How To Animate Maps (After Effects Tutorial)

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in today's tutorial we are going to be doing a net animation we're going to have a little bit of fun with it and I want to add some cute little details to it but without further Ado let's hop straight into off the effects and get cracked with it so in here I have a 1920x1080 composition 24 frames per second as per usual I've already added my map which is very large I got it from one of the sources I talked about in my websites for designers video so go check that out the map itself is 6. 6.7 000 by 9641 pixels so it's very nice and high res it's also a tiff format you know so it's just you know it's it's a high risk scan as you can see I mean we can zoom in a good bit and it's got some pretty good details other than that I've added some clouds over here that I've just found let's hop into actually making the animation it's going to be somewhat simple but it's a very clean way of showing off a map if you need to be using that so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pre-comp this and I'm just going to name it matte and I'm going to turn it into 3D and then turn on this button here which is continuously rasterize I think yep so basically what that means is just it's going to keep the scale and we can add some more things to it but it's not too important just make sure you cut it on and then make sure that you are using the classic 3D renderer and not the cinema 4ds that way we can get some nice depth of field going into our composition here it's of course just going to make a 1920x10 any composition so we want to do is click on this so we can see the res I'm going to go down here and hit command K which is going to bring on my composition settings and then I'm just going to change the size of it to fit the size of the map 6717 by 9641 I'm going to click enter so now our composition is the size of the map this will take a little bit of computing power just because it is such a large composition now I'm going to take a couple of these clouds you can just pick out something you think look really good I just dragged in the ones I have we'll just be using three claws that'll be fine I'm going to turn 3D on for all of these open the two View mode and I want to take these and drag them out ever so slightly from the map itself so they don't on the same plane I need to scale them down a lot eight percent I think I want them over here by the Little Harbor I'm going to select all of them and then I'm just going to move them up here and then I'm gonna hit R to bring up my rotation and then I'm going to take the X rotation and just rotate it ever so slightly to very close to 90 degrees I'm going to do a little bit less to 90 maybe 80 or even have one be 90 in another bee let's do 95 just to get a little bit of variation from there I want to scatter them out a little bit so I'm going to take one and I'm going to move it back a little bit and this can be a bit tricky so just go and play with it however you want make sure you've got it set up pretty good maybe scale it up a little bit more and the same with this one hit shift p if you want to bring up the position parameter so now we have something that looks like that you can even go in here and then pick bottom so you can kind of see how high off they are of the of the ground so I'm going to select store them and made them downwards a little bit because we don't want them to be too high up either we can always go in maybe have this one move it back move it to the left a little bit that's pretty good I think for the layout so far anyway so you can turn back one View mode and as you can see we have them right over here so going back into our main composition here where we have our actual map if I move this around you can see it's we've got we've got everything here and it's even in 3D so if I hit all I can rotate it however I want and it's just of course going to rotate around the Anchor Point so just be mindful of that and I want to add a camera so down here you can just right click camera and then I'm going to set it to a 50 millimeter camera and I'm going to set the f-stop to a still 1.8 for some nice field we can always change that later if need be open this up and we want the camera options and also that and also our map actually for this one we just want the position and rotation now if I go to the beginning I want to zoom out a little bit maybe even give it a slight tilt just like that I'm going to keyframe the position and the rotation of everything go about two seconds forward and let's zoom in and rotate it a little bit more I want to get it pretty flat so we can get you know have the clouds look nice zoom in a little bit more and I don't like the placement of the clouds so we can always go back in and move that around so if I move this one out left this one out to the right have this one scoot back a little bit maybe more in the middle go back in see how that looks raise this one up a little bit what does that look like not a fine Comanche that this is just where you can have fun and don't be scared to have fun because at the end of the day that's the most important part about doing these animations that looks pretty decent so now we have this little animation where it comes in now this is pretty solid I want to add a little bit more Flair to it one way of doing that is I'm going to keyframe the position of the camera and also the x or the rotations really because we're just going to play around and see what looks good and go forward a little bit further than where our other animation ends and then play around with the parameters to get a look that you like the camera Works in a little bit of a weird way so don't be scared to kind of mess with it and just see what kind of looks you can get and spread this animation out just a little bit more because we want it to be very smooth next thing we're going to do is the focus distance I've covered this before but keyframe it at the very beginning go to 2v mode and I'm going to change this to left so we can see our camera so you can see our cameras are Focus distance at the minimum is right here click on it I can go in and change it and again as I've mentioned before the pink line is the focus point so as you can see as soon as that pink line hits that our layer is in Focus go forward until the end of our animation and adjust so now we bring it way way back you can see our clouds all right there so we want to match this pink box to it so now we've got this in Focus which is perfect go back into one View mode playing that back this is what we have and it's a little bit um jittery it's not feeling very smooth so we can of course hit you to bring up all our keyframes select them go into flow in this case and in this case I'm going to use slow 60 speed that's again it's just a plug-in I've made use it it's just going to ease it out just a little bit but still not perfect drag this out even more just so we don't get that hard stop in the animation with map animations generally you want it to be pretty smooth now there's one thing I didn't do yet which is on purpose and that is adding a highlight line which is something you'd often see in animations like this I was thinking of adding some lines to these lines that you see right here the way we're going to do that is simply we have this and I'm just going to hit G to bring up my pen tool and I'm just gonna follow the lines with my pen tool and again this might be a little bit time consuming but trust me it is worth in the end taking your time with these type of things because it is really in the details where you can make your animation shine I just made a couple pause we don't need too many for this this example we're going to take one of them and open up the contents and then hit add and add a trim pulse and open that up keyframe the end let's say at about two seconds and then go back to about one second and set that to zero we can even space it out a little bit more if we feel need to as such select them and add a the same easing then we can go in copy this go to the first keyframe and select all the other parts and paste them I'm going to select them all and then I'm going to use motion tools to randomly sequel sequence them the keyframes and that's just going to give us a little bit of visual variance in the look and then we can take them I'm going to turn on motion blur which is something I'm not I don't usually do it's just going to feather them out ever so slightly to match the motion take them pre-cut them and I'm just going to name the belt lines panel's 3D for that layers will open to view mode I want to list it up ever so slightly from the map just to give some extra depth and just take this just ever so slightly and you might have to move the position around this with the scale since you're messing with the perspective of it and then we can add deep glow and to the Deep glow I'm just going to add an expression we're going to do posterize time six and then do a wiggle let's do 200 comma 0.3 and that's just going to give a slight flicker to our animation so having a look at the animation we've done so far this is what we have super simple or animation with some lines a lot of visual interest a Focus Shift but we're not quite done because there's a little bit of extra saws as per usual that we can add to it so the first part of the source is open up the position of our clouds or click in the expression and then do a wig wall let's do a 0.3 comma 10 and that's just going to add a little bit of sway to our clouds so we can right click on the position where we have the expression copy expression only and command V it on both of the other clouds and that's just going to give us a little bit of sway go back into our main composition add an adjustment layer add a transform to the scale to 101 and then or click the position we're just going to add a little bit of that camera Shake as per usual at a postage time and then a wiggle let's do a 200 comma 3 close that up add another one and this one is going to be a posterized time set that to 12 and that is pretty decent now we can go in and add some textures as well we're just going to use some of the standard textures that are use over and over again I recommend going to texture labs and creating your own so with all Textures in here they all 4K the ones I have anyways I'm going to scale them down I'm just going to drag that below our adjustment layers and there we go we have a sick look I think I'm going to decrease the opacity of our paint to about 70 um just because we don't want it to be too intense and that is pretty much all there is to creating a map animation we covered most of the basics put it in 3D layer added some depth some details and some markings and this is only a small part of what you can do you can take this in so many more more creative ways you can mask out areas you can add even more details outside of just the clouds so it's really just about having fun and experimenting for now I think this is a pretty good starter on how you can make your first map animation but yeah thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you again next week so peace out
Channel: Mapal
Views: 19,793
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Id: bhEcpjjhCzk
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Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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