How to backup and restore all projects (without media) in davinci resolve?

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how to backup and restore all projects in DaVinci Resolve this is useful to transfer projects from one computer to another or ReStore in case of a computer crash to backup click on the details button I and backup choose where to save the backup file give a name I prefer keeping year month and day in the file name as I can easily find the right backup later when I want to restore and hit save to restore click on restore button and choose the backup file resolve will ask for a new name for your project library and then choose a directory where resolve can store the project database and click select folder button and hit create click restore and resolve will restore the projects make your video editing experience super with DaVinci Resolve
Channel: Moundain
Views: 30,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e5teegTG7lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 50sec (50 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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