How to Assemble Scuba Regulators | 4 easy Steps! | Scuba Advice

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hello and welcome to this video by diver today I'm gonna show you how to put together your brand new regulator set [Music] ok today we're gonna put together a standard regulating set consisting of a first stage with second stage inflate rows a console and an alternative air or octopus the tools you're gonna need are an allen key and a wrench European size 15 or 14 it depends on the brand year using and what hoses they are fitting okay the first thing we're going to start with is getting the plugs out of the first stage where later on the hoses are CARICOM okay on the right side the primary first stage is here and right next to it comes the alternative air so we're gonna take out this part on the other side we've got the inflate rows and the console those are actually different ports the call comes on when the pressure gauge always goes in a high pressure port and the infant Rose always goes into a low pressure hose you can mix them up because they have a different time diameter and inflated rows won't fit in a high-pressure hose so you can't make a mistake there okay step two is fitting the hoses it doesn't really matter which one you know starting with but I always begin with the longest one and you can just put them in like this and when they are hand tight it's more than enough then we're gonna fit the console with the pressure gauge in the high pressure port on the other side just turn them in we're gonna use a wrench to tighten them a little bit more later on and the last one we're gonna fit is the inflate Rose just like that okay step three is we're gonna tighten and fasten all the hoses we need the wrench for that we use a wrench European size 15 they differ from brand to brand it sometimes you will need 14 so the best is to keep them both at hand so you can use it in this one everything is 15 that's why I'm only using one rinse and tie this tight you don't have to use an excessive amount of the force just make sure everything is tight and pull back the sleeves everything is in order and ready to go to step 4 okay the fourth the last step we're going to do is make sure everything is in order you don't want to go to the dive site and find out not everything is spinning together as it should be and you've got a leak so better test it at home before you kind of use the regulator set we need a dive tank for that just like this first thing you do is just put a regulator hold the tank just like that okay when and so on I always take one of the second stages and push the purge button a little bit before I open the tank that way not all the pressure goes onto the system at once and it's better for your system I open it slowly and when I hear the regulator or the second stage purge I release it and as we can hear there's no leak I wouldn't recommend doing it like this because you're very close to your first stage when there is a leak it will be closely here and you can get air damage from it also when there's a small leak don't lean in and listen to it a small leak becomes bigger very quickly and you'll be right into the firing zone so don't do it like this okay this set is ready for diving okay when you make sure that all the hoses are fastened and are secure and you test your set before you go on diving this is a job you can easily do yourself if you're not comfortable or sure that you did it the right way please visit your local dive shore store I hope this video was helpful to you if you did please give us a like below if you have any tips for yourself please share them with us in the comments or subscribe to our channel for more diving videos how to's and product reviews thanks for watching see you later
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Keywords: how to, regulator, regulator set, tutorial, scuba tutorial, regulator set assembly, how to regulator set, diving, scuba diving, scuba regulator set, how to assemble scuba regulators, how to assemble regulators, scuba diving regulators, assemble regulator, how to assemble scuba regulator, how to assemble regulator, scuba regulator assembly, assemble scuba diving regulator, assembling scuba regulator, assemblin regulator, assembling diving regulator, scuba regulator
Id: 2gZsnqfeHX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2016
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