How to be Taken Seriously as a Young Entrepreneur

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my career as an entrepreneur started at 10 years old 10 years old in Germany when I had the desire I wanted to buy this new Super Nintendo that was coming I were living in the refugee camp my mother doesn't have any money my father parents go through divorce we have no money to buy the Super Nintendo but I really wanted right so I go to the local pool they had this beautiful pool in Erlangen Germany phenomenal pooling their Lanka Germany and I go over there and I'm trying to figure out a way to make two hundred and forty nine marks to buy the Super Nintendo right so I go to the pool and I go to the owner and I said look I noticed everywhere everywhere I look at there's beers everywhere I said luck what do you do with all these beers all over the place he says well I have to hire somebody go and clean how much you pay the guy I'm 10 years old so I told him I said how much will you give me if I clean up every single one of them how much will you give me per each that I bring to you he said five fennec ker beer bottle five fennec is like five pennies per beer bottle well I did the math and I said how much do I need I need around five thousand Fenig which means a thousand beer bottles to me roughly equals me getting myself you know this what he call it this supernatant that I want to buy so whatever the number was I think was a five hundred twenty-five hundred bill but yeah five thousand beer bottles that I collect gets me this super Newton that I want to buy he said sure well I started doing it I would come through collect and put in about put it over here boom six marks in one day eight marks in one day twelve marks on one day ten marks in one day next thing you know the entire pool knew me as the ten year old skinny Middle Eastern kid that collects beer bottles and everyone say hey Patrick hey Patrick hey V gets heavy gets and I start they thought I was an employee at ten years old and eventually I made my 300 marks and I went to Cal father and I bought my Super Nintendo so how are you taking serious as an entrepreneur a young entrepreneur well first things first if you come to me as a young entrepreneur you find a solution to problem I'm interested okay doesn't matter how old you are if you find me a solution to a problem I'm interested solution to problem number two know more than anybody else does listen look at Kobe Bryant as an entrepreneur okay Kobe Bryant as an entrepreneur he is a basketball player his product is him he plays basketball he gets paid a hundred million dollar contract at 20 years old at 18 years old three million dollar contract 10 million not whatever the number is why because he knows more about the game than everybody else his age so people pay for him in your business if your real estate insurance financial services technology so whatever it is no more than anybody else in your marketplace because you absolutely immerse yourself into the subject that you're selling and know more than anybody else everybody listens to you it doesn't matter how old you are because you know a lot about that specific subject next point start at the bottom and get dirty look at there's a certain thing that if you want to be taken serious I like back in the days when people work for a company everybody started off selling and then they came to the top right and everybody kind of know how to sell because then you know how to connect with every single position where someone says we don't know what it is to be a Salesman what do you talk about I sold for seven years we don't know what it is to do is what do you tell me came I came from the bottom to the top there is something special about a person a young person a young entrepreneur willing to get their hands dirty and learning when I started working at one of the jobs it was at Bally Total Fitness and they send me to sell memberships at a mall in Fox Hills Mall Kover City and I went out and I'm selling memberships to people in the mall that are walking by 36 month contract well I went I got my hands dirty came up I became rookie dear we want triple crown got a big claw became a manager and I'm boom good stuff started happening for me I took that same principle everywhere so be willing to start at the bottom and work your way up next one have a good reputation have a good reputation what I mean by that nowadays on Facebook if you have a facebook picture with a beer bong you're no one's going to take you serious the other day somebody sent me a message literally I wish I could show this pictures picture to you send me a message hey I'd like to work for you okay I'd like to work for you great we're always looking for people to hire I like to work for you I'll travel from New York and I'll come and work for you for free for six months I just want to learn from you I looked at his profile picture it's him sleeping with his head is knocked out that's that you're marketing yourself as somebody lazy have a good reputation people nowadays that do business with you they looked at look at your LinkedIn they look at your Facebook they look at your Twitter they look at everything about you you got to have a clean reputation if you want to be taken serious as an entrepreneur because other people how are other people gonna say things about you if I call somebody done business with and if you don't give me references that's a red flag right off the bat if I hire somebody that wants to do business with me or they want to sell me the product and service and they're not willing to give me reference to call on somebody I don't necessarily take you that serious because there's probably reason why you are not willing to give me any kind of a reference Nate next make money if you're if you're 19 years old and you're making 130 per year people automatically want to know how you're making 130 per year period if you're 21 years old making 290 per year people want to listen to you now someone say to nine you pretty what do you total makes that kind of money many young entrepreneurs how can they make that kind of money they outwork you they know more they want more they're more competitive than you simple as that well that's not fair Patrick it's not all about hard work it has a lot to do with hard work research diligence immerse but making more money gets other people to take you serious when you yourself are making more money next one have a real opinion backed up by some facts so if I'm having a conversation I sat down with a kid the other day I call him a kid but he's not a kid 22 year old a kid that comes to my office and he's sitting there wanting to sell me commercial real estate he may be watching this if it's you and he starts talking to me and I said you're very comfortable in your own skin tell me a little bit about your parents and he starts talking about his mom I said tell me about your father and he talks about his father and I said you're in commercial real estate I am I said I want to know what are some things your father taught you well my dad taught me about hard working from being born to 12 I was my mama's boy from 12 on I was just so curious I wanted to be around my dad because I want to learn from my dad etc etc and I said you know would you learn from sales I'm a new commercial he said I thought so from talking to him and I asked him opinions about capitalism and iScan pinions about economics he had an opinion and I sat and I said he's a 21 22 year old kid I would do business with them he reminds me of me when I was first getting started and I have an opinion about something that's validated by facts not just some general thing I have an opinion because I watch something on CNN MSNBC or Fox a real sense of opinion people respect when someone has a real opinion about certain facts next one ask for responsibility I just love where people ask for responsibility you know you work at a place hey what do you I'm going to do what do you need from me tell me how can I help you I was working with this lady who she was my superior she was my manager my boss for seven years and every time I would work I would say hey is there anything I can help you with what else do you need help on how can I help you how can I do anything what can I do with you so what can I do with this it was always I want more responsibility I want more responsibility - what kind of responsibility can you give me I want more I want more because that puts me in positions the more responsibilities I take in the more I'm delivering on my responsibilities it's not just taking it or not delivering its delivering on the responsibilities you take then people start taking you more serious on who you are next deliver and keep your word look I cannot tell you I cannot tell you how much value there is we give a lot of credit to people that have great credit score's 800 credit score's will give you a million dollar loan here to go buy a house will give you seventy thousand dollar loan here to go buy that car as important as your FICO scores there is a credit score I pay attention to more than your FICO score if I got some people that are working here with me as my team or leaders are mentoring and I ask him for something what can I count on you I can do XYZ they don't do it I don't value their word because their credit score with their award is not that high with me so whatever they say the next time I take 50% of it because I don't trust their word anymore so here's a CEO entrepreneur that no longer trust the word of somebody that says what they're going to do if you want to be taken serious as a young entrepreneur make commitments keep commitments let your word be so powerful that even though you're 19 years old I know you're going to deliver when I give you a challenge on something to do next dress sharp you know a lot of times nowadays with Steve Jobs in a dress sharp and Mark Zuckerberg didn't read straw Brett cetera et cetera fine if you're producing software and you're behind the scenes nobody sees you you don't have to be dressed sharp I get it but if you come and meet with somebody else it generally helps to be dressed sharp than somebody that's not dressed sharp you got to know how to put it together your supper clothes it doesn't cost a lot of money nowadays to put it together I remember when I first got started my goodness I bought so much stuff from goodwill in goodwill of second-hand suits and jackets I don't come from a family of money so was goodwill it was DSW shoes on sale on sale on sale he was $9 ties from Ross it was three nine dollar white shirts from Ross and it was a jacket that was ripped here I couldn't go like this because people could tell it was a whole thing rip I couldn't pay the guys 60 bucks to fix both sides ripped like this high waters because the jacket was a smaller and I'm 65 and everybody would see this I have to talk like this but I made sure I got that because I wanted to make sure people took me serious as a 21 22 year-old entrepreneur next one listen listen listen to people who have had success that are giving you feedback listen to them listen to what they're telling you take counsel from people that have which you don't have lifestyle listen to it people realize you there's a certain level of wisdom that a young person has who is willing to listen to counsel from somebody that has already been someplace they haven't been I'm not talking about taking everyone's advice if someone's been married thirty plus years and has three good kids and they themselves would perform at a high level in their personal life and they became very successful so they have good marriage good kids good family life good a financial life successful life you probably won't take some counsel from them if somebody's in a business that you're part of and they've made certain income and they've done it at a level the proper way and you can learn from them listen it's probably good counsel you want to take from them 11 be the first to show up last to leave quite frankly if you don't have any kids you're an 18 year old kid you're 19 years old you're 20 years old what else do you have to do unless showing up early and leaving late what are you going to do go home and do what go to a party go to a club go smoke hookah for what you want you want to just be a small-time person or you want to be somebody that's going to perform if you want to be someone that's going to perform at a high level show up very early stay very late let people know you're out there hustling because you're the first or arrived last to leave act yours above a beyond your yours meaning act beyond your yours what do I mean by that you know think about if you're 21 how does a 31 year old act like who's already where you want to be walk talk think like that person how does that person that's already there you want to be so I would sit then I would say okay Pat you're 22 years old right now yes how was the 30 version 30 year old version of Patrick way they were gonna be and I would walk like that Patrick with David I would want to think like that Patrick wait David how would he speak how would he talk how would he do this how would he close how would it be how nervous would he be and I would try to put myself as an eight year old advance Patrick big baby and then performing come from that place yourself next surround yourself with people that are way ahead of you that's pretty simple listen I've always had people that are much smarter than me much wiser than me you know better a lifestyle they me way ahead of me alive they're giving me counsel people that are absolutely way way way ahead of me in any area of my life that I specifically want because I learned from them and they push me and they challenge me to constantly get better another one is avoid drugs it's pretty simple I am definitely not a fan of drugs I know there's a lot of things people read where this person said LSD and that person said you know this drug and that person said this you know whoever that person is that said they have no clue what the hell they're talking about I'm not a fan of drugs I've seen too many of my good friends had one very very good friend who was sharper than any one of us he started off with pot then he went on Special K LSD coke you know heroin you go every single thing vicodin xanax everything and eventually it's the pills that ends up killing you one of the hardest drugs to get off of nowadays isn't heroin it's vicodin its xanax as those pills that put you to sleep and you don't feel anything so I just don't recommend any drugs I heard a person one time that worked for me and she came to work the first day the second time she came to work I pulled her aside and I said hey are you okay and she said what do you mean I said just look at me my eyes are you okay and I've been around drugs you know people have had problems with that so I said you sure you okay and says hey hey I'm okay I said look at me I've been around what's up and fixing you know she gets embarrassed and she leaves anyways she leaves you're later she calls me comes and meets with me cries breaks down and tells me while I was working with you I was taking pills and she would come to work and all these symptoms that I would study no one's going to hire and maintain somebody like that in life you got to drop the drug so why am I talking about drugs it's a very common thing with kids nowadays - it's always been the case pop X I'm rolling I'm doing this I'm doing that if you have any plans of doing anything big why would you add other things in your life that slows you down there is no reason for doing that I don't drink coffee because coffee you know you know people get connected to coffee I don't need coffee I exercise to get my energy I don't need to drink coffee now some people do and some people do that I'm not offended but I'm simply giving you my opinions on what it is to be taken serious as a young entrepreneur avoid drugs avoid any of that stuff and eventually people will notice you advance in their life and your brain is going to be functioning from a good place you're not going to mess yourself up you're not going to make any of those big mistakes in life that really set you back and all of a sudden you notice everyone around you wants to do business with you you're making good income you're traveling the world you're becoming an influencer and you're doing well in life and your clients your customers love doing business with you and your dreams are becoming a reality because now people are taking you serious as a young entrepreneur and no age has nothing to do with being taken serious nothing I can look at a kids eyes and know that kid is really determined about what they want to do in their lives eyes never lie when you do business with somebody they can tell from the eyes if it's droopy if it's all over the place and if you know exactly the subject you're speaking on that brings confidence so anyways that's my message to you on how to be taken as a serious as a young entrepreneur if you know another young entrepreneur you want to share this content with them go ahead and do so if you got any questions comment on the bottom if you haven't subscribed to this channel subscribe to the channel we got a lot more great content on the channel they can find as well thanks for watching you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 321,718
Rating: 4.9637799 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, advice for young entrepreneurs, how to be an entrepreneur, best advice for young entrepreneurs
Id: 0reiJmVoXz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2016
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