BIG British Pork Pie – Make a Traditional BIG British Pork Pie the YORKSHIRE WAY at HOME! NO CURE!

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[Music] hi guys how you all doing welcome to backyard chef i'm rick today we're going to make a british classic we're going to make a british pork pie so it's in a two-part job this because i like to season my meat overnight so i'm gonna start the meat season it up and then tomorrow we'll make a hot water crust pastry and we'll make our pork pie so let's show you how to do this okay a quick run through on the ingredients then i've got some pork mince i've got some pork shoulder i've got some sage thyme black pepper and salt that's it nothing else a good pork pie is not seasoned with oregano and all sorts of other things also a good pork pie has cubes of meat in a traditional pork pie would have all been a cubes of meat in but i'm gonna mix it with pork mince so it's going to give us a really nice pork texture but with some pork cubes in as well but we have to cube this pork shoulder very small dice it small so firstly then we've got a bowl and all we're going to do is tip our mints in there so that's our apartment's in there i'm just going to put that seasoning to one side and i'm going to dice up this pork shoulder very very small so we want some small small cubes we want those cubes of meat in there so when i'm say small guys like that that's what i mean so get that in there so just cube it up the best you can cube so so so let's add our seasoning to that our sage our time our black pepper our salt then all we need to do is give it a mix now you can mix it with a spoon or anything or you know you can just get your hands in there so just mix it all through so the season is is all the way around that meat now we don't have to go bananas with this guys you know we're not trying to make it into some sticky mass you know we're not doing sausages or anything we just want all that flavor to come in on that meat in our bowl so what i'm going to do guys i'm going to put the meat in a plastic bag and i'm sticking in the fridge until tomorrow and then that means all those herbs and spices you know the black pepper and the salt all get into that meat overnight and then we're ready to go so let's pop that in there get all of it in quick rinse of the hands you know a good pork pie is not over season but it is seasoned so i'll just put one band on there and we'll stick that in another bag just in case it leaks we don't want that and we'll seal this one up with another band and that's it guys we're going to go stick that in the fridge and then tomorrow we'll take it out and we'll crack on with our hot crust pastry see you then okay guys day two what we need to do now is make up our hot water crust pastry now like i said yesterday you can do this all in one go if you want but i like to season my meat beforehand and then make the pastry so let's crack on and make this hot water pastry hot water pastry guys is not as daunting as everybody thinks you know it's very easy you know in a bowl all-purpose flour butter and shortening that's what i'm using you know you can use butter and lard in fact you can use any fats that will dissolve into the water you can add to the flour i've got some salt and i've got some water and that's it we're going to make our hot watercress pastry so all we need to do is put that pan with the fat on the flame so a little flame one we don't need too much and what we need to do is tip that water in there with that fat and we need to melt that fat down in there until it's all dissolved in that water now it won't take long and we don't have to go too quick to do it what we can do while we're waiting for that to dissolve we can put our salt in our flour and just give that a little mix in done so let's get this dissolved up now when you're dissolving this guys try not to do it on boiling you know we don't want boiling because if it spits out don't forget this is not just water it has fat in it has the oils in and also what you've got to note it's a hot watercress pastry you know it's not a boiling water so there we are that is our fats melted turn off the heat so take off there and we're going to add that to our flour and then just stir it all in just be careful because this is hot now you could do this in a stand mixer if you wanted but you know it's only a small amount of flour it's only 600 grams you know so what we need to do we need to actually dump that out onto our work surface so dump that out onto our work surface and we're going to give that a little kneading so just bring it all together now this is still quite warm but it's not hot so bring it all together nice and steady okay so that's our dough brought together there look that's nice and easy now what we need to do we need to cover this it in wrap and put it in the fridge we need to cool it down i'm going to put our pastry on that wrap boom [Music] and then all we're going to do is just wrap it up there we perfect hot watercress pastry dough ready so just leave it on there let it cool and then it goes in the fridge for an hour and then we can make our pies okay you remember our pork mince from yesterday our meat meat mixture let's have it out of the bags okay now what i'm going to do i'm going to add 50 grams of bread crumbs and we're going to give that a mix in there right you're going to say why we are adding breadcrumbs why are we adding a filler because you don't have to you don't have to at all but what happens is if you make your pie and it hasn't got bread comes in you know the meat could go to one solid mass inside now not a problem but if you put a few bread crumbs in there and there's only like 50 grams here there's not very many at all it's gonna give that nice mouth feel when you actually eat your pork pie so that's our meat mix there for our pie so all we need to do now is get our pastry out of the fridge and give it a roll that's our pastry okay what we need to do is just roll out the pastry like you would any pastry a little bit of flour now we don't want to go two bananas with this we don't want lots of flour a little bit on the pan and start rolling now looking at the size of that tin we have to roll this pastry to the size of this disk all right there we are guys that is rolled out i think that's big enough to go in there and have the sides up so what we need to do now is just get that on our pin so there we are over the top nice and gently and then what we need to do is put it in so lift up and just gently fold in so try try and get it all the way down to the bottom now try and not get any air holes or air pockets you know try and get it into all the corners now if you've got too much pastry like that you can take some off give it a screw up and that will help you actually push the pastry into the bottom of the pan so we want that pastry and what you do is you push and sort of lift up and feed the pastry in guys okay now i know it might be teaching people to soak eggs on some of this but you know don't forget there's a lot of people making this pie for the first time and come up the sides guys flying it up to the sides you know get right in there so there's our pie dough what we need to do now is get our filling in there now what we want to do is try and squash it into the corners get it into the corners right down there you know we don't want any air pockets in here we want this pie meat in here right in so if you get the first slot in first and seal up the sides right to the and then put the rest of the meat on top so in with the rest of our meat now what we want to do we want to be squashing it in we want to try and dome up the middle if possible you know the meat will shrink inside when cooked so if you have a bit of a dome in the middle it will shrink down so just run your hands around like this nice and gently pressing down that way and then it will dome up naturally but it's going to squash the meat into the side of the pie just don't forget when we put the lid on we're going to put the lid on inside this pastry so there you go there's our natural dough formed there on our pie so there we are guys i think that's big enough so let's get that over our pin up we go take our pie all right so we want a bit of egg wash guys so just crack that crack an egg in there oh heck look at that that's rubbish you know don't usually do that but there you go happens to everyone give your b in and then we just want a little bit of egg on there this is our glue now don't go bananas you know just a little bit around the top and then we're going to drop our pastry on here and roll that drop that over the top now what we need to do is we need to push the pastry inside so drop the pastry in drop it all the way down there if you go around a couple of times don't worry just get that pastry all the way inside and right up against the edge of that pastry on the outside and then what we need to do is just lightly squash up the side like that now that's going to stick it to the one underneath so just squash it up all the way around until we get it squashed up and then let's take off the excess so let's take this pastry off here look and then what we're going to do is crimp this together so you can finger thumb or two fingers finger so that's our pie now what we need to do we need to make a hole in the top this pie has to vent when it's cooking has to vent so what we're going to do i've got a little nozzle a cake nozzle i'm just going to put it in the center and we're just going to do a little twisty twisty like that and hopefully that should pop out of there so there we go that lovely perfect little hole now what we need to do is egg wash this guys give it an egg washing that's going to give us a really nice glossy glaze on here now you could just use milk if you wanted go around the sides as well we want the crust doing you could just use milk if you wanted not a problem now the egg yolk of is obviously going to get this a really dark glossy brown glaze milk would just give it a light glaze you know so let's get that right in there where we've crimped it should go dark over the top guys and that is our pork pie ready for the oven just how fantastic does that look that's my pie it's going in the oven 200 degrees for about 45 50 minutes i reckon because it's a big big pie it could even be an hour so let's get it in the oven here we are guys that is one super duper pork pie just look at that what baby gonna do now is let it cool just a little bit and then we'll actually put the jelly inside now what's gonna happen is hopefully the meat's gonna shrink down a little bit but we packed it quite well um and then we have to get the jelly inside so let's just leave it to cool a little bit right guys what we've got here our pie is cooled down as you can see nice and cool if i take this off so that is our beautiful beautiful pie okay now it's cooled down what we need to do we need to mix up either a chicken stock cube and i'm using pork um seasoning mix with some boiling water so give that a stir and then we want to put our gelatine in there get our gelatine in give that a mix in that's good enough mix it with your jelly [Music] so i'll just give that a minute because that's red art and then what we're going to do we all know we have a hole here and you could feel through there but what we need to do is put a hole somewhere else to let the air escape now guys what you got to do you've got to get your gelatine seasoning mix into your pie and then put it back in the fridge now with this hole at the top you know i can use a sausage filler in the top of mine not a problem or if you're careful enough you can just pour it in now i'm not careful enough to actually put that in there but what you need to do we're going to put a hole in the top of the pastry possibly there all the way into the meat and that is going to be like an air release hole okay so what's going to happen is that the gel is going to go inside we hope and that is going to release the air as the jelly goes inside the pie right what we need to do now we need to take our jelly filled pie and put back in the fridge oh look at this monster right the moment of truth guys we're gonna have to cut into this beauty what a pie now this is how to make a pork pie so [Music] oh look at that good pastry nice jelly all around there fantastic season me i've got to give it a bite wow wow that is absolutely awesome oh god that is incredible so let's get a bit of a the old branston pickle on here and do it the english way just look at that that is absolutely amazing the perfect superb guys if you like what we're doing smash that like and subscribe share with your friends all that kind of stuff catch you in the next video
Channel: Backyard Chef
Views: 118,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #backyardchef, chef rik, bkyd, rik cooks, how to cook, pork pie recipe, pork pie, pork pie (dish), traditional pork pie, hot water pastry, pork pie recipe uk, how to make pork pie, making a pork pie, how to make a pork pie, pork pie recipe british, pork pie recipe easy, classic pork pie, pork pie recipe backyard chef, rik cooks pork pie, British Pork Pie, british pork pie recipe
Id: Ukm2S1jeep0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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