How to be Pretty: 70s Makeup and Hair Tutorial [4K Restored]

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the selection of a hairstyle and the basic cut call for experienced Professional Care I think I think something on these lines like shaped face let's pull the bangs over just a little bit like this not too far down in the face and on the sides let's bring it forward so it'll frame your eyes how does that look well it sounds okay there won't be too much on the forehead though there because we do wear our hats most of the time and we have a regulation we're not allowed to have our bangs show under the Hat well what we can do in that case is we'll swing a little more over to the side and your head will fit about so and it'll be hidden under your your hat I know about your regulations and uh but I think this will be real good for you working with you girls is just one more factor in selecting the proper hairstyle the other things that we can't ignore them is the shape of the face the length of a hair and the texture there I know what you mean I've been through all of those wild-eyed Styles and now I want to find a style will it that works for me that's the right idea I want to tell you a girl can look real good if she'll just remember a few things first she has to start with a good cut and then the rack stop if you start with a good cut you should be able to keep your hair looking attractive between this is to the beauty parlor but try to get a regular beauty shop attention to your hair I suppose you've heard this before but it's the truth Clinton this is very important for the hair you have to know how to shampoo the hair and do it frequently professional help is also needed in the selection and use of cosmetics with all the products available these days and the many ways that can be used a girl can really become confused it makes sense therefore to consult a good cosmetician oh I didn't think I'd make it at all at all the shape of my face and everything and I want to find a style uh makeup style that'll be becoming with this new hairstyle that I've got what do you think well my advice it's usually pretty simple I start by telling a girl that she's not going to get any place just by applying a lot of makeup there's a lot more to it than that yeah I know I guess we all went through that stage I know when I was younger I used to just lay it on and cover everything up that was bothering me you know but uh I used to walk around looking like I had a mask on most of the time well it doesn't work not at all as a matter of fact it's exactly backwards the first and most important rule is just keeping clean but it's also confusing I mean some people say don't use soap others say that cream is bad for your skin but what I want to know is what is right there's no big secret about this the standard cleansing creams are fine and so is soap and water as a matter of fact cold water is a wonderful skin conditioner like the good astringents and skin fresheners it closes the pores and prevents the accumulation of dirt or old makeup makeup can do a wonderful job if it is used intelligently there are no set rules about what to use or how to use it each woman is an individual and represents an individual set of problems the important job that makeup can do is emphasize a woman's strong points at the same time play down her weak ones the colors you choose for yourself should be appropriate for you they should blend with the color of your skin your hair and with each other the right Cosmetics skillfully applied can make a woman appear more alert and alive [Music] now if this is going to work if you're going to achieve good grooming the same kind of judgment and selectivity has to be used in every aspect of makeup all the parts have to fit together Hair Skin eyebrows fingernails everything [Music] boy my nails are really beginning to look like a mess yeah well how often do you do your nails about once a week or so hey you like this new color I got purple raspberry glow hey wow you're really swinging in there but look on you're not gonna wear that to the office oh I don't know no I don't think Captain Mayhew would approve of that I'm gonna save it for Saturday night you know Tom really likes those new colors Tom now there's a a really swinging guy you know let's let's take our I can wear about three coats of deck varnish on my nails and art he wouldn't know the difference once a girl gets to recognize what's appropriate and what isn't she's way ahead of the game for example in eye care and eye makeup now the right way here can be a little tricky a girl Hears A lot of talk about trying for the natural look foreign [Music] well that doesn't mean the Shaggy look it means maintaining the natural line and using the eye makeup that will enhance and emphasize the girl's natural strong points there are no set rules for everyone but there are some basic principles perhaps the most important of these are good taste and appropriateness that y'all
Channel: glamourdaze
Views: 217,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage fashion, vintage makeup, vintage hairstyle, 1970s, glamourdaze, 4K, 60fps, 1960s, beauty routine, hair brushing, makeup tutorial, hair tutorial, how to be pretty
Id: QuZhf82gXl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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