How To Animate Text in Resolve - DaVinci Resolve 16 Basics Tutorial

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[Music] hey everybody my name is casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube make sure to subscribe for more of that today we're talking about animating text making something like this um yeah this is one of those things where you can go crazy and spend 90 hours on it but i'm going to show you the most simple just practical way to animate some text make things look a little bit nicer in your videos and you don't even have to know a whole lot okay we'll keep it basic first things first i'm in the edit page of resolve so i'm not in the cut page cut page looks like this it has the top timeline and the bottom timeline the edit page looks like this the cut page looks like this okay so make sure you're in the edit page because we're going to be working on that you can do a lot of this stuff in the cut pages just you have a little bit more control here in the edit page so let's make some text that goes over this the very first thing i'll do is go up to my effects library which is in the upper left hand corner click on this button and that will open it actually down here in the lower left-hand corner and under titles if you don't see titles click on this little button right here that opens this little navigation menu titles the sixth item down is called text plus this is the fancy text generator title thing in resolve it's actually powered by the fusion page but it will work nicely for what we want i'm just going to grab that and drag that into our timeline right over our footage so now if i select that i can adjust how it looks and basically everything about it up in the inspector inspectors in the upper right hand corner click on this button that says inspector and that will bring it up these are all the controls for our text so whatever i change here in the inspector as long as my clip is selected here in the timeline we'll adjust the text so let's call this animated text and i'll change the font to something that isn't too bad you can use whatever font you want and i'll size this make it a little smaller keep it tasteful you know what i'm saying the other thing i'll do with this text is just add a drop shadow to it with the text plus effect in the inspector if you go to the fourth icon over called shading this is all about how the text looks as far as color and outline and fill and all that stuff i'll go down to where it says shading elements and under select element i'll select element three because by default that is a drop shadow and i'll hit enabled that's just going to add a nice little drop shadow without having to do really anything so now i can switch back to the text controls here's where we're at we're going to animate this a couple different ways we'll start really simple and then we'll do a couple fancy things the first most basic thing that you can do to animate text is just fade it on you can do that just like you would any clip by going to the timeline and grabbing one of these handles here and just dragging it over and then this will fade up right so nice super classy nothing wrong with that at all but let's say we want this to move well a simple movement is just to have this kind of start bigger and slowly kind of zoom out that always looks nice on text we could do that a couple different ways the easiest way is to go up to the inspector and here where it says fusion and video click on video and then you scroll to the very bottom where it says dynamic zoom and just turn the switch on what that's going to do is throughout the length of this clip it's just going to kind of zoom out on this text really simple right but man that looks nice it looks super classy there's nothing wrong with that at all just one switch you could even combine this you know what i'm saying look at that that's nice and honestly for a lot of projects i would recommend doing something like this this will work for a wide variety of things and it always looks nice versus having text bounce around or you know spin or any of that kind of stuff that has a high danger of looking tacky just a little friendly advice there but let's say we want to do something that is a little more fancy i'll just take our animation off right now here's how you would do something like that i'm going to go just a couple seconds into our clip here make sure that our text plus is selected basically where i want this to calm down and just stop animating all right that's where we're gonna land our playhead and now i can go over to the inspector and i can really choose to animate just about anything in here again we can start with something classy like tracking tracking is the distance in between the letters in a word i'll click on this diamond that's right next to whatever i want to animate and that's going to set a keyframe and what that basically means is that whatever i have this clicked on is going to be right here at this time so it's going to be 1.0 at 26 seconds okay now i can move back in the timeline to the beginning of our clip and i'll go back to the inspector and i can just adjust this tracking to push that text out like that and now look what we get animates in like that right so that's cool that's still pretty classy i feel like that's maybe a little much but you get the idea so that's a basic way to animate your text let's say we want to move the text around i'll just undo quite a bit here i'll just reset our tracking so we're back to just our static text let's say we want this to kind of rise out of the bottom it works pretty much the same way and i could animate this in the fusion controls here under the second tab you can adjust center and move this around but it might be a little bit easier to just do this in the video tab here so where it says fusion and video i'll click on video and this time i'm just going to animate the position of our video layer here so i'll do the same thing i'll just move a couple of seconds into our clip and go up and keyframe our position because this is right where i want it to land then we'll move back to the beginning of our clip and i'm just going to move this off so i'll grab the numbers for y and i'll click and roll them to the left and that'll bring this down off of the screen so now when we play this back come through like that nice right here's one of the advantages of animating this in the video tab up here is that controls that you animate here in the video tab you can actually ease and what that means is that when this comes in it just stops immediately right it's a little bit awkward it's kind of jerky and we want this to kind of slow down and just like ah just kind of you know fly in here and have a little rest and when you slow down an animation as it approaches a keyframe that's called easing so to do that all i have to do is be on the keyframe that i want to ease an easy way to do that is by using these little arrows here can move to my next keyframe if it's orange i'm on a keyframe so this is the last one where it shows up where i want it to be i'll right click on it and i'll select ease in that's going to ease into this keyframe so let's take a look now comes in and it kind of slows and now that we have that eased it will come in a little better so it's not quite as harsh but it still might need a little bit of adjustment and we can do that here in the clip in our timeline if you click on this little snaky looking thing that'll open up the keyframe controls by default it might be opacity or something but if you click on this little drop down you can select what you want to adjust so i'm going to unclick opacity make sure position y is selected so position y that is the movement up and down of our text and if we zoom in here we can select this keyframe and we'll see that it's eased which means that it has a little control point here you can kind of adjust the curve of this and what you really want is this curve to be flat as flat as you can get that the better that animation is going to look so let's so it can kind of come in a little bit easier now honestly this way of doing it is not that great it's a little bit awkward to do it here and so if you're really concerned about making your motion of your text work really well that's something you're probably going to want to mess with in the fusion page okay the good news is if you want to do something simple like this to do this infusion is not really too big of a deal there are a bunch of different ways to do this infusion you can actually build this from scratch but if you don't know anything about fusion what i'll do is just get rid of this animation by just resetting our position here in our video controls so if we have nothing going on we can actually just have our play head over this and click on the fusion page and that will bring our text plus title into fusion and we can adjust all the different things about our text plus title like before we can move over to a couple seconds and this time i'm going to animate the center here in the second tab in the inspector and it works the same way i click on that keyframe diamond that's where i want this text to be i'll move my playhead all the way to the left the beginning of our clip and let's move the text down and now if we play it back it comes up just like that so how do we ease that keyframe well we can actually open up a panel in fusion called the spline panel and click on that and that'll open a panel down here if i click on this little button up here i can kind of move my panels around a little bit and the spline panel is super useful for adjusting animation it'll have a list on this left-hand menu and you can tick whatever you want to adjust the animation on so this center path displacement is what i want that's just what they call animating the center of something and then i'm going to click this little magic button right here this is called zoom to fit and that will show us a graph of our animation here now this is what you should be able to do in the edit page but it's really easy in fusion i'm just going to select this last keyframe and hit f on the keyboard that's going to flatten out that animation so that this doesn't just stop immediately text moves up moves up moves up and then slows down as it gets to the top and then it just stops real slowly let's take a look at that there it's not nice so much nicer now that we have that animation adjusted i'll just go back to the edit page look at that we did stuff in fusion it wasn't even that scary check that out nice yeah so there you go there's some animated text inside of resolve using mostly stuff in the edit page little bit of fusion and by the way if you like fancy titles like this but you don't want to do a whole bunch of graphics work we have some titles available and they live here in the effects library and you can grab them and just drag them into your timeline select it in the timeline and you can change text and they'll animate on and be all fancy and you don't even have to do any work it's cool right you can even adjust the colors to fit whatever project you're working on if you want to learn more about those check out this video right here there's also a link in the description super useful now that i look at this it doesn't really seem like it's the beach does it maybe this is the beach but we're not looking at the ocean we're behind the ocean and it i guess it is technically the beach in that case but it's just not because there isn't an ocean that's why you have to write that it's the beach that's called media
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 117,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animate text in davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16, tutorial, davinci resolve, video editing, davinci resolve 15, resolve, typewriter effect, text animation, typing effect, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, write on text, resolve 15, davinci, fusion tutorial, text effect, title animation tutorial, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, motion graphics in davinci resolve, resolve 15 tutorial, tips, resolve tutorial, tutorial for beginners, fusion
Id: IL0f4X0Ml-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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