Minimum skills required to get into IT Company

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so welcome back aliens isn't have enjoyed different physical earnings and Here I am with a new video on modding motivation and today we'll talk about what is the minimum requirement to be into IT let's say if you want to be an IT professional what is the minimum thing you do you need I mean as a pleasure so let's say you have just completed your graduation and you want to be a you want to get into IT what are the what are the minimum things you should know so that you can go for the interviews and you can crack it again it depends upon different companies that depend upon different post you want to go for because see we have different above companies right we have small level companies we have startups we have big level companies we have MNCs right so everyone have their own requirements I mean they they want some others I mean they need some specific skills and some people they don't need specific skills they need people who can learn new things I mean very fast so so they have their own requirement right now there is one more thing you know so first of all its depend upon the company plus it's also depend upon the post you're applying for so let's say if you're if you're applying for I mean applying to Infosys and they have different departments right they have different profiles so depend upon different profiles again they've given a different different things but for minimum you know let's see if you want to be very specific if you want to go for development so again we have different things you are for testing you have different tools but what is minimum things they required from you so I would say the minimum thing which they require is the first one let's say you feel a fresher and you want to get into any company like Infosys or direct I maybe maybe Microsoft Google so all they need one specific thing is the way your thing okay so see it when you talk about development I'll focus on only focus on development partyer because the different tools so I mean that different professions are different thing right one is er we have testing we have tech support we have development we have a work I mean database administrators we have networking engineer so we have different profiles in the company so my focus would be more on development part because I know that much better than other other things but for tech support I can say for that if you want to get into tech support or some life the only thing is I mean you what you need is good communication skills good way to write emails and all the stuff and you should know how to solve specific things if it really if you want to get into development what are the medium things require the first thing which you require is the your your way of problem solving so you should know how to solve a given problem and that's why you know if you know Matz if you're if you're good to be the match your your by default good with programming's because if you are good with max you know how to solve a given problem right in fact in match that's what we do we write those quotes off hence proof we write we write code for it's very difficult to hold your phone it's on oh yeah so you should be very good with maths I mean how to solve a given problem so to be a good programmer you should know how to solve a given problem and that's why you know when you go for the interviews the first round the first round they do is aptitude okay because in aptitude they will come to know that how good you are with problem solving so the first thing you require is is how to know how can you solve a given problem so again you can solve a given problem using maths or they may they might give you some programming things to solve so first is the way you solve problem which is the which is your quantity to I mean the way you can solve a given problem I don't know what you can call it as that is one thing next you need is again a good communication skills because communication is very important so when it comes to you know when it comes to programming I mean when it when it comes to the development part you know communication matters because you are not the only one who will be working on the project right so there are different people working on the same project now the people will be in India with you so let's say you have a team of 12 people maybe there are four people they have died with you in India and then they have some other five people your counterparts in US right so you should know how to communicate with them because solving of given problem is not just about writing code it's also about sharing what you know okay so you should know that you are working on a module and you can complete that module in this time and you can you can inform your other other counterparts that the problem you are facing so you should know how to communicate with people okay the communication simply means that putting your ideas in front of them putting your thoughts front of them putting your problems in front of them right so first you need is the way to solve a given problem second is to the way you can communicate with people third is it matters how much you know but it also matters how much you show so when you go for the introduce these people they don't know right how much you know so do I mean make sure when you when you talk to this interview I mean interviewer you should know how to communicate with them you have to inform them that the things you know because the question they will ask you is based on they want to know how much you know right so so value are answering you have to make sure that you answer in such a way that they will know that how much you know it has very importance first is your way of problem solving the problems again the way you communicate and it's also about how much you can show them how much you know right okay now my hands are paining it's very difficult to hold the phone I next time I will take a selfie stick actually I'm in garden with my my mom and my with my nephew again with at the start of the video if you have seen up a kid right that's my nephew okay he's doing some mustard anyway so that is that is that is something which we required to be in to accompany the next thing is at least the knowledge of one programming language again you can be a good you can be good with C C++ Java dotnet PHP at least one language you should be very comfortable with I mean let's say if you are comfortable with Java then is it that you will only get Java job not exactly there are companies they will need a dotnet paper or they will need a Ruby person but if you know Java and they can train you on to be provided you know at least one programming language because if you know at least one language it is easy to look it is easy to learn other languages but if you don't know any language how can you run the other language right so if you know one language that that that is something which they require so at least master in one language any language you prefer okay that's one next most important is the knowledge of data structures okay because in lots of interviews they will ask you they will ask you the questions on data structures only you know how to how one a sort works how bubblesort how not bobert sorry bunny search bubble sort then quick quick sort what is that what is heap and all the stuff you know they will they will check your data structure skills and how can you solve a given problem using some algorithms so you should know how to do programming plus you should know how to do how to write a data structure code also okay that's that's important the algorithms you have to learn then the concept of OS which is operating system the concept of networking so if you go for this interviews they will always ask you these questions on OS networking and all the stuff okay so yeah so this is the minimum requirement I mean minimum thing you should know follow up before applying for any programming job and having certification in one language that will be again added advantage let's say if you if you want to get into Java make sure you make sure you go for Java I mean you get Java certified or maybe some other two other other technology certification so that's it if you have any more queries if you have any more ideas share with your friends on YouTube just comment in the comment section if you have any more tips to give them that's it that's my modding motivation thank you so much
Channel: Telusko
Views: 251,843
Rating: 4.9186387 out of 5
Keywords: navin, reddy, tutorial, java, telusko learnings, it company, telusko, java tutorial for beginners, it company corporate video, it company profile, it company work, it company startup
Id: g805xMnk348
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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