Soloing ALL QUESTS In ONE Stream!

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[Music] what is up everybody my mouth isn't moving wasn't I'm not moving is it there we go okay what is up everybody today we are going to attempt the impossible nay the inconceivable we're gonna transfer lo all five quests in one stream what's up guys how's writing before we start this I am going to say at the very beginning it has been a long time since I have solo two quests so I am NOT at peak performance I'm going to have to de rust heavily but we're gonna try not to worried about most of them the ones that are really kind of iffy are al and the jumbotron boss everything else is I think we won't have too much of a problem since it's been a while on point I'm gonna speedrun them it's gonna kind of be like more chilled hang out with you guys I got my chat boxes more up in the air so I have a little bit more field of view so maybe I won't blame them as much yeah we're gonna go ahead and hop into it maybe we'll have some fun just hanging out maybe just maybe you'll learn something I don't know let's see what happens you know what up lazy see what up guys but Bongo alright let's just we're gonna start right out I do it in walk yo thank you where's poppy know what's poppin with you I appreciate that blue sorry oh sup creeper and interment I think I got my sounds away to love my music down a little bit I mean those levels sound to you guys I'm gonna be using a shotgun glitch up probably unless you guys think that's a little too unfair in which case we can go without it it's not a big deal your shot is ruined for being too good at this game dang dude I hear you man let me switch everything over to the rift audio for some reason it is hatred coming through my speakers over here so see if I can fix that real quick you got banned how long did you get banned for definitely appeal it man everything should be gone to a rift headset now yeah rec room is in focus and we're back on okay a ventilation I'm doing good how are you doing got gun glitches fire I got 25 up votes I'm ready nice I'll let you guys decide shotgun glitch or no should we do it or should we just do it semi fair really doesn't matter you get to shot ease by the start of the third level so it's not a huge advantage we'll be so sad if I die in this quest I'm a sounds are kind of low music still kind of loud and now sound drew Canole oh there we go nine days definitely will play when you go in band man but I would definitely appeal it got a glitch all right we want the shoddy glitch the fine Never Dies was a Briggs thank you man yeah definitely send him an email nine days can you play when I get unbanned oh we will definitely send them an email and trying it that undone especially if you were somehow recording luckily enough you can get that taken off quickly and then hopefully the people who reported you will get banned for false reporting because that's not cool at all you helped me today get better with the boat yeah we're gonna hang out we're gonna all learn a little bit it's really easy though just as you're pulling back just double click and try and keep this bow just like on a straight line as you can possibly keep it thank you name ness as a shoddy glitch it's where you start jumbotron with two shotguns like at the very beginning start out with the easy quest which is probably not the best idea probably been better to start out with something a little bit harder you know start with crescendo and longer ones and then end with the easy one you know it has been a hot minute since I've done this I don't remember all the spawns there we go I'm trying to watch your string for two weeks I can't catch you I'm a little bit early today so mmm a little bit close there do them in the order they came out y'all want to do that I was gonna do crimson necks well we could definitely do Jumbotron next you can play all the quests on the rec room can't play with you well so we'll see where we're at I know we're gonna we're gonna try and do some filming tonight so see where we're at after this and before that zero point challenge fair request yeah I mean you could it's really it's not too difficult except for that trying to kill everybody at the last I'm gonna see the whole stream hopefully it's not too long I'm gonna try man hopefully hopefully we can do it all in one run one shot every quest I really don't want to fail in front of you guys that would be embarrassing but it's very possible challenge for you play psvr and play in 2d mode I don't have PR unfortunately no I don't think I'm gonna be able to do red vs. blue tonight won't play us safe like a little chicken for most of this because I don't want to die and I have to remember to actually dodge a little bit I get really lazy with my dodges and I'm just kind of like half-heartedly move what do you have against ps4 I don't have anything against nice don't have it all's fair hey what's up all's fair one of these days I'm thinking about doing some jumbo solo runs and trying to take that record from you on stream I don't know though man that's a heck of a time [Music] now I gotta help them on these uh barrels don't freak out on me pretty much have to just stay away from them don't even chance it Hey or you get a flyaway down there like the worst place they could be [Music] there we go now I just got you to deal with this flub see arrows how did you get so good at GE Beauty your hands move faster than comprehend what's that legend it's going pretty good all baby pigeon died don't tell me that no I'm sad and you friend me yet will definitely be friends men just uh if you can to send me a request or a requesting to buy it send me a friend request and I will definitely accept it how'd it get so good game I just play it a lot I live record man what's up Oh AHS I hate that corner yo what up team Oh always I get this guy 9 times out of 10 when I'm speedrunning gotta hope you don't do anything stupid it what up detonator just over how you guys doing was the fastest you can shoot oh my god what is your discord nightbot usually drops the link it's just a good place for us all to hang out have a lot of fun post a lot of a lot of stuff record related tons of other games get talked about there we have a little section for Minecraft a lot of fun 10:00 p.m. now bro it's 3 p.m. now the boss got that big o hitbox on the axe gotta be a little bit careful winning get out of here Punk okay you're still up oh yeah let's go down here yo Krusty what's up dude it's been a minute how you been brother I never get three spawn down here when I'm running so I guess it was decided that we're gonna try and do an all in chronological order um you know based on when they came out so next will be jumbotron get lit up super fat duck these guys aren't near as easy and walk teleport you just jump right behind them super easy by the way how do you get mud I would like to help you so my mods are people who have been around for a really long time really trust him to help me out ah [Music] nothing whoa you got close that guy will go I'll fidget spinner on you so you do kind of want to move away from him I don't think that's everybody but this guy [Music] easy that's your user I met Pathan what's up MK King how you doing those guys a lot harder now he's got that hitbox in his axe it's really unpredictable this is the best place to be now the first wave you will have some people possibly spawn here just kind of a waiting game wait on him [Music] oh that sucked [Music] like that yeah my nicknames Bo at both is my username but that way dude I want anything stupid and get myself killed on the easiest quest in this whole marathon so how do you miss how do you miss Kazue Maddie hey Aaron your big dumb dumb he's blind as a bat though you can't see it here sometimes you gotta wait for him to turn I really don't want to go around doing something stupid and a good place to get these guys as they fall that's a hack second wave you will have some fliers come from back there there they are and they can't hit you over here this little toe right here at the backs the best place to be [Music] now it gets real have more flyers down there come up here you hide they can't see you they'll come chase you down eventually they'll come around this corner though they are I see you maybe one more don't think I forgot the green bed over there maybe we did spammed a few arrows over there maybe we got lucky you know what up short dress which can't kill you I just turn that way so we can we can finish this we got we got other places to be men okay there we go easy one down [Music] how do you shoot so fast with the bow I mean if you get a good rhythm going all you have to do is move the bow back and forth and just fan this button you can just kind of do that you know thank you cosmic shadows all right they look at poet I got it man thank you sacrifice alright so now we do dem boo this one's gonna be a lot harder than the boss for this guy solo it's pretty rough they give an Australian no all right everybody good they wanted to see the shoddy glyph so under that makes a little bit easier 100 viewers Wow what's up guys that's insane my shot ease failed I forgot that was gonna spawn these guys really brought this just to get those guys up here that kind of a pain don't need that no more wait a second we go then I'm not throwing shotty over here I'm fairly certain I threw it over here it hadn't I lost a shoddy guys I know I threw it over here not on my back okay well I guess we'll just pick up another one in the next level whatever 1d spawns if you wait that's weird I've never seen that are you doing your week please um I think I already did the weekly this week and yes is urban you're more than welcome to add me I will be happy to accept it does its D spot I've never seen it he spawned you would think the thigh would know that oh well there's another one right here any why not eat the boss this makes taking these guys out a little bit harder who I missed him missing with the shot is like the worst thing you can do sub zenith later in in rien and rien I hope I'm close easy peasy Rocko's in the trees watching us hi Rocco I've been trying to get on your streams I already read that I nothing Wow also get to the parking deck that's where this one gets real yo what up Cooper you done man yo what's up what's up nip I don't I don't even know how to begin to pronounce your name but hi how are you doing thank you for hanging out knowing spawn points are very helpful for this I'll take like three steps further I'm gonna spawn a huge wave behind me so now we can do that that's slowness bud oh my gosh man tell you all the easy way to do this one mr. who just stand right here you say forget that room and you just bring everything over here you just stick your head around here your gun rather easy man easy it's Rocco is Rocco here I missed it hi woody Rocco get up game in pros yeah I missed the grenade how do you miss the grenade easy no sweat hey there he is yo what up er eclipse booga-booga 104 people oh my gosh Morocco is always here yeah always watching the luck of Morocco we can do this you haven't said howdy back howdy oh we got a new member thank you a slowness bug if I die I'm blaming it so hard man me around said you do to master the spawn info oh man couple hundred probably and back in the day this is all we did we just ran through quest all day every day why are you shooting over there man this is an awkward situation this isn't supposed to happen he usually ignores me but I'm stuck okay so this is an awkward one I've never been in this position so we'll see how this works out for us you'll think you fit sub I know it's got this guy machine does gonna be hard crescendos really not that hard the hardest ones for me are all in this one old trophies pretty easy Crimson's pretty easy crescendos fairly easy hardest part about this one is shared in a few minutes we're gonna get to the elite bots that's where it's gonna get really rough and then Jumbotron himself is pretty rough so and I haven't really soloed in like a year or so so me really remembering the spawns I don't I think we I think we can handle this part though maybe watch me do something stupid get myself killed now I promise it's pretty easy I make a new quest I'm hoping it's egyptian-themed that's my go-to [Music] and try not to fall in there that's that's gonna be a fun one demos the hardest it's it's definitely one of the hardest for sure just because of how fast things move I don't know if there's anything there I hear something oh there it's could've swore they were in front of me I knew those were coming well then I can solo but then there's stuff like Jimbo nah I'm not stoked about doing oh well we'll handle that when we get to it I'm play it mostly safe yo Thank You Zenith preciate your brother I hate those tiny bombers oh my gosh won't play it as safe as possible because I really don't want to restart it's not like we're speedrunning um I have to go get this guy or not yep it's gonna suck this is my hidey hole yeah I mean solos are fun but the only problem is you don't get put one chance you make one tiny mistake and it's over that's it you're done easy okay this is where it gets real no floats with them with the membership what's up Zachary all I could say is good luck I'm gonna need it I can't remember exactly where there is okay trying to there's two triggers owns ones about here and then the other ones only like three feet further if you go too far you're gonna spawn everything down there and these guys behind you and you have ourself a real fun time after that why not to go too far and spawn the next wave hiding is your best friend imagine beau what's up lime King I'm gonna say there's a good chance that I'm gonna die at some point if we one-shot all five quests I'll be ecstatic I don't want to climb down here no no no no no no try not to get hit by those lasers that are really close okay that's everything people who talk on the side now right but you can hear me we don't just play it as safe as possible because I'm lazy oh are you serious he survived that yo that's messed up make sure my lasers are way back there there you are come on em um this is how you sell a quest properly you just you hang back and you let everything funnel to you but these guys this may be a problem because they're not gonna be able to get under there and I'm not gonna be able to get through there and I don't want to shoot up under there I may have made a mistake like that yep they're gonna do that all right we did it what's up endless narrator a lot of practice a lot of patience laughs at but when he does yeah it's gonna happen man we're going pretty slow too so hopefully doesn't this is hard for you since it's been a while this is kind of nerve-racking yeah I mean it's not too too bad but it's getting there especially if you get to that spawn right on top of each other and they do something stupid like fly off or you get stuck behind a corner like this fun fact they'll aim at the last place they saw your head so if you're trapped around the corner just duck and slide back out and they'll shoot over your head oh man I'm such a bad shot with this thing there we go okay I don't understand they heard of spam oh you get them every now and again I noticed you endless narrator alright I know this is this is a this is the scariest part of this level right here though the easiest way to do it is just to spawn everything hope you don't get the slowness bug running hide well they start shooting and when they all get close to that barrel do that kind tempting just bring them all up here for the rest of the level way you say about the railgun being a sniper it's it's technically not a sniper sniper has a scope I agree with them all right can I pick it right for the next play well we get this guy thinking Cara oh my gosh Knifer does no good if you keep missing and run out of bullets and take out two big BOTS here Oh Lord and call for Oh where's my sniper there it is got him there's a big guy down here did I get him I think I blew him up with the barrel I don't hear him oh there he is just chillin all right yeah thank you for the sudden and the bad side he talked what quest have you done with some Zack we had done golden trophy we're gonna do them in chronological order or the order they were released that pickle leader what weapon do you recommend for elite bots this baby right here it's the only weapon that will stun them so you can hit them and you can knock them back a little bit and this right here is another really fun level I highly recommend you don't ever do it oh come on man that was really bad use these barrels to your advantage and you will thank me I got mice coming in now so this is where it gets real real fun and if you take out all three of these flyers you're gonna get some elites that you really want to use these barrels on we're gonna try and there they are not bad I'll take two of them yeah thank you for the sub mmm crossing over this line thank you really confirmed it's a real gun yeah you did get a few more mice we were in such an awkward spot I get the Godwin just for the points imagine this guy is the one that kills me I can't tell you how many got times this guy would spawn in a speedrun and we'd all be at the door waiting and this guy would just come chilling through know what's up mole doc it would have break lips okay so now comes a really fun part trying to get over to my corner which I can normally do no problem but don't even worry about these guys just let them do their thing it's gonna get real hectic up in here what are you shooting at I just don't want that guy targeting me she never has before but as soon as I'm doing this yeah he's looking over here you still have that beeping you don't get down I think we're good 120 oh my gosh it's crazy all right now the seat the rest of this quest wasn't really what scared me so much this level and last one did a little bit Jumbotrons the one I'm worried about but I think I think I can do this normally in a speedrun I'd go up there now just weak and all I'd get those two screens and then come hide up here but it's really really risking I've been killed a lot doing it but we're just gonna kind of hang out over here your favorite quests crimson probably just got to hope for naught we don't get hit by some stray unlucky bullet although closer did you just not work all right one screen at a time and getting really bad spots over here I can't hit him completely blind shot and got lucky Guiding okay all right so here's where it gets real real fun I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over those back boxes I think there's a spot where you can get in without really getting hit and I'm going to take out those two screens as quickly as I can together but we can do this this is this is the part that I was nervous about everything else is me just walking over there it's the worst part oh my gosh did you see how close that was he did not aim properly oh my gosh 130 people what's the guess I don't thirty people about to watch me fail I'm gonna try to get behind those boxes there there's fun I don't know man see if you huh this is really difficult I don't I don't want to be shot trying to get in there I thought that this spot over here was bigger and go for it let's see here yeah see right here you got a safe spot and you wait for it and then you gotta jump back there and hide like super quick there we go and you alternate because once this last screen goes down or once the third one goes down we're gonna get lots of elites right in front of us like that whoo that was so scary - one shots that is like the most intense yo thank you dream oh I was probably what the thing that was gonna make me the most nervous about this whole marathon a little bit of a shake going on all right crimson it is a 4-2 thank you just over lips Caro now you can't just come any boat gonna go pew pew what's up car it just takes a lot of practice I like the membership stickers thank you man got them cool digimon badges and you get the cool emotes i think we could probably get another motor too in there now I'm on the the og rift the cb1 excuse you that's slowness bug yep oh my gosh okay taking everything like super cautious I have a feeling I'll it's gonna be what's gonna be the end of us the worst part about this one is just getting over the bog without falling in like a big dumb yo what's up co tech don't lose the run to the stream Christine Oh to the steam yeah wouldn't that be like the most embarrassing thing first try no ain't so load in a good hard minute I was really uh pleasantly surprised that I got through that run I just say is your best quest probably this one what's up Cynthia what's up dark taker can you do skip no we're gonna try not to do any skips we're gonna do them right will you upgrade your headset at any point I'm definitely thinking about it especially since we're doing a lot of videos and be ours something I'm you know doing a lot of it's very tempting I have looked at the index but I didn't break down and get it got a potion on my back I keep grabbing oh my gosh Messiah cannot name just get out of here clonus bugs what scares me what's alright we'll see you later Zach how did I meet Rocco we met in golden trophy I think we headed off pretty well at the time there was not a lot of people playing so it was really hard to find somebody of a certain skill level so when we both saw that each other was you know really good at the quest you know not to mention he's a pretty cool dude back then it was a lot easier to run into people you'd seen before now if you go to public lobbies you never know who you're gonna run into I don't think we ever really started hanging out for a couple months but I would see mullet on and random GTS but the idea is I'm on the CD one see that split shot that was a hit sir please die thank you now once you go up here you get the nice big way behind you which is why you stay up there oh man and wagon heart - maybe I'll was not one the best once the Sipho last cuz I'm gonna be lagging so hard how did you find hairy men legs the first time I saw I was just in a random wreck Oriel match then we started doing the film class together or not you know we've done a few things together pretty cool dude pretty cool dude Oh show all three of them over there nice helps me out yo debt boy is Rocco Larkin he was here earlier I don't know if he is anymore not my gosh I like flinch like right at the last second hots down like you're gonna hit me from there kiddo Hey the place for this one is right up here on top of this you can just climb them right up on top of the exit your old videos are better but I still like your new ones my old videos where I hope they were kind of boring but I appreciate it man I think my new videos are still pretty boring so easy well they made this board way smaller we do other games on PC like I did a couple weeks ago I have a few games for PC that I've been wanting to try like no I got the portal series I got payday 2 I've been willing to try it but uh I just don't have the space for any of them Hey that's what I'm worried about is getting huge frame drop right when the windows which both get to me no I'm not 34 I'll tell you that much ain't that old jeez man you know miss og rec-room I do I just miss the wobbly bodies it used to be so like I don't know how to describe it I don't want to say exclusive because that kind of sounds like you're keeping people out but it was just it was really cool cuz you would just run into people that you had seen you known every time you played now 90 percent of people you see or you know slow hippo to 40 to slow hippo 1876 hey where is he bro okay okay go hunting I guess i hearing areas you stuck behind his pillar you dummy Oh I have one spawn in front of me and one spawn behind me now she knows gonna be the last one we do so we're gonna try and do them in the order that they were released if we one-shot every single of these quests I'm gonna be so stoked I don't think we will well be scrilla I wouldn't be surprised yo what I bring wolf well lesson in school did you hate the most me I mean I was home-schooled I didn't really hate any of them but like English was probably my least favorite I love things like math and science or social studies what's that all about this is probably not a request here hold that Joep ding what's up John the dinosaur thanks for the tutorial thanks for watching the question thinks the hardest probably I'll but simply because it it's really you get the smallest frame stutter and you're done for with that blocking mechanic get the big guys today - got one you know so DG quest all the quests are the same since I've been here anyway they haven't changed they have a player made rec room game who I don't know there's a lot of good ones we had a lot of fun in the these Wonderland one rooms oh my gosh you were so close I gotta get out of there he spawned right on top of me that is like a big note we're not doing that and I can't hit him you weren't supposed to see me trying to make sure they don't do some weird and maneuvered might turn into you what's your favorite video to record oh man we had a lot of fun doing stereotypes the favorite most yeah my favorite video that we did as as far as a room was Believe It or Not quest for my senpai what's up a randomized about the coffee you got a green wolf as winter is coming split shot oh you're in my street bro you would have no old record for golden trophy not a barrel do a 90 degree turn amid charged hit me yeah they'll do it every now and again that's what I'm worried about it's not so much me making an error it's just the game being hello being weird I'm new to your channel sauce elbow Thank You pan 220 thanks for hanging out you caught us on a very exciting stream I'm hoping so far we're doing pretty good that's thing not soloing is all the which was we'll focus on you they can take him out pretty easy not to fall in the bog that is like priority numero uno hmm and here's where it gets real fun you'll thank you for the sub I request this one first try for all class so far so far we should one-shot on how to fling the barrels with the bow it's kind of latency dependent if you're on psvr the physics are a little weird but the best thing to do is one popping with an arrow and then you can let stuns them and you can pretty well throw them did you see that split shot gonna be the coolest thing I'll do this whole stream kind of debate and I think and maybe you want to go back over here that's a really one place safe I want to try and one-shot everything once this last goblin dies we're going to have a ton of fliers spawn in give yourself as much distance between you and them as you can by far the easiest swear sound like something spawned right behind me easy are you a road man I'm not sure what that means so probably not I should grab some double bandage potions let me do that real quick makes this boss fight way easier low dies in the bog going back for a double damage potion oh it's like never bothered me but when you're alone it freaks me out what is next next is owl island in crescendo I was the one that's really kind of gonna throw me for a loop I can tell you [Music] bring it oh man that lag go go I think no I didn't okay now he's dead what I miss all three of them yo that's wickety-wack double kill no y'all are so dumb man don't come right up on top of me now get out here with that crap okay I need a speedrun crimson solo I thought about doing it again someone got a really good solo speedrun so I thought about going back and trying for but I just haven't sold out in so long easiest way to do it I'm your fan Thank You W c4w Boris funny moments eight I think we have a I think going online now I have all this stuff I just need to make like the intro now show for it don't die to the steam what are you doing rec room now mostly just quests and streaming where are they all gonna be over here that's like the worst that's like the worst place for them to be in some really bad spawns [Music] I hear him rollin around there you are and double damage potions are your friend use them all just walk in and kill everything that's what I do yeah I mean I thought about doing that but I'm just I want him one shot everything so I'm being a little cautious on these runs dude I think I took like 15 minutes just for golden trophy whoa bro I did not know he was there he was hiding in the rubble hmm [Music] man and I got myself in position want this I don't want to run over here okay oh no I took out the barrel Oh did Rocco show up again I missed it I don't know why I drink that double damage potion there of all times that's just dumb died got him you know that flyer is getting on my nerves that guy's just chillin I can't say nothing I know I don't see nothing ain't nothing going on in here [Music] so easy I want this cocaine from the sky or he fell from a tree of zinc I'll accept all the friend requests I usually do them after the stream on reg Nets little bit easier for me but uh I will definitely accept it what's up dirt search search now wind don't you drink that spit on your back not very in that coordinated ha Playsafe the easy pot kill I so loaded it didn't golden trophy today oh man it's awesome dude heck yeah man no I did not want to drink that okay well whoo oh man I'll also forget these guys can like they bunch up real good they can start throwing themselves up in the air so that was really a dumb move you lit up Steph plays you need to watch menu filters it'll be nice I have a question you probably always get this but what is your favorite quest its crimson is this one just overall story weapons atmosphere I mean this one's just probably my favorite sir I'm gonna need you to step away from the barrels have plans for those driver deciding to solo these barrels are your friends they are your best friends don't abuse your friends until the time is right at least you what up Sena and the time is right the time was almost right it was like two thirds right now I'm in an awkward position hoping he doesn't turn around it's a mad mad mackerel I like that name any tips on our law school skills I really want to beat it all off sculls you really have to take it someone's weird cuz you can't go too slow but you can't go too fast got to slow you're gonna run out of stuff many quests have you sold it already we've gotten - we did golden trophy and Jumbotron this is number three then I lost goals in crescendo given we can finish you kind of get in turned away from the center checkboxes are kind of like right in this area so I thought you to move them a little bit further to the left before I started this make sure he doesn't coming over here I'd like to get stuck they're not the smartest animals in the world I think that's everything winter is coming I'm being careful dude what did you do before rec room nothing I wasn't much of a gamer before I found rec room I used to play a lot of games growing up and then I just I quit playing them and this kind of got me back on there yeah what's up hockey kid Thank You Man ah this is where it gets fun there's a couple different tactics here and I'm not sure which one I want how are you doing I'm doing good brother I'm doing good face refused guilt mom what's up um could just go back there behind that that's one of the safest places to be it just gets really bad when things start getting spawned in especially if this guy over here the bomber decides he wants to shoot through this wall which has happened and will happen again at some point in the future ya hear him over there as long as he doesn't decide he wants to I messed it up let's just go over here I don't think there's any bombers over here so okay now we can make a move out they can't hit me three one shots let's go for the nests all right Shia town got it moto mato mad of the maddest okay I had to had to break it apart I accept your friend request you have any suggestions for double shooting I have a whole video on it if you're interested Thank You Haley it's a new night but not even I'm not even I have all my cookies Thank You Dutch this is the one I don't want to do this is the one that scares me watch both failed on this one probably I'm gonna take it as slow as I can and try not to do anything stupid but I can't guarantee anything this one's super iffy and sometimes it's just out of your control you can perfectly block these guys but if recommend decides now it's gonna kill you it's gonna kill you anything you can do about it yeah I like real hard rap for a song get ass one half a second later I would probably died right there what PC do do I use I am it's a custom build if you type in exclamation marks specs it'll show you everything that I put in my computer I highly recommend building your own many pages of friends about 530 I think keep your swords way out in front of you don't get anywhere near these guys we used to just running in guns a-blazing so this is a little awkward for me [Music] without the Kay I know and if they sound so good when they die though it is the solos tutorials all over again we're doing it live answering your questions laughs I'm never solo this quest either because I just don't like it so all these I'm gonna have to pretty much make everything up on the fly and hope I don't get killed really really all right 111 people wow what is up Gus thank you for hanging out thank you for coming to watch me die near the end I've been doing so good we have surpassed my expectations I'm happy just up there oh come on that was a hit okay there we go we just bad up there no we're not you can alright alright the bar fight this is the only thing interesting on right now happy to hear it what was that sound I guess I don't really know how I want to handle this normally I would just run in and that's what I probably should have done looking at the situation I'm in now mm-hmm oh that's slowness bug is gonna get me killed so fast I can use checkpoints I'm gonna try not to make it so bad I guess we will but I don't want to what mm-hmm all right guys y'all come over here let's let's have some fun guys everybody gather y'all gather around gather round now Oh sound like they tell sue all that's gonna be some mad like GT yeah I tried some sword only it's been a long time that sounded like a lot of them excuse you okay this is the easiest way to do it just run help you scared me okay I think we're good I think we can handle whatever is up there now there's two bottle throwers okay mr. Kraus obeys only one like this quest whoa catch the bottle yeah you can it's just it's not the easiest thing in the world so I don't really attempt it I thought I was gone these guys are rough oh jeez I hate that so much this is where things get real yeah don't hit me sir I'm sorry water is not wet but I've heard technically whatever water touches get wet but water itself no that's for you guys I think it was too high scared I'm real scared guys thank you for the sub alright mama I'm still open for 1v1 just waiting let's do it man whenever I get some free time them down and up rhymes Inc if you're like if you want just the basics check out castles channel it's sha Yu in double shop he's got one that really kind of gets you into it mine's more or less for being really accurate with it Thank You Ethan that's right man hopefully we'll do some stupid now we gotta be getting all them head shots y'all was that throw go thank you for the subs guys that's gloating in a lot of rough framedrops he'll thank you when do you think you'll do another quest with substring Oh probably tomorrow maybe you know tomorrow be an Easter there's a good chance I may not be on but if I do that's probably what it'll be this is just something I've thought about for a while and I thought we would go ahead and try it I thought it would be a lot of fun as long as I'm knocking into the water I'm good all right consider the beef uh I don't know need to do an extra stream Wow that miss though okay I'm gonna go ahead and stock up on guns because I may just retreat and let everything come to me over here just get a few there's plenty up there what's the next storm Taurus hopefully really soon oh wow yeah that's fine I mean making 12 trips yo what's up Nico later Benji yo what up Eilis yeah we got yes we got a Jumbotron no that one's hard to get s in solo and we got s and Crimson they're just like waiting this is probably kind of move up we spawn them in and then we just back up and we wait make sure we don't get anywhere near that jugger board this guy's line of sight I can see him back there and I don't want to deal with him just have all the sword dudes come here I think we got them all adding nuts awesome I think the worst out it's over give it jungle gets real though oh hey okay give it done looks like work my worst level ever so we're gonna die anywhere in this run chances are it's gonna be this next level baits yeah hey reload it how do you reload what rooster ooh yeah we better play sometime oh man all right oh man this is I hate going down here where's the bottle thrower he's who I'm concerned with arias okay that way right there I don't know what it is man but I don't like it at all get rid of that for I do something stupid with it dribbly jungle I mean come on you can do that snipe yo you just thought how nice you got stuck and done always stock up on guns I have really good moments and I had like really bad streaks where I can't get anything awesome awesome awesome just waiting for Messiah to play by himself it's gonna happen man we make it if we one shot every quest I will be so freakin safe but I don't think it's gonna happen well we're gonna screw up at some point this one our crescendo one's gonna get me I just don't know which one like this part is really hard to cuz best place to be is up there but I don't know man I just don't know and that's gonna happen oh man only problem with being up there is those bottle throwers will start throwing before they even hit the ground sometimes and there's not a lot you can do to dodge it and now I'm in a situation good one more kill the other one thank you Oh - nice welcome back gizmo yo gonna be falling on me now watch this dude because once you take him out you go get a gunner spawn right on top of ya and you hate to see that happen make sure you got an extra gun easy easy oh my gosh I'm stuck it stuck I can't see what I'm doing and I'm stuck on these boards and I'm trying not to let these guys see me over here that's the part that was really worrying me okay we made it through the hardest part darn it I wasted a shot my stress was over none though I didn't need it anyway I had to have this thing Oh one of my earliest memories is speaking crimson for the first time it was one of the first things that I did the back when the weekly was like you could get the whole weekly done with one crimson rung it was really cool I think we're good with these I forgot about the torching you only like guns worthless why would you shoot while they're throwing getting stuck not cool scary that was smart when we took my light up here and come back and look for a weapon where is he areas I thought I was dead there oh okay well I respond Thank You Gil have to hop on and try some out for myself you got this mangos what up spaghetti oh yeah they're not even actively working on this one for quest it's kind of sad then we get to try on one tap ghost beard fingers crossed watch okay what a message how did my first job when I was 12 could skip but we're not gonna skip we're gonna try to everything what's up fresh llama welcome man wasn't negative 5 indeed how did you know I'm older than some and younger than others [Music] oh that's great that's just great I think he's stuck though this is not cool man this is what you call a disaster I hope he just dies can't even seem hey got him okay this part right here it gets a little bit concerning don't have to do it but I think we should aim to add water weight will happen I'll be happy to accept your friend request Oh okay first time I soloed this you didn't have to go up here you still don't it was much easier to get back up that way and I decided I wanted to try this part and I died and I got mad so I don't like to do it but we need to oh my gosh [Music] [Music] run over here hurry that's a bad spot [Music] hmm I got to and get this thing lined up get you some swords come find your hidey-hole this is what it gets very very very nerve-wracking cause you're gonna have like 30 of them piled up here and if a single one glitches out it's game over man they do that by golly we're gonna use a checkpoint get rid of bad one you use oculus yeah I'm on oculus rift [Music] so go spirit won't shoot at you in here at least he better not now unless he sees you come in here like if he sees you and he's shooting at you and you run in here he will shoot over here and he will kill you if you're hiding over here when he spawns in he won't see you you hit them with a torch you can take like ten hits to kill him kill him yeah once I get all these guys dead he's gonna be like running around out there it's gonna be really weird - killing it gets really difficult especially on wall you got it buddy I believe in you that's second hit second wave coming in we're gonna move this over here because he's gonna be bouncing back and forth by the time I get out and the hope is we can get him before he shoots because sometimes he'll shoot at you and you just you can't get away slow and I swap out your utensils regularly and you'll be fine they changed you many shoots over here and kills me I'm gonna cry there you go I'll tow it away for you buddy you can come in okay thank I'll hurt you when was your first string my first stream was away back when you can go back to it I have a playlist now that has them all they're all unlisted but I have a playlist where you can still access them it's very boring I don't even remember it to be honest but I probably wasn't talking a hole water at all he's probably out there right now they're probably throwing a gun in here this guy right here man come on you can do it buddy I believe in you I'm scared [Music] Oh hitting I thought that was a clear miss one tap ILS let's go 30 minutes oh my gosh I'm so slow now I'm gonna be real sad if we were still on the last list yeah that quest guys questing and we got questing the Questor face there's so many weird ones that I'd threw out there and I missed the first part so this is the last one we've done them all in chronological order up to this one and as far as I know they're not even actively working on bringing a lot less to the quest unfortunately let's hope not I'm gonna play it safe so hopefully we don't die wasn't there something over there oh man we can have so many shovels on us right now that's gonna be like so useful for speedruns like load up yeah hopefully hopefully they're just playing with us and they have it coming real soon hey I'm over here where are you going what are you talking to I'm right here [Music] do you know is going to something cool I'm not sure what the question is I'm sorry [Music] nothing good okay how old Imam about 473 oh the frames work with me whip Hey okay thank you good with these the guns ever crash the game before now I think they have the least favorite quest probably right now it'd be golden trophy or uh maybe I'll just because it's glitchy well because I just like it's just as I've done it so much nice oh wait there we go gun on each end again on the holster gun on the back holster I'll be ready to rock what is the answer to 9 + 10 12 Thank You bloody dragon parks a little bit weird because they spawn on both sides and you don't know where they're gonna be they kind of got to keep moving yo bro you can't be doing that uncalled for because everything okay when you fall out of the carriage you can't there's a pair there's boundaries there won't let you out you can ghost walk but it just it gives you that really narrow field of view and you can't see what's going on what's up Josiah yeah the only thing that I really don't like about him is if I'm holding shovels and I kind of have my hands these I have these giant green things in front of my face and they're really annoying Easter Egg there's another shot over here for anybody who didn't know your second always favorite probably all this nice miss another nice miss yeah your punk a you to code we're almost done but this one is no gimme I think it's easier than I'll but I could still easily mess this up there's just so many things that you can do wrong move your hip box ease man trying to do something here I believe in you thank you by than on this and a five minutes I think about solos you got so many shotguns that you wouldn't normally get to use you can just kind of really go crazy with the shot ease yep the phone throwers are such a pain y'all come on down come on down easy the dog things scare me yeah I'm showing offline right now I'm bad about accidentally opening my watch and I didn't want to hit my could go to in the middle of one of these so that's what I need already you ever solo this and you want to you know take your time from the very moment you get in here you want to start collecting long range items for like the inverted ballroom section I think I think one good flintlock is good apply just go ahead and use I don't have any spots for this okay nice whoo oh yeah you gotta be real careful too because your whip will disappear in here come on and just drop the shouting just gone with this thing trying to waste my shotty ammo before I got to this and man I was made a disaster out of that not a single treasure chest down here okay I'm um officially found a way to glitch out of the map or get into a rock and avoid death in crimson oh nice yeah I am very rusty okay this thing no escape cave skip yeah which one you talking about well it's safe play it safe play it safe we won shot everything we got to try and one-shot this one I mean my third least favorite I mean my favorites probably Crimson Jumbo this one aisle and then gone trophy I just had to pick it was taking her so long she's usually here by now to get lost our minions beat beat her here there she is oh the lag lag is so real make sure one of those little fire breathers don't get up in here oh that was scary come on let's go let's go Punk I'm tempted to use the yeah this is really awkward I don't think I've ever been in half the positions I've been in tonight gotcha I've never had her come up those stairs that mean like that was really weird do some laser tagging I've been working on laser tag a little bit to get the want that top hat these are the guys that I was worried about where the little walkers all they got stuck guys are so dumb ooh darn it I got something good stuffs you can keep to flintlocks on you house I highly suggest that that should be more than enough to get me through the inverted ballroom [Applause] oh so laggy this is also not the best place to be for this one best places just get up on the bookshelf so I really don't know why I'm here I brought this on myself I guess there's that bad how many people like GPT because it's so is it yes it's short it's easy and I've just done it so much I don't think it's a bad quest I really enjoyed it I just I've done it so much that it's boring now I make sure you don't lose your whip I don't have to go all the way back we have ourselves a real issue called the armor yeah you get tokens and consumables and film I think you get ten token boxes a day after that you start getting film and consumables and stuff like that and as we learn from my solo tutorial of this I don't hit these guys through this fall because they will hit you back this question no yes it is [Music] hope drag doesn't do anything stupid he's not supposed to spawn like right on top you but he will sometimes so that was cool I was so scary bones started trying to come up over the how do you aim with the whip just a lot of practice I usually do underhand it's just a lot easier on your over you know thanks for the sub I do have a whip this is the place to be you can't see you he I don't think I've ever seen you walk over here so you're pretty safe but you may want to glance over here every now and again he walks out annek thank you for the sub appreciate you guys yeah do green mats for the last of the wave [Applause] it's so laggy it's getting bad no thank you [Applause] okay good little planet actions just come up here spawn everything and then run back over here because there's not gonna be any fire bats you get a couple of sweepers but I'm fairly confident they can't get you up here so I've never seen him get up here there's two sections they're gonna quickly subscribe okay we got two flintlocks I think we're pretty good now comes for the fun part added for Easter yeah I love Easter like to go out and hide all the eggs and you know what the kids come down yeah that's good right you'll both just die just die yep this is the place to be you stand er sit when you plan I'm standing I get lazy I'll sit down I used to do a lot of sitting when I play but it's far more immersive understanding they watching for these boners in the trees and it's usually a good idea to kind of take a step back so the bone throwers will come a little bit closer and generally that I could stay just out of whip range and then you can kind of run up and pop them when they get closer if they were here you're lucky you get the bone thrower spawn open this side there's one I'm a little closer you can't see me I hate these things so much oh man it's like they know that you're within range even when I can't see hate him so much the lag oh my gosh so bad yeah what's up pretty princess I have so many other no that's fine man doesn't mean 6k if they're all all two counts but I appreciate you yeah bruh how are you gonna manage the ballroom crashing bug uh if I'm never had it crash me while I'm playing solo but of course I haven't played it solo in like a year so we're just gonna hope that doesn't happen we crash we cry does it crash on you and you're soloing I hope it crashes now that is so mean the steamvr suo okay I'm running through oculus so hopefully I don't have these issues chatbox getting in my way just a little bit oh my gosh the fog you gotta fight your way back in you guys not too bad though time is it for you it is final clunk OH not gonna give me anything I'll add all friend requests I assure you there's one except got a few I think you man will go ahead and Felix a eg [Music] all right this one's a fun one I think the best thing is to just kind of come down here spawn everything and then run back second wave you will have some stuff spawn over here though so you got to be like careful of that especially if everything spawns over here and then you're kind of like stuck between a rock and a hard place what you see I hit box hit box on the post is like nine times the size of the post you are lucky bat as mad as max Packer man watching Oh No thank you sir memes [Music] go ahead and take these guys out I like to wait until your take out these Gunners here and then they'll run up on you another flintlock please no okay I think we're good if I'm missing some your messages I'm like I don't have to do something really stupid get what up bro mix is there a day but there's so much to make a day but just an anti night bar oh my gosh the spikes in here to kill you I think they just resets you fairly certain there was for a while though they would break and they would not they like keep respawning you on the spikes and you'd be stuck in an infinite loop where's my silver a bad now just gotta hope we don't crash really all right if there's any sort of flintlock or something that we can use [Music] well that's bad idea let's just do it in the lobby if we make it to the lobby if we crash here this is not my fault all right we made it it's even finally good Flint walk Oh that'll work if we don't nice you still ate no you're dumb okay favorite record music it would say that the Grand Hall of the campfire song and watch me die to an arrow at the very end slowness bug it makes it very possible go go go go go a slowness bug I can't move oh my gosh I love the campfire yeah you can play it on iOS it's fun for hanging out and just kind of relaxing but going for some competitive runes it just doesn't cut it fnaf foxy you're doing a solo attempt yes attempt we're done good so far this is this is the last one man this is the last one and we we're past the hard part the rest of its easy but it is kind of there's a little orangey involved so I'm just hoping something stupid doesn't happen been so long since I've solo track I don't even know what to do yep Sonic's channel not a chant when we will do it paestum room quests yeah I'm good good thing about selling this guy's he can't Juke you out you know he's always gonna come for you so you just keep attacking no I need that it doesn't work got at once alright they lived all right flintlock would be most helpful we do have some of these all right down your hand with a whip better for me it is [Music] welcome it looks like we're the last ones here see he's not supposed to spawn over here on top of you so hopefully he doesn't he does it's over creeper oh don't do something stupid rat come on play me fair I had a shoddy in my hands not what I wanted man don't go on stage that's like a bad place to be I need this guy to peek out at me nope I missed they got the dogs there's a main issue without trying to take out the oh where you at which one are you right on top of me no no that's that's a cheap shot right there is what that is what that's a hit bro again that's a hit man come on I've hit him twice yes let's go five quests in a row solo one tap them all thank you much [Music] accept sir luck I accept whoa I'm shaking man we did it we did it girls I'm stoked I honestly did not think that we were gonna make all five in a row one tat especially after it's been so long since I have solo to quest you'll thank you laser fire all right how long have we been streaming actually I've got to go now I am going - what's up mo LaRue um it's just a button and it's all good favorite quest audio probably this one crescendo I didn't accept your friend course I'm happy to accept it thank you guys so I'm gonna hop off here I'm gonna take a break we're gonna hop on do some filming and I hope you're gonna enjoy the video I know you will we're going to get these stereotypes for crimson cauldron done and hopefully we will have that out very soon hopefully early next week but I'm gonna hop off here I thank you guys so much for hanging out with me this has been so much fun I did not think we were gonna do it I'm stoked I'm glad you guys were here to follow along with me as far as tomorrow tomorrow being Easter but I'm not gonna be an early stream if I do one or probably be in the afternoon you know spin Easter with the kids but hope you guys have a good day night wherever you're at in the world and I will see you all next time bye gasps
Channel: Boethiah
Views: 939,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rec, Room, VR, Oculus, vive, psvr, minecraft, RecRoom, rift, rifts, cosmos, index, knuckles, rec trailer, rec 2007, rec 2, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft hard mode, SMB3, super, mario, bros., brothers, bruthers
Id: amrZ5I9yMqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 50sec (8690 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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