How to Be Totally Free From Jealousy and Insecurity | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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welcome to the power to change today listen gang there is a power that God wants you to walk in there's an anointing he wants you to experience boy do we need more of God's power showing up in our lives he has given you everything you need to experience that power you know everything you need to experience the power to be healed the power to be victorious the power to be happy the power to be at peace the power to be blessed so what's preventing God's power then from working in our lives what's holding the power back that's exactly what we're gonna learn today what is preventing God's power from working in our lives we're gonna understand how to break down those walls and be free I want to show you how a two of the most dangerous emotions can keep us from walking in the fullness of what God has for us so watch this in mark chapter 6 remember Jesus had come into his own hometown in the city of Nazareth and the Bible says here that he could do no miracles or he could not do many miracles there because of their unbelief so we see here that one of the things that hinders God's power from flowing in our lives is unbelief and and I the reason why I want to bring this up is because it's going to tie into some of these emotions that all of us deal with but folks unbelief is not a disease that just strikes whenever it wants to strike unbelief is something we decide it's not it's not something that just comes upon us it's something we choose we choose whether we're gonna believe God or whether we're not it's a choice that we make you know there's a scene in old John Wayne movie called McClintock where John Wayne comes home and his wife is upstairs and he's been drinking a bit and he ends up on the floor because he's drunk and he can't make it up the stairs and there's a woman who works for him and he offers her a drink and well she gets drunk too and and she's helping John Wayne up the stairs they both fall down the stairs being drunk and the woman ends up lying on his lap falling onto his lap and well I bet you can guess what happens next his wife comes out of the bedroom looks down and sees them together and John Wayne looks up at her and tells her ask sir one of the most uh I think profound things I've ever heard and he said well are you gonna believe what you are you gonna believe what you see are you gonna believe what I tell you and folks that really says it all well I'm telling you this story because it's an example even as silly as it is of how we need to live our lives as believers are we gonna believe what we see or are we gonna believe what God's Word tells us these questions are just a few of the things hindering the power of God from operating in our lives now there are several other hindrances that keep us from operating in God's power but I want to zero in on one of them today and I want to have you turn in your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 3 now before I share this with you I want you to realize oftentimes we'll begin a subject and many of us will feel like well that doesn't really apply to me I don't really have that problem but sometimes we have we have to look at the root of a problem to discover whether it actually could be a problem we have in our lives so I want to take a look at first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 he says for you are still carnal now the word carnal is the root word of carnivorous it's actually where we get the word meat from it can literally be translated into the word meat carne meat the Bible says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace so if the word carnal means meat then if your carnally minded you're dead the Bible says that you will have death but when you're spiritually minded that is when your head is focused on the things of God and the things of his spirit you'll have life and you'll have peace but now watch this the word continues to say for where there is Envy strife and divisions among you are you not carnal and acting like mere men now what's the Apostle Paul saying here he's saying if you're walking in the flesh if you're walking in envy jealousy or strife then you're walking like a mere man and you're putting yourself in a position of having only the power of a mere man in other words jealousy will reduce your power to that of a mere man but when you become free from jealousy you expose yourself to the power of God which is beyond the power of a mere man so we started the program talking about how there are some things that are limiting us and preventing us from walking in God's power and this is one of them jealousy now do you want to walk like a mere man or do you want to walk like a new creature in Christ who has the power of God within you when you walk as a mere man or me human you're limiting the power of God and God hasn't called you to to be limited he's called you to be a super man or a super woman in him he hasn't called you to be a natural believer he's called you to be a supernatural believer he hasn't called you to walk in a natural life he's called you to walk the supernatural life but what will limit us from the supernatural power of God is the work of jealousy which the Bible calls a work of the flesh now I think we can all relate to what it's like to feel jealous and what it's like to compare ourselves to others and boy this time of year people start saying okay I'm going to get my life together I'm going to get my act together and they begin to compare themselves to so many others but when we compare ourselves we reduce the power of God that he wants to bring into our lives when we compare ourselves we limit ourselves in fact 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 says when we compare ourselves to others we are without understanding and when we're without understanding we don't have anything under us I like to say it this way when you're without understanding you don't have anything under you to keep you standing so we limit and we hinder the power of God in our lives when we walk in jealousy this is one of the emotions that I talked about jealousy and in its root the root that jealousy comes from is insecurity I'll talk about that in a few minutes but these two emotions this emotion of insecurity this emotion of jealousy it limits the power of God and God wants you to be free today folks please don't be deceived into thinking that this always just applies to somebody else because I know it applies to me I know it applies to you it applies to all of us we all have to deal with jealousy we have to deal with envy and we've covered it up we've cloaked it we've dressed it up but here's the truth you can take a pig out of the pig trough and you can clean it up and put a little pig tuxedo on them and I guarantee you though when the pig finds some mud he's gonna jump right into it tuxedo and all because a pig is a pig and the fact is is you can dress up jealousy and you can pretend it's not really there and you can act as if you're not really walking in it but jealousy is a true force of the flesh it's a force that will limit you and hinder you from walking in the power of God and it will cause you to walk in what the Bible says you'll be like a mere man now I'm here to teach you how to not be a mere man but to be the power field believer that God created you to be and in order to have that power and what do we need power well we need the power to live victoriously we need the power to be blessed we need the power to help others we need the power to be happy we need the power of God to walk in the fullness that God has for us and jealousy is in the way jealousy and it's ugly twin insecurities and the way that we're gonna and today we're going to be free from jealousy and insecurity but we first have to admit ya I've struggled with it we have to admit because I'm not here to beat you up I'm not here to to and to make you feel bad but I'm also not gonna say oh no you don't you're not jealous no I'm here to tell you the truth so that you can be free cuz the truth will make you free when you're jealous the Bible says that you don't have a lot of hope you're hopeless proverbs chapter 23 verse 17 and 18 says our future and our hope are cut off when we give ourselves over to envy and to jealousy now so your future and your hope is cut off so God wants us to have hope and He wants to say have a great future but jealousy robs us of hope and it robs us of our future the Song of Solomon goes on to say that jealousy makes us cruel so if you're cruel or mean or angry then it's usually a result of jealousy jealousy is at the root of cruelty and anger now go over with me to proverbs chapter 27 and let's look at verse 4 it says wrath is fierce and anger is a flood but who can stand before jealousy in other words we see a progression here wrath is bad anger is worse and jealousy is worse than both of them anger can create a flood but you could you might be able to withstand a flood but you cannot stand in the midst of jealousy wrath is bad and anger is worse but jealousy is more deadly than both of them and that's the progression we see here in verse 4 the reason why jealousy is worse is because jealousy is rooted in insecurity which make those other things which make those two things much less powerful than jealousy they simply feed your jealousy anger and wrath but insecurity is the root of jealousy so what I want to tell you is we got to deal with the root of our lives that don't just pick the fruit off if you've got bad fruit in your life you can pick it all day but it's going to grow back in the next season because truthfully the root is what produces the fruit now you know there is some degree of good in a certain type of jealousy that protects a relationship that you have such as your marriage or your children there's a good side to that in a sense but I really want to look at the jealousy that comes from comparing ourselves to others the reason why I'm sharing this with you is because jealousy will prevent you from having power in your life James chapter 3 verse 14 talks about bitter jealousy verse 16 goes on to say where there is jealousy and envy there will be confusion and every evil work in other words jealousy will produce confusion and uncertainty in your life you'll be confused about where to go what to do and what the solution to your problem is you'll be confused about the direction in the path to take in your life you'll be confused about the right things to do and the right choices to make we've got to be free from ever being confused about what God's will is for our lives and jealousy will prevent us from finding answers jealousy will prevent us from having the solutions jealousy will prevent us from having success or victory it will make us powerless alright now that we understand the importance of being free from jealousy let's define it now the definition for the word jealousy is this it's to feel discontent because of what someone else has to feel discontent because of what someone else has have you ever looked at somebody and thought now now I've got to have that I've got to have what they have how do I get that well it may not be an evil question but it certainly causes you to look inside yourself and you're asking yourself what am I missing what am I doing wrong I'm saved and they're not even tithing I'm tithing yet they seem more blessed see these are the thoughts that tempt us into further downward spiral through jealousy and insecurity but let's be honest I think some of us are still trying to protect this our sense of spirituality about ourselves we're not willing to admit that somebody else's business is better than ours or somebody else's house is bigger than ours or somebody else gets something newer that we didn't get we see somebody walking in church and you know with something you've really been wanting all of a sudden one of your girlfriend's walks in with a two carat diamond engagement ring well don't tell me that you're not gonna wonder don't tell me you're not gonna be tempted with some sort of jealousy or there may be some men watching right now and you see some short fat stubby bald-headed man walking with a Sports Illustrated bathing suit cover girl of course you're gonna ask yourself how did he get her we know it's true the potential for comparing ourselves the potential for jealousy abides in every one of us and I'm not saying that you have to yield to it I'm not saying you fall into it every day but the potential is there every day and today we're going to be free let me show you how in First Samuel chapter 18 we see Saul is the king of Israel and David was a shepherd boy who came and won the battle against the Philistines by defeating Goliath and in verse 6 we read this this is an amazing verse it says it came to pass after David returned from the slaughter of the Philistines that the women came out of the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King Saul with joy with instruments with music the women answered one another as they played and said Saul has slain his thousands now you can imagine Saul's really excited because all these women are singing about him they said Saul has slain his thousands seen imagine how gratified he must have felt when the women took notice of him within the next verse of the song they started singing they said but David is slain ten thousand now the Bible says Saul was very displeased and he said they have ascribed to David ten thousand but to me they've only ascribed thousand don't just think because you're given a position of authority responsibilities that were immune to jealousy or the temptation of it because Saul was the king and yet now all the sudden he's jealous of David you'd think that if I was the boss I wouldn't be jealous any longer well Saul is the boss here but he's more jealous than anybody at this point what more can he have but the kingdom he said Saul was envious of David from that day forward notice what the scripture says Saul was envious of David from that day forward and of course we know what happened after that Saul tried to kill David he started throwing spears at David he wanted to kill him why because we always want to attack the person that we feel threatened by we may not actually throw a spear like like Saul did but in our heart we've thrown Spears at people we like to tear people down and discredit them so we don't feel so bad and we've got to get free from that today how can we be free when we feel jealousy it's because we feel unworthy in some way when we're feeling unworthy we feel powerless the first thing we need to experience we're the first thing we need to understand if we're going to be free from jealousy is that we are not powerless we need to realize how much power we really have you need to realize how much power you really have because if you feel powerless you'll feel jealous Sall felt powerless when they when they gave all the praised David he felt powerless there before he felt jealous when you realize how much power you have it's going to begin to free you from jealousy when you realize the power of God abides within you and our failure to understand and trust in his power is our failure to understand the cause of our insecurities and our jealousy and other negative emotions even emotions like depression when I don't feel like I have the power to change the situation I'm in I'm most lot I most likely will feel depressed when I don't feel like I have the power to change the situation I'm facing I'll feel depressed all depression comes from a sense or much depression comes from a sense of powerlessness I'll feel jealous of others and I'll feel insecure in my own lack now it's time to deal a death blow to this live from the devil where the devil tries to tell us we don't have any power you have power you just have it undeveloped maybe you're just an undeveloped child of God and your your your of God your you're saved you're born again but your undeveloped do you realize you have the same capacity to walk in his power as Jesus had the capacity to walk in his power you've you've got to grab hold of that if you're ever going to break away from this sense of powerlessness that produces these negative emotions this powerlessness that produces this insecurity in this jealousy now we need to find out what God's picture of us is and paint that in our hearts we need to understand how much power we really have so I want to talk a little bit about that with you number one you have the power of the Holy Spirit you don't have power over the Holy Spirit but you have the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 1 jesus said to his disciples don't go anywhere until you've received power from on high for when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you're going to receive the power of God so how can we feel powerless how why do we feel insecure when we have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of us the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within us and it tells us that he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells inside of us we have the same power to see miracles in our life we just need to discover it we need to realize that we have it if you knew that you had a million dollars or if there was a million dollars in your bank account but you didn't know it you'd never be able to use it you'd feel powerless but if somebody revealed to you whoa there's a million dollars in your name it would give you a sense of power and it would give you a sense of it would give you an ability to do something with it and tap into it we have the power of the Holy Spirit so it's time to tap into it and what and when we understand that power that has been given to us that's when we're gonna experience freedom from jealousy and insecurity the second thing we have the power over or the power of is I want you to know having the power of the Holy Spirit means you have the power over your enemy Luke chapter 10 verse 19 jesus said behold I give you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you somebody else's success cannot hurt you when you realize you have power over the enemy somebody else's prosperity can't hurt you nothing shall hurt you because you have power over the enemy so what we're talking about here is that jealousy and insecurity come from a sense of powerlessness and therefore we have to discover what kind of power God has given us and when we realize the power that God has given us we're free from powerlessness we're free from jealousy we're free from insecurity we're free from these negative emotions and then we walk in the power of God so we have power over we have we have the power of the Holy Spirit we have the power over the enemy and number three we have power over oppressive emotions we have power over oppressive emotions every one of us deal with emotions we deal with the emotions of fear anger Kjell see insecurity as we're talking about today all sorts of emotions but we have power over those emotions look at Acts chapter 10 verse 38 the Bible says that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power and he won and he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil now negative emotions will oppress you they'll make you feel heavy and weighed down and discouraged and depressed but you have power over all that oppression so say it out loud I have the power of the Holy Spirit say it I have power over the enemy say it I have power over oppressive emotions and number four we have the power to get wealth so you know in Deuteronomy chapter eight verse 18 we're instructed to remember the LORD thy God for it is he who gives you the power to get wealth he doesn't necessarily give us the wealth he gives us the power to get it ourselves we don't get it through stealing we don't get it through being jealous think about that for a minute everything that God has belongs to you everything you have belongs to him in other words when we look at what somebody else has we don't ever need to be jealous again because we have the power to make wealth that God has given us he's given us the power to get wealth so these are just I'm giving you a list of some of the power that you have number five we have the power to create life with our words what in the world do we have to be jealous of when we have this kind of power in our lives what in the world do we have to be depressed about when we have the power to change our situation your tongue your words can change anything our words can help our words can heal or our words can hurt so we have to use our words to create good and to create blessing in our lives we have the power the Bible says death and life proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue well you have power to bring great things to pass through your word well there you have it gang we have the power of the Holy Spirit we have power over our enemy we have power over oppressive emotions we have the power to get wealth and we have the power of the tongue when you discover and see this is just a discovery when you understand all the power that you have you're free from that sense of powerlessness and when you're free from powerlessness you're free from all these negative emotions such as insecurity jealousy and all of the other ones that come that come along with it today is your day to be free I'm gonna pray for you in just a moment but watch this imagine what your life could be like free from the chains of insecurity put an end to the damage done by jealousy and other negative emotions jealousy and insecurity come from a sense of powerlessness and therefore we have to discover what kind of power God has given us when we realize the power that God has given us we're free from these negative emotions then we walk in the power of God in his powerful CD series mastering your emotions pastor Greg weed ikaw reveals the simple steps you need to stop the destructive effects of runaway emotions in your life and when you call today you'll receive pastor dick house complete original teaching how to be free from jealousy and insecurity on CD where you'll discover how to claim victory over your emotions and fulfill your greatest potential both are yours today with your gift of $25 or more so that's the four part audio series mastering your emotions and today's message how to be free from jealousy and insecurity in its entirety for your love gift of $25 or more call right now and into your new life of freedom well God invites you to the table you never have to be jealous another day in your life you never have to be insecure another day in your life you see you don't have to be special to come to Jesus you become special when you come to Jesus revelation chapter 3 verse 20 says I stand at the door and knock If any man opens the door I'll come in and dine with him you don't have to be talented you don't have to be good-looking you don't have to have material wealth God is knocking on your door it doesn't matter what you do doesn't matter who you are doesn't matter what you've achieved until Jesus comes in and dines with you he makes you special realize you're special because he lives within you and you've been invited to his table I'll be honest folks we will experience jealousy the rest of our lives until we understand that we're special because of Jesus Christ we will be free from the power of jealousy free from the power of insecurity when we realize the kind of power that he's given us that's why I want to put this teaching in your hands how to be totally free from jealousy and insecurity I want you to know that when you no longer have to compare yourself to people when you no longer are envious when other people succeed there's a peace that comes from that there's a freedom that comes from that and there's a power that comes from that I want to put this in your hands today I'm also going to send you my my teaching series that has revolutionized countless lives it's simply called mastering your emotions look you can start overcoming all the negative emotions that you have in your life beginning today it's time to live like you believe God intended for you to live it's time to it's time to experience God's life-changing power every one of us deal with emotions and instead of our emotions having us we need to have them we need to control them whether rather than them controlling us this will show you all about that now I'm gonna pray for you in just a moment but watch this and I'll be right back both are yours today with your gift of $25 or more so that's the four part audio series mastering emotions and today's message how to be free from jealousy and insecurity in its entirety for your love gift of $25 or more call right now and step into your new life of freedom now let me pray for you lord I pray right now that everyone who is watching they're going through the negative emotions of jealousy insecurity fear depression anger lord I pray that they would experience freedom today I pray that beginning today they will have a hope that everything can turn around in Jesus name Amen well thank you for joining the power to change today and listen I hope you'll be blessed in the freedom of God's incredible power that we talked about today now don't miss our next broadcast I can't wait to see you then god bless you
Channel: Gregory Dickow
Views: 12,712
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Free, Jealousy, Insecurity, Message, Gregory Dickow, insecurity, how to be free from insecurity, free from insecurity, free from jealousy, The power to change today
Id: hEXmadrTc98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2012
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