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and today's murder mystery - video I teach you how to get sheriff every single time yes you heard it right you're gonna want to watch all the way to the end of the video to see exactly how to do this cool trick but before the video gets started well technically it's already started I have new merch that's launching very very soon but the first drop of the collection has officially dropped go ahead and pick yourself up some the link is in the description there will be more shirts and hoodies coming in the near future for this collection but I appreciate you guys let me know if you decide to get it so in today's murder mystery - we have well let's just say I want to teach you how to get sheriff every single time step 1 join the game step 2 you wait to vote for your map step 3 you vote for your map and now you get sheriff Oh wrong tutorial maybe this might be how to get murderer every time I don't know I have no idea but like let's just say this man it's looking good are you wreck I don't know am i recording I have no idea but I know one thing I know one thing I know one thing I'm the murderer I told you you better run and I don't have a stun you gotta be kidding okay let's kill everybody hopefully we can go ghost in the second year but I don't think anybody's around that's the sheriff come back here Linda come back here dead alright who's next dead dead oh you're next up idiot dead oh the bacon means the murderer is the sheriff okay oh sorry buddy and now ghost huh you can't see me you can't see me at all alright guns down we're gonna watch this see if anybody comes down this hallway but we got one guy come up here is no idea what's going to hide Don Hey oh you're lucky you're lucky you got a little bit of a break there alright I hate to be the gun camper and all but like dude look at it it's in a great spot all right we're gonna risk it all my friends we're gonna risk it all we're gonna go down here I think I heard a couple people on the other side of the map here possibly in the basement hiding away from my every last move no one's even in here it's dark as a beam though I hear somebody collecting coins not knowing where I am but too bad I'm actually ghosting right now aha we have 7 seconds on the clock I grabbed it Oh what no never mind oh now you did all right what not even the last person oh god it's another mission all right well that's okay I got God by my side we're all good he's gonna lead me to the last person here which should be on the other side of the mat I don't hear any coin collecting going on so I don't know never mind spoke too soon Linda how are you I'm gonna disappear for you I'm gonna disappear for you and I'm just gonna go I have to kill you I'm sorry oh I got a rank up level 40 baby that's all huh this video shouldn't be how to get sheriff it should be how to rank up to level 40 this guy just said an please I have a godly I'd never had a godly in my life or can I have a godly uh what was his name let's see if he's telling the truth this dude right here let's see it you tell them the truth buddy are you telling the truth oh you are you are telling the truth okay well looks like I might have to turn my trades on just for you because I need to send you a trade request because today is your lucky day my friend we're gonna go ahead and give you my tie it's because I don't use my tides and quite honestly I feel like you would so I'm gonna go ahead give that to you kind sir enjoy that godly and yeah [ __ ] you later all right I have no idea what I just got I'm pretty sure I'm innocent yeah I definitely am innocent okay I'm innocent well it looks like this tutorial is over just kidding just kidding there's an actual way to get sheriff every single time now let me go ahead and preface this this will be the VIP server just in case you've been living under a rock I'm not trying to troll you or anything you can get sheriff every single time but you have to be the owner of the VIP server mm to VIP and look who we have here absolutely nobody in the game yet but if I make myself available we could select the murderers geeks and then make myself sheriff boom bada bing admin commands baby don't we love them all oh yeah that's my trick so please don't leave the video it's good it's just getting good managers getting good and just like that we are the Sherif there we go perfect that's exactly what I like to see and there's only one person else on this map and I have no idea where they are oh right my lord on this map nobody sees down there what is he is that even Gibson what the heck are you wearing buddy I just oh he's right there okay I thought he went to the door nah but for real guys I brought you here today for one specific reason oh and my twins here hey buddy what are you doing here how you doing I haven't seen you in a minute no no no that's not the real reason the real reason I brought you here other than the fact that I wanna 1v1 people is the fact that well other than the fact that I also want to show you how to get sheriff every time and be sheriff for every time and improve my sheriff skills I want you to use code ants use star code ahead when you buy some roebucks or roebucks premium I really appreciate the sport guys seriously you guys are like killing it out there I love it but ya know I'm trying to train my Sheriff skills let's be honest I really want to become a better sheriff here you guys should do the same so if you want a sheriff only lobby let me know because I'll make it happen I'll be the dummy murder will get you guys a sheriff skills up and run in here all right let's activate this beautiful door here F there we go let's close that bad what mmm delicious now we got to become the sheriff if I can take out my gun I guess that's the first step in becoming a sheriff is taking out the weapon of choice and there's that oh is this is this my twin I think this might be my twin it is my twin this is my twin I see you around that corner there pal I see you don't act like I don't see you okay it's me versus me right now I don't know what's happening but Oh God he's ghost he's ghost he's ghost oh wait no wait wait was he ghosted I just not seem up there oh I just didn't see him up there okay I don't know what he's doing but he's playing the hide-and-seek tactic and honestly it's kind of weirding me out cuz I feel like I'm playing myself right now where did you go wait a minute oh he used back there bro I keep thinking that he's ghost come here buddy no oh my god how are these shots landing okay we got to figure out how to become the best sheriff in murder-mystery to right now because if it's not happening now it's never happened than ever so we got to make this happen okay that flick shot not gonna lie I was like okay where did it go and then boom mid-sentence he pops up out of nowhere and unboxes a godly in front of my eyes all right next up who's gonna be the the idiot that faces me now you know honestly I kind of wanna be the murderer we're gonna throw one murder around in this even though we already had one in the beginning but I want to face somebody that I've never seen before worried elk up I'm gonna go in the courts I I don't know if that's an eller and I tell somebody tell me who's the i expert ozl expert y'all need to have a meeting right now I don't know what that is I really don't know what that is all right maps loading up let's go ahead and all right Brenda I'm the murderer you're gonna listen to what I have to say and I'm gonna kill you actually we've got to go ahead and turn on haste here if we can real quick there we go no get away from me get away from me all right perfect all right now we have the knife now what we need to do is to slick to fast to furious oh the sheriff needs some practice today okay let's go in here and look good oh man I really hate this stupid knife trail what watch my knife waiting right through this man right through in I repeat right let's pray whoa and then you might write that side okay perfect that clicked at the perfect time in now it's time to barbecue some burgers this guy wants me to pick him really bad he said pick me senpai pick me senpai what's your name bro I can't see that you literally won't stop moving I can't that doesn't help oh it's typical his name's typical something all right typical you my friend Oh typical happy boy oh I'm glad you're happy buddy all right so we're gonna see how this goes I have no idea how much this guy's skill has I don't know how much skill this guy has sorry I'm I'm all over the place today but he can't stop moving around so I'm thinking he's probably gonna be a good murder and he's probably gonna put some pressure on me so that being said he yeah he's already trying to cut me off bro this guy's definitely gonna be a good guy all right there we go we got the gun all I know is I'm Sheriff and I'm trying to find where this guy is right now but at the same time I kind of want to hide like I don't know he seems like he knows what he's doing so let's go ahead and pop the gun out there we go all right where's he at now where's this little munchkin at I don't know where he is but he looks like you might be hiding possibly body where are you where is this guy bro I'm just gonna sit and watch this corner cuz I think he might be out no he's not hiding he's not hiding he's all the way over there I don't think he saw me I don't think he saw but you don't let's surprise him when he Browns this corner I'm gonna shoot what oh my god that scared me so bad oh my god is it hi what's up no of course of course bro that was the ultimate trol he must have saw me he must have saw me turned I told you that guy was gonna outplay me and he said it she boy sneaky boy look he just looks like he's moving when he's not moving a bay are you doing all right now for the ultimate curveball right now okay I'm gonna go ahead and see who's gonna do this okay I'm gonna say in the chat whoever can beat me and a 1v1 will receive a new godly guys you're gonna want to stick around for this one because I am gonna give them one of my really good godly so I'm gonna give them probably oh man I hate to do it I really hate to do it but I got it I got to do it man I got it I might have to give them one of these these aren't technically godly I think these are called classics I'm pretty sure but also at the same time I kind of want to give somebody my ginger bleh that's a pretty good god thing I was able to win do I get one no starting now XD yeah you thought you thought I just had a warm-up man I had a warm-up okay I definitely don't want to be the murderer I want to have myself as the sheriff all the time because we are practicing our sheriff's skills but we also want to add a twist to this if anybody can actually kill me um hopefully nobody actually uses ghost perk I got to be very more aware of what's going on with coach Berg because I got a ghost it I got ghosts in pretty bad man I wish there was sheriff perks in the game man I wish there was sheriff perks share perks like faster reloading or something like that that would be so so so nice okay all right well we are at a share of 8% now we just got to keep roaming around I think I just saw him over there did I I don't know I have no idea but I need to be very careful I can't be messing around with any ghosts anymore and I also cannot be messing around with anybody that's too good because I don't want to lose a godly and whoever takes this godly from me well out the tanking it rip it out of my head did I just see him yep there it is oh it's this guy it's this guy is this dude here we go boom okay all right all right we really got a boss up here really gonna oh man I'm just really trying to do this man it's just a little bit more easier than I thought ha ha ha next Dickson just goes actually straight up bopped give me clout give yourself cloud bro you just go to the store man let's see Daniel kid and me all right Daniel okay let's see if you can do it man let's see if you can do a running out of actual players that are new into the game so we might have to start repeating players soon but in the meantime we need to vote for a map that's actually decently good which actually I think Bank tool actually no no base mil base please no base mobile base you know what's great you guys always vote for the same map I do in random history - and you guys are technically my dedicated map voters you know how I hire bodyguards sometimes well I don't even need to hire map voters because you guys just do it I think thank you I appreciate it there we go sheriff okay we're gonna do something good this one we're gonna go ahead and sit down back here and we're gonna wait to see if he comes out of nowhere we're gonna make sure we have our gun out for this one once it spawns in but I kinda want to put a little bit of hiding seek with this one and see if he ends up popping out of nowhere but don't forget to use stock coat in don't forget it Oh guys if you're watching up to this point I got verified on tik-tok a little yesterday you have to have to have to go follow me on tick-tock you have to have a tick-tock if you don't have a tick-tock I'll make a tick-tock don't give me that oh my mom won't let me have a tic tac spiel I've heard it 10 times before okay where is this guy oh he's all the way back there he was TVs doing the same thing I was doing bro oh oh oh oh I woke in the Beast I have awoken the Beast I've awakened the Beast I've awoken the Beast and he's died okay that I was easy to next guys will anybody be able to beat me in this 1v1 okay we're gonna go ahead and challenge somebody that's actually gonna probably try to kill me I think t90 might be able to kill me I don't know I've seen him in a game before and he's a little guy let me see if I can find him where is he there he is there's a little guy right here he's gonna be a little bit more difficult to shoot but I think it'll be a little bit more challenging and you never know he might be able to take home the Gauley today so keep watching don't click off the video you've made it this far my friend you've made it this far which is a great achievement in the end Channel and for that I'm gonna go ahead and give you your achievement making it this far all right we're in the game it's looking pretty good I don't know where this guy is she could have ghost perk equipped things might not be looking too good so far but we've made it all the way to the bathroom so I might as well go take a poop anything back here mm no okay all right I've given him no choice Oh [Music] okay that was a lot easier than I thought thanks for bringing the toilet paper I'm gonna go take a poop now well that was a whole lot easier than that let's go ahead and challenge someone that I think might take the cake here that's Antonia Tonio we're gonna go ahead and start the 1v1 here and see what she thinks if you guys don't know Antonia Tony 'she's a big large fan she's always tweeting me on Twitter always commenting always supporting him for that Antonia thank you so much shout out Antonia it's cool too cuz we kind of have the same name it's like it's it's kind of look my name's in inside Antonio see you understand and boom we spawn right next to each other okay great I don't think she saw me I think this is gonna be the one man this might be the one that takes the godly but at the same time this might be the one that ends the video we'll see no see there's only one way to find out okay let's keep walking this way I think she looped around so we might have to try to shoot a little bit I don't want to I don't want to catch her completely off-guard but I also want like kind of try to make a challenging accept she's not anywhere to be found okay looks like I'm hiding I'm hiding inside here for a little bit oh there she is perfect okay and let's go ahead and start this 1v1 I don't know how it's gonna go but it might just go it might just go all that shot was close that shot was close to my friend here we go here we go nope nope nope you are not hiding buying those box Oh ghosts oh my god I knew it I knew it I knew it oh my God thank God I was always moving oh my god I can't hit the shot bro are you serious how did you kill me from that far welp I am a man of my word and I will trade you a good old godly let's go ahead and open up the treating Antonio tonyia there is your trade request now go ahead and unlock the offer and I'm gonna go ahead and give you a ginger blade because I think that is a pretty nice weapon you guys can contest' this in the comments down below if I owe Antonio a better godly than this let me know in the comments down below but if I'm good let me know if that was good enough but with that being said guys thank you all so much for watching this video if you did enjoy again leave a like on the video it really lets me know that you guys liked the video obviously and I know it speaks for itself and please please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already you're not gonna want to miss all this content I really appreciate you guys and keep in mind double uploads are on the weekends also like I said in the beginning the video go check out the merch we have one item available I'm gonna be adding more to the collection as the days go on but if it's not already on my store section on my youtube channel then that means there'll be a link in the description where you can go get it yourself so I just I would suggest just go into my description you'll find it there I appreciate you guys I try to make this shirt as cheap as possible that way you guys can get it and stuff but with that being said thank you so much for watching don't forget to use star code and I'll catch you guys I'll get next time peace
Channel: Ant
Views: 4,166,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ant, roblox
Id: 9S9rTQ3gX84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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