How to Beat Dark Souls 2 in 69 Minutes - Any% Speedrun with Walkthrough Commentary

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hello everybody and welcome to another speedrun commentary this time on a Souls game I have never speedrun before at least until now Dark Souls 2 which I know is everybody's favorite Dark Souls game I give this game a lot of flack as a joke I actually really really love Dark Souls 2 I love all the souls games even if this is one of my least favourite Souls games I still love all of them so if you never join me for one of these fewer and commentaries before I like to give a little walk through kind of play-by-play of what I'm doing in the run so that you can try for yourself if you want to so to start the run you want to start your timer as soon as the cutscene ends and then after your stamina bar runs out once you want to take off all of your clothes because stamina regenerates faster depending on your weight in this game and it actually does make a difference to take them off to this character creator even though you change your clothes right after I've got to go ahead and put in your name that character creation in this game counts so you just want to put in the shortest name possible you want to pick Banat pandit bonfire sstick and then you want to head out as fast as you possibly can take off those clothes again as I mentioned and one thing you'll notice that I'm doing here which is kind of weird is you want a two hand in your left hand and the reason you want to do that is many actions in Dark Souls 2 if you take them with your it's either your left or your right hand I can't remember what whether it's opposite or not the point being many of the actions you take in Dark Souls 2 will be done faster if you to hand in your left hand it's not that much faster but it's a speedrun and it adds up over time because think about things like opening doors bonfires everything like that it matters anyway right here we're gonna cut right and then we're gonna do a nice little jump down to the binoculars because that's a little uh obviously a little shortcut than running all the way around and one thing you'll notice and if you've seen any mice puter in commentaries on this game before or the souls games that is stamina management is a huge huge huge part of these runs because in Dark Souls 2 in particular you'll notice that if you run out of stamina entirely there will be like a three second buffer after you get it back before you can sprint again and with this being a speeder and you want to be able to sprint as much as possible so you're gonna go around and pull the lever here I put the darksign in the third slot the Estes and the 10th and then I'm gonna drink the Estes to get my health back the reasoning for putting things in different spots is you're gonna want them queued in certain orders you can figure that out for yourself if you want to put them in different orders but I put them here for specific reasons notice otherwise that I talked to the Herald and then ran to the bonfire there you talked to the Herald to get the estus flask so you just want to tag her which basically means press a to talk to her and then run away and you want to light the bonfire because of course we're gonna need to come back to medulla you want to jump down there get those items and then we're gonna run through the forest of fallen Giants there are some specific specific things to look out for here being that guy right there that dude can snipe you so you got to be real careful to watch where his era was going because if he Snipes you and gets shot in the head it's not a fun time gonna climb up the ladder here and then we got a look at this guy on the right we want to watch what he does if he a grows to you you need to go kite an attack from him meaning you need to go to his face you need to bait an attack and get and then run away because as you notice right there he comes up to the fog if he runs to you and you ignore him he will stop you from getting through that fog gate for these two guys you just want to bait them to one side and then run to the other then we're gonna run up to the top up here we're going to turn and then roll we're doing that also to kite attacks to try not to get hit on this ladder as you can see there even though I was out of his reach he still hits me Thank You Dark Souls to pain in the butt here I want to equip the soul of the lost undead because we're gonna need it to buy a firebomb I want to light this here then what you're gonna do is you're gonna press a or X to call her and start doing it and the moment you do that you press square or X because that will allow you to use the soul while you're talking to her so while I'm using that soul on mashing X here we're equipping that firebomb the spot is pretty particular right there this is gonna go really fast in that spot you need to look down looking down is key and you throw the firebomb this is for sewer skipper Zeus Kim again this is gonna go really fast what you need to do for pursuer skip is run up on that ledge you get good you probably need to play it back you'll notice that I jumped at the very last second over that little edge and then when I turned around I jumped on this little crease in the in the rock over the moment I jumped over I used a life gem immediately that's for timing and then after that runs straight to the bonfire if you do that what essentially happens is the pursuer is being spawned you spawn him in and as you rest at the bonfire it resets the arena and the bird that's carrying that pursuer drops the pursuer and he dies you get his soul in the ring of blades it's pretty awesome it's a cool trick but I would definitely look up pursuer skip on youtube if you specifically want to do this because I glazed over it really quickly and another thing I want to say is that fog gate [ __ ] that fog gate dude you need to bait attacks from those spear wielders you'll notice that I ran really far past them and then rolled to the gate because otherwise they'll poke you with that gate here you want to equip the ring of blades you want to put bones in slot two you want to put the soul in slot six then we're gonna to hand axe and go through the gate when you enter you're gonna hit the giant four times right away stand there for a second which will cut you this attack then go around make sure you have stamina for three hits go for that leg Sam a nerf or three hits over this leg I only got two cuz I'm bad then you want to stay at the leg do three stay again get stamina back for three go to the other leg I roll away cuz I see that he's doing his triple stomp get enough back for three go over here I get bitch-slapped which is [ __ ] great but I'm able to come back in and get the last two hits now this is very key you want to start using the darksign immediately as fast as possible here because what's gonna happen is you'll see I use the dark sign there before the souls popped into my count because I use the dark sign so quickly I will still get the giant souls you can see I have 10,000 here and then we're gonna buy the blacksmith's key leave and go to medulla yeah that's a nice little trick that you can darksign out before and still get the souls from the boss but it is it is very particular you have to do it very quickly so you want to make sure you have the dark side whipped if the herald is here she might not always be but hopefully she will be you want to talk to her and then run away essentially the reason we're doing this is the herald you need to talk to her four times before you're able to level up for the first time and we already talked to her once so if we talked to her two times here as we rested them on fire to get that blacksmith then we're good same deal here as with the soul of the Lost Undead I'm going to press a to talk to him and then immediately X and that will let me use a solo pursuer while I go through his dialogue because NPCs in this game love to [ __ ] hear themselves talk you're buying a rapier you're buying six titanite shards and you're upgrading that rapier to +3 I'm gonna switch the rapier here for a little trick and then I'm going to put the soul of the last giant on because as we talk to the cat we are going to do the same thing X square and then we are using the soul then I'm gonna buy the cat ring then I'm gonna buy two bones and I'm gonna buy two skulls after that I am going to make a shrimp on I'm gonna equip the cat ring roll down I'm gonna use one gem gonna use one gem missed it like a dumb-dumb now what I want to do is sprint here I did it really awkwardly you can sprint across be good and then line yourself up here with this use the rapier to attack forward that'll make sure you fall on it because if you break that it never comes back in your playthrough so if you if you break it it's a reset unfortunately switch back to the axe here we're gonna do a running attack r1 on this then do a jumping attack and then we'll let you grab the items I'm gonna see me run and jump here you want to try to aim to get in this wall if you miss it you want to do this you want to jump in front of that guy cuz otherwise that guy will blow up and get you and you want to switch to the rapier come down here it can help to stab here because what you're gonna see I should have stabbed at the rapier there because if you do you'll fall straight down but instead I got caught by the ladder which is dumb but anyway go down here roll down you can try to hit that ledge if you do you'll not take as much damage no matter what use the life gem here then you're gonna run at a very specific angle you'll see right there so you can land on that if you do not land on that it will take about 97% HP which means you'll probably die so you want to try to run make sure you're running then here you can jump there to the left I usually try to do it as best I can but it didn't work that time I like to fall down to the area to the right sometimes you get poisoned if you do you got to use to life gems immediately and it'll be fine then run on the bridge jump here I notice that I ran out of stamina here so I needed to be careful you want to make sure you get a good running start before you do this jump otherwise you'll fall but you jump right across stab here then we're gonna go down here and it's a nice little safe strap roll here roll back auto roll then you roll here don't roll again panic rolling get the life gems don't get [ __ ] by that dude and then come down here so that's nice you'll have 20 extra life gems over the course of the run it's it's a nice little safety cushion because otherwise you only start with the 10 that that the bandit automatically gets jump here enter the mist I'm going to equip the alluring skulls in slot 8 which is gonna be useful for when I go on the DLC so I usually run to this fourth one here I stop for a second get my stamina back I run this path right here through the middle doesn't get me hit by any poison any of those guys I try to jump over these and get over that I missed walk around this dude make sure you roll these because if you don't they might hit you stagger you and if they do you're gonna be them for a world of hurt because that guy's gonna grab you and it's gonna be a problem so I grabbed the bonfire and then now we are going to run down to the rotten if you run wide to the left here and none of these will hit you which is nice so then we're gonna go through the fog and then we're gonna do honestly what is probably one of the hardest fights in the run the rotten because you only have a +3 rapier your stamina is really low but the real scary thing here is your ATP is only three so he can get some serious [ __ ] boxes on you but what you're gonna notice is I do not lock on to the rotten and the reason I don't lock on to the rotten is I do not have the stamina here to really be dodging so what I want to do this attack and the attack that goes in the opposite direction I want to kite as many of those as possible from afar because if I do I can just walk back and then sprint in the worst things he can do are that attack where you just hand up and backs up because it's a waste of time and the other worst attack isn't slammed down because it slam downs come very quickly which is very scary you'll see that I'm trying to walk back here and cut something and it is it's just not happening for me this ends up being a really bad rotten fight because the slam downs I have to roll away from I really want him to do the spins but when he does I'm too close anyway so this is a terrible example fortunately well or unfortunately will be fighting around a lot more so you'll get a chance to see some good riding fights but watching this back in hindsight I know I had like a twenty five forty second time save here and I think I only saved like seven seconds and it's pretty apparent why this is a [ __ ] horrible rotten fight but it's you you got to be safe here because rotten can not one-shot you if your full HP I believe I don't think there's any attacks that can maybe that energy slam down but yeah you just you just need to stay alive here especially an earlier runs so you want to clip the rotten soul in slot seven here and we're gonna go to the DLC I know it seems weird to go to the DLC and a speedrun especially that this is any % which I haven't mentioned by the way if you don't know what a 90% run is it is a run where you try to beat the game as fast as possible so you're not trying to beat any specific amount of bosses we just want to beat dark souls to as fast as possible but the reason we go to the DLC is it is faster to go to the DLC and get the items we need which are bonfire s sticks and the bright bugs than it is to otherwise go get the four Lord Souls and you'll see why later and we also want to get Flynn's rank as Flynn's ring is [ __ ] Opie dude Flynn's ring is so good in this game it's not quite as good in Dark Souls 3 but Flynn's ring is absurdly good ring a blades Flynn's ring if we were doing the all bosses run we'd be getting Leo's ring I believe that's what it's called the one you get from old Dragon Slayer and that adds more to the rapiers counter damage which the rapiers counter damage is just absolutely filthy in this game so I'm such as a bow you can actually do a jump there right before sin wakes up and if you do you can avoid this whole little shake which save you about seven seconds I don't do it because it's a you lose a run if you if you miss it so I'm going to run right past the crystals here I'm in a m-- write it below that window and then I'm gonna I'm gonna do a back step and then I'm gonna jump that's a nice little skip it saves a lot of time but if you do happen to fall there you'll fall down to a platform if you look up you can shoot the this thing to the right and you can just get up it loses you about 20-25 seconds but it's better than dying so try to make that jump it is a pretty difficult jump to make you want to jump at the last minute you want to make sure you're aiming you want to do the back step so you get a good run anyway here I'm going to go light the bonfire after using the sole I walk slowly off there you can also stab off with the rapier I just be careful there because if you walk too fast you'll actually just fall off entirely which is bad go on the bridge here if you're too close to the fire make sure you roll so you don't get [ __ ] by it after walking out here and jumping and then we were gonna move forward into the next area what we're gonna do a little do a little sniping do a little sniping on some switches which is pretty useful I I never thought to do this before I did the speed run but it's quite useful because you need to hit the switch three times to get through here so you shoot an arrow there I'm gonna turn around and shoot an arrow here and then I'm gonna turn around aim here and once the switch comes up I'm gonna shoot it again now we're gonna walk through here because we want the sole that drops from here and the dragon charms which will be nice for later I equip the sole in slot seven before I shoot this arrow because we're gonna need to use it in the DLC and I want it equipped I shoot one last they are there so this turns and as I do I'm gonna start running because we need to go through and now we're gonna go get Flynn's ring if you happen to know where it is and you'll know where I'm going otherwise just run down here to the left I'm gonna drop down try to turn to the left a little bit so that I can turn here and go up the stairs it's pretty easy to walk past that guy just hang it on the left and then we're gonna go up the stairs here and get Flynn's ring even if you never have any desire speeder in this game and you just had never had any idea where this ring is go get it it's [ __ ] great the only thing of note with Flynn's ring is if you don't know what it does it gives you more attack power the lower your equip weight is so you'll notice that I'm not really going to use any armor or anything in this game this is a naked run boy so you get the most out of flynn's ring possible you want to throw look up as high as you can and throw that skull in that spot so it hits that bridge it's very important because you don't want to get hit on this ladder you do not want this mage paying attention to you unfortunately they do here but I listen for the attack and I time my role there because it can shoot a magic shot at you which at this HP would kill me but instead it did its little soma soma ng soul homing mass homing soul mass yes this was terrifying because you need to grab this bone and this guy tried to get fresh with me but what I do is I grab the bone here I try to pay attention to where they are and typically what I'll do is this spot I'll run around curl around the edge and then bonfire bonfire bone bone to the bonfire I'm speaking super great today if you do the bone about halfway through the bone animation you're safe but what's also nice is most of their swings will go over your head so that's pretty sweet you're back to the bonfire if your health is really low you might want to rest of the bonfire I decide here that I'm just gonna use a life gem I'm gonna want to run down here I'm gonna pop the gem this time there's gonna be no sin to kill these guys so what you want to do when you see this right here you want to start walking at that spot hug the left they should do this attack you want to roll to the left as that happens instead of face tanking their [ __ ] attacks like I did but that's the attack you want to see because that means you'll be able to roll through the middle of what they're doing which is nice same thing here is talking to the merchants I'm gonna press X and then I'm gonna press square immediately to use a soul after that I'm gonna throw the skull because that'll stop the mages from killing me here and it will stop the dudes who are on the bridge from completely following me in which allows me to go up here because we have one area left to go as I mentioned before we wanted to get Flynn's ring we needed the key to get here because this is where we're gonna get the bright bugs and the bonfire s ticks which are extremely extremely extremely important in the run bonfire Essex for those who might not know allow you to turn one single bonfire to new game+ and the bright bugs give you a damage buff while also taking less damage it's [ __ ] their therapy but there's very limited amounts in the game so I'm gonna do here make sure my stamina is back after lighting the bonfire just sprint straight into that hole and you'll fall down into this area you can heal with Estus if you get hit by that guys a little magic thing you can heal with life gems and then bone back and the reason we do this is because we don't want the invader there we need to be able to get through here safely and now we're going to run through to this area and I guess you know technically the reason you run down there is because if you ran through here the invader would still be there and you couldn't bone but when you go down into that area the invader leaves which is convenient then we're gonna run down here you're gonna curve to the left here and you're gonna curve left as you drop because we're gonna I want to go into this area over here this is where we're gonna pick up our bright bugs then we're gonna run back here you want to try to line up so you're lined up with this pillar because you don't want that guy with the arrow to shoot you and stun you run past grab this and then immediately use your homeward bone nine times out of 10 I never get attacked here if I do that it always seems to work okay if you do you can roll around and try to go to a different little hidey hole and get away but typically I'm pretty good there so no we're now we're finally done in the DLC we don't got to do anything else left here thank God because enemies do such high damage here it's scary we got what we needed now we're going to the Cardinal tower because we have a couple things we need to buy want to buy a cestus you want to buy three bright bugs and what I do is I buy a effigy here you can actually buy more if you want to the thing is it's a little bit slow because we do need Souls for other things here that's why this is part of the run scary because you can't die at all once you've spent the souls here it gets a little less scary because deaths become a little less problematic other than losing time of course but early runs that doesn't matter so much so we're gonna level 14 vigor 27 endurance and eight ATP clap-clap-clap we're actually getting more ATP yay even though if I'm not mistaken you need 26 ATP to have dark souls 1 iframes this game is disgusting about ATP so we're gonna upgrade that again 1427 8 on vigor endurance and ATP and then we're gonna go get our rapier upgraded to +4 which is the last time we will great any weapon in the run so yes you're gonna finish Dark Souls Dark Souls 2 with our highest weapon being a +4 in a speedrun it's pretty cool the damage buffs here are insane so there I equipped the covetous silver ring in slot 1 and I equip the Flynn's ring in slot 4 and then we're gonna run forward here into this area which is why we got a fragrant branch of your earlier I don't even remember when we got that to be honest I think we picked it up with some other [ __ ] it's fine you have one if you did everything I did you have one and then we're gonna go pick up the light gems Homer bones because it's a little extra gems which is nice but particularly we're picking him up for the Homer bones which we're gonna need in the upcoming splits get this lady out of the way pull this lever and then we're gonna do a little serpentine little Jukes because you need to wait for that door behind you to open so really it it's not that hard I think I've only ever died here once in any run which is you can see have been 92 runs up there so I've done a lot resets are not uncommon in this run at least for me run through there stab that guy in the face if you stand up here nothing can get you so get the bone and the bright bug and actually I lied they will not come up here but the little frog face he will come up here he will try to get fresh with you so it is nice if you can kill him but I really wouldn't worry about it I've I think I've only ever died at that door once again out of 92 runs it's pretty funny I didn't reset too many times to the same exact things this run has just a ton of minor things that can go wrong they can cause you to reset so my original goal for running this was actually to get a sub one hour I wanted to I want to make that sweet youtube title of how to be Dark Souls 2 in under one hour but I did so many runs of this game and it just got frustrating at a certain point to be honest cuz it the resets are rough kind of like Dark Souls 1 where I was resetting to not getting the Black Knight Halbert a ton because if it's a little drop rate well here same story except it's not orangey it's just me [ __ ] up or the game [ __ ] me which they happen in equal turn anyway light the bonfire there after running through you want to hug this left wall as much as possible cuz you don't want to kite any attention because we need to get through this guy's whole dialogue and let me just take this moment to say npcs in this game talk so [ __ ] much dude like Jesus you got to be kidding me I know people like the Lord everything and I'm not saying I don't but [ __ ] anyway you want to be able to get twelve here ideally when I buy the one effigy sometimes I think an enemy doesn't die and I'm only able to get eleven if you don't get eleven this is why buying more refugees is slower you will actually have to come back here at some point and buy more resin which is obviously not fast cuz you you gotta go like 45 seconds out of your way but an earlier runs safety strats like that are totally fine you want to have effigies and you'll see why here in a minute so after we get that you dark sign out and then we're gonna come here and grab the red to your stone ring which we will be using and then we're gonna dark sign out again which is the end of the red lightning tears split as you can see I call it lightning and red tears stone I'm so [ __ ] funny anyway goat go to the pond fire go to black Gulch and now we are going to do the rotten gauntlet I mentioned to you fighting the rotten again and we are going to fight him again four times we're gonna fight the round four more times so use a bonfire ESIC and the reason we're gonna fight him four times if you don't know the door that opens the Drang lit castle the gate will either open for four Lords souls or it will open if you have a million soul memory so by fighting the rotten here we're gonna get a million soul memory I go ahead and equip the the red to your certain ring over the cat ring you want to walk down get hit by that roll through get hit by that poison and if you notice I kite that poison and sit in it you use my bright bug immediately that will stun me out of the animation right after I use it get the resin which I put in slot seven by the way while I was grabbing the red shoe stone ring glazed over that and now let the gauntlet begin hitting by the poison here and using a bright bug if you don't use a bright bug you'll die which is why we have bright bugs and of course to buff our damage you can see right there that I get the perfect amount for red to your stone ring and now this fight is a good bit easier not only because obviously I'm doing a [ __ ] ton more damage but also I have way more stamina which means I can dodge these attacks without really high thing to worry I can attack a lot more times but as you can see her I'm not really dodging a lot of the time I mean that's a lie I am if I'm too close I'm being too greedy but here like if I see his fist attack I'm not doing that which fun fact you can knock those off it's pretty cool run away from that attack it as pretty pretty measly range actually and then here we need to share this bright bug so the moment you kill the first rotten you're going to use lightning resin again and then hopefully not get hit by any poison usually this path doesn't get me hit by any poison but there I've done them if you get by to poisons you're gonna die so don't do that come back here burn the a stick and then we're immediately gonna go back down and fight another rotten this is because we only have enough bright bugs here to use three for the rotten so we want to share the first two since they're the fastest to to kill since this new game plus one and two so when we go down here I'm gonna do the same thing block with your rapier and that will usually happen unlike last time when I got headshot like a dum-dum and then we're gonna go fight the run again and it's really the same thing I'm just gonna try my best to kite different attacks he can do a giant slam down there if you run forward which is typically what I want I don't really want any other attacks because he takes forever to walk to you these are just other than is holding his hand up which is just here this [ __ ] is pure blanket I'm waste because if you attack him he might decide to attack quickly so you just have to be careful there which is why don't attack I think I did notice here actually I didn't notice systems see there you go finally I walked out of its range very nice you'll notice that if he does the hand attack I'll sometimes walk really far away because it's a waste of time this is actually his best attack fun fact if you're able to walk around it you can get four hits in there I just didn't do it cuz I'm a coward anyway see slightly walk away don't waste any salmon and though I know I'll be able to come in here and get four hits the thing is I know because I've done the rotten so many times how many hits I can get in after certain attacks because there is essentially you could call it cool down after certain attacks that he won't do an attack again it's it's just so much practice I've over the course of these many many runs I have fought the rottens so many [ __ ] times that I feel like I could do it in my sleep at this point anyway we're gonna go through here you don't have the thing anymore so we're gonna do the same thing block that roll that kite that bright bug that rundown resin that rapier and then we're gonna go in to fight the new game plus three rotten I've got two more left and it's gonna be the same deal the only obvious difference is the rotten is getting stronger and we are needing to do more damage every time it's really not that much of a damage difference I mean obviously it's not the same as new game+ one run it does increase quite a bit but now that we don't have to worry about sharing the bright bug it's not too bad because we'll definitely have the bright bug the whole time if you could tell the last fight actually ran out of the right bug unfortunately which was not great I say he does more damage but it really doesn't matter cuz you can't get hit here because [ __ ] SWAT of a bees dick could kill you at this point same deal though it's it's just running away from his attacks you you don't want the slam downs if you do you got to make sure you roll them particularly the reason I don't like the slam downs here they're really annoying in the first route in a fight because you don't have that much stamina but they're annoying in this fight only because even with eight ADP I sometimes even when those attacks are not even touching the player-character I'll still get hit by them they're just this game just has bad bad bad hit boxes sometimes in every game in the soul series does don't get me wrong every single game in the series does but [ __ ] me if Dark Souls 2 doesn't have some shitty hitboxes I actually did a run after this one and I got here with the same speed to try to get that sub whenever I tried a couple more runs after this and I got killed by the rotten slamming his fists and I was a good maybe 2 feet away from the fist and he killed me so yeah anyway one last time give me a moment I'm gonna drink some tea here yeah thank you sorry if I sound a little a little funny I have really terrible allergies right now when I recorded the code vein video I was trying my best to make it sound like I my nose wasn't stuff to hell so hopefully it didn't same [ __ ] here there see like there I knew I was too close to the fist so I knew I needed to roll on that attack when he slams down twice I always try to like not run too far away that way I can get back in an attack just to note with the slam down there that's the long slam downhill sometimes do that in the opener it's really nice when he does because you can just run backward and then you're pretty good this kind of scared me I don't like being behind him cuz he can turn really quickly and as you saw there he can also hit your body when you turn with your with his body and you can actually push you into the fire if you're in the wrong spot so note but nicely we are able to get through him here and that's the end of the rotten gauntlet so instead of going to kill all the different Lords instead of killing Freya and Wow Wow the one with the face the one who who the one whose pendant and the dark and you got to like the torches and god I don't even remember who the other Lord is I'm [ __ ] awful remember oh [ __ ] old iron king oh my god anyway that was what we got the homeward bones for I didn't note that you want a homeward bone after the the second third and fourth rotten that way we keep the souls then we're gonna use all eight of the souls we got from them there you get extra souls and new game+ they look like old king souls or like old dead souls or something like that use all of them then we're gonna get 18 vigor 49 endurance 40 X 40 strength and 1080p that is our ending ATP ladies and gentlemen that is not a lot of ATP still but obviously we are [ __ ] stat it out for only having killed what we killed last giant technically killed pursuer and we've killed the rotten five times so technically we've killed seven bosses but we've only actually fought six and we are now I think like level 100 something I don't remember I think it's like 120 240 [ __ ] absurd many who after you level up you want to travel to the roon Fork Road and now we are going to make our way to drank lick castle I tried to equip my bow in the right spot better but I [ __ ] up you want to have the bow in your right hand here and that's because we're gonna use it for the Dragon Rider for a specific specific strat which is pretty nice and then I also want to get cat ring equipped here but I didn't really menu the way I wanted to so right here I'm gonna go what I figured out is the last time you need Souls you don't ever need souls again in this run so it actually makes more sense to equip it over the covetous ring so I go back here and put red to your Seng red to your stone ring over the covetous ring and what we'll do later in the run is we get Kings ring will equip that over the cat ring because we won't need the cat ring anymore at that point it's a nice little a little bit that you can do so while running a drank lick which really isn't complicated at all it's just running I want to mention that for the rest of the run you can use red to your stone ring for every single boss and it will save you a bit of time however obviously it's more dangerous not only because of the boss it's you you die but many times you need to get read to your stone ring far before you get to the boss which means you have a chance to die throughout the level so I decide not to do it if you want to go for better times you will eventually want to use red to your stone ring on other bosses to make a difference in time but I decided not to in this run because I was so adamant that I wanted to get a really nice run to upload to youtube where there were very minimal mistakes so I decided not to do red to your stone ring again you can definitely do that later so here I'm gonna run up the top of the stairs and if I'm smart I should block about at this point beaky up because this guy can shoot you and hit you in the head and you don't want that you want to hit him one time only because you don't wanna kill him you want to wait for him to come back over here then kill him and you want to not get hit but go ahead anyway run over hit that guy twice you will die now you want to run over to this side here try to kill these guys but probably don't stand where I stood there because you can see the the mammoths are coming and you don't wanna you do not want to tangle with the mammoths kill these guys if you wanted to get read to your stone ring this is where you would do it and that's why I say it's a little scary because you would need to run through the entire already of drangleic with red to your stone ring meaning if you got hit by anything you would die usually I don't get hit throughout drangleic I'm pretty sure in this run that I do so I was in in that case I would have lost this run and we just had to reset and that and that's the nature of speedrunning to be fair you do just die sometimes and have to do it over again speedrunning is very much repetition getting better through that repetition until you're able to string together a run that's really good and you get progressively better over time which is nice but yeah well I've wanted this I've wanted this PB dude I could smell it like my summer vest is nine minutes lower than my PB is you can see at the bottom so I wanted it anyway you cook the cestus at the door because we're gonna punch this dude three times it's a lot better than the right beer for these guys now you want a chitin attack from this guy because did you see the insane level of swiggity swooty that dude had he followed me so [ __ ] well it's ridiculous but if you stand in front of him and then just roll away from his attack and chitin attack then he'll leave you alone which is nice anyway I like the bonfire there and I'm switching back to the rapier because it's what we're gonna use to fight the dragon rider and then I'm gonna run through here and I'm gonna grab these items cuz we will want the one the radiant life gems I think is what we use from that pile of stuff you click through it pretty quick so I didn't see actually uh what's there you know I should mention too that this is the original version of Dark Souls 2 I don't I I feel like that's apparent but it's probably worth saying the scholar version is different and the primary difference in the scholar version is you do not get the DLC items just by creating a character but anyway but you need to roll through that room kind of the way I did diagonally and then you want to run to the right side here and then roll to his left and run around him I [ __ ] it up completely there so obviously I would have died there now I could have been in ballsy as [ __ ] him and like you know what I've read to your stone ring Yolo boys let's do Dragon Rider but embarrassingly I'm so greedy a dragon rider the I get hit by him sometimes so I honestly should practice dragon rider because you don't even need to dodge dragon rider you can just run around like you can just strafe around him and kill him but I haven't practiced it anyway the reason we have the bow on the other hand if you wanted to hand the bow here we're gonna switch to the other guy l1 and then you'll be able to pop him and then we're gonna run just right around him go for him running attack and it takes four attacks one running attack three are ones he said and now see I tried to stray from there but I'm I'm unlocked I think you can't do it unless you're unlocked on most attacks I think you actually need to be able to like move quick more quickly there I decided to just use as many are ones as possible in face tank his moves because I know I am almost dead but then he [ __ ] Turtles and this is why I read to your stone ring is nice because you kill him way faster and you don't risk him turtling on you but lol I probably lose 10 to 15 seconds over what a read to your so like a perfect read to your son ring gonna be able to do there so it's not ideal but I like to live and I I proudly say that I have never lost a run to twin dragon riders I've lost a run to a lot of [ __ ] in this game but I've never died - twin dragon riders so I'm gonna I'm gonna keep that in my egotistical back pocket thank you very much anyway I equip the cestus here again and like the bonfire down there we're gonna climb up this ladder open this door we're gonna run to the guy on the back left and we're gonna punch the [ __ ] out of him I believe it's three punches one two three then we want a chitin attack from this guy make sure you kite an attack from that guy because if you do not he will hit you while you open this door and prevent you from opening it and then you are dead and your run is also not really dead because you the fire is not that far away but it might be if you have a really good time so careful anyway we want to run all the way around here because we don't want to kite these guys attention before we get to them then we want to just run through this guy's back door and open the door as fast as possible you want to open it as fast as possible because they can stop you from opening the door it's only happened to me once but it's scary when it does want to run up here now if we didn't have Kat ring on here we could jump here and we would actually be able to get red to your Sun ring for the mirror night I'm not gonna do that cuz again I'm a coward so we're just gonna run straight through here we're gonna run back and we're going to go up the longest elevator of all time really it is the longest elevator of all time except in code vain funny enough obviously I won't spoil anything here but toward the end of the game there's an elevator where you go downward and holy [ __ ] I think it's a loading screen because that elevator is like a minute long or longer it's so long I don't know why it's so long but anyway we're going up here because we need to grab the item that's in the chest which I think is the key that lets you through that door down there I think I actually don't know what it is I just grabbed it every time because I know that I need to I don't actually know what's in there and then after we're gonna darksign this is what I mean about not needing souls we're just gonna keep using the dark sign here because we don't have more homeward bones and we don't technically need more levels anyway obviously [ __ ] figure would be nice but since you're supposed to be using the red to your Sun ring you don't need more vigor you don't need it anyway I just want it so cuz yet again I'm a coward I want more HP damn it what is it okay ketta Kings pass is just what I thought I mean that makes sense they you gotta go that makes this so you have to go through the entire level you can't just immediately go in the Kings passage and fight the mirror knight now awesome in an awesome twist we're gonna fight them your knight with an upgraded cestus and there's I don't know why it does so much damage I couldn't tell you I imagine at +10 cestus would [ __ ] tear through his [ __ ] so fast you couldn't blink but I don't know man the unfortunate thing is this is gonna be the one [ __ ] in the run and this [ __ ] was actually enough to stop me from getting the sub 1 hour which is really disappointing you notice I take the bow out here and the reason I do only is because I'm doing that left hand thing to get through the gate fast as a reminder you want to run to the crack right there you want to use the lightning resin now what you want to do is kite an attack from him and then back up far enough that you don't use it now what I do here is [ __ ] up the strat and apparently it slowed down my video the thunder of the gods because the reason here is there specific set of attacks we want to kite from him and I didn't manage to do it there now what I should have done because I don't use red tears own ring typically I should have healed I should point blank I should have just healed and tried to get the rhythm going again which is what I was trying to do there I was trying to get up and under his hip and get the rhythm going which you'll see here because I do it successfully on this next attempt but I wasn't able to do it I should have healed because I could have healed and gotten the fight a lot better and in speed-running it's always better to lose 20 seconds to healing [ __ ] up a strategy than it is to lose I rolled around there for 20 seconds like a [ __ ] and then now I'm gonna lose another minute because I have to run back and do this all over again so not the biggest time loss but enough that it made a difference in definitely disappointing is I'm gonna lose all the time that I've saved up to this point so now you'll see what you're supposed to do go through here light this on the crack chitin attack I'm gonna get hit again I'm pretty sure yeah but you want to move forward and what you want to do is attack four times or and I attack three to be safe here maybe it is just three if you're not you know what I bet it is usually four but it's three because I got hit anyway what you do you just move around the back and then as he does the Lightning attack you move to his butt and then you go back to his hip it's really important that you go back to his hip because this dude has a fat [ __ ] ass the mere Knight is thick and if you do not go to his hips sometimes his butt will push you away it's really important that he turns to you because if you're sitting at his hip when he turns he will do the lightning attack again and he'll just do it forever so to recap you want to start the fight chitin attack hit him four times move to the booty move to the hip hit him seven times move to the booty move to the hit hit him seven times ad nauseam until he's dead if you do with the read to your stone ring it only takes two cycles of him doing it but I think without it it takes three so it is slower anyway on here we're gonna want to equip the radiant life gems in slot 9 we're gonna unequip the bow we're gonna re-equip the rapier that's the only time that we use the cestus in the run and Drang click castle and against me or Knight so now we have the rapier equipped again you want to make sure cat ring is on here it should be a few equipped things the way I did so normally you wouldn't grab this bonfire but I decided after this I knew I wasn't gonna get the sub one hour I started securing the PB essentially by getting a fire here cuz I'm my PB here's not good at all so I knew that hey even if I died in Amana I could still get it you want to jump over you use a life gem here and then we're gonna head over here and there's a nice little trick here that I never knew about until I speedran so if you stay here and never go on land the people that are on land will not kite to you until you've passed them if you stay in the water you can see here they don't even notice you until I pass them very very useful because if you kite all three and have them run towards you it's gonna be a [ __ ] nightmare because you need to be able to get through this gate and they are fast and they can stop you from doing it so you want to make sure you're not cutting them and moving as fast as possible amana is absolutely one of the hardest parts of this run it is one of the most annoying parts of this run it's just awful want to go through here move around this chick if you need to heal this is a good spot to do it right behind her like I do there you want to run through here cut to the right keep an eye out for the magic that is homing to you so [ __ ] well as you can see I turn my camera there to make sure I actually like to kill this mage I unfortunately get hit by it so I have to heal and you need to watch because the right ones already gonna be shooting at you but I I get through there okay and then I'm gonna jump here and then we're gonna have to walk this and hug this left wall while dealing with the mage shooting from behind I want to be clear that I actually don't hate the shrine of Amana it is a little bit annoying but in a normal playthrough when you're not running through this area isn't so bad it's it's a little shitty the homing magic is a little too homing there's definitely some shitty things about it but this area only sucks a speed run through this is the worst part of it so what you need to do here you want to run across as this may just casting you want to roll over to the right as I do there and then immediately head toward the gate and absolutely 100% make sure you have your left hand two-handed here because you need to get through that gate quickly now again for safety I'm gonna grab this bonfire here then I'm gonna run equip Flynn's ring because you do want to have it on if you do have Flynn's ring on here they will destroy it these little acid things so to make sure you have it off then kill this the heartbreaking thing is that as I'm watching this back I'm realizing that if I hadn't grabbed these safety bonfires I may very well have gotten the sub one hour I did these to be safe to secure the PB but if I had been full balls then I think I would have gotten the sub one hour which is pretty disappointing cuz these aren't the only safety bonfires I grabbed but it is what it is I ran this game a lot and I try my best and I don't feel I don't feel bad about being able to beat this game in just over an hour anyway run through here watch for their attacks as you saw I use the bright bug they're in an area that was safe which helps you not get hit but you also want it for the demoness song I'm healing here with us is to be safe again these are things I wouldn't need to do if I was going full balls so I do think it added up over time I'm sorry I'm commiserating my own my own cowardice anyway run forward here after using the light and resident if you run quickly enough you can get a running our one there and then this fight can be scary or easy depending on what you get I get a very nice fight here very lucky rng that attack can continue to be a five-piece combo getting a getting a two piece is easy because all you have to do is step to the step to the right same with this this is his best attack that I'm about to get this grab all you have to do is just walk to the right until it's over like that and then plenty of attacks to the face very very nice fight that's the best other than the jump back that's pretty much the best RNG that I could hope for it made for a very quick fight which i think is gonna allow me to get a gold on this split which for those who might be unfamiliar a gold split means it's the fastest time I've ever completed that segment so that's up from the time I split a good fisting to the time I split bless RNG that will be the fastest I've ever completed that single segment which means I grab safety bonfires there and I was pretty slow at unequipping Flynn's ring and everything like that I should have done it earlier so I could have done that split a lot faster which means I could just do my run overall faster that was to continue doing this run I could definitely get a sub one hour with enough attempts but it just wore on me over time this this run is you won't see it in this single run because I don't die as much I only died spoiler alert at the one time I only died mere and I thank God but there were so many so many resets anyone who watched my stream which if you haven't maybe you should but if if you saw you know how many times I reset this run particularly in the first three splits I died to a lot of things in the first three splits to me to many resets anyway you want to use a dragon charm again and get all your health back there you want to unequip the rapier because we're not gonna be using it again in the run and then we want to equip the bow in the second slot cuz you're gonna need it for a trick coming up interestingly you get to sort of the [ __ ] up you get to use the Keyblade for the rest of the run the unupgraded key the embedded is the final weapon for this run I like that about this run a lot I obviously like the rapier I enjoy using it because I think the counter damage is hilarious but it's nice to use something other than that in this run I believe the all bosses run uses the rapier in the red iron wind blade which I don't know yet again to complain about my cowardice this is not what you're supposed to do here you immediately just run through this area but I decide not only to grab the bonfire but I grab the lever shortcut to which point-blank wasted like at least 25 seconds and between that Rahmani amount of stuff the Flynn's ring it's fine this is the choices I made so you want to get the bow here what you're gonna do walk up here this is a nice trick for any run shoot just slightly above the line the right line of that guy's shield and it'll turn him around and then you can just easily run through she's really nice I'm sorry if you can hear beeping I can't stop the recording mid doing this but I live right near a back area like a loading dock where ship beeps all the time I can't tell you how many time I'm recording YouTube videos and that [ __ ] goes off and I have to stop so hopefully you can hear too badly anyway you want to go through here equip the kyoya embedded you don't need to grab that shortcut it's the safety strat grab the key the embedded use the lightning reson get bright bug ready to go and then this is the second worst part of the run after the amount of fog gate this is the velstadt [ __ ] gate you want to run through the middle here you want to loop here but I did not go up far enough there to do it you loop there and then you'll kite attacks from them and then you can run to the right and go through I got lucky that they both did the stabs forward because that's their longest attack if they had not done that I would not have gotten through that gate so I'm just gonna count my lucky stars that the game was nice to me there now we're gonna fight velstadt if else that can do quite a bit of damage to you which is very scary the bright bug definitely helps I get lucky here because he does extremely easy attacks to deal with but you never want to do more than two attacks the key idiom betted is doing nice damage here but if you do more than two attacks the commitment to doing attacks of this thing is just so great I was a little greedy there I thought I had enough stamina to go for a final hit but I did not unfortunately I didn't choke and I was able to roll to slam down and get the last hit and then we're gonna go through here we're gonna grab the Kings ring and then we're gonna dark sign out and then I think I also get a gold on this wood as well which considering I lost about 25 seconds to getting the shortcut goddamn I could save some time on this planet but yeah save 20 seconds so pretty pretty nice now we are going to I'm gonna use an effigy I again I probably shouldn't I don't need an effigy here I only have lost 5% of my HP so there's really no reason to use an effigy because I'm not doing red to your stone ring setups and even if I was that's not enough HP loss to make a difference anymore the rotten poison one is the only one where it would make a difference you can't you have to be human there to get the HP because as you saw my HP was very low and then this is another area where I lost time where I could have probably circumvented this as I mentioned before you need 12 resin in this run I decide to go buy more what I probably should have done cuz it probably would have cost me less time was just not use resin on my weapon for a boss but I decide not to I go here i use a soul and i buy enough resin that i'll have enough for the rest of the run i'll stop complaining about it if i not done these things i definitely would have gotten the sub one hour so it's disappointing but it is what it is so I buy the resident ID arcsine back I did it here because I this is the least costly it could be because I was already coming to ruin for Crowe to be way worse later in the run if I had to come back here specifically to do that which adds travel time it was actually is like swing in the moment decision I didn't even think about it until I got here and then I was like [ __ ] I guess I should go buy resin shouldn't I I should've anyway equip the Kings ring over the cat ring yeah do you even have cat ring on all right I think I already did that I guess I guess I already did it while I wasn't paying attention so yeah I have Kings ring over cat ring equipped which is nice because you never have to take it off and if you have it equipped every time you go up to these doors you won't have to be swapping your [ __ ] you'll just have Kings ring on which is nice then we're just gonna run through aldia's keep all the way to the Guardian dragon which is another safe thing I'm gonna do The Guardian dragon read to your stone ring setup is really easy and really safe but obviously if I use read to your stone ring I would have the potential to get one shot by the Guardian dragon and interestingly enough I get such good rng on the Guardian dragon that I would have killed it faster with read to your stone ring but I get so lucky that I'm actually able to kill it fast anyway so it didn't matter kind of run through here jump over that cuz sometimes you can block you try to go to the right here cuz sometimes that can block you as well and then we're gonna need to need to do a little skip here which is jump you're gonna want to jump on this it's hard to do in the screen shaking but basically if you run against that bone and jump it'll push you to the stairs over there once again I apologize for the beeping if you can hear it I don't know why it's beeping I it blows my mind back there there's so there's so many sounds to come out of that alleyway I don't I don't know what the [ __ ] people do back there but it's loud anyway it run through here and then as I run out of stamina I'm gonna cook the key to the embedded because we're using a fight Guardian dragon so you're gonna want some run to the right you can see that over just [ __ ] waiting run to the right he'll go past you want to open this door then if you wanted to get read to your stone ring here what you would do is you would stand in front of this door and use your resin I'm gonna stand to the side instead what would happen is the hippo would hit you and when the hippo hits you you'll get read to your son ring set up and you just run around him and you're good so gonna go through here and then this actually is pretty specific so see where I line my foot up here you see a little grating on the ground I line my foot up on that grating and you have to start attacking as soon as his head moves over you'll get three hits there and then you'll guaranteed as at least in my experience as long as you set sat in the right spot you always get the bite which lets you come down here now that doesn't guarantee he's gonna do stomps I got lucky that he did not only one but two stomps and obviously I just yellowed there I use my stamina and ran out I cuz I knew I could take a stomp for him but a lot of times they'll fly away this is this boss can really be a dick in your run the reason I have so much time to save here even though I went to go get resin on the split which I normally would not do was because the Guardian dragon was so shitty in my previous PB he flew around for like a minute and obviously he's flying around there's nothing I can do I can't make him come to the ground so yeah anyway you're gonna want to take off the key the embedded there and you want to use the dragon charm to get your HP back especially if you use red to your stone rings you be really low on HP and then we're just gonna take this yet again long elevator up to the dragon airy it's called dragon area right I know part of it's called the dragon area it's two parts it's like the dragon area and the dragon is a dragon monastery I don't [ __ ] know clearly I know this game super super well as I should being the souls expert that I am it is dragon area I knew it I knew this was dragon area but the place after its called dragon monastery that doesn't sound right anyway go down here yet I got another safety strap you do not need to grab this bonfire coming up but I decide to grab it because we're gonna do a skip here that I wouldn't say it's easy to die on if you've practiced it but if you do and I died I would be all the way back at the fork road bonfire which obviously would end my run so I take the five second time loss to grab the bonfire just run past that guy like kites to the left and then run to the right gonna cut through here go to these eggs crush them [ __ ] em [ __ ] guardian dragon and his eggs I guess those eggs I don't know there's more guardian dragons in this level and then we're gonna do dragon air you skip up here what you do by turn to the left kind of line yourself up with the rope here then you're gonna want to shoot I kind of panicked here you want to see you see that harsh line you want to shoot right above it back step then jump you want to back step because you want to make sure you have enough stamina to or you want to make sure you get a little run-up so you can get the long jump I actually haven't mentioned this to this point and this is a good time to do it because we're running across the bridge in this next parts pretty easy well I want to see if it's called what the [ __ ] dragon shrines Jesus Christ alright anyway the speedrunning community for this game actually decided to allow a mod that removes what are called baby jumps from the game essentially if your game I think it has to do with CPU usage on PC but essentially you never get it by that I don't know why the [ __ ] I got hit hopefully this guy gives you to charge the jacks and get past it baby jumps essentially just sometimes in this game you'll get shorter jumps and as you've seen across this there are many jumps and if you got baby jumps sometimes you just die so there's a mod that removes them from the game on PC which is nice that has never happened in a run there is a strat here where you run diagonal to here and you'll always be safe going here you just immediately turn the corner and then run a diagonal that spot and you'll always be able to get through that door cuz it kites them in a weird way but I wish I could have shown it because it's such a cool little piece of tech that allows you to get through that door without ever getting hit which is nice because it's one of the few doors you have to like pull the opposite way which makes it longer as you can't roll through halfway but this was scary I never really get hit here and these guys are just all over my [ __ ] ass and I'm like this is a game no does it know I'm on like a decent run here what the [ __ ] man anyway same deal with the souls here if you press to talk if you press a or X to talk and then immediately press square you can use the dark sign and then run through the dialogue to get the ash cinema start it's a little close but it's not that close just smash X ray afterward you're good and now we're gonna travel to Cardinal tower because we are pretty much at the end of the run we only have three bosses left being giant Lord throne watcher and offender and nashandra so we're pretty much at the end here so we're gonna do giant Lord skip which is a little weird you're gonna turn around here try to line your feet up with those stones there then we're gonna point back step immediately after pointing want to line up an arrow with that little branch thing there back step and jump as I said a baby jump would kill you there but instead you get perfect read to your stone ring setup but yet again I decided to be a coward I should have ran straight into the memory I shoulda ran straight in but I don't I grab the bonfire to be safe in case I die to him because I wanted to secure the PB because as you're gonna see here if you notice my leap of faith skip is 102 41 and I'm a 56 minutes and if you know this game you know giant Lord isn't very far away that's because giant Lord killed me three times in my PB and that is because I did not know how to dodge a certain attack and obviously here if I get hit once I'm dead so I I practiced afterward because I was like okay I can't let this happen I figured it out anyway you want to run through immediately so you don't get hit by any of the mortars you want to use the resin right there we're gonna run forward to him it's just a matter of fighting giant Lord but I will tell you here that attack right there if you hug the outside of his left foot very closely you'll never get hit by that attack that's what I learned that attack kept killing me so I try it you'll see that I notice that I try to stay on the side of that left foot so that I'm ready for it but he actually gives me stomps here which are amazing cuz you can get tons of hits in you'll see here I run to that left foot and then I'm safe as with giant Lord you want to immediately use your darksign here because you need the souls from giant Lord and normally if you didn't grab the other bonfire you'd go back to Cardinal tower which is where you need to go but because I grabbed the other bonfire I'm gonna lose a little bit more time here because I need to warp to Cardinal tower and I didn't get to use a dark sign which also a wasted probably five to ten seconds as well the reason you do it is because just like with giant the lash line in the beginning of the game you need the souls here so views it arcsine immediately you'd have them because you need to buy bright bugs here because you don't have any left and you need one for the final fight so now we're gonna travel to Kings gate and then this is gonna be the last little bit right here I was pretty sad at this part because I saw my time and I knew it takes like a minute to run down to them so I was like I'm gonna I knew it was gonna be close so I was like I know I'm not I'm not gonna get this sub 1 hour but I'm like I know I'm close anyway you run down here I'm making sure I have everything on here everything is right you definitely want everything set up the way I have there but I thankfully I remember to put the bright bugs on in slot 6 I like to have them before the residents of slot 6 is the next platform so we're gonna do here is you're gonna run to the right side and then we're gonna jump off right at the end do a big jump and we're gonna lose a little bit of HP you'll see why it has to do with the strategy we're gonna do for throne watcher and defender which is very very very very very useful so much you're an offender honestly pretty scary they do a ton of damage to you when you're in the nude which is why we're not gonna be totally in the nude for the first time ever in the run here since the beginning because they they do a lot of damage to you it's it's pretty absurd how much damage they do so just run all the way down managing your salmon as before and then when we get down to the bottom we are going to use a bright bug you're going to use the resin but before we do that we're gonna put on the bandit boots like I said we're not gonna be totally naked we're at least having the decency to put on some goddamn pants or shorts I don't know why the bandit I don't buy the bandits have shorts with those little nice like flowery boots but whatever anyway you want the old radiant light gem on and you were gonna immediately run to the right and smash that gem smash that [ __ ] and then you're gonna want to move to him and just start attacking if you're a little bit far away from him when you begin your attack it'll go right over your head and you'll be good you have to be reactionary here based on what happens because she attacks me I decided to run away and use my Estes the whole purpose of using the old radiant life gem there is so that you can tank attacks but if you take too much damage you need to use your Estes so the goal is to kill throne watcher as fast as possible I got a really nice fight from watcher there I didn't get hit by his first attack I was able to get a lot of damage then as he was switching his weapons I was able to get in and get the last little bit of hits on him hits on him and get watcher this was [ __ ] terrifying so watch her when she runs like that normally is running to defender to resurrect him which is which means you win you do enough damage that you can just instantly get her right there but she [ __ ] decides to stop it attack me one hits if she had hit me with that other attack it would have killed me and her attacks have really wide range and I have low ATP so [ __ ] anyway use resin again heal up go over to her you're supposed to running our one and hit three times I only hit two cuz I was scared I think I think you're supposed to hit four times anyway the whole point here is run away use life gems to make sure you're healing and then you want to kite the laser run in running our one and two hits run away and you want to kite the laser again if she moves towards you you want to do this move toward are close enough that she'll start doing melee attacks and then I'm just gonna do the same thing again use life gem from far away type the laser run in r1 r1 r1 and then I want to run away the reason I want to run away is it's a safety strap you don't want to deal with her melee if you get hit by any of your attacks you're gonna die you obviously don't want to die here the run-up is really better really long way back so if you run away the fourth time you'll be able to come in do for our ones and then easy peasy you win you win Dark Souls 2 you get to seat that throne because all do is not here because you did not do any of his [ __ ] thankfully I would not want to fight all day at the end of this run quite frankly at this level of HP that would be quite troublesome so the run ends the moment the black screen hits and then it's over one thing I didn't mention actually is that this run runs on RTA no load which I know sounds weird for anyone who is not familiar with speedrunning so if you've seen some of my past speedruns they've run on in game time which would be the time that like if I were to quit here and load my file I would see my in-game time but there's a couple of things that make you not using games on PC one of them being first of all at this screen I think this is less of a factor but here this actually counts to your in-game time these credits so normally you would want to alt f4 out to exit the game but even aside from that apparently game time is tied to your framerate as I understand it in this game so if you lose frames at any point it affects your time so one of the people on PC made something that allows you to just remove the load screens from the game so as you are going throughout the run you might have noticed that my timer stops during the load screens it's basically the same thing as in-game time it's just more accurate it's pretty easy if you have livesplit all you have to do is hit an able when you choose dark souls2 any percent and it will enable the artino load it's it's very very simple but yeah this run I I'd really I feel bad I've been I've been talking about it the whole time I was I was pretty disappointed I didn't get the sub one hour I practice this run I've been doing it for about a month on and off on Twitch and I really wanted to be able to get the sub one hour half for that nice little title of how to be Dark Souls 2 and under an hour but whenever I speed her and I set goals for myself the world record for this run is about 51 minutes I think it's a little bit under 51 minutes and I didn't want to run to the point where I was getting that good but I was like you know that 9 minutes off the record is pretty fair I feel so it's were just running casually for a little while so I really wanted to get that sub 1 hour if I hadn't died to me or night if I hadn't done those safety strats I think that I would have been able to pull that off but unfortunately that just wasn't what was in the cards speed running very much like I said is a game of repetition you just need to do it again and again and again and depending on the runs sometimes it's really fun other times it can be really frustrating I apologize for the credits flashing here I don't know why this happens but for some reason on my PC they start flashing so I I cut the video there I'll just freeze it for you as I as I finish talking but yeah as far as doing this run I definitely recommend this run I just encourage you to stick if you really want to try it because for me at least the first couple of splits were very frustrating there were things that were just very very minor that I could die to and because you can't lose the souls and it's so specific in the beginning you can't afford to die that's is really what it boils down to but there are a lot of safety strats you can do you can grab extra bonfires you can get Souls from extra areas my first run that I completed I think was like four hours long there's something like that I don't know it was really really long and that's because it doesn't matter it's all practice it's all practice repetition and being able and willing to do that stuff as for my next feed run I don't know what I want to do quite yet I as far as the souls games at this point I've speedrun blood-borne I've done SEC Euro I've done Dark Souls 3 I've now done Dark Souls 2 I've done Dark Souls 1 which I guess leaves the door open as the only game I haven't done being Demon Souls the reason I haven't speedrun Demon Souls yet is councils are a bit annoying to record from for me I like prefer recording for my PC so I haven't done demon souls yet though I probably should I probably would like to I also did consider doing ds2 all bosses but as you can imagine after experiencing a little bit of frustration with this run which is only about an hour the dark souls 2 run would probably be closer to the to our 30 minute mark for me thanks to how big the game is but it might be something I take on in the future I think we're right now I'm gonna I'm gonna casually like chill and play code vein a little bit because I have to say I know this isn't a code vein video but I am enjoying the hell out of that game I'm pretty like that since I have a free platform to talk about it for a second I'm pretty blown away at the reviews I can't believe that people are calling that a 7 out of 10 game which in this day and age weirdly is like that's average or even bad by a lot of people's standards like if it's not 8 out of 10 it's not good if it's not 9 out of 10 it's not great and it's not a masterpiece if it's not 10 out of 10 which I guess is fair but I love that game I there's so many build there so many different things to try the build I did was like a halberd build and from what I've been seeing from other people streams and [ __ ] looks like strength builds are amazing I don't know I want to play the [ __ ] out of that and I hope I can speedrun it too that'd be really fun to do but I'll stop rambling here I'm sorry that I'm babbling on I just like talking to you guys I don't get a chance to unscripted just kind of chat with you guys on YouTube very often so I enjoy doing these a lot I hope you guys enjoyed these feet around tutorials too but yeah good luck if you try this run and of course I want to thank you guys for watching today much love to you and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: theDeModcracy
Views: 383,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, demons souls, dark souls 3, bloodborne, dark souls funny, bloodborne funny, hardest souls bosses, dark souls remastered bosses, dark souls remastered bosses ranked, dark souls 3 bosses ranked, hardest boss dark souls remastered, best dark souls remastered bosses, worst dark souls 3 bosses, dark souls remastered review, dark souls 3 hardest boss, dark souls 2 speedrun, best souls boss, favorite souls boss
Id: nH4UDw8JQzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 30sec (4110 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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