How to be Pretty: Vintage 1940's Makeup, Hair, Skincare Tutorial

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I'm no expert on the problem of makeup since the proper use of Cosmetics is an art in itself [Music] Hollywood Authority on beautifying feminine faces show you how to make the most of your face [Music] never use May make up goes on smoother looks more natural with a foundation cream or liquid it provides a lasting makeup and protects your skin against wind and sun the wrong use of Rouge can make a woman look hard or clownish cream Rouge is applied directly over the foundation dry Rouge is used only after powdering to be effective Rouge and powder should not be detectable never use too much room [Music] green Rouge should be applied with the fingers and Blended until no line of demarcation is noticeable never use an elongated field of Rouge on the oblong face [Music] always use a circle never use a circle on the round or Square Face use an elongated field to create the illusion of length when in doubt for placement of Rouge smile and place it on the highest point of the cheek [Music] one should always choose a powder that gives warmth and brightness to the skin in powdering start at a receding Point such as under the eyes Hollow cheeks or receding chin never powder a large nose first it'll become a highlight follow the natural line of the lips and don't use exotic lip shades they're not Chic and they're certainly not GI [Music] ant bite gently on a piece of tissue to set the lips and remove excess lipstick lipstick smears on handkerchiefs and lipstick rims on cups are not appealing don't tamper with a natural line of your eyebrows your eyebrows as Nature Made Them give expression and character to your face and are functional they protect your eyes from strong light and dust these are actually the only articles necessary for good nail grooming especially when you're in the Army when you wear a uniform and so is exotic nail polish if you use polish see that it's conservative [Music] she's learned a lot see how smoothly and skillfully her makeup is Blended she can be proud of that job although to most of you it may seem too obvious to mention daily bathing is the first must in the rule book for feminine attractiveness the soap you use should be Bland particularly if your skin has a tendency to be dry deodorants and perfumes don't kill perspiration or other body odors they only make them more offensive since many women are allergic to depilatories shaving is still the most effective way to remove Superfluous hair if you use a facial cream or oil at night be sure to remove the excess grease before going to bed for that Rosy bloom a dash of cold water is the best astringent chapped lips use lip Pomade or cream what causes tooth decay well a number of things such as poor diet not enough vitamins and minerals too many sweets if you eat before going to bed and forget to brush your teeth afterwards particles of food Lodge in the crevices and start to ferment this encourages bacteria and bacteria increase the tendency to tooth decay that's why it's so important to brush your teeth regularly and even more important to brush them correctly from the gums downward or upwards uh-huh not from side to side but up and down yes that's right brush from the gum downward or upward scalp lifting is an order to stimulate sluggish circulation but for oily hair do it in combination with an astringent if your pardon the suggestion a good brushing might be in order oh gently gently I didn't say scalping [Music] and if you're looking for a change of hair styling to suit your facial confirmation and GI regulations there's the page boy the row the bun the up sweep [Music] straight shingle [Music] the curling shingle if you wear your hair short it should be cut and shaped often slip away the hangovers from the last permanent Foundation garments have their place but the best foundation garment in the world is right inside your own body your muscles any foundation garment wears out with use but your muscles do just the opposite they gain snap and elasticity the more they are used [Music] consistent daily planned exercise can be all things to all people
Channel: glamourdaze
Views: 303,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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