Matching AVATARS As A BABY In MM2 VOICE CHAT... (Murder Mystery 2)

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okay so in today's video I'm going to be copying people's outfits as a baby in Murder Mystery 2 as you guys can tell by my avatar right now we are a baby okay we have our little we have a diaper on right now you know we we're literally a child so I'm just going to go into the game and I'm going to copy people's outfits but turn him into a child so yeah but before the video starts if you guys want to buy mm2 items make sure to go to and use code W it's Lally re so you can get 10% off of every order and yeah that's it okay hold on let me find let me find someone to copy really quick let me find let me find a victim for first hold on oh my God the server is like so laggy what is going on no way I just lost connection bro are you serious okay okay let's try this again okay hopefully hopefully we don't um lose connection this time bro that'll be nice I hope you fall down seven flights of stairs yo what is what is wrong with these people what is happening bro okay so let me let me steal someone's off really quick because I need I need to steal I need to steal someone's thing really quick wait this dude just glitched out of the map bro what the heck oh my God should I do him though hold on I'm I'm going to do him though cuz actually yeah I'm going to do him I'm copying this man's whole entire outfit all right um I'm copying this man's whole outfit all right I don't even I don't even care this might take a little minute hold on okay let me get these pants really quick give me give me that he has this little b I don't know if I should wear this should I get this I don't know I already have this hat I already have that he has these goggles on let me bro this is going to take a lot this is going to take a little while I can't lie I already have that hair all right I think I think we're good hold on let me let me make let me make this outfit really quick hopefully this guy doesn't leave the game if if he leaves the game then that's going to actually be crazy all right so we got hold on let me let me make this Alp really quick let me cook let me cook let me cook for let me cook for a second okay so we got that okay got that hair all right let me put that on okay this looks kind of dumb I'm not going to lie yo this looks kind of dumb hold on um I have the shirt down and everything oh I forgot I forgot the Fedora that's what I forgot hold on I got to find it though I got to find it wait where's it at okay here it is here it is I got it I got it let me see how it looks with with this face bandage thing on let me see how it looks does it look stupid or no okay that actually doesn't look that bad though actually hold on all right let me reset let me reset let me reset oh my God this looks this looks terrible I'm not going to lie this doesn't even look good bro oh my God wait actually I mean it doesn't look that bad like I don't know it doesn't really look that bad wait did the guy leave the game okay no mind he's still he's still in here I don't know where I don't know where he's at though where's he even at wait no I forgot to my I forgot to make my skin color white I forgot to make it white hold on hold up hold up hold on this looks so weird oh my God bro I just glitched myself I just glitched myself on accident bro I had to make my skin color like pure white cuz this cuz this guy is wearing white skin he still didn't even see me though he didn't even see me okay this is perfect this is this is actually perfect this identical to his outfit it's literally identical bro oh my God he still don't even see me yet though oh he has a knife okay let me see let me see if he gets killed let me let me see okay he killed the sheriff all right all right I see you he might he might just win there's one more there's there's another bacon girl left but um yeah she she's the only one left so I think I think he I think he's going to win can he get the victory Royale can he can he get the victory Royale can he get the victory Royale can can you do it yo no way no way he doesn't see her bro she he can't find her they're like running oh never mind [Laughter] [Music] [Music] guys my father my father is like very like um neglecting to his child like how how does he not notice like he literally does not care who's this girl is this is this his friend I think this is like his girlfriend or something she's looking at me she said child I'm your guy's child yo you have to pay child support we ain't paying that what make it 10K bro why is he not paying child support bro like yo I actually hate my father now like he's he's not even paying child support he he doesn't even notice my existance I'm your son you need to take me in nuh-uh yeahuh nuh-uh yo what is what is happening yeah you willon make the child upset you keep saying nuh-uh what is happening I don't know I honestly don't know what's happening bro bro this is so weird and I got Sheriff too D should I shoot him I'm about to shoot my dad bro I'm actually mad at him I'm actually I'm about to shoot him where he go I'm going shoot him I'm going shoot him hey hey stand still stand still stand still for a second I'm just I'm going just follow him so I can get so I can make sure I don't miss I just shot my dad bro I just shot my own dad that's for not paying child support you don't need to pay it in Finland this D lives in Finland what the I never met anyone that lives in Finland bro that's crazy there is no child support all right interesting bro okay clearly my dad doesn't love me guys all right so I'm leaving this game bro I'm out of here these people are so loud this girl is playing music in her mic like what these people are actually so loud hold on what is going on bro what is what is happening what bro why she just kill me out of nowhere bro like what did I do that's why you got shot and I got a g all right bro yo Rec yo Rec recom Rec Rec hi uh can so you have seven ice breakers can I get can I trade you pixel and uh frostbit knife4 one uh I don't have any ice breakers sorry uh the knife bro I don't have I don't I don't know what you're talking about buddy I don't have any ice breakers bro I don't want to tra I don't want to trade with you bro I'm sorry like I don't want to trade with you bro this kid asked me to trade I don't even know I don't even know what that means I don't even know what he's trying to give me but I mean I do not I do not trade with people I'm sorry hold on let me mute everyone really quick hold on I'm going to take this ring guy's outfit cuz this guy's outfit it looks really easy to steal so I'm I'm going just steal it because why not I'm going to steal this guy's outfit and I'm going to turn into a baby because that's what I do that's what I do and this guy has this guy has a voice chat too so it's going to be funny bro hold on I already have that hair okay what what else do I need these Shades okay I got to get these Shades luxury Shades bro yeah yes sir give me that all right I think that I think that's all I need I'm pretty sure that's all I need so um wait where where's he at in game let me let me see where he's at okay he's that skin color okay all right okay it's it's time to make the outfit all right it's time to let me cook just let me just let me cook for a minute all right let me let me let me cook let me cook all right so we got to put these shades on all right and then got to put the the clothes on all right got to put this on and then we got to put the hair on I don't even I don't even remember what Hair It Is 8.0 and 2.0 I think it is let me see give me a second give me a second give me a second I need to find this hair dude where is the hair at bro oh my God I literally cannot find the hair oh here it is there's one and then this one this one all right all right I got it let's go I'm pretty sure this is it I'm pretty sure this is it actually um all right yeah let me put the head on all right yeah I'm I'm pretty sure this is it let me let me go ahead and reset now in game all right let me let me go ahead and reset let me go ahead and reset this is L this is literally perfect this is literally perfect hold on this is literally perfect and he has voice chat too oh my god look look look look I'm I'm going just follow him I mean like the ice breaker like your your your knife you have I don't have any I don't have any I'm not going to lie I don't I don't think he wants to tra you I don't have any bro yo are you my dad you look like me bro you look like my father wa wait I kind of do yeah wait why didn't you know why did you not pay child support what happened to Mom oh I forgot you know your voice you forgot how could you forget about me bro he's so confused how could he forget about me bro there's no way look I'm I I have the knife right now though I'm going freeze him I'm going to freeze my own dad where's he at bro this kid is trying to follow me and trade me I do not want to trade you bro I'm sorry I'm trying I'm trying to talk to my father okay I need to I need to have a little word with them come here buddy oh my God that's that's for not that's for not paying child support buddy you should have paid child I forgot I forgot how did you forget about me was I a mistake I'm not going to lie maybe no no no get back here nope nope no let me go let me go you should have thought about that before you did it with Mom come here come here come here buddy do it to me come here absent father come here I'm going to force you I'm going to force you to pay child support one of these days all right I'm going to pull up to your house and I'm going to make you I'm going to make you pay up buddy it's like I'm not all that my stepdad treats me way better than you he's so rich bro stop unfreezing yo you need you need to keep you need to think about what you what you've done you need to stay frozen all right I did I did and I don't regret it no way you're no way you're actually no way you actually just said that I I had to do it I had to do it this is actually insane bro why are y'all glazing him y'all are unfreezing him on purpose bro stop glazing him yo this is actually insane I actually hate you so much watch bro oh my God finally finally bro finally yes I finally got all of you let's go you poopy but mun with that big forehead like what what excuse me what did you just say to me excuse me that was not nice that butt cheek level zero yacht level and with that forehead that shap like B what hey why are you saying that to me I'm I will report you we looking hairstyle looks like like Shrek's donkey dude why would you say that on you oh my God bro
Channel: Recomply
Views: 3,402,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, mm2, murder mystery 2, mm2 voice chat, roblox mm2, mm2 roblox, murder mystery 2 roblox, murder mystery 2 voice chat, mm2 matching outfits, mm2 matching avatars, mm2 matching avatars as a baby, mm2 matching outfits as a baby, mm2 as a baby, mm2 baby voice chat, mm2 voice chat baby, joehe mm2 voice chat, joehe mm2, angelazz baby mm2, chillz mm2, auiciq mm2, roblox voice chat, roblox voice chat baby, recomply
Id: 647Yh1jNmb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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