How To Beat EVERY Rec Room Quest!

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hello everyone today we're going to be showing you all the tips and tricks for how to be every quest in rec room if you find these tips helpful and you want to show your support in rec room simply click on my profile in-game and hit that support button or enter code terra in your watch if you need further instructions or information on any of the things we're about to show you and these quest run throughs be sure to leave us a comment down below and we'll get right back to you now let's get started with the first quest which weapons would you advise that people grab in golden trophy if they want to win obvious choice would be bow and arrow if they could learn how to double shot then they'll be golden as long as they keep practicing i always use two swords two swords isn't bad either i would say it's a little fun but in terms of like speed i would say bow and arrow for sure the first level there's nothing really to say about it you only have this spawn this set of goblins and then the later set down there they're easy to take out see just those two you could stand on these little boxes if you really needed to they can't reach you while you're up here just like that guy then for this level there'll be some flyers over here and then after you kill these two move on there will be four more that spawn up ahead but one of them will spawn right here behind you so you have to make sure to not forget about him and the pots you can grab pots while double shooting it's annoying just got these two and then for this part to make it easier you can spawn the enemies and then just bring them back over here instead of having to deal with all the craziness inside it makes makes things a bit easier for sure and the flyers they only aim at your face yeah these two goblins back here pick those up gotta get some shots of me being a gucci gamer yeah i help so for this level you can probably see the big boulder right here i don't know if anyone really uses it because i know i don't but you can just push this bad boy down and it'll one shot everything or you just run with it that works too you'll get spawns down there and after you take those guys out you'll get three more flyers in the back over here i can handle those ones and it's just all straightforward from here just deal with the goblins as they come if you smash the pots you get higher chance of getting s rank yeah but in golden trophy it's like impossible to not get a string i would say all right as long as you don't die like 20 times and for this one the two hallways on either side if you walk too far into either of them they'll spawn two extra goblins on top of what you already have to deal with so i try not to spawn them and i just stay in the middle then for the barrels neat little trick with the barrels you can kill them with a pot [Music] you can also kill the barrels with your enthusiasm with your swords yes you can scream at them and intimidate them insert battle cry now for this one if you don't want to deal with the left side you can go the right side and you don't have to kill stuff on the left side i've always been told stick to the right and this guy wants to say hello and so does this one don't they know we're in the middle of explaining how to kill them more efficiently for this part you can always just run back if you want or if you have a bow and arrow i don't think we're getting us ranked you can knock you can knock them down so maybe i should be getting all the pots i can make like link and destroy all the pots this is the reason we take the right side so we can go up to here shoot some arrows if i can oh there i hear the goblins and for this part you can spawn spawn the red goblins and then run away okay and then you can make them all come to you i messed up earlier i didn't get all the goblins to remedy that you can just creep up the side right here and then just shoot an arrow get their attention and that's the level complete as long as you don't trigger the other goblins if you have a bow and arrow you can just stand on a bookshelf and just kill everything kill the flyers first of course because they can still shoot at you but once they're done you can just kill everything else because i can't reach you i should probably take my own advice i have to get a few shots of me being somewhat good at the game so it doesn't look like i'm filming you soloing this and for this level you can trigger them and you can just like stand right up there you can deal with the flyers they're just green ones so not too difficult i say all these little tutorial helpful hints and tricks yeah we don't do any of them just jump down and kill things well i mean if you've played it 500 times then you can afford to break the rules for this part a red goblin can there's a chance a red goblin will spawn behind us for this guy i like to duck into this little like hallway here and then i wait for him to go by and then i just hit him in the back yeah i used to do that too yeah now i just bring the pot because when you hit him with a pot it stuns him for like two seconds and i just shoot arrows until they die [Music] and for that level i just recommend enthusiasm and blind luck this level is also a bit chaotic for my advice if you really want to take it low and slow you can always just run back into here when the barrels show up you'd want to take those out as soon as possible obviously but i would want to go for any red flyer you see if you have a bow and arrow shoot them once and then deal with a barrel or something because they will get stunned and fall to the ground if they're flying over the lava you can just shoot them with an arrow and then those fall into the lava and die let's do it though the rest of it you just gotta rely on some skill one thing i was gonna say that helped me get better at quests especially because i used swords it does matter how hard you hit them irl i think yeah yeah yeah so i think so too when i first started i was like but now i'm just like and then for the boss level a very popular strategy it it works some people don't like to to do it for whatever reason you can have a single double shielder when they get up to the boss the boss will only focus on them so that you can have someone with a bow and arrow or a crossbow just on the side hitting them in the back yeah and the person as we'll demonstrate the person with two shields has to also not just go up to them randomly with two shields you have to kind of block yourself while also kind of making a motion like clockwise or counterclockwise hitting him yes like hitting him a little bit kind of hitting him and doing this as we will demonstrate and that's how you win golden trophy this looks like golden trophy but it's crimson cauldron the way you can tell the difference is the boom sticks the wands over there ah yes do you recommend these weapons i would never use these in my life that's just asking for friendly fire to happen yes i'll stick with my swords right behind this little stereo system right here you can grab a potion of double damage and obviously boost all your damage and you can use this to speed run through the first level which i will attempt to show um the thing about crimson too is that you always want to utilize the potion gives you double damage so drink them where possible especially if they're like soloing the quest they feel the need to like save it for later and they just never use it the double damage potion also hits through shields well i guess hitting them normally does damage them too but for the barrels you can shoot them wherever and they'll still take damage second level tips the one thing i can probably say about the second level is that you can always just spawn them and then run back so for this part you can literally spawn whatever you want over here it can't cross these trees right here there's like an invisible wall and even the flyers won't get over it and they'll just all sit there and wait for you to kill them i always run into the house and i drunk a potion really quick here that's my mad strat drank up and then what i like to do is go back into the cabin drink another potion because there's going to be another round of enemies and this part is interesting because there's going to be multiple spawn points they will spawn if you run to the left here they will spot around that corner but then they will also be spawning in this corridor here don't run ahead of your teammates because there's so many more spawn points just handle the ones that are in that room and then slowly move forward and don't try to revive people that are dead in a horde of goblins because then you'll just die yourself i'm the worst for that most of the time but also don't try to not revive so often someone will get down and they just ignore it they're like oh someone else will get them whatever and also before you know it you're the last person and everything is on your shoulders and that's impossible because there's so many enemies spawned smashing pots and crimson is important that will help you to s-rank yes or a better rank in general lead you to success i don't think there's much to say about this part of the level except make sure your teammates are still alive and that you're not running too far ahead or for this part of the level i should say there's two different spawn points where'd you go i'm up here there's two different spawn points in this spot right here when you pass right here it spawns goblins on either side of this little room or this little area but if you walk towards the tree in this area it'll spawn goblins behind you and flyers as well also there's three or four goblins that spawn up on that platform there so you either need a bow and arrow to take them out or to run up alongside and then jump over if you have swords i like swords on this part i feel like it's better than having a bow and arrow uh is that on oh oh geez so obviously there's a thing right now where the goblins they can sometimes spawn aggroed and they'll just chase you at the beginning of the level otherwise you wait for there's a horn that goes off and then more spawn right here and then it's just chaos if you kill goblins that shoot projectiles before the projectile hits you it won't kill you most of the time there's also potions in the middle of this one at the campfire and it's good to drink those before the initial spawn behold the potions good idea to drink those during this level they will help you out a lot you can just see i'm slicing through the goblins like butter with the double potion there's also barrels you can shoot up here that'll kill everything around them too if you hit them you have to be careful too when you're with those barrels and crimson because if you even hit them with your sword it'll disarm you and send your weapon flying we're trying to do the intro to this level of bad goblins all right so obviously to take them out you can smack those orbs back with the sword a potion or a pot and that's the only way to take them out all right so next part of the level we got two cannon guys to deal with yes it's unfortunate because i don't have a bow yeah but there's a crossbow right here the rec room universe provides you with everything that you need there might be more spawns up here yes there absolutely are i'm down i'm not down anymore okay sorry i should focus oh i have my camera out i almost saved you this guy was right behind you okay anyway you were mentioning these goblins that spawned back here they don't spawn until you reach towards the end of the stairs down here so a lot of people tend to forget especially if you're used to running ahead and you probably never deal with these goblins i would imagine you don't even know they exist and for this part nothing spawns until you hit right here so there's a barrel that can spawn up ahead on the way to the next area sometimes he's there most of the time he's probably not i don't know what the chances are but sometimes he has a chance of showing up there's the barrel guy there he is for the next part if you have a bow and arrow you can shoot that barrel next to that cannon goblin over there and it'll just kill him because he's within range and then for the two up here the little barricade that's up there with them your arrows won't go through them but their cannons will go right through it so you have to be careful about that because they'll still hit you regardless even if you can't hit them the rest of the level is kind of chaotic and the spawns are all over the place let's demonstrate either what to do or what not to do depending on how this goes take care of the guys up here first i don't know how to get that guy without a bow and arrow actually you can climb up there oh i didn't know you could the next part is where things get a little hairy if you just have swords so bounce around like a bunny with your bow and arrow or your wand so that the goblins don't get you if you find that your weapons aren't working drop it and pick it back up because that might mean your weapon is glitched for whatever reason rec room nuances this part is definitely made for people that have a bow and arrow now if you are new to crimson you might not realize how to get over this part you don't need to use these stupid things because they're hard to use and hard to throw um you could just climb up the rock right here just spam the jump button and then you can jump all the way over here just make sure you don't short the jump and then you have a lot of pots to smash on this side which is very satisfying you will want to grab one of these to throw right in between here i see i'm so bad at throwing this [Music] it's okay there get it also also possibly can't fall if one of your teammates does not make it over and you have to go back and save them then you can just throw one of those in between so that you can make it back so for this next part as soon as you reach the other side on that little bridge area over there they'll spawn a cannon dude immediately next to you and then three flyers behind you to the side of you like as soon as you get over there so you have to deal with those what i like to do as someone who does use swords is i wait for everything to spawn then i go to the far end of this level in the corner there and i'll take out all of the purple orb which ones and all the other flyers that i can take out from there i will not as a sword person stand in the middle of all of this chaos it's just not worth it so let the person with the bow and arrow take care of it yes and then if you ever get overwhelmed you can always just trail back here because the ground goblins can't chase you obviously and the flyers are going to be over there so you can just easily step to the side and dodge them so i'll just run to the very end here i usually get myself into trouble but not always back here you're gonna get a mixture at this point of the ones that have the purple orbs and just regular flyers that are trying to kill you so i try to take care of these ones first while keeping an eye on everything else nobody said crimson was easy peripheral is key and be looking around don't just be looking at one thing okay so bog monster tips oh yeah there's a bow right here all the ranged people this is like this is all arranged only i mean there is a chance you can jump on top of the bog and hit him with swords but you're just going to die either way provide you some bows over here there's some wands up there that you can use there's a wand and crossbow in the beginning of this level you can use and then there's double damage potions that you can use to make this go a lot easier and a lot quicker for the tentacles they basically act as cannon goblins so they'll shoot where you were not where you're going so if you're at the edge of wherever it is you're shooting them from all you have to do is just move to the side and they won't get you unless you're like right in front of them then they'll get you so to trigger the bog monster all you gotta do is step on this oh because you think you killed everything oh stepping on the platform triggers him i didn't know that like climbing up there is usually a good tactic for people so for the mind levels there's something that a lot of people call the fog poison gas whatever you want to call it basically watch where you're walking yes so if you take a closer look at it you'll notice that it's coming out of the pipes so i like to think of it as like steam like steam leaking from the pipes because we're in the mines yeah but that wouldn't kill you so i call it poison gas a prop goblin wouldn't kill you in real life either fair point so most people make the mistake in these levels of running ahead and not looking for where the steam is coming out from but that's crucial because you will die immediately for this part there's barrels that you can shoot to kill them kill these guys first and don't mind me disarming myself like five times i like to drink a potion then hop down and i usually get friendly fired but it's just so satisfying to kill everything double potions against the barrel guys very effective there's also a poison gas here so watch out for that this first part this first part of this quest or this level i mean as you can probably hear there's a ton of steam pipes or mist or poison gas or whatever you want to call it and it might seem random at first but once you stop and take a look at where the steam is happening you'll know where to avoid it and when and then once you get past that point there's going to be a ton of red enemies a red barrel and some red goblins up ahead and there's a barrel that you can shoot it's easier with a wand because it's basically like a shotgun but if you shoot it with a bow and arrow then it'll just kill all the enemies up there and you won't have to worry about them so this steam it only comes this way so you can just go around it or you can go through it and for this part i prefer this side going through that side is difficult this side you only have to worry about this pipe which goes on both sides and then there's a barrel well i missed it the first side but i got it the second time as you can see it makes it a a whole lot easier to take these guys out because otherwise you have to run back into that probably and that's not a good time so what would your main tips for this one be so for the first half of this level well after this point there's a lot of barrels down there that you can stand on top of and no flyers spawn until you take out the barrel that's on the far end so you can deal with the first barrel you can deal with the barrel that's just chilling over there next to the explosive barrel you take all those guys out just sitting on top of those barrels and yes you can see there's barrels everywhere where'd my pokemon go and then let me just there will be barrel guys right away too you'll notice that what what let's do chaotic turtles you'll notice that they can't hit you while you're up here so you can just hang out oh yeah that's true for you with the bow that is very true and use the barrel to your advantage nothing else is going to spawn back here after this so i might as well use them while you can i always shoot the barrel when the red flyers come out because it makes things a whole lot easier my way of explaining things makes it sound like i just stand here and wait for you to clear the room then i wait for him to clear this part of the room and then i move forward and then i take two steps forward so this is how you beat crimson just bring someone along is really good at it and then you don't have to worry there's this corner here that i was talking about don't stand here don't ever stand there bad things happen over there even if you have swords you can honestly get a couple of the goblins even if they're fliers this is why you don't stand in that corner there's like constant enemies coming out including like three barrel guys at once and then all these guys oh it's very rare to have like a hero moment there mainly just ends in death having a score of like around 250 or higher means that you have a chance of getting s strength 260 or higher means you pretty much will get s-rank unless you just die like five or six times by the time you get to the boss which i hope doesn't happen for this level i feel like the most important thing is to have one person go up the stairs and one person stay down and i mean if there's a whole team of people then i have a couple people stay down a couple of people go up because there's gonna be spawns down here for a bit and then the spawns are gonna be on the stairs for the most part but lower down and higher up so that's why it's good to have people be kind of spread out on this level as you can see and then all you have to do is climb up yep that's all the enemies for this level yay for the boss if you have two swords you can do it with one sword too but i enjoy it with two swords if you're close enough to the boss you can just foil your your swords right in front of them you know act like it's hitting the orb over and over again so it'll just take them out right then and there and then if you have teammates doing the same thing it'll glitch out once per teammate i'm pretty sure so if they're all all three of you are flinging your swords at the boss it'll act like it got hit three times because all three of you guys kind of like watch it out a little bit but for most normal people just focus on the back and forth of this and when the enemies spawn three hits it's three hits but when the enemies spawn i feel like our focus now is not the enemies but rather the witch goblin i like this corner personally because i have good peripheral and nothing can really get me obviously the enemies are gonna still come up the stairs and stuff so have good peripheral and make sure you're watching that purple orb and getting enemies as they come towards you but don't go like rogue and start running around trying to kill everything in the room that's what i used to do and it's not the fastest or most efficient way of doing things thanks broski of course oh i mean we almost got a s rank but considering i was filming and explaining and stopping every five seconds i think a-rank is still pretty good when starting out with the jumbotron quest if you don't glitch any weapons in you'll have the option of the ar or the pistol if you can glitch weapons in you can glitch in either the shotgun or the railgun whichever you prefer i i prefer the shotgun so it deals a lot more damage if you can't i would recommend the pistol because it deals more damage per bullet you can spin it in the air to reload it and it stuns all kinds of mob types even the elite bots if you didn't know that the ar is just a steady stream of bullets that'll friendly fire everyone in your lobby even if you are careful because those bullets they travel for quite a long time yeah i would just not recommend the ar also to glitch in the weapon you would put the gun that you want on your back in the lobby wait until the game starts yeah for for me the timer as soon as it hits zero i wait like half a second after it hits zero and then i put it on my back so tips for the first level my main tips would be to hide behind all the cover that you see over here because with these flyer bots they do aim at your head but they'll randomly shoot behind in front above or below you so you can choose to dodge in a certain direction and that bullet happens to travel in that direction so you can always opt to hide behind stuff until you hear that third bullet like get fired because then they wait a few seconds and then they shoot again they will track your head to the cover and they'll shoot at where they last saw you so if you go out somewhere else they'll have to re-target and to shoot you again this is complicated stuff okay my tips for the first level would be stay next to your teammates don't die my yeah my tips are always very rudimentary like if you're not good at it just stick next to everyone else and you'll be fine also headshots do double damage if you didn't know that headshots to the bots are a chance to really fight yes no because i'm like do bots have heads like the the flying ones are all just face they don't have bodies so if you if you shoot the screens the red the red and purple screens it deals double damage helpful tips for the second level as soon as you crawl all the way up there past those little barricades they'll spawn their ground bots and then what you can do is you can stay in the back over here and just shoot at them and try not to shoot your teammates in the process if they start to move up forward then just stop shooting and wait to see where they're going before you start killing things again but it's better just stay back here when you're initially wiping out this first wave of enemies all you need to know about jumbotron in one sentence stop friendly firing your teammates so we're here obviously just sitting back chillaxin well i might go up a little farther now there's gonna be my spots i think yes for this part as soon as you pass this barricade right here it spawns the my spots and then as soon as you walk past this part right here this open doorway it'll spawn the flyers voila the flyers and more my spots from that direction in case nobody knows about it there's a shotgun hiding on this little box right here they can pick up and when it comes to the my spots you can actually jump up here it's a good spot to hide from them the best thing to do with my spots is to just find high ground because they'll still explode and give you points for it but they won't deal damage to you but if you're a little farther down like this sometimes they'll crawl over each other and be just high enough to explode and kill you then for this part my route i like to go on the right side because the two spawn on the right and then i can circle around there's also barrels in this level that you could strategically shoot to kill a bunch of enemies or you can hide in them i've heard yes if you hide in them you won't take damage i don't know if that applies for my spots as well because i've never done it myself but i know if they try to shoot at you it'll hit the barrel instead and obviously won't damage you for this part i like to just take high ground and stay on the crates because there's more of my spots on this one too the my spots spawn from over there in that corner and they also come from that direction yes after you take out first wave of flyers they will spawn from this little vent over here and then once you take out the ground bots they'll spawn from this little vent over here on this part avoid the lasers yes and if you didn't know you can help out your teammates by blocking off the lasers with your weapons my strategy for this part is always to grab a few grenades and just start hurling them yes throwing grenades very effective obviously just like any other part of any of the levels in this quest you can spawn them and just run back there's always stuff to hide behind i feel like half the battle is just memorizing the spawn points really so i see you have two shotguns well thank you for noticing you can dual wield shotguns and to reload them you throw one in the air reload the other and then catch it on the way back and obviously when you're first starting out you might throw the gun a little high and then catch it but as you get used to it you can do it a lot faster and kill more stuff a lot quicker so for this these ground bots will spawn first and then don't walk too far into the level because otherwise it'll spawn a wave of flyers behind you and that's not what you want so for this level since it can get chaotic you just trigger the initial spawns which will trigger everything else and you can run and hide back in this room behind these little barricades and stuff and just let them come to you i just remembered another jumbotron tip that helped me when i was new that's to not just stand in one spot it's not like other quests where you can kind of just take your time the bots will find you so you always want to keep moving just left to right and dodging their bullets so for this level this is where you'll first find the assassin bots the thing about those guys and you'll see it later is that they're pretty much tanks they're like a wobba fett from pokemon they have the big body that takes all the hits and you have to hit the little electrical icon in the back to actually do damage to them ars and pistols will take a long time to kill them whereas if you dual wield shotguns or railguns they'll just take them out like nothing if your teammates have all the shotguns i'll show you where to find some more yes there is one in this level here on a sludge and then if you go into this armory here there's some more weapons to help you out tower get acquired then there's gonna be my spots that spawn from over here the my spots will spawn from either of these three hallways well they always spawn but to spawn them you have to walk into the hallway like so if you don't like the shotgun at least use it in this level that's my motto and i can show a helpful trick for this one as well you can kill them in one go if you shoot me already target me after they shoot they'll be stunned for a few seconds there's numerous strategies for this level so the safest strategy just like the previous three levels you can trigger the spawns and then hide in this room back here because you have these little shields and deflectors then for this level to spawn enemies you'll have to push the button in the spaceship to trigger the cutscene and everything when you're on a team people can be in the spaceship and people can be on the mat at the end of the level i don't know who our tutorial is directed at is it directed like the one person who gets in a public lobby and they're trying to figure out how to beat it is it for like four people who are trying to actually beat this together i have no idea a little bit of column a little bit of column b it's for each individual to get better at the game true including me because i'm learning so much as i'm even talking about this and breaking down the level me too you haven't learned a thing all you've learned is that i'm really bad at this and that i won't let the love for my ar die so this level you cannot hear your teammates so what you have to do is have a sense of teamwork some of the shotgun should take out those guys right away but everyone always rushes ahead here and more will actually spawn right here so don't go too far because i gotta take out a few more the other thing is you won't necessarily hear people getting down in this level so you have to visually look to make sure your teammates aren't down you may not hear the sound you might just be too caught up and you might miss it things are okay on this first part here but in the second part there will be a lot of purple bots that spawn and anyone who knows what those are knows that they're a real pain oh yes if you need more weapons there are some shotguns in there so for this next part here the purple bots will come out and you really want to be strategic with your use of the barrels like that it will get rid of them almost right away and then another wave of enemies will spawn and there you go easy peasy all right so you just walk forward you see the light shine hide in the back just deal with the elite flyers i honestly find the elite flyers a lot easier to deal with than the regular ones do you shoot the barrels in this level and if so when i do i save so so i save the barrel that's over here for the elitebots and stuff like that when you walk past around like this barricade over here it will trigger the first wave they'll spawn one elite bot but if you walk farther and get to the ramp down there it'll spawn two elite bots so sometimes if you're with like a good group or you're confident enough you can trigger both of those spawns run back wait for them to hit this barrel and you can shoot the barrel and it'll wipe them all out i could try to demonstrate it we can see how that works oh yeah i see what you mean then you just shoot that barrel yeah that one shots everything makes life a whole lot easier that is very efficient yes and for this part i like to save this barrel for that purple flyer that purple guy there is always a nuisance and that one my spot always gets stuck bless his heart it's so true if you wait till there's until they shoot then they get a little bit stunned and then you can shoot them in the back so for this level what you want to do is you can run past these little barricades right here to trigger the first wave of flyers and there'll be two elite purple flyers among them what you can do is you can hide back here this is a really good safe spot like pretty much most of the levels in jumbotron you can hide in the back and get away with it as long as you hit them if you keep missing obviously you'll get hit eventually you can glitch into the wall gear and conceal yourself as with the boss level but it's not recommended because glitches are against the rules and if you use them you could be banned so yes quick disclaimer the main takeaway is don't run ahead and don't fully fire your teammates and always revive them as quick as you can this level and the next part is just extreme version of that do not run ahead stay back there's also the barrels i never know when to shoot the barrels in this level because i know they can make your life barrels i save that middle group of barrels for the three elite ground bots that spawn later the barrels to the left i save for the flyers and the barrels on the right sometimes the assassin bot spawns there so i just shoot it and it just insta kills it this is why it's also good to tag teams stay close to another teammate in this part because you get down so easily here that i feel like it's a good strategy and i feel like having one person run ahead spawn the enemies and run back is another good strategy for this part to spawn this next group you have to walk right here for this part of the level there's an initial many rounds of my spots so it's best to find high ground and encourage your teammates yes yes yes and then if you're feeling uncomfortable with this next part you can always spawn it and then run back over here and just wait for them to come through this hallway which we're gonna do because we're uncomfortable with this next part okay so i'll trigger them and then run back this part you just wait for him to come to you i'm still scared next door i'll spawn the next one and i will be on high ground just when you think the my spots are over with there will be more they always spawn more yeah i got some of them there's always like one lost nice spot let's get them and then for the next part there's gonna be a lot of assassin bots so good time to get your shotgun out you can use the barrel strategically as well watch this what's this because you have these two barrels so well he wasn't close enough whoops either way it will it will help to use the barrels for the boss divide and conquer the screens is your best strategy if two people yes uh go to opposite ends one behind the crate on the left side and one behind the plastic shield thing on the other side then usually you can take out the screens don't so much worry about the enemies just try and get the screens first and jumbotron's the only boss that will trail you when he's shooting at you so if you're running in a direction he'll shoot in front of you so you have to run stop dodge and then run again alright let's demonstrate this is my first time coming into this corner i know i usually go to the other corner i used to come to this corner but get ready and as soon as you see the screens do you want to start shooting yeah yes i preemptively fire just to be safe you can see his health bar at the top there but so he's on the other side taking the other two screens i like to alternate my fire between the two screens just so that they both die at the same time and then you'll see enemies start to spawn but just ignore them and just take out the scripts just like that and then you don't have to worry about the enemies just do it quickly before everything gets a little crazy and that's how you beat jumbotron when you spawn in this room when i first started playing i didn't know this but there's a stool right here and then you can just use it smack that lock right off now for aisle some people i've noticed think that the coins are in relation to your like rank but they're not the coins are separate there's an invisible combat rank that you have that determines what rank you get at the end for the items i just like collecting the treasure treasure will get you things in the gift shop so and that's the only place you can get the black scallywag outfit and then for stools you can throw them at the enemies to kill them and you can holster weapons on your back too in case you didn't notice yes of course there's another one you just block wait till they lean backwards and then you can strike them and they won't yes when they it's basically you parrying them and then you can knock them out right afterwards they'll just block you yeah forever and then for here you don't need to light up this cannon to move into the wall you can just go straight through the bookshelf now we just clear out the rest of the enemies you can also hit them on the way down because they're not attacking or anything or blocking so you can just smack them now for the next part it's my favorite because there's frying pans and they're a one-hit kill and they can kill five enemies before falling apart i got you broski up here it can get a bit chaotic especially in the bar fight area yes then for these guys you can catch you can catch the jugs i feel like i'm not qualified to attempt that i don't recommend using these they can easily backfire on you unless you're a pro they can kill your whole team yeah for this part you have to always be moving because of that jug guy this is where a lot of people die yes so what you can do for the bar fight area is once you trigger the spawns in there they're just going to keep spawning until you like take out the waves and then it'll spawn the next wave i'm pretty sure so all you can do is you can just run back here and then obviously the bottle throwers can't hit you from over there and then you can easily take care of the sword skeletons too so you can just wait for them back here if you really want to be careful about it more jugs and catch them down here and take all those guys out i failed i'll come get you i'm simulating the junior account on the public lobby during this tutorial wait for them all to come to me and hear them my main tip for aisle would be to keep replacing your weapons because the pirates are always dropping new ones and when they get kind of shabby like that then they're about to break so try to keep as many swords on you as possible put them on your back you know carry two because they're always getting broken you can give tips for this level as you go if you want because i know it's a bit chaotic so for this one be careful of those guys up there because as long as they start their throwing animation they'll throw something at you yes so even if you get close to them and they hit the wall with a jug the jug will still explode and kill you for the kin i would say just use it a bit get a feel for it you can duck behind it if they're trying to shoot you because just like in jumbotron the enemies in this quest aim for your head as well so as long as you move your head they won't hit you and then for this part i would recommend nobody immediately running to the other side of the boat because they'll get hit and then these are my favorite weapons so yeah so shoot it once it won't shoot again you can spin in the air then i'll shoot again or physically pull this handle if you're not good at throwing that yes yes you can do that too but there's only two shots in each splint lock so you have to use it wisely and also about this part if you get too close to the boat or the curtains it'll kill you so don't do that the thing with flint locks head shots will one shot every enemy in the quest but it takes two body shots to get them so always aim for the head to get the most value for your gun [Music] if you can get good aim with these flint locks you'll be golden for this whole quest i think i knew about the headshots thing but now that i hear it again it makes sense and i just did better on that level than i typically do so shooting yeah aiming for that try to aim for the head they have big fat faces so it's a lot easier to hit them how insulting this next part is my least favorite in the whole quest i feel like this part is crazy very complicated so i don't know what tips it can be but um for this one if you really want to take it easy you can spawn them and then just wait back here even if you see them like through the railing because they can't shoot through this i know there's big holes all over it but they can't shoot through it there's also enemies up in the tower which is good to take out them first because that one's a bottle thrower so there's a little secret area up there there's two ways to get up there the correct way is through this side because they have little platforms for you over here to climb on i have never show off your epic what i didn't know this was a thing you used to be able to pick these drinks up and after that update you can't do it anymore i would say this is the hardest level in the entire quest easily the first part is easy because you just wait for those guys to throw a bomb at you and then you curl it back at them twice and it kills them for this part you can always just spawn them and then run back here but there's just no easy way to put it you just gotta go in there and kill everything and try not to die in the process yes and then don't stick close together cause sword skeletons and then a jug skeleton spawns on top of that bridge they can take out both of you if you're close enough at the same time so stay close but not too close you'll get these two bottle throws first you're at the end when you're dealing with these guys you can always take them out with a joke too it doesn't have to be their bomb here's a here's a pro tip oh no never mind what's the pro tip as you can see don't worry about falling you can't fall between those another i fell and that is obviously not true at all yeah you can still fall through them two more of those like bomb skeletons will spawn down here and you can just take those jugs and just throw them at them so nothing will spawn when you come right here the only thing they'll spawn is when you go to like that second floating box to like that middle island part and you'll get two skeletons on the right side and once you take those two out they'll spawn these skeletons on the left side and there's two waves of them up there and then for this part you can preemptively kill some skeletons from over here so you can just walk up here it'll spawn the bottle and the jug thrower up on top i meant you can take them out from here yep my aim is trash good thing they give you like 18 guns to work with but taking out those two skeletons makes it a lot easier danny just drop down here miss your shots some more i try to like push this guy over but doesn't work sometimes i hate these guys because they're hard to aim yeah they're super far away i used to think when i was new to this quest that you had to take those planks and build something here you can literally just run across the edge of it and you don't have to do that at all so someone who knows the way should always take the torch if possible because they can guide the other players whenever you spawn just walk straight ahead that's all i remember then you just do some parkour i always get lost in this level because it's dark yeah it's dark it's easy to forget where you're at for this part there's a little secret area that you can go to oh yeah with the my spots like climbing up here and then you jump over here to grab okay well there's some my spots up here as like a little easter egg but you can't do anything to them anymore they're just chilling yes like a literal villain i don't like my spots anyways so they can stay up there thing about this level is that there's not a lot of weapons so whatever you have from the previous level try and stock up and bring with you there's a couple weapons but not a ton this part's like a little puzzle i remember when i first came here i was like what i do where do i go i have no idea if you're skilled enough you can use one box and climb i'm not so i always put two boxes there and then i know a lot of people do like to climb this way and jump over there but the easier way is just climb on this box yes hop up shortcut if you are struggling with that part then for this my flintlock just fell through the ground amazing you can put these little boxes over here and there's like a little physics thing you can mess around with here too i don't know if you can see me yes i can and then just climb over here get these chests and a free blunderbuss for your troubles yes i like to save it for the boss level when i'm struggling and the thing about this part of the level obviously if you don't have a torch and your teammates trolling you with the torch there's like no way you'll really find yourself over here unless you can like pull out your streamer cam camera flashlight while you're playing or something the torch is very important to have so don't lose it it isn't also communication there's a fish or two behind there for people that need a weapon yeah and then no enemy spawn for this part level it's only the second part where they start spawning and things can get a little hectic a little maze-like area but you should find your way out there's a little chest that spawns in here chest spawn right here and then sometimes the chest spawns right here oh oh they spawned already if you're tall you might have to duck irl if you're in vr on that part going guns blazing my guns were blazing and i still died and then really in a pickle you can use the torch as a weapon but i wouldn't recommend it and then there's more of those bomb guys so yeah that's like the hardest part of this whole level the enemies only spawn for this part and then like in the beginning of the next then for here you get more guns and weapons and you should use a gun because there's shooters that spawn on either side yeah yeah and there's gonna be more guns and stuff they don't spawn so you jump on the other side [Music] okay i don't even need to try and then after that's done there's no more enemies to the rest of the level for this part there is a skip but if you want s-ring i wouldn't recommend it it's only the later skip that doesn't matter now for these mines get close i'm back i like to just run straight through without stopping either way on the safer side just run straight through don't stop yeah you'll hear them beeping just keep running and there's gonna be a lot of spawns right here yo help for this part you're gonna have to find the last two pieces for this puzzle wait how many pieces are just sitting here two only one piece so one piece is already in one piece is on the mat and the last two are out in the level so just show us where the puzzle pieces are of course of course let me detonate these mines as i fall so your first piece ooh treasure sorry i got sidetracked it's glitching okay so the first piece is going to be right up here okay the last piece will be right here this guy's holding that okay that's pretty much it and then you can go up this ladder but you'll spawn enemies that you don't need to spawn so what i recommend is going this way i mean then you just jump up here and that's it and we're at the boss no for this part it can be a bit chaotic especially when ghostbeard is firing at you if you're at a standstill and he fires at you it'll be a little hard to dodge you have to keep moving sometimes the enemies will aggro as soon as you start this level and as you can see there's really nothing protecting you yep so sometimes you or a teammate will just die right off the bat because they'll shoot at you as you enter the level i grab guns and i go up to the top i try to kill the cannon guys first because they're annoying and they're random in a sense that like i'm not paying attention and then all of a sudden i'll get hit with a cannon if you're new i would recommend just grabbing guns down here and then just firing from down there and hiding behind all the cover that you see around the map and then slowly working your way up okay they're aggroed oh god that was scary and that's an example of how they die right off the bat how they're aggroed i'm sketched out okay we can grab our monies too yes i need to grab my monies and kill that guy and not pick up the jug this time here i can try to demonstrate this time okay [Music] and now just like that all you have to do is kill the enemy one strategy i like to do is i have one sword up and i use the other sword to swing so that way i always have a sword and you can just drop one and pick up another see how my sword's broken can't do anything just literally turn around grab another one and you're golden yeah after a certain point sorry oh i thought i was gonna run the fire here are you trying to see no at a certain point okay i dropped a jug but i was trying to drop it on the enemies of course you rushed in and it was gonna drop on your head so i said sorry before i killed you but then you like swatted it with your sword and it just shut up anyway i knew you were trying to kill me instinct yeah that's how you that's how you win at aisle on to the next one yes so at the beginning of crescendo you don't get a whip you just get random garden tools for the first half of the first level you'll use the pitchforks and the shovels i'd recommend the shovels i think the shovels do more damage than the pitchforks and then once you get the whip that's pretty much what you'll be using for the rest of the entirety of the quest because the whip never breaks you can use it forever this is the only quest that you can put something at your side too because your whip gets stored at your side so if you pick up a whip and then you think you lost it it's probably just at your side the first level is fairly straightforward there's not even that many spawns yeah it's just pumpkin skeletons for the most part with some bats and skeleton maids the bats for this game they're just like jumbotron and the flying goblins they aim at your face so as long as you're strafing from side to side you won't get hit by them yes and then we'll get more spawns behind us there should be more shovels and then the last enemies will be up ahead and that's pretty much it after this part you'll probably never be using a shovel again unless it's for the bats you also have to be careful when you're opening treasure chests because sometimes there will there will be jugs yeah sometimes the joke can spawn out and if you drop it and your teammates dead just close enough to you i'll just wipe everybody out and now everyone's angry at you but also guns there can be guns in the treasure boxes too so just be cautious don't start grabbing everything i like to save these guns a lot for bosses just because they're highly effective or like hordes of enemies like if someone's in a pinch yeah whenever you're backed into a corner especially with the bats like ninety percent of the time the shotgun will hit all of them so if you do it just right you'll notice that it's a red circle or a red sphere instead of a white one like this max power and it deals double damage and it has twice the radius it's just got to be kind of an art when you start doing it consistently it's really powerful this one has a lot of spawns it's good to get the ones that throw things first because they're highly distracting that scared me one thing that i tend to do is if i try to get every enemy within like the max power whip range so if it's too close i'll jump back and then i'll whip at the bats so it's a bit easier like for me now we go for a carriage ride they didn't take care of it at least it's got rips everywhere i thought dracula had more class you would think this part is easily the hardest part in the entire quest because of how random it is i disagree because they give you a lot of guns so there's a as long as you use the guns i feel like it's not too bad yeah everyone's focused on one side and no one's paying attention to the other yep everyone can die pretty fast oh god that scared me the jump scares are real in this quest as you guessed i immediately turned around yes jump scares are so for these huntsman rifle guys the rifle skeletons a full powered whip attack will insta-kill them so that's what i kind of go for when i see them i try to get that one hit kill as i can demonstrate right up here bye one shot ripperoni pizza if if nobody knew about this i'll show it to you guys there's a gun up here that you can whip down hey we're all loaded locked and loaded and then the thing with the wolf barrels when you're not shooting at them if you hit them with anything once like you can whip them in the face once they'll get stunned for like a full two seconds and you can just do whatever you want to them i like to go in with lots of firepower yeah yeah i saw that but i wouldn't recommend ignoring them because they charge at you when they do attack and they can definitely scare the crap out of you and then this is one of the only times i would ever say crossbows are useful this part i find very difficult i always struggle don't go to either side of this part because that's where they spawn you can sit anywhere in the middle but don't go to the sides okay whips at the ready chaotic yep whoops at the ready ready to murder and then for this part don't stay underneath the gate door when it drops otherwise it will kill you yeah it's important to back away so every time that you reach the ground hall it's a checkpoint it will tell you that it's checkpoint yes every time you come back it'll bank all your silver and it'll create a new checkpoint there'll be three separate levels you can go into but there's two mini bosses in the first two levels and then one mini boss in the last level so you get like an extra three checkpoints total and there's some goodies in the in the grand halls to look around for a chat always check all the chests try to get those flint locks they have nine shots now for this you pretty much just deal with the enemies as they come because they don't spawn in they're already waiting for us i recommend focusing and then going back for the treasure but hey yes do as i say not as i do i guess i might as well use my crossbow and see what i can do with that oh yeah and all these things that you see around here with the little candles you can break for silver oh forgot about that it's good to hang on to guns at this level because the boss at the end oh this bat's annoying me to no end for the boss i could show you the strategy i use for when i'm soloing it really helps out a lot once we trigger it we're just gonna run all the way back to that first room that we got into okay time to go yep that boss does move pretty fast so the enemies and everything will come back here or just the boss yes yes they'll all follow us you can whip up here climb up onto the chandelier oh uh but i need my guns that's an easy way to deal with the boss that was pretty easy until i died and once the boss is dealt with just take out everything else and then another fancy trick that i like is since the whips have like an explosive radius as they're coming to you you can just whip around the corner and it'll damage them i like admiring the portraits in this one i always liked it and for this the spawns are going to be on the bookshelves to the left and right of you okay i'll remember what triggers it i think we go to the middlemen triggers yeah you can always just whip up here then none of the the only thing that can hit you while you're up here is these uh projectile bats also another thing is you only have to climb up there to do this you can just climb up here oh i didn't know that climb up these boxes and you just climb up oh did not know there's secrets in this quest so right here you push this little book in and it opens up this spot to give you some goodies amazing items the whip is my favorite weapon in this quest by far finicky if you don't know how to use it but again i always i always have the wrong favorites like the ar and jumbotron unpopular opinion i sure do like these guns i live for those and then there's another secret right up here we got this book a miserable little book of secrets and then opens up this little area oh cool with more chests and flying silver and then for this part you don't even have to kill the enemies you could just hit the book but i wouldn't recommend that because and then you lose your opportunity for us rank not specifically it would just make things a little harder he just went straight to the boss room with a whole room of mobs chasing you down oh so it's not going to eliminate anything it's just going to cause them to chase yeah they'll still spawn but yeah so for this one i think it's this book you need to push yep gate unlocks now time to run over here i didn't run fast enough is there a threshold they can't cross are they just gonna be bottlenecked in here no they'll still come over it just makes things easier because they have to filter in over here you do get the enemies that spawn over here but since everything has to come to you it makes things a whole lot easier don't forget the huntsman people they spawn on the right yes yes does the crossbow get infinite shots no it has like 17 or something like that it's an arbitrary number got everything watch me whip watch me nae nae now for this part when i'm soloing it too i like to spawn the enemies in the room and then run away but run to a point where the boss can't shoot you because it would suck to get hit by a stray bullet because he's not gonna miss if he aims at you so i'll just spawn the enemies by running into the middle and then now i run are we running out of the room or just running yeah run over here yeah i run over here and then i just sit back here and i just go to town with the whip oh yes that pillar kind of blocks the boss oh no he's over there now he's traveling oh he's moving yes as long as you're out of his sight and hiding you'll be fine i don't think he leaves from that platform up there either oh no he does i never seen him do that before he's extra eager to kill us today sir shoots a lot yep now you just smack him until he shoots and i hide behind the thing then back to hitting him i'm hoping there's no more enemies that are around us so now that you mentioned that as soon as you pass this little threshold right up here they'll spawn more enemies as such there we go so we have another checkpoint chance to stock up on weapons yes they'll the chest will respawn every time you come back here so take a look around onto the second part of the two mini bosses for this one basically you just want to sweep through the initial like five enemies you'll get where'd you go right here and uh so the pumpkin skeletons and some rifle skeletons will be up there and you just blow through them go to the end and just wait there the bone maids they won't attack you until they see you but when they see you since they throw in like a radius as soon as they see you even if you're hiding behind something they'll throw bones over it and hit you with it so it's important to keep moving if one of those maid sees you and then also they got some funny messages on these gravestones dead battery afk isn't this the part where you told me that you prefer to just go all the way across the bridge and wait yep to just bottleneck everything to where it's just like really all this quest comes down with those bottlenecking enemies yes also if you hit things into the water they'll die instantly and be ashamed to look at my footage because i'm hitting everything wrong they're gonna see us using the whips and they're gonna be like these guys aren't skilled yeah you're in no position to be giving us advice now for this part there's gonna be a lot of behind-the-back spawns once you get past this area get good with the whip and this quest is a lot easier get good get on my level son the bat flew off to narnia before i could get him yeah no this next part is where the boss spawns and as long as you run away from him like you can walk backwards and walk faster than he does he's a giant pumpkin spoiler alert yes if you die to him you'll be a laughingstock noted so what i like to do is i like to hang out back here and just wait for him to spawn as such and come at me broski one eternity later it's taking a long time because i'm not good with the whip there we go and then if you have a teammate one person can deal with the enemies while the other deals with the boss sensible plan because these enemies sure spawn for quite a hot second yes they do but wait there's more they just don't stop if you if you call now you'll get five more pumpkin spicers for free it's best to just always gather weapons as you go on here i would say and for this part when you get to the first like open area of this level and you wipe out those enemies there will be some they'll spawn behind you back here so you have to keep an eye out this this quest loves to spawn stuff behind you and keep you on your toes like any other one you can always just run to the back and wait for them to come to you [Music] okay so yeah it'll spawn the wolf barrels behind you once you wipe out the initial wave so remember that because they will freak you out yes they will those barrel dogs always jump scare me now for this part enemies will just be spawning all over these tables on the left and right side if you can knock them off into the spikes they'll instantly die so for this one you just gotta remember be wary of the plates lying around so you don't accidentally grab them and die just like what i did you can't really wait for them to come to you on this one because they'll just be stuck up there it's around this part when the bus is gonna start spawning i think it's once we kill like these guys oh god oh that okay that answers that question like can i go through that he was like chasing after me that was really creepy yeah yeah just watch out for these guys i'm a disgrace to this whole operation i hear the chittering of bats yeah when you're one thing to be careful about is if you're standing up here and those bats and huntsmen fall as they're spawning on you they'll still kill you if you touch them as they're spawning in they'll still kill you so be careful that i guess i didn't really give any helpful tips on the bat that all you gotta do is just run outside so you don't have to deal with the bat boss and the enemy spawning in yeah and this will be the second to last checkpoint you'll get in this quest it's funny because these bags kind of tell you what bosses you're going against yeah for the big wolf yes so for this one there is a skip to go straight to the boss from here however if you want any kind of good s-rank items don't do it because you'll skip it on too many enemies and lose it on too many points yes so if you want the rank don't do it if you just want a speed run then go for it and it's the second doorway on the right i believe so i'm sorry if you glitch through there then you can get it but again yeah it's a little different yes yeah and then obviously there'll be sometimes there'll be chests in these little areas that you can loot well there's one over here too yeah just loot everything around the outside yes look for all the weapons you can because the whip is the only one that can last forever then you can come in here and see our friendly kevin the goblin i don't know who i'll know which goblin it is it's kevin you can't tell that it's kevin kevin very distinct markings nah now you just keep going down and there are booby traps down here you just have to time it go right after it shoots oh damn and then so watch out that was close teleporters it's a lot easier yeah teleporters have this part oh no i got disarmed oh my stuff's right there but for my fellow walkers it is still possible uh i don't know if i'm in the right spot okay well it didn't come yet yeah yeah i don't like this part at all it gives me anxiety and then for this just avoid the laser beams they will disarm you i don't think they kill you they might this one's as far as i know they just disarm annoying because you have to go in between them and it always trips me out gotta get that gucci timing this one is the one that always messes me up because this thing goes way too fast and it always gets me and there's two so again you have to sandwich yourself in between them not for this part this one's easy you just sit here wait jump on the cages do some epic parkour skills and then you just jump to the side then this is where the enemies actually start spawning is this next part get the weapons where you can and then this is where they'll spawn you'll get enemies from both sides i always forget run away i always forget about this could i be better at killing things in the dark maybe oh treasure these will be the last enemies you see really these bone made before you get to the bus and they can kill themselves on the axes as you just heard right now oh wow yes they do this is when you start to hear ominous growling but don't worry it's just a giant barrel dog it's actually yeah at this point you can just drop down here and go in follow up the stairs these skeletons weren't having a good time you can tell oh what i've never gotten to oh my god oh my god i got four flint walls still run right there all right now we just drop down just like inundate the sky with firepower and it'll be fine yes oh i didn't oh that's hard to do in the dark and kind of scary oh god yeah with that boss he'll look like he's targeting one person and then he'll flip around and go after another so for him just always strafe and move around don't stop because then he'll get you the grand hall this is our last checkpoint before we get to the boss so for dracula he's a very glitchy boss fight and that's what makes him very difficult because even if you hit him don't anticipate hitting him because sometimes it'll trigger with the mirrors and the laser beams from the mirrors but it won't count as a hit you have to do it multiple times and sometimes it won't even reach full power before hitting him and then he'll get hit but once you hit him with the sunlight he'll split off into a bunch of bats and if for every bat you kill that isn't dracula it'll spawn another enemy so it's important to find out which bet is dracula and the way you can do that is by listening for him because he'll make noises and he'll like mock you as he's in his bat form and when you hit him he'll also make noises which obviously you're gonna hear soon and then once you hit him enough in his bat form he'll go back into his regular form and then you have to hit him with the laser beam again he's also funny because he'll spawn wherever in that little area he'll spawn behind you next to you in front of you it can be unfair at times he'll just get you and you're not paying attention so you have to like listen for him or when you hear him spawn in look for him and yeah just stay on your toes the entire fight it looks like we're the last ones here i was beginning to think you wouldn't make it with all those enough [Music] [Music] he's so hard to hit i swear [Music] just like that oh i actually got something we got s ring did we get s-rank i'm guessing s-rank is hold on let's take a picture together yay thank you guys for watching the quest tutorial today if you found it helpful definitely let me know in the comments and leave a like on the video it took us around 30 hours to make including editing and filming so we would definitely appreciate it and we will see you guys in the next video take care
Channel: Tarapeutic
Views: 358,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rec room, rec room funny moments, rec room how to, rec room android, rec room quest 2, rec room glitches, tarapeutic rec room, terapeutic rec room, tarapuetic rec room, rec room game, rec room tips, rec room tutorial, rec room how to beat every quest, rec room quest tutorial, rec room how to beat golden trophy, rec room how to beat jumbotron, rec room how to beat crimson cauldron, rec room how to beat the rise of jumbotron, rec room how to beat crescendo
Id: LEk8d719VLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 45sec (4965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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