I Survived 24 HOURS in Rec Room VR and THIS Happened...

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around 11am on new year's eve 2021 i put on my vr headset and logged into rec room for the next 24 hours i would be stuck in rec room i would not be allowed to take off my headset and i would not be allowed to sleep to put it short i spent 24 hours in rec room vr here's how it went the rules are pretty simple number one i have to keep the headset on the entire time and this means i can't use the pass-through cameras number two i was not allowed to sleep the entire time and number three i had to stream the whole thing with the rules set let's begin and find out if i will last the entire 24 hours i began the stream and timer in my new studio i used for recording with a couple of my friends around welcome everybody to the stream why are you doing this um i don't know why am i doing this now i had a lot of friends come and go throughout the stream so i'm not gonna introduce most of them except for one silent for some reason silent had also decided to stay up the entire 24 hours and stay in vr the entire time with me so he's going to be with us basically throughout this entire journey after doing an intro in the new studio we decided to set a first goal for ourselves that would hopefully occupy quite a bit of time we were going to attempt to beat all five of the rec room original quests back to back that means we had to do golden trophy crimson cauldron jumbotron isle of the lost skulls and crescendo none of us were like super experienced with the quest so this was gonna take a while [Music] uh-oh okay we have to kill the enemies nevermind we're good all right kelpie the finishing blow [Music] okay go [Music] silent you did not just die to go to europe you're kidding me dude okay i take back what i said about dying to ghost beard [Music] dracula there's the basketball over here i gotta make a shot oh come on this guy's gonna kill me i'm trying to play basketball oh shoot man i'm so elected oh hey can you handle that guy for me thanks i'm trying to i'm trying to shoot hoops here uh-oh they call me michael jordan they call me kanye west no he's not a basketball player i did it four meters baby eventually after multiple hours of playing quests we defeated dracula which concluded our adventure to beat every single rec room original quest at this point we were about four hours into the stream and this is where the first wave of exhaustion hit i'd say that like four hours is around when a normal person would end their stream but i still had 20 hours left to go because of this we decided to take our first short little break in dracula's theater is that actually like the music is that the actual music sheets for it yeah i think it is because if you sing it's like low high low [Music] after our break we just decided to play some random rooms for a bit and see what we could find that was fun we went and played around in grapple hook parkour which is a room that i worked on a few months ago and we just played some classic laser tag you know all that good stuff after messing around for a bit we were about five and a half hours into the stream which means i was getting hungry for dinner it was time for our next and arguably most important goal to eat food in rec room in real life at the same time i'm going to eat the rec room pizza and the actual pizza that you can't see simultaneously let me be our guys we have lenny vr i'm very scared of breaking my controllers i ate the entire rec room pizza in the time it took me to take a single bite of the actual pizza i literally can't even see like what part of the pizza i'm grabbing i'm i'm probably not even grabbing it by the crust this is like a mukbang now not only did i get to eat pizza and rec room in real life at the same time but i also happen to have some raspberry dark chocolate on hand and that's in rec room too so i ate those at the same time too first i eat pizza in rec room in real life at the same time now i eat chocolate [Applause] my favorite these ones oh my gosh this is so good i spent this time to eat some food hang out with my friends and decide what we were doing next we were six and a half hours in and we were ready for something big we realized that everyone in my dorm room was a member of ink overflow which is a group that makes rooms in rec room like with the maker pen you know and we had the great idea of starting work on a game room and trying to finish the game before the stream was over as it turns out this was not as good of an idea as we initially thought see the idea sounded great and despite the amount of creators we had working in this room at the same time i learned very quickly that it was very boring to watch me try and explain circuits to my chat we're gonna select a random player to be the crusher to start are you all following chat how many viewers am i losing by doing circuits i spent a solid few hours working on this room in the stream but i'm not gonna bore you with any of that it's literally just me coding for two hours basically so about eight and a half hours into the stream i decided i was gonna leave while other people continued to work on the game and i might come back and work on it later too and then hopefully it would still be done before the stream was over so let's put a pin in that shelve it for now and we'll come back to it okay and then around 10 hours into the stream i got an offer that i couldn't refuse you see at the same time as my 24 hour stream another rec room youtuber soulfoxgaming was doing a 10 hour stream he was playing rec royale with his stream and he invited me to come along and join him for a few games dude i swear i saw this chess get opened right before my eyes ah that was terrifying oh two shots and it was over someone found a glitch that lets you take a picture and make it like really really massive i had no idea what was happening when i saw this but i was instantly down for it and i suddenly knew that i needed to collect as many as i could as fast as possible wait i wait why is there a giant picture give me one reason why i shouldn't kill you give me one reason why i shouldn't kill you uh that is not a good reason this giant picture is mine now thank you oh i think i see someone yeah i see people i see people oh they also have giant pictures i offer you a trade give me that picture right now i would like to trade pictures yes please give me your picture in return you can have mine i'll take it from you forcefully if you don't give it over i have a shotgun too okay yeah okay the monster hand over the picture i got a teammate with a shotgun too not feeling too confident now are you hand over the picture i get both pictures i lied hey these are my pictures these are my pictures get away oh ow not my pictures please my pictures please don't take my pictures why can't i reload my gun oh i'm out of ammo uh oh wait i'll take that no he took my pictures you took everything from me it is returned it is returned to me give me my picture back this is mine this is mine later i was actually on soul fox's team and it was a 3v1 so we made the awful decision to try and fight him with only pans ever since they nerfed the pans a few years back they have basically no usable hitbox and hitting people with them is actually almost impossible but we put up a hell of a fight anyways hey so you got a little something on your head there a little uh oh hey you got another little you got uh never mind no never no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait our pans are loud we're changing the rules on the fly you know i'm actually i'm 100 yeah yeah pads only we know we got to do it he's in the tree he's in the corner get him ah this is such an awful weapon oh we should have picked it up and thrown back oh uh oh we're not we're we're a little low so i don't know i don't know if we can revive you don't worry about me okay okay i don't know about this so wait he's using your pan now he's got a health pot oh yeah it's a full health he has full health this is like the final boss i'm extending no dello you got to do it your final hope no oh eventually soul fox decided we were gonna play hide and seek and that i was gonna get to be the seeker you know no pressure i just gotta track down and kill 15 other people all right we're playing hide and seek my goal kill everyone i do see someone over here hey come over here i'm friendly i swear oh there you are it's ruth and of course the first person i found was energetic ruth another rec room youtuber hey uh maybe i can maybe i maybe we can bargain maybe we can bargain what do you have to offer me shield potion you really think that i want the shield potion might need something more than that have you have you bought the cube ruth have you bought the cube i have not okay go buy the cube right now and i'll spare you oh sorry what's that you don't know what the orange cube is oh you know it's only the greatest invention in all of rec room that i've been trying to make the most bought paid invention in the entire game for over a year now we're well over halfway there at this point which is why i was really pushing for people to buy it and why i cared about it so much in this clip by the way if you haven't bought the cube yet you should totally go to the room buy the cube and rec room and do it because all of the tokens i make from it get gifted back into the community anyways i just needed to explain some context back to the clip i'll spare you right now if you promise me after the game you'll buy the cube all right okay but i'll trap my tits dramatically all right i barely have any you've got 20 seconds i'm looking away yeah so letting ruth go free was actually a massive mistake because for basically the rest of the game i found a nobody the circle got so small that i could basically hear everybody but i couldn't actually kill any of them and i realized how awful i was doing and let's just say that at over 11 hours into my stream i was starting to get a little bit insane no freaking way it's a picture of the orange cube that is so funny it's beautiful it's better than i ever could have expected free advertisement i'm going to frontier power don't kill me all right i'll spare you oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa don't kill me i have plot armor no i've already spared enough people in the sake of the cube i can't spare a third everyone here right now i'm making an announcement this game what i've learned about myself is that i'm too soft i have let two people escape because they said they'd buy the cube or because they were advertising the cube and i just want to let you all know i am a different person now i am a different person now and i am not going to give you mercy where's ruth i need my revenge i don't even care i just need to find ruth oh ruth you're not getting away this time can only loop around so many times before it kills you i should have done that at the start of the game where's the rest of you yeah jump on down you can't stay up there for long oh my god i'm actually going to run out of ammo everyone stand still and line up against this wall have you bought the cube of course of course also we can talk about this let's do a rock paper scissors match nice and amicable rock paper scissors shoot well uh also i lied this gun doesn't have ammo so uh i was kind of hoping we'd go by the honor system there but uh i don't know how this is gonna work well boys it was good knowing you honestly i don't think i could say the same whoa what the heck is it cause i tried to kill you is it because i tried to kill you oh oh my god all right looks like you win i'm dying i'm dying looks like it looks like you win double p i'm just not cut out i'm just not cut out to be the hunter clearly i literally somehow failed at hide and seek even though nobody else was allowed to attack me i like ran out of ammo and failed that is so depressing anyways after all of that insanity eventually i said goodbye to soul fox and i headed on my way back to the room that we were working on before and you'll see when i joined that a lot of progress on the art had actually been made this room looks completely different than it did before and it actually looks really really cool we were about 12 hours in at this point which means that it was time for the first new year's celebration i think it was est or something i don't know there's too many time zones to keep track of ten all right all right here we go ten nine eight seven six five four three two one happy we have damage turned on because of the game chip we can beat each other up with the empty glasses get the heck out of here after celebrating the first new years i pretty quickly realized that i did not want to continue working on this room so i headed back to my dorm room for a bit with my friends for another short break after that we were about 13 hours into the stream which means it's time for another new year's celebration this time it was cst and we didn't have as many people but we went with it anyways three two one happy new year [Music] the gold clap sound effect guys i'm gonna be real with you at this point we were over halfway through the stream i was starting to get really tired i had no idea what we were doing so we decided to play among us okay we have outside information here ruth says dingboy has a history to always being the imposter is this true i'm trusting her i'm trusting rng i'm trusting her he dabs as he dies [Music] did ruth just kill me dingboy is sprinting away ruth just killed me are you blaming me this is entertaining being dead yeah yeah not so sneaky now are you after that i was starting to get a bit hungry again so we headed back to my dorm room except this time i was out of pizza so i fumbled around to find my sandwich instead they might not have sandwiches in rec room but luckily silent made one for me so i could still eat it in real life in the game at the same time and yes it is perfectly normal to eat sandwiches at one am okay don't judge me wow look i'm a dragon that is so awesome wait move further this way you can be in the background while eating my sandwich blue bob asmr channel challenge something hey i don't know if you knew but i have a video partner code in rec room and it helps me out a ton if you use it so if you ever buy tokens use code bvr or you can just click the link in the description to support me thank you after i finished my sandwich we decided to play some hide and seek it was not nearly as exhilarating as it sounds your voice sounds gone i'm just relaxing a little bit before this next celebration because here's the thing right damn it who killed me angle you are a stream sniper you're literally stream sniping me every single round your ass was poking out of that you're literally stream sniping me while we were playing hide and seek i got news of a special event that was happening in the rec center at midnight pst they actually had a ball in the rec center that was scheduled to drop at midnight in every single rec center this was going to be my third and final new year's celebration of the night so we had to make it big star centurion is a friend of mine and a staff member at rec room and he was actually in chat for quite a bit of the stream apparently a bunch of rec room staff members were going to be celebrating the ball drop and hanging out in the same rec center and me and my friends actually got invited to go to that rec center as well from star and once we got there yeah there were a lot of other creators and staff members there do some rec center glitches yeah right in front of the entire staff team i'm gonna do some rec center glitches guys that sounds like a really good idea guys you gotta you gotta save shooting your bubbly for midnight it'll all pop at once oh should we do that i think so well we might crash the rec center but sure nine eight seven six five four three [Applause] [Music] three two one oh you guys are so me love you all happy new year after the ball drop i just like stayed and talked and hung out there for over an hour it was past 2 am at that point and i just really needed something to chill and relax instead of all the action from before and i'm really lucky that i had all these cool people there to just talk with it was just a really great time thank you so much to star for inviting me and my friends to this event honestly that hour where we just stuck around afterwards and talked and hung out and had fun with everyone there it was probably the highlight of my night this stream as a whole but that new year's party in particular has definitely gone down as one of my favorite rec room memories oh wow this is a wacky camera angle oh we are totally doing this so at this point i'd like to acknowledge the room that we were working on earlier that we were gonna finish before the end of the stream you know yeah that one so you might have noticed that i never actually told you what the game was and that's because we never actually ended up releasing it we didn't finish it during the 24 hours i was just too tired to work on it at that point my brain couldn't do circuits that late nobody else was really on to work on it either so sadly we did fail at completing that room so we've put it on the sideline for a bit we have some ideas for how we might change it up and uh hopefully you'll see it released eventually at this point i was around 16 hours into the stream which means it was around 3 am and the tiredness was really starting to kick in this was the hardest part of the stream silent and i bounced between a bunch of rooms trying to stay awake and feel time but as time went on some of my european friends started to wake up and they joined up with us and we found some more things to do and once i got back with my friends then the morning started to just kind of fly away i'm feeling lucky see the bullet wouldn't have come out fast enough to kill you if you didn't put the water in it i like i like your fancy moves okay oh thank you okay that was almost bad it was too late the odds are not in your favor this time no they're not oh my god they're not too much bad too bad just you and me glacier a bad time glacier no matter how this goes for you it's going to be bad oh my god all right finally i got a win let's go oh no oh no wait it killed me what why did it kill me what the titanic is sailing straight towards the large iceberg oh hey isn't that the ship that we're on turn the wheel turn the wheel turn the wheel over well guys don't see any icebergs out there seems all fine to me oh we got water okay hey whoa hey i think we should go back up uh yeah maybe um i'm taking an alternate exit follow me follow me no it's okay follow me follow me oh that is not durable hold on hold on there is no i swear there's an extra there's another exit um okay i lied oops whoa what's going on out there must be some crazy fish they have to pull out the guns to kill these voices are louder than the ones in my head i thought those were the ones in my head sorry i'm currently dying on the titanic i'm a bit sidetracked [Music] after a fun yet very tiring morning we decided to end things right here where it all began in my new studio look as the final minutes tick down i could sit here and try and teach you some lesson about the experience like every 24-hour challenge video seems to try and do but honestly there really is no satisfying lesson and there never is i played a video game for a day what do you want from me i just straight up had a good time with my chat and i had a good time with my friends and that's all you gotta do sometimes no lesson needed the majority of my friends that i've met on this game in the past year showed up for the stream at some point so thank you very much to everybody who came out or just typed in chat or anything i made so many great memories with you all and i hope i translated that well into this video so that you the viewer can understand as well and uh you know i guess that's about it time's up thanks for watching we got three two one let's celebrate i wasted a day of my life all right and with that we take off the headset i'll see you guys i'm out of here well done he tripped over his waterfall [Music]
Channel: BVR
Views: 818,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rec room, rec room vr, 24 hours, surviving 24 hours, i spent 24 hours in vr, 100 days in the metaverse, metaverse, challenge, billehbawb, bvr, bvr rec room, rec room weekly, rec room roundup, i spend 24 hours in rec room, 24 hours in rec room, 24 hours in vr
Id: 9vQT4gLmhVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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