How to avoid the "Spiral of Death"

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hi it's adam from inner space explorers and aaron from inner space explorers i'm back yeah i promised you it was the last video and he's gone but he's still ideas i just stick around like a bad smell so you can't get rid of me yet so we are back in amsterdam um you may remember we had a couple of videos that we did last time we were here during the boe course yeah yeah so now we're doing level one and uh yeah so actually this topic came up today in some of the lectures uh that arkham was giving and he mentioned uh the spiral of death which was quite intriguing and so yeah i just thought that maybe we could talk a little bit about that i think it's quite important i think most of us divers have experienced it in one form or another and yeah maybe we can just elaborate on that what is that and yeah go from there yeah yeah i hope not so many have experienced the spiral yeah it's probably a very strong term but uh gets the point across yeah it describes um probably the reason why ice e trains the way we do i mean yeah especially that level one class is the the idea is to figure out if somebody is good for that or not i mean in a psychological way and in a physical way if you can handle issues underwater if you can solve them underwater if you stay relaxed or not and obviously the focus on all of this is to be able to recognize a problem and then immediately respond and solve it to prevent that spiral from happening so basically to cut it boom done yeah and i think we had a great example today on the water yes we did in that training scenario um there was this one person going out of gas going to the partner they were on a line so partner responded then suddenly that reel and the line the third guy in team did not really respond it was like okay two people without no gas i just stick back a little bit instead of going in there and taking the line over taking responsibility i mean the old concept three people in a team one has a problem one solves the problem thirty third person takes over responsibility and gets the team out so suddenly what happened from that just being out of gas now that body team tried to get out of that scenario but they had like i mean donated body contact but then suddenly that reel and as that third person basically did not go in there they suddenly started struggling with the reel which then led to stress you could see it was more hectic they actually drifted a little bit they took the line with them then at some point the stress was so high that they just pushed the reel away which then obviously murphy me uh came in and took that line and then they got entangled and then it was yeah basically in in real life that would have been it i guess completely and that's a great example for that spiral there's one little incident which was this person at that moment couldn't breathe out of gas which in reality it takes a lot to be out of gas actually a lot of things that had to go wrong before but i mean basically it's not the big deal okay well i don't have any gas partner donates yeah done but i mean then as there were more things adding on that and that created stress and then it got worse and worse and worse and other things started to come on top of that yeah and that in in the real world scenario would have actually yeah most probably created a maybe a little issue which i know we've you've also talked a bit on this channel about before but a lot of that really does come down to discomfort in the water right you know being comfortable being experienced being confident in what you're doing and your skills and everything yeah yeah definitely i mean um actually you may remember that video with comfort in the water if not i'll put a link in the description um i mean the example that i just had from the from the class today is obviously relatively extreme i mean how many divers in their diving career ever experienced somebody being out of gas fortunately not too many but that discomfort thing is a huge one how many divers do you see that come up from a dive especially if you go on a liverboard or somewhere where you have a lot of recreational levels around um the first thing they the head's not really out of the water they rip that mask off and spit out that regulating why yeah it's not comfortable yeah well then probably diving is not for you um yeah or you just got shitty training yeah so that discomfort thing and i've seen literally people that had like a mouthpiece that was bitten through or something like i was sucking in a little bit of water that got a real issue out of that so you get a little bit of water with every breath and then you get the feeling you can't probably breathe then you flood your mask and suddenly there's panic they shoot to the surface they run into a decompression or over pressure lungs i mean the possibilities are endless and that all got triggered by a little bit of discomfort and that's why i probably also hammer a lot on that comfort thing but that's something we start actually in our recreational program from the very very beginning i want people to be comfortable underwater breathing from a variety of things creating that so-called discomfort but in a in a very um yeah basically playing around like in a pool for example like i mean you've been there with me um like a lot of stuff without a mask from the very beginning so to realize this is not something you need to dive that's just a comfort article as i tend to say why do you need a mask i mean yeah you see better but i mean it doesn't prevent you from breathing underwater and stay alive yeah and um yeah a breeze from a regulator without a mouthpiece breeze just from a whole speed i mean yeah look at the video and you get an idea of what i'm talking about and if that's implemented in training at an early stage that obviously creates a very comfortable diver i've been asked a lot of times like why do you not understand that i have an issue i was like yeah good question but i started as a kid and i can remember my very very first dive i was sitting in the in like a rainwater collecting barrel that our neighbors had and i was breathing from a hose that my friend actually was on a pump that you used to pump up a bicycle because we saw that in a movie from hans haas yeah where they were actually in a river was like this this uh copperhead uh there's this this copper ball over the head and just walking around there in the river was like oh cool let's try that as well so obviously that was pretty smelly air with oil probably and obviously not a lot but that's the way it started and i mean my very first regulator um was one that was meant to be um screwed in a full face mask from the firefighter so it didn't have a mouse piece at all it was just like trying to hold this round tube in my mouth yeah i think i dove this thing for two years or so yeah and obviously that hard way of learning then today a mouthpiece that doesn't fit properly or well as long as it produces air at some point fine for me and um i think that got lost a little bit in in today's training make it easier and easier and shorter and more comfortable for everybody so yeah no worry nothing can happen it's all fun yeah i don't think that that supports no that's either that long-term that's very true i mean when i used to be in the in the military and we always had a saying you want to train hard so you fight easy and i think ise really takes that mentality in that approach which i really appreciate and i think anyone should be able to appreciate because it's one thing having all of this happen in five meters of water where if something really goes wrong okay you can pop up to the surface and nothing is really going to happen you can handle it and deal with it like that but if that happens when you're on 80 meters 100 meters or something like that and all of a sudden you find out oh i don't know how to handle this situation that i'm in not good yeah i mean that's what i say usually on the first day of the class if the output of that training is that this is not for you that may save your life yeah because i mean what does it help if you trade your visa card for a try mix card or whatever yeah and then you figure out in real world oh this is not for me you probably want to figure that out in three meters of water as a professional next to you completely in a safe environment and then do something else yeah completely i mean being trained to be a thinking diver and to be a safe diver i think that's really great and uh yeah anything else to cover on uh this topic no i hope that actually explains it a little bit and probably makes people think a little bit hope so thank you very much aaron welcome and uh thank you for watching if you like this please give us thumbs up and if you have not subscribed to the channel please do so hit that little notification bell yeah and uh yeah thanks for your time i'll see you in the next video also as you can see just quickly we are both in some ise hoodies here oh yeah and so these are actually available i mean this is a size large on me it fits pretty well i'm about 186 or so so just to give you a bit of my idea really clean design also has the logo on the back you look better from the back then thanks mate uh so yeah if you want to support the channel support ise then yeah feel free to grab some fun in the shop underneath complete that video thanks man alright see you next video take care bye
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 9,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diving problems, spiral of death, prevent problems in diving, fear in diving, scuba diving, ise, innerspace explorers, achim schlöffel, dive training, scuba training, recreational diving, technical diving, control your dive, how to solve a problem under water
Id: HZEsyn_MntA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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