Front End Or Full Stack - TeamTreeHouse Techdegree

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what's up guys gerotor with salt dev today we are going to talk about team tree house more specifically should you do the front-end tech degree or the full stack JavaScript Tech degree it's what one of the comments here was asking so I went hadn't pulled up team treehouse and an incognito window here don't ask why it's in an incognito window so yeah this is team tree alice is basically like they've got I mean this is what I use to get a job basically I studied team treehouse for like seven eight months probably I think was like seven months yeah I did most of the front-end Tech degree most of the full staff JavaScript Tech degree and then I got the job that I have now and I've been working there for about nine months I've been nine eight months yeah because I started December third so coming up on a year here almost and it's been a great job we started off doing WordPress and now we're starting the we're about to start using Gatsby and sass so getting to expand my skills and all that fun stuff but anyway enough about me back to team treehouse the tech degrees honestly this is like this is probably what I recommend the most if you have the money and can afford it and you want you're serious but getting a job in the web developer like as a front-end developer this is what I recommend why let's go ahead and open these up real quick so the front-end Tech degree first off what I love about it they've got videos which I don't really like where it's just like text-based stuff I prefer to be able to watch it and see somebody do it and kind of like follow along with them they've also got like quizzes that go with it and assessments and then for each unit I think they've got like nine units ten units yeah they got nine units and for each unit they have a project that you build and they're really good-looking projects to like this is one of the first ones you make it's a portfolio site I mean it's not that it's not like it's not gonna like blow your mind but it's like a solid looking portfolio and it's enough to impress potential employers then they got this code review form thing you make and then they've got this photo gallery that use jQuery plugins and these are all things you code yourself like you don't you're not watching a video while you do these you are they basically give you a mock-up say all right use this this and this make it they give you the specifications and then you build that on your computer and that's what I think really drills the code down into your head actually build projects on your own you don't really when you watch a video of somebody doing something you get like the gist of like how to do it and it might make sense while you're watching the video but there's a difference between watching the video and then when the rubber hits the road and it's like alright build this page and then you're like oh wait I don't know how to do this as well as I thought I did and you actually have to Google how to do stuff and like go through your notes and get it done but yeah so they've got the front-end Tech degree it's got nine units it's got like like I was saying it's got the videos they have quizzes in between each video almost they have little challenges for you to do between some of the videos and then at the end of each unit you get a project to build can I expand this okay cool so yeah the front end one I mean the yeah front end developer tech degree is gonna obviously focus more on front-end stuff in unit one you learn HTML CSS just like the basic stuff unit 2 you learned some stuff about media queries responsive design more advanced CSS unit 3 you build an online registration form this is where get you learned some flexbox here and then some more CSS and HTML stuff and it just slowly builds and builds and builds until eventually you get to like a game show app you're using es6 JavaScript Dom manipulation template literals which template literals are awesome and then number eight you interact with an API with Ajax and I think web app dashboard no you don't do react in this one you think you used to do react in the front-end developer one but then they must have changed it but yeah you learned some like really important skills that you need to know if you're gonna be a front-end developer so I'd say do this one first if you don't have any experience with HTML or CSS actually even if you do have experience with HTML and CSS do this one if you've built less than five projects because like I said what really drove the code down into your head and teaches you this is doing the projects yourself you don't learn by I mean you learn a little bit by watching the video but what really drills it down is building the projects so definitely do this first if you've built less than five projects before five HTML and CSS projects I'm talking about you pull up a text editor you do the html5 or doctype HTML 5 and you like hard coder or yourself so the full stack JavaScript degree that one's gonna be more focused on like JavaScript obviously first project you build a random quote generator I think it's this thing right here basically nope that's tic-tac-toe way to read your it come on yeah so let's it look it's similar to this one I built this one and react so I'm posting it in code sandbox but you basically just click new quote and it gives you a new quote in the background changes so nice little first project it helps a lot if you've done that full stack or the front-end developer tech degree and you know what you're doing with HTML and CSS I think for a lot of the JavaScript tech degree projects they actually give you the HTML and CSS that's another reason I recommend doing the front-end developer tech degree first as with this one they're going to give you HTML and CSS and you're focusing way more on the JavaScript part and as a front-end developer you need to have HTML and CSS at least like a base level down to get the job then there's pagination and filtering that'll load and they start teaching you es v 2015 which es6 pretty much an interactive form project where you learn basics of jQuery which I mean people say it's dying but like we still use that at work kind of my manager Marvin wants to get away from it but a lot of our websites have that on there then project for started doing object-oriented JavaScript callback functions I think you you do learn about HTML and CSS in this one too maybe yeah a little bit but it's not as heavy a focus as this one and then this one you like yeah you start interacting with API is on project 5 do some node and Express and then you start building a react photo gallery learning SQL learning the REST API and then yeah there's 10 lessons in this one so might take a little longer to get through I think each one probably depends on the harder work and I guess I mean you can get through you can only submit one project a week that's one of the downsides so you can't just do all this in a month the minimum like what the front-end Tech degree is I think like two and a half months right so nine weeks for eight I guess like a month you know two months in a week is as fast as you can get it done and then this one's like two and a half months pretty much so yeah and then another thing I like about the projects you actually submit it you upload it to your github and then you submit it to her to team treehouse and somebody who reviews it and grades it gives you a passing score or not if you meet the specs and that's another thing that kind of holds you to the high standard of making sure you do your best on the project because if you don't meet all the specs you're not going to pass anything else it is kind of expensive me it's $1.99 a month but I mean I thought of it as like an investment in myself and you do get like a 7 day free trial if you sign up my whole link in the description if you want to sign up for Team tree house you can check that out I don't use it anymore because my work pays for front-end masters so I'm using that if you have a job as a web developer already though this is definitely what I recommend checking out I think it's like 40 bucks a month but they go super in-depth on this stuff like they look at the JavaScript figure what it's called but they talk about like coercion and they get into detail about scope that's just really high quality stuff like the guys that teach it or people that worked at Microsoft and Netflix and places like that but anyway yeah if you're gonna sign up for team treehouse long story short if you don't have any developer experience start out with this one actually if you don't have any developer experience go to free code camp and do a few sections on that first just to make sure this is something you're interested in it's free code camp should look like this I would be honest with you if you're just in this to make like if you're like hey I'm gonna study this for like three months and then I'll be making a 100k now this isn't for you to go find something else because you're gonna have to study this for a while and you're probably not gonna start off making 100k unless you live in like Silicon Valley and then it's not even like 100k it's basically if you're making 30k somewhere else or something from what I've been told but yeah start off with this if you have a sir start off with this if you have absolutely no experience just to make sure you like it as long as you like it do this first get through most if not all of it and then do this one I'd say when you get to like project number four start applying for jobs actually in project number three if you use this as your portfolio page but make it look a little bit better than design because this is what the mock-up was for that portfolio page make it look better than this put your own spin on it and then start applying for jobs as soon as you get projects here I hope this helps you out guys if you have any other questions leave them down in the comments below and I will probably make a video answering your question I just like using the questions as content for my videos so we also have a discord if you want to come hang out in the discord if you joined the discord go over to the Welcome channel and introduce yourself and throw like a link to your portfolio if you have one or just let me know where you're at in your dev journey be pretty nice and I think that's about it I'll the link to free code camp in the description as well in my portfolio if you want to check out my portfolio this is what I haven't changed since I got a job so this is what it looked like when I got a job but yeah I will see you guys next time and have a good rest of whatever the whatever data is bye
Channel: SelfTaughtDev
Views: 15,319
Rating: 4.9422679 out of 5
Keywords: Css, Javascript, Express, node.js, python, react, learn, become, web, developer, how to, tutorial, follow, vlog, life, tech, Technology, Front, end, selftaughtdev, self, taught, dev, garrett hughes, garrett, hughes, Garrett Hughes, Html, html5, css, es6, web developer, End, Selftaughtdev, Self, Taught, Dev, Garrett, Hughes, HTML5, Code, Learn, Programmer, Front end, Back end, Computer science, Software developer, coding
Id: 8KPWyxCmKzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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