How to apply silicone sealant DIY guide. Silicone caulk application for beginners. Pro silicone bead

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welcome to pipes around the house in this video i'm going to show you as a diyer how to apply a professional bead of sealant in this particular example we're going to be applying it to a bathtub but the general principle applies whether applying it to a bathtub a shower tray a basin and so on so the first important thing before applying any sealant is preparation now if you've got a new bath and it's the first time a beaded sealant is being applied then i like to go over it with some white spirits and a rag just apply your white spirits by dabbing it upside down onto your rag and then go around the edge where you're going to be applying your sealant with the rag making sure the surface is nice and clean leave that for a few minutes to evaporate off or wipe it down using another clean cloth and then you're ready to go if on the other hand like me you've had to remove old dirty sealant prior to applying your new beaded sealant then you've got a lot more preparation to do now i've done this in another video and a link to that video will pop up on the screen now and i'll put a link to that video in the description section below so let's take a look at some of the tools and products that i use when applying sealant so first of all the sealant i'm using is dell 785 plus this is bacteria resistant it's a sanitary silicone sealant it's got um a lot of good reviews a lot of people rate this i find it very nice to work with as to whether or not it's completely bacteria resistant and mold resistant only time will tell usually i find even the better sealants after six or seven years tend to sort of give rise to a bit of mold but fingers crossed it won't and on that note if you've actually got a better sealant that you would recommend please let me know in the comments below that's always useful for me and other people watching and i'm always looking for ways to improve the products or the techniques i'm using then you're going to need a sealant gun like this there are better more expensive ones on the market but i find this one does the job perfectly a knife for cutting the nozzle of the sealant one or two old rags if you watch my other videos you'll know i like to use my old pants some paper roll for cleaning and removing sealant some wet wipes again for cleaning and removing sealant from our tools and then finally a silicone profiling tool now these are what we use to finish off the sealant once we've applied it and this gives you a nice neat finish this particular one is made by kramer this is the silicone profiling kit 7. it's got a few different profiling tools with different size angles which basically gives you different size beads according to what you want and creamer do other profiling tools as well or other kits this particular one came with a sealant removing kit as well which is why i bought it but other manufacturers do make these as well so you don't specifically have to get this one however if you do want to use this one i'll put links to this and all the other tools i use in the description section below so to give you a quick close-up of the profiling tool you can see you've got different size angles there and these are what we just push against the 90 degree corner between the bathtub and the wall giving you that nice triangular shaped bead and if you look the measurements are on there just to show you the different sizes whether it be five six seven eight mil um we've got some different sizes on this other one there all the way up to we got 14 mil there a 12. these we've also got this plastic clip there which you can clip onto the profiling tool like that so before we get started i just want to show you the profiling tool quickly and how it works in summary you squirt your beaded sealant across the wall which i'll show you in a minute you do it slightly bigger than the shape or the gap on your profiling tool we then run the profiling tool across like that in stages whip it off give it a quick clean put it back on go across again and that will shape this nice little triangle now when we get to a grapeline like that the idea of this plastic section here is that as you go like this it bridges the gap between the two tiles and it gives you a continuous straight line of sealant if you take that off and you run that across it will go into the groove there into that great gap between the tiles and then that will give you that slight little mark in your sealant when it sets which you don't really want if you're applying sealant to a corner with tiles on both sides you can use both of the attachments on your profiler tool like this which will stop the sealant dipping into the grout on both sides of the corner one more thing i want to show you is this tool which comes in the kit and again we got different profiles on this but we've got one here which is a perfect 90 degree corner and the idea of this if we turn it around that way if you've laid any sealant and you don't want it there you've made a mistake and you want to get rid of it if you place that up to the corner like that that when you drag it across will completely remove all that sealant so you can start again just to show you exactly how good this removal tool is i'm going to sacrifice a bit of sealant on my back here so say that's up against your wall this will take it off your tiles and off your bathtub or shower tray you literally just scrape it like that and that will take up everything like i said earlier get a wet wipe give it a clean go over it again like that and that is truly how good that is it will take everything off so as long as you don't leave it on too long if you make a mistake get this over it and you'll be fine and you can always run a wet wipe over it afterwards anyway just to be sure let it dry off go back on with your sealant so back to this tool if you just move this around like that you can work out which profile you need is what you're trying to do is obviously bridge the gap between this surface here which in my case is a bathtub and this surface here which is my wall my tiles if you've got a large gap you obviously need to cover the gap between the two so you need to use the suitable profile in my case that gap's not too big so i'm going to use the eight millimeter and that is this one here and for me that's plenty big enough to cover the gap and it's not too big that it looks stupid but it's not too small that it's not going to give decent protection you can see with the sealant i've already used it for my basin the other day so i've put a screw in it for now just to stop it going off but where i've actually cut the hole in this you can see that it's a little bit smaller where i did the basin i'm now going to make that slightly larger because again you want your hole to be a little bit bigger than the profile you're using so if i'm using an eight mil profile ideally you want something nine or ten mil wide i mean you can just sort of fudge in the um the sealant make it a bit bigger but it's easier to cut it a bit bigger and when you run your profiling tool along it's got something to take away and leave that nice bead of sealant so i'm just going to remove the screw using a screwdriver like that and this is why i use a screw they're perfect because they create a nice airtight seal but you can also unscrew them nice and simple like that now i'm just going to use my knife to trim the nozzle down a bit when it comes to cutting the nozzle some people like to do it at 90 degrees some do at an angle i like to do an angle only because when there's tight angles like over there in the corner if you can't get in the corner yourself and push this forward if you've got an angle you can still run the end of that nozzle flush with the wall so that's why i do it but it's entirely up to you because at the end of the day the profiling tool is what's going to get us out of trouble and create the bead later so the sealant gun if you just push down that button there you can slide that back place your tuber sealant into the gun and then just pull the gun until it goes firm there we go onto the sealant line this up so the nozzle is exactly where you want it and we can start to apply the sealant so just one more quick point to make if your bathtub is a brand new installation then the first time you use it you add some water and the weight of a person is highly likely to have some movement so now is a good time to fill your bathtub about half full with water this will take out some of the movement of the bathtub then when we apply our beaded sealant let it go off and remove the water the bathtub will return to its original position this way the sealant will already be prepared for that additional weight which will prevent it cracking or trying to pull away from the wall in the future my situation the bathtub was installed years ago most of the movement has already taken place in the floor or in the bath frame and in addition to that i actually put in a really solid timber frame all around this bath so to be honest the movement in this particular bathtub is absolutely minimal so for that reason i'm not going to fill the bathtub with water but i'll leave that decision up to you so taking my sealant i'm going to start off just around the corner you can't actually see that on the camera there we go and i'm just going to run a nice thick bead of sealant like that making sure i'm trying to push it into the gap underneath as i go because this will take quite a bit sealant here with the gap underneath behind here is where it gets a bit tricky you just gotta improvise get your sealant gun in like that i'm going to turn on around the corner the other way there we go i'm not going to worry about some of the thin sections because the profiling tool might make that up now before i start i always like to use a wet wipe just give my profiling tool a quick wash like that then turning this with the flat end on your side so you're pulling this way not on the right inside you want the flat end that way as you drag it along i'm going to start by here now you'll notice i haven't actually used the tool there and i'll explain why in a second i'm going to go back and take in your blue roll you can wipe that off like that and then using the wet wipe just quickly go over the profiling tool again like that and carry on again just wipe off any surplus with your blue roll quick go with the wipe like that actually just going to apply a little bit more by there like that and the reason i'm not using this tool is i notice these tiles aren't bang on flat so i've actually just sort of done it a bit freehand i'll go over it in a minute so although that tool is good if the tiles are slightly out it's going to work with the width of the tiles anyway so here we go if i just lightly go over that okay slight angle this is where it gets tricky because we're going behind the tap it says what's nice with these profiling tools is because they're thin you can kind of work your way behind it now don't get me wrong it's not going to be perfect because where you go at a slight angle like that you're obviously reducing or increasing the size of the bead having said that you know you can sort of improvise a bit and it's better than not being able to get in there at all so as it's behind the tap it's highly unlikely you're going to notice any slight change in the depth anyway just trying to be careful not to get this on the tap a minute if i can get in there and swerve that back out we'll be on the straight and narrow and unfortunately when you do this job it does seem like a waste of sealant because you end up taking off a lot of sealant but that's just one of those things because it's taking off the sealant that allows you to get a lovely clean finish now for me these wet wipes are absolutely invaluable because you just give everything a little clean as you go along and then there's no worry there's no panic like you can see there seems like such a waste but it is what it is you know if you get a nice beaded sealant at the end of it then hopefully you're only going to do this once every so many years and in the corner so all you really have to do is just kind of get your tool in as hard as you can like that and then just turn it around like that and now is what i'll do is go over that that thin bit that i've just dragged out when i do this side i'll go over that after whoa so i'm gonna wipe my camera now i've got sealant all over the handle of my camera hey the joys of youtube and diy not as easy as this vlogging nonsense is it so hopefully the wide angle will allow you to see a bit of this even though it has got a big shadow on it and typical my camera is in the way so i'm gonna have to change the angle and go over here i hope you all appreciate the effort i put into these videos right that one should be relatively easy he says famous last words so again i'm just wiping into that cloth like that that's the one i'm using for the surplus sealant and then just a little go with the wet wipe again like that and hopefully now this won't bridge this gap with too much sealant again i'm going to fall short of the corner like that and that way i'm not mucking around with a big blob of sealant on my profiling tool when i try to take this around the bend i'm just going to take that into the corner like that there we go put away and i can carry on with that one as a separate bead of sealant now obviously there again we've got a gap under these tiles so i am squirting that relatively hard to get it in the joint underneath the tiles so i want to make sure it fills that gap so we've got a good bead of sealant again i'm going to whip that off short at the end so if you come into the corner with a full blob of sealant on your profiling tool you basically make a mess you can see how this can be used exactly the same way around curved edges now once you've finished you've got any sealant left i just like to give it a quick wipe like that with my wet wipe then we get the screw like earlier choose a screw that's roughly the same size as your hole you want it tight obviously not too loose and then if you take a screwdriver like this you can actually screw it in and a thread will create the seal it also means that if it gets really tight you either use a handheld screwdriver or you can use your impact driver and actually release the screw next time you use it if the sealant gets a bit hard and that should preserve your sealant certainly in the short term so there we go that's the finished job and don't get me wrong i'm not saying by any means that this is an absolutely perfect finish but i think it's a pretty decent finish that any diyer can achieve using a profiling tool and as you've seen in this video using a profiling tool really can get you out of a sticky situation quite literally if your beads too thick you can go over it using a smaller profile if you've done a bad quality bead you can use the removal tool and remove the sealant completely as long as you're clean you use your wipes you use your paper towel you take your time you can pretty much get around the bathtub in a few minutes without making much mess if you're interested in any of the products or the tools i use in this video i'll put a link to those in the description section below if you enjoyed the video then please give it a like and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon for regular notifications i've been passing around the house tatar farewell [Music]
Channel: POUSE around the HOUSE
Views: 234,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use sealant, sealant application tutorial, DIY remove sealant, removing sealant how to, removing sealant beginners guide, removing sealant top tip, sealant hack, sealant rmoval tips, how to apply sealant for beginners, DIY beginners guide, DIY, Do it yourself, bathtub sealant, sealant shower tray, sealant basing, how to remove sealant from a bath, shower tray sealant, bath tub sealant, basin sealant, sealant profiling tool, cramer fuji tool, silicone sealant, cramer
Id: nIL9dHXA2Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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