How To Automate Your Sales Calls Tracking (Zapier & Close)

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what is happening my name is thomas and just recently i helped an agency owner scale to seven figures a month and in this video i'm gonna show you how you can automate your sales calls tracking right without further ado let's hop into this video all right so let me give you a quick context why we're doing that in first place in one of my other videos i showed you guys how to set up a customer relationship management system in this case it was and you've seen the power behind that but the question is do we really have to do everything manually and if you haven't seen the video about close i'm gonna link it below go check that out all right so the issue that we're currently facing in one of my other projects is if we use close dot io we don't really know when to stop following up with the leads what i'm saying is that we don't really know if a lead already booked a call so if you're doing that yourself you might remember who already booked a call and do that manually put on higher scale or once you hire someone it's going to be very difficult to coordinate that all right so in this case we have multiple solutions one of that being that we can take a look at calendly of course if you're using calendly and just put the information manually into close but on higher scale it's probably not going to work that well well and the second option is that you can set up a poorly automated system that once someone books a call on calendly you can have a slack message going in and you're gonna still have to do the manual work from slack to close it's a little bit helpful if you have multiple calendars or if you have multiple people who are doing the sales calls that way you would at least have a single funnel where all the calls that are coming in going through the single channel and there is not as chaotic as it would be in the first solution and of course the third option is gonna be the fully automated system that we're gonna do that step by step in this video that's gonna take calendly entry going to give us a slack message and it's going to integrate the exact information on close dot io and of course you might think okay it might be easier to take the first solution or maybe not a high scale whatever but our mantra on this approach is definitely going from eliminate automate delegate and in this case we can't really eliminate this step because we really need to know who already booked the call so that way we stop following up with them or put them in a different sequence where we basically feed them content but that's a whole different story i'm gonna create a video about that as well all right so if we can't eliminate that the next step in our mantra is definitely we're gonna have to fully automate that all right so let's talk about what we're going to need for that so first of all we're going to need calendly we're going to need uh zapier and we're going to need close dot io and slack is of course optional all right so let's hop right into that right now we are on completely new zapier so i'm gonna walk you through that step by step so first of all you wanna make sure that you keep everything very organized because else you're gonna face the same issue that we did and you're gonna have a lot of zaps and you can't really track what's happening in there so what we're going to do is we're going to create a new folder and we're just going to name it sales there we go and in this sales process what we're going to do is we're going to create a new zap there we go what we want to do is we're going to trigger the automation only when a new calendly is set up so we're gonna select calendly and we're gonna choose trigger when an nfd schedules an event all right and now we want to test the trigger so there are multiple options one sometimes you can skip the test and sometimes you're going to have to test that whenever you're testing a trigger it's always a good idea to work with already existing data so that way you can adjust that exactly as it is by the way if you hit on skip test you're just going to be presented with sample data so you might have to work around that but i'm just going to show you how we usually do that so what we're going to do is we're going to hop on calendly we're just going to copy the link and open it and we're just going to randomly book something there we go all right so we're just going gonna fill that out real quick okay and we're just gonna schedule that right so if we go back to zapier real quick and do the test trigger there we go we're gonna see right away that we have one on one experiment whatever the slug is name 30 minutes and so on right so we have the data right now so all right so let's do the next step and the next step is very important one is let's say you have multiple calendly calendars right like the event schedulers so what you want to do is you want to filter out the right one so that way you can set up multiple zpi automations for different sales guys or different sequences so what we're going to do is we're going to hit plus and we're going to go and select filter here you have multiple options to filter that out one you can fold it out by event name like 30 minutes call strategy call whatever that is or you can filter out by a slug that's basically the url snippet i'm going to show you real quick this is basically this url snippet right here so what we're going to do is we're going to select slack there we go so you want to have from the first step you want to search plug there we go and we want to do only one exactly matches and we're just going to copy this one there we go and we're going to paste it in we're going to hit continue there we go and it says your zap would have continued and if you let's say do you do something different and continue you're going to see that in this case the zap will just stop there so we want to make sure these kind of filters are very high and priority so that way you don't waste any zaps all right and in the next step we want to go ahead and connect close and of course find the lead who just booked the appointment so what we're going to do is we're going to say close dot io there we go and we want to look for lead find lead there we go we're just going to hit next sign in to close there we go and it's going to ask you for the api so let's hop into close real quick and once you're logged in in your close you're just going to go to integrations and you want to go to api keys create a new api and just say zpr api there we go just gonna copy that you're just gonna go back to your zapier there we go and you're just gonna paste it in awesome now it's going to connect your clothes to zapier and we're going to be able to continue there we go once that is connected we're just going to hit continue and now we're going to look for the variables so what we want to look for is actually the email so we're gonna go and select from the first one and we're gonna see this is the email you can of course look for company name if you ask company name or you can look for um name itself there are multiple versions how you can do that but we're going to look for the email and the very important step here is make sure that you create closed lead if it doesn't exist yet what it does is it creates a new lead and puts in the right information let's say someone enters a different email so you want to make sure that it doesn't break your system and it still executes on the next steps and at the same time it creates a new lead on closed io so it's beautiful so what we want to do is we want to create the phone so let's say maybe you're going to have a phone and we're going to go ahead and same this is the contact we're going to put in the contact and we're going to put in the name nvd name and of course you can fill in different aspects here so we're going to put in the name and we're going to put in for the company's name put in the name as contact name this is like a new contact it's going to be created and we're going to put in the email just in case there we go awesome awesome you can of course fill in additional information but that's not a necessity so what we're going to do is here we're just going to scroll down and say continue and we're going to say test and continue sometimes it just takes a little bit just don't worry about that and we're going to take a look at the test and it was successful and we found or created the lead all right and the next step is we want to mark this lead that this person booked a call if you haven't watched the closed loop video i'm going to link that up again but in that video i talk about opportunities and with an opportunity and we can actually mark a lead that he already booked a call maybe received any kind of testimonials whatever but we want to book this lead right now for booked call so what we're going to do is we're going to add additional step and we're going to say close io again and the next step is gonna be create opportunity let's hit continue make sure you select the right account we're gonna hit continue again there we go and now this is important now we actually have the exact information of the lead in our previous step because we either found delete or create a delete so what we want to do is we want to hit on this field and select custom and we're going to select from the third section we're going to take the lead id so what we want to do is we're going to select the call book and you can add additional parameters like confidence value and so on this is for opportunities like you're feeling confident that you're going to close this a person and maybe uneven value saying like hey this person is going to close on 7k a month but in this case we just want to make sure that it's going to get filter out and it's enough to just give this opportunity of call booked so we're going to just hit the continue and we're going to hit test and we see that this test was successful so what we want to do right now is we're going to hop and close and i'm going to show you exactly how it looks like all right now we are back on close so what we're going to do is we're going to go to leads and we're going to go ahead and search for delete and we see that we have testing name and if we take a look at that we're going to see that we have this opportunity it's called booked opportunity that means that this lead is going to be filter out from the smart views once again previous close i o video i'm going to link that and that way you or your sales guy is going to know that they don't need to follow up anymore with this person this person already booked a call all right let's hop back to zapier real quick and we just tested that we're just gonna close it and the last step of course you can do slack notification but if you're having many booked appointments i would suggest not to do that that's why we had this as an optional but you basically do the exact same as i showed you in the other video how to automate your onboarding process gonna link the video um below as well you can take a look how to automate the slack notifications all right once everything is set up one big point is name your zaps properly you don't want to have a mess there so make sure you're naming that properly so what we're going to do is we're going to say new booked appointment and we're going to say we have form calendly we send that to close once it's done don't forget the last very last step and that's actually activate your zap so we're just going to turn that on and there we go now you automated your sales calls tracking and you can play around with that you can add all the additional information that you want guys with the apr there is almost no limits uh it's just crazy how much you can automate so play around with that experience with that a little bit and i hope this video was helpful to you guys and there we go now we have a fully automated sales calls tracking system and that way you move away from people dependent system towards the system dependent system and that helps to eliminate any potential human error and just have a very lean and very highly functioning system and the beauty of it is that all you have to do is have your guys or yourself operate on the systems that you create so all you have to do is just create some sops about how to go with the system and all these small things these manual aspects you can automate on a back end so make sure you focus on automation before delegation from our mantra thank you very much for watching guys and real quick i'm currently helping an agency owner to scale his agency and i'm documenting everything on this channel so if you want to follow the journey and see how we do things hit the subscribe button and don't forget to enable the notifications and if you have any questions leave a comment below and i'm gonna either create a video or i just gonna drop you the answer right in the comments i appreciate you for watching again guys and until the next time take care
Channel: Tomas Morkunas
Views: 78
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agency, marketing agency, systems, sop, scaling, SOPs, CEO, Business, TikTok, Marketing, profit, start business, start agency, advertisement, lead generation, lead gen, done for you, service, system issues, automation, optimization, automate, passive income, johnathon zamora, tomas morkunas, morkunas, tomas, tomorku, noah brewer, tanner, planes, tanner planes, monthly profit, mrr, monthly recurring revenue, consulting, make money online, start online work, sales call,, close, crm
Id: TOgTLe6ivjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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