman Tara and her son Brent wake up in a cage that's somewhere else in the building the only other thing that's in there with them is a giant Container full of hydrocloric acid and it seems to be connected to the chamber's fire sprinkler system on the wall next to the container is a switch that offers them A Simple Choice live or die but they're too afraid to take action yet having no idea what any of this could even mean in in fact they're not the only ones who've been caged up this reporter Pamela here is also somehow connected to the game that's taking place and she's trapped in an identical chamber as well okay this is not a situation that you want to be in these people are trapped with less than 1 hour left on the countdown and they don't know what happens when time runs out but odds are that it isn't going to be good they need to get out of there as quickly as possible and the good news is that the key to their escape is is right there in the cage with them if only they can figure out a way to safely use it if they can get some of that acid onto the cage then they should be able to create a big enough hole to crawl through later Tara here is going to suggest this but immediately gives up when her son says that it's just too dangerous and while I'll agree with him that it's going to be risky it also seems like their best and only shot at getting out of there to me so I'd probably spend the next hour trying to come up with a way to do it now the reason why they need to be so careful is because hydropic acid is not only highly corrosive but also extremely poisonous symptoms of exposure to hydrofluoric acid include irritation to the Eyes Nose and Throat as well as severe burns and coming into contact with even a small amount can quickly turn fatal so needless to say scooping some of it up into your hands isn't going to work hydrofluoric acid can eat through many types of material in including human flesh but one of the few materials that's resistant to the compound is rubber so if either of them were wearing rubber sold shoes then they could try carefully collecting some of the acid into a shoe from the dripping pipe and then use it to create a hole in the cage that's large enough for them to escape it's going to be incredibly dangerous and there are no guarantees that it'll work but as long as they're extremely careful the only thing that they'll risk losing are their shoes so it's definitely worth a try further down the hall William comes to an area that was once an aquarium and sees that one of the tanks has two handles with the message take them at first he tries to ignore it and move on but the shackle on his wrist starts to Blink as if it's about to explode forcing him to turn back as he grabs hold of the handles the machine spins to life and jigsaws puppet comes swinging towards him across the chamber to explain the rules of the game on the other side of the the tank two of William's employees are standing on elevated platforms with barb wire wrapped around their necks to his right is Allan a young healthy file clerk with no close family and on his left is Addie a middle-aged woman with a complicated medical history but also a family who will suffer greatly from her loss only one of them can survive and it's up to William to make the choice the test begins and the two chains quickly start pulling William's arms apart panicking he Shout to the air about how he's not willing to make the choice but with every precious second that he hesitates the chains only pull further and further away until finally he begins to lose his grip at the last second William chooses to save Addie grabbing onto her side of the chain with both hands suddenly Allan Falls from his platform and swings across the chamber his lifeless body crashing into the glass on the other side Addie thanks William for saving her life but she's forced to find her own way out while he presses onward before leaving the room he finds another key to one of his shackles and William moves deeper into the maze knowing that he's only halfway through with just under 40 minutes left on the timer okay this was brutal William here was forced to choose between the lives of two relatively innocent employees and given no possible way to save them both the decision wasn't easy either because neither of the two workers had an obvious reason why William should morally choose to save them over the other on the one hand practically nobody would notice that Allan was dead while Addie here had a family that would miss her very much and could even come after William later down the line if they somehow found out that he was involved in her dad on the other it might seem harsh to say this but Addie had already lived a pretty full life while Allen still had a lot of life left ahead of him no matter how you looked at it the choice Choice was going to have severe consequences either way and it's not like either one of them was a truly terrible person who deserved what was coming to them like their boss here once the Trap was started there was no way for William to save them both the only thing that he could have done differently was to carefully check the trap out before he started it and possibly never start the game in the first place but this would have put his own life at risk if he wasn't able to move on with all that being said the conclusion here is that William and one of the employees were pretty much screwed from the minute that this test started and the only possible solution that I can think of is this once Allen's hands were released instead of standing there angrily glaring at William he could have quickly reached up and grabbed onto the barbed wire to stop himself from choking then he could have stuck his feet out in front of him as he swung towards the glass on the other side and with any luck possibly have broken straight through if he was able to hold on for long enough enough then he might have survived being pulled up to wherever it was that the machine took him but there's really no way to be sure as for William once the game had already started there wasn't a lot that he could do besides possibly Channel his inner liver King and Go full Primal mode to overpower the machine with nothing but his raw strength but let's be honest that wasn't going to work out if he wanted to make it fair maybe he could have just told the two of them to pick a number between 1 and 10 and whoever guesses it right or gets the closest gets to live it's definitely not the best solution I know but it works at least with this game William was never actually In Harm's Way himself but this isn't the last time where he'll have to choose who lives or dies and the next time it's going to be unimaginably worse on his way to the next chamber William notices a message written on his arm reading final decision he knows that it's referring to a time when jigsaw who he knew as John Kramer came to him desperately requesting coverage for an experimental gene therapy treatment that could have potentially cured the man's cancer after listening to John plead his case William responded that considering his age and the stage of his cancer it was already too late telling him that they wouldn't be covering his treatment and blaming the decision on company policy as he left his office John promised William that one day he'd pay for his callous actions and now it looks like that promise has finally come true entering the next chamber William steps onto an elevated walkway above a boiler room where he finds a tape player explaining the rules of the third test below him is his lawyer Debbie with a harpoon launcher strapped to her chest that's pointed straight at her head she'll be given 90 seconds to cross through a death maze to the other side of the room otherwise the Trap will activate when the timer runs out killing her William can help her make it across but the only way that she'll survive is if they both work together as the test starts Debbie here immediately begins to panic but William finally gets her to calm down and tells her what she needs to do after winding her way through the first test runs she gets to a point where there are bursts of hot steam blocking her path leaving her with no way forward William realizes that he can pull a lever to let her pass through but he'll be redirecting the steam directly onto himself as he does knowing that it's going to be incredibly painful he gathers his courage grabs onto the lever and holds out for a as long as he can Debbie makes it almost all the way through but he releases the lever before she's completely clear severely burning her leg in the process still a burnt leg is better than death and Debbie keeps moving until she comes to another steam trap this one lined with hot plates on the walls that will burn her even worse if she bumps into them to let her through William must pull another lever sacrificing himself so that she can get to safety it's working but just when she's almost to the other side Side William can't bear the pain any longer he's forced to let go of the lever causing Debbie to suffer more burns from the Steam and the hot plates despite her injuries Debbie finally makes it through to the end of the maze but there's more to this test than William thought by looking at pictures on the wall she realizes that the key to set her free is actually hidden inside of William's chest before he can even react the woman grabs a circular saw and rushes towards him deciding to cut the key out herself so that she can survive the test ends in an allout brawl with each of them fighting for their lives but William manages to hold Debbie off for just long enough that the timer runs out the Trap activates and sends a spike flying straight up through Debbie's head killing her instantly with the game finished the door out of the chamber opens and William is on to his final test but this one is going to be the most horrific of all okay this time it was out out of the frying pan and Into the Fire for Old Willie here and it looks like jigsaw is literally turning up the heat as usual it's hard to think straight under these conditions but our two contestants here were so busy panicking that they missed some easy opportunities to get through this clean in order to get Debbie to the other side of the maze safely William had to blow off some steam and put himself In Harm's Way to do it sudden exposure to hot steam can cause scalding which usually leads to first or second degree burn Burns and it's definitely going to be painful but not necessarily fatal prolonged exposure however can result in third degree burns which completely destroy the outer layers of skin and can even damage tissue all the way down to your bones third degree burns also destroy the nerve endings in the affected area so you won't actually feel a thing but unlike lesser Burns these can be fatal without medical attention all that is to say that for William and Debbie here to get through safely the the key was to minimize contact with the steam as much as possible from William's side he could have used an article of clothing like his shirt balled it up and jammed it inside of each of the pipes before pulling the lever that way he'd slow down how much steam was able to come through it once he could have also tried simply turning the opening of the pipe away from him or using anything in the room to his Advantage up there on the walkway when he first entered the chamber it seems like there was some kind of cart full of old hos and tools with a little creativity he might have been able to Loop one of these hoses around the lever on the pipe and then pulled on it to release the steam without having to stand directly in front for Debbie I get why she'd be willing to take out her boss to survive now that she'd made it so close to the finish line but clearly this was the wrong approach instead she could have tried to use the saw to cut some of the tubes from her trap instead hopefully disabling it with any luck there was also a shovel in the room where she got the saw which she could have tried to use to block the bolt or she could have leaned up against one of the safety railings on the catwalk placing the thickest part between the device and her head to possibly deflect the spike when it fired out as much of a scumbag as he is William here was even willing to try pulling the key out of his chest if she'd just given him a moment but Debbie jumped the gun and turned it into a death match and that was a huge mistake it's time to move on to the final test but before leaving William should take the shovel and circular saw with him because you never know when they might come in handy down the road meanwhile Hoffman here has secretly been observing the test the whole time but he's interrupted by a call from agent Ericson the other two agents have made an important breakthrough in the case and want him to come down to the office so that they can discuss something in person when he gets there Perez tells him that they've discovered something suspicious about stm's fingerprints the samples that they collected were were contaminated with a particular type of freon that went out of production back in the 9s and now they're trying to figure out if the substance was already at the crime scene or if St somehow brought it with him just then Erikson receives a call from their technician she's about to decrypt the backer tape revealing whose voice is really on it with Hoffman already knowing that he's one wrong move away from being caught back in the death maze William arrives at the next chamber where the doorway is painted with a huge huge red spiral inside he finds six of his most trusted employees chained to a spinning Carousel and they're all begging for his help when the carousel stops one unlucky employee at a time will be staring down the barrel of a loaded shotgun to save them he'll have to willingly reach into an incredibly painful trap and press a button that will stab a spike straight through his hand it's brutal and to add insult to injury he can only choose to save two out of the six okay this is the most deranged trap yet just like the aquarium test William's life isn't actually on the line but he's being forced to make an impossible choice in the past he's had no problem choosing who lives and who dies when the responsibility was diluted through a comfortable barrier of paperwork but here with the results of his decisions playing out right in his face how can he possibly pick just two out of the six to save and go on living with a clear conscience the optimal solution is obviously to try and rescue them all but time is running out from the moment that this game started and every moment that he wastes figuring out how to save them will only bring them all that much closer to death now the test only started when he entered the room through the main door so by going back and checking out the main area around it he might find the trigger mechanism and with any luck be able to deactivate it to stop the trap but this most likely isn't going to work out instead he could look for any junk inside of the room that might allow him to reach through the bars and sabotage the mechanism that fires the gun since this is a zoo there must be a way for the animals and animal handlers to get in and out of the cage if he can find the entrance and get inside then it might be possible to either quickly set all of the victims free or somehow stop the shotgun from working either by manually unloading the shells or by sabotaging the device that pulls the trigger if he'd kept the circular saw from earlier this would make things even easier because even if the entrance is locked he could have tried to chop his way inside and then use the saw to disable the shotgun or free them from their restraints unfortunately there's a good chance that saving all of them just isn't going to be an option which will mean that his only choice is to play by the rules in that case he could try using a shoe or some trash from somewhere in the room to push the button and at least prevent his hand from getting impaled if all else fails and there's no way to rescue everyone then he's going to have to decide who to save the only ethical way to do this is to remember what he can about their personal lives and try to pick two people whose family depends on them the most and whose death here would cause the most suffering to others it's not going to be easy and even after he's finished Williams still going to have one last challenge ahead of him that's going to be the most dangerous of all the game begins and the carousel stops on the first victim terrified he pleads for William to spare his life but William can't bring himself to do it and the man is killed as the Trap activates leaving five more to go the machine keeps spinning as the remaining victims aggressively argue their cases throwing each other under the bus at any opportunity just for a chance to survive until it finally comes to a stop on the second woman this time William reaches in and presses the button suddenly a spike pierces straight through his hand but the shotgun points towards the ceiling before firing the woman has survived but now he can only choose to save one more victim and there are still four lives on the line the machine keeps going until two more employees are dead which leaves only two more of them to go it's down to the last man in woman and the two of them are at each other's throats saying anything that they can to convince William why he should choose them over the other finally the carousel stops on the woman and William chooses to save her life impaling his hand again in the process with two victims saved the last man's fate is sealed and he's absolutely Furious knowing that he's going to die as the machine comes to a stop he curses William with his dying breaths telling him that he's always been a scumbag before the shotgun blows him away with the final test complete William thinks that his game is finally over but in classic jigsaw fashion he's about to realize that he's not safe just yet meanwhile Hoffman Ericson and Perez arrive at the lab where their technician is about to decrypt the backer tape uncovering the Killer's real voice for the first time Perez expresses her suspicions that stum was really innocent saying that the facts of the case just don't add up and the atmosphere in the room is tense as Hoffman realizes that the walls are closing in around him that's when Ericson tells him that the DNA evidence from stm's fingerprints show that he was already dead when they were placed at the latest crime scene just as the technician reveals that the voice on the tape has been Hoffman's all along they think that they have him right where they want him but in the blink of an eye Hoffman draws a knife from his pocket and slices open the side of Ericson's neck with one swift move before Perez can react he throws a cup full of scalding hot coffee straight in her face and jams cams a screwdriver into a power strip taking out the lights regaining her composure Perez draws her pistol and immediately opens fire but Hoffman grabs the technician and uses her as a meat Shield closing the distance he pins Perez to the wall and stabs her several times in the stomach before letting her body collapse to the floor with the three of them down Hoffman returns to his car where he grabs stm's severed hand from a cooler in the trunk back inside he plants stm's fingerprints all over the crime scene d the bodies with gasoline and strikes a match burning the entire place to the ground okay well that didn't work out like they planned they say that you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer but it looks like this time that just backfired pretty tremendously for our two FBI agents here when you manage to die twice in the same franchise that's a pretty embarrassing record to say the least and there's only one thing left to say Perez and Erikson you guys up let's be real they had Hoffman here just about caught red-handed from the very beginning after learning that the man who killed his sister was the only other victim besides Eddie who was cut with a serrated blade that was your sign right there that Hoffman couldn't be trusted they've been suspicious of him all along and Perez clearly had a good feeling that he was really the one responsible so why bring him to the lab at the most crucial moment where he could do something like this without even bringing some more security along with you or at least checking to see if he was armed bringing him in on the case just gives him more opportunities to deliberately sabotage things and make himself look innocent or Worse take out the only people who know the truth while their guard is down if they were even the tiny bit suspicious that he might be involved then the better decision here would have been to leave him out of the loop until they had all of the facts and keep a close eye on him in case he did anything fishy if they'd all been tailing him like they should have then they would have caught him in the ACT days ago and this this whole thing would have been over already somehow they lost the three-on-one while Perez even had a gun got themselves and an unsuspecting technician killed and let the bad guy get away that's what you call failing on every conceivable level when you let the killer get the jump on you even though you've had him dead to wrs the entire time Perez and Ericson you f up William makes it to the final chamber just as the timer runs out looking around he sees that he's locked in a caged room between Pamela on the one side and Tara and Brent on the other it turns out that the reporter is his sister but the others are the family of a man who he denied coverage to when he needed it the most effectively sentencing him to death and now it's time for him to finally answer for his crimes a TV comes on in Tara and Brent's room with a message from John offering them the chance to decide if William lives or dies the man and his sister beg them to spare his life but Tara here isn't convinced stepping to the cage she tells William that she isn't going to kill him for Revenge she's going to kill him so that he can never hurt another family ever again as she puts her hand on the kill switch Tara realizes that even after everything William has done she still can't kill him but her son says that he can stepping forward Brent flips the switch a Contraption made out of dozens of needles swings down from the ceiling and injects William's body full of hydrofluoric acid melting him from the inside out until he's finally cut completely in half while Hoffman was away Jill broke into his observation room to complete the final step of her husband's plan the moment that he sits back down at his desk she stuns him with an electrical device that's attached to his chair with Hoffman unconscious Jill straps him down to the chair and places jigsaws classic Revenge bear trap device over his head when he wakes up Hoffman realizes that he only has 60 seconds left to live thinking quickly he smashes The Mask down onto his hand as hard as he can breaking it enough to slip out of the restraints once he's free he tries disabling the mask with a screwdriver but it's no use at the last second he jams his face through the window on the door using the bars to stop the Trap from completely opening somehow the plan works and although he's been badly disfigured it looks like Hoffman here has just passed his ultimate test saw six cool not that bad interesting traps and hey the legacy of Jigsaw lives on but let us know down in the comments below what you would have done thank you so much for watching leave a like And subscribe and check out the how to beat playlist for more videos just like this one oh yeah and have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 466,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, among us, trailer, trap, traps, laugh run feature, saw, saw trap, saw 6, saw x, saw vi, john kramer, jigsaw, jigsaw killer, saw traps ranked, saw traps reaction, saw 6 full movie, saw 6 reaction, saw 6 review, saw vi full movie, new saw movie, how to beat saw, how to beat saw traps, Kevin Greutert, Costas Mandylor, Tobin Bell, Mark Rolston, Shawnee Smith, Peter Outerbridge, Athena Karkanis, Betsy Russell
Id: TjR8iIj1lbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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