How to bake the BEST Pork Pie | Paul Hollywood's Pies & Puds

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[Music] my next recipe is packed full of wild meat and I want to use it to explore our national tradition of filling pies with seasonal game when it comes to food everything has its season and with the onset supermarkets it's difficult to tell when one season ends and another one begins but seasonality does not only affect fruit and veg it also affects Meat hopeton House is a 300 year old Scottish stately home near Edinburgh the lucky chap who calls this modest Abode home is Lord hopeton Lord Hotel nice to meet you good to meet you fantastic looking place thank you very much don't envy your electric bill if I'm honest all your gardening bill I think it's only about half an hour to come up here [Music] we head off on a tour of the estate hopeton house has set in over 6 000 Acres of beautiful grounds it's a mixture of farming and Parkland teaming with all kinds of wild game I went down to the Bare Basics what is game game is uh a natural resource that is punted or shot it's wild birds often reared as well to supplement the numbers but it's wild birds wild beasts that are that are hunted and so what sort of game do you have on the land though so around here we've got uh pheasants and partridges we've got rabbits and hares deer largely roe deer Wild on the estate but we've also got fallow and red deer within the grounds Woodcock coming into the woods and we have gray Partridge here but not nearly as many as we used to back at the house there are many historical Treasures but I'm particularly interested in a rather unique household collection these are precise records written by housekeepers from the mid 1700s they document all the ingredients sourced from the Estates that went into the kitchens and onto the dinner table well here are some volumes from the hopeton munaments and showing some of the foods that were eaten in Past Times this for example is the year 1754-55 for example there's a certain amount of lamb bought early in the year killed a lamb being the first to buy Lord's own that was the first lamb that was actually from the estate Hill and eaten here probably within certainly within a certain period of time oh yes like that yes it very much says but what you can see here very clearly is some of the seasonal elements so at the moment we're in October 1895 and you can see roast Partridge making its way onto the menu for October yeah by the time you then shift into November 1895 you're moving into roast pheasant which of course has come into season at the beginning of October but is starting to appear by November and as you work your way through the year and you come out the other side into something like April then you're suddenly moving into things like pigeon so that would have been fresh pigeon that had been fed up over the wintrums just ready these Cooks couldn't have made a pigeon pie at any old time of year they had to use whatever game was in season so it wasn't the recipe books that dictated the pie it was the calendar nowadays it's not so restrictive seasonal produce is still available the seasons are still there if we won't follow them yeah and that's one of the benefits of the farmers markets and farm shops and so on if you want to be local and if you want to be seasonal and if you want to be fresh that's one of the ways of doing it Lord hopeton still has to manage the estate's game according to the seasons and employs Paul as his Game Keeper Paul explains the importance of maintaining the local wildlife and habitat you know seven days a week 365 days a year you are trying to keep this place just right so for you it's it's the it's the breeding it's the rearing it's the looking after and nurturing of the birds themselves it's not just the birds you can get a lot of ground cover now you've got fantastic insect life your butterflies you've got everything the place is alive when you can see all this it's just it's the greatest job in the world but what I really need to know is what's available and when so Woody's pigeon uh rabbits hair all year round hairs and hairs of a season now they're just in the juicer season end of February we've got basically the same as a pheasant in the coming first October so first October to the end of February yeah they're protected through the protected through the summer on the breeding season no that's interesting because my old thing is to look at seasonality of game to see if it's still alive today and yes it is yeah but because of freezers yeah then technically we can eat it all year round the game laws basically were made before freezes and things like that there's no you can eat game all summer long if you want you know as long as long as it's shot in season yeah all the wild meat from the estate goes to hopeton's resident Butchery and of course the game which butchered Derrick sells changes according to the time of year I want my Gamepad to reflect the current season so I've come to taste the different meats that are at their best right now so I see you've got some meat there can we try some of this we got pheasant today it's early in the pheasant season so the meat is very fresh I've tried pheasant that's been hung for a couple of weeks very different flavor but that that's that's beautiful this is rabbit rabbit it's got more depth depth of texture on that one substantial The Partridge I think the Partridge is one up on the pheasant do you yeah I'm gonna be making a hand raised pie and I'm using a hot Watercress pastry and what I'm looking for is three you know bits a game to go inside my pie what would you recommend first to go into part three obviously you're finished top one for a pie basically you can get your advantage in it as well but you have to balance the flavor in it so I would see something like the package and a rabbit just your rabbit hold the flavor a little bit yeah as you see the package is a delicate one and I would agree with that I think that's a terrific choice I think the venison you've got a nice dark meat you've got something that's very pale in a partridge you've got a rabbit that's somewhere in between so actually the three are going to look good together as well as providing a very balanced range of flavors so I think that's a great choice okay I think I've got my two piece again venison rabbit and Partridge spot on fantastic [Music] so I'm all set to make my raised game pie and our estate butcher Derek has come down from Scotland to make sure I do his meat Justice hello Derek hello Paul um Lord hopes and couldn't come with us I'll take it easy man I understand that he's looking after that house clean all his windows mistaken forever I won't take away um now all the meats that's reared all the animals that are on his estate all ends up in your yeah that I think is fantastic anyway because you've got Providence straight away so it's only five miles two miles down really not even that a game pie is much easier than it looks and whenever you decide to make it I suggest you choose Meats with different colors and textures to keep things interesting so if I run through what the meats are that I'm putting in my pie I've got Partridge here venison rabbit and I've got belly pork here okay it's a little bit of fat to sort of bring that fat because most of the meat there is quite lean actually so what I'm going to do is pop all this meat into a large bowl there's my Partridge going in it's very lean there isn't it that's what it's breast milk and the venison that was breast departures I don't suppose you're gonna get much else out of it and here's the rabbits you find the big differences is it was as wild as well so there's a big difference between it was love it when it was short I've got my belly pull going I think that little bit of addition of fat should make a difference I've got some parsley some thyme going in there as well I've got some Madeira again a little bit of sweetness I think could come out with the venison as well a little bit of season some salt I chop up some garlic and add it to my game filling throw that straight in along with some mace and all spice to give it real depth of flavor and that is the basic ingredients for the game pie now the reason why we chose this meat is because it's it's it is of its time right now we have a fallow deer which just started to be on season yeah but the road here they exchange from box to doors obviously because they're going to shoot the dose when it's bleeding time basically where's the flavor come from which one do you prefer well the one is really the the Box can be up if it's just after the breeding season you have to watch because you have to give them a couple of weeks to kind of recover if you know what I mean after the excess things off the breathing season so you think it's slightly better after a couple of weeks of the Box oh nice and the Kennywood Hayden actually the Game Keeper they can go missing the runaway and hiding started doing things now I bet they do whatever meat you're putting in your pie it's going to need a good strong pastry and a robust hot water crust is the answer I use 50 50 strong and plain flour with some butter rubbed in to start but the key is this lard melted in hot water this soaks straight into the flour and makes it strong so what I've done is added all the the lard the water to this mixture with the flour and then begin to just fold it into the middle for now begin to build up the pastry it's still quite warm so initially use your spoon and then when it's warm enough to touch then get your hand in there and all I'm doing is filled in from the outside with my Knuckles into the middle and again this is just build up with a little bit of glue that is in the strong flour and turn it to a a nice smooth pastry it's a double action actually the first thing you're doing is actually mixing all the ingredients in together and the second thing is you just build up a little bit of resistance a little bit of gluten in there as well I'm rolling out my pastry to line an 8 inch tin to make a large family size game pie but you can make individual ones if you want all the fats in there all the fats in there got lard in there you got butter in there so it creates its own shine like it was crust pastry if you think of pork pies you wouldn't line a pork pie yeah so let's look at that if I bring my tin over yeah that'll go up the sides and on the top so get your pastry pop your tin down there throw it over get it inside just take a little bit over the top of the lip so you know that's what you've got to work with and again slowly move around [Music] pushing it down to the bottom you need to work quickly with hot water crust pastry because the texture changes as it cools and it can become more crumbly make sure you don't have any cracks or holes in the pastry before you add the filling so you wouldn't cook any of that at all or first what we're going to do we're gonna we're gonna cook this quite it's a hot it's a hot water crust pastry take a bit of heat for considerable time it's going to take some cooking it's need two hours and that will allow because it's quite lean meat as well I was going to ask if you finish stocking anything in that no no so the whole thing that's going to produce the fat I'm hoping the fat from the belly release and then the lean meat will cook as well now when you're looking at the meat that's that we've chosen in there the Partridge the Venice and the rabbits you know coming into winter time what other meats are going to become available well your physics is I mean a game about shooting over that season they they all go all the way through to the end of January now what I've done is I've rolled out the lid once you've added the lid you can then trim the edges and crimp anything left over there you can always turn into a pork pie [Music] finally pierce the lid and add an egg wash and brush it well all over the top the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes then turn the temperature down to 180 and bake for a further hour and a half here's one that has been baked what do you think of that then it looks lovely now that is a proper game pie it has the Partridge it has the venison has the rabbit all the way from Lord hopeton so that's my pie from the hopeton estate but you can use the same recipe for whatever meats are best in season whenever you fancy giving it a whirl talk to your Butcher and experiment with your own version thank you [Music]
Channel: Paul Hollywood
Views: 14,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Hollywood, Baking, Bake off, Bake-off, channel 4, cakes, bread, baking bread, Paul Hollywood eats japan, Paul Hollywood's City Bakes, cooking, food
Id: 6er0ZtZUzTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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