How to Animate a Bouncing Ball using Tween animation in Adobe Animate CC 2021. Set up Part 1

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[Music] hey guys welcome back in this video i'm going to show you how to animate uh using symbols using motion tween classic tween and using the asset library here and so uh in this scene we got a ball bouncing down the stairs hits a little see-saw and then this little ball jumps into the plastic cup and so i'm going to reveal a little bit i'm going to push this up and reveal the layers that i have one thing that you guys need to remember is that for every thing that you animate there has to be a layer so for example this ball uh we'll call this ball animation and this ball has a motion tween you can see because now that i've got it selected it's green but when i unselect it it's yellow so these yellow layers have a motion tween and this purple one has a classic tween now we're going to be going over the differences between classic tween and motion tween but for the most part a motion tween you have access to the motion path and the classic tween is just from point a to point b very simple and so you can see that uh the this ball has several keyframes here that were created automatically if i hit play one two three boom and it hits a little see-saw which triggers the other ball to jump the other ball the other ball is static all throughout until it hits that seesaw and then we replace it with an animated one we've got a wall that that wall is the blue in the back we've got the triangle right underneath the seesaw that's not animated we've got the background which is the stairs the actual seesaw the static the ball that's static the cup the ball that's animated and the other ball that's animated at the end so let's go ahead and get started guys i'm going to go ahead and uh start up a new scene we've got the new document dialog box and we're going to do with uh full hd 1920 by 1080 at 24 frames per second and we're going to leave it at action script 3.0 let's go ahead and create command scroll wheel to zoom out and there we go we have a brand new scene the first thing i'd like to do is just start from the very very back and start drawing these elements so in this layer i'm going to call it wall [Music] and i am going to grab my rectangle tool and i'm going to pick a color and pick just a nice subtle blue and draw a graphic on here boom there it is no need to convert it into a symbol yet so we're just going to leave this as a graphic that means that this is live and i can modify it as much as i can and in fact i'm going to lock it i'm going to lock it i don't want to mess with this i'm going to create a new layer i am going to go again to my rectangle tool change the color to that brownish color and let's put a black outline so i'm on my rectangle tool and the fill color is this brown the stroke color is black and the stroke size we're gonna maybe push it up to about eight maybe i'd say right about there first one the second one is going to be right about there and then the third one right about there it's not scientific or anything i'm just guessing so um i am going to grab my selection tool and click on this line here this segment and delete it this one delete it this one deleted and then this one deleted i can convert this into a symbol if i double click on it to select everything right click and go convert to symbol f8 is the keyboard shortcut and we'll call this stairs [Music] and we're going to use graphic it's just a graphic and the registration is at the center say okay and you notice that as soon as we create the symbol in our library there it is that means i could just drag another copy whenever i'm gonna undo that let's go ahead and create the see-saw and the cup so for the see-saw oh by the way let's name our layer stairs create a new layer this is seesaw [Music] and for that it's just basically a rectangle i'm going to change colors to a light yellow maybe there and then i'm just going to draw a seesaw right about there i'd like to go ahead and double click on it to select everything right click and convert to symbol we'll call this seesaw see and select graphic and hit ok next layer we'll call this triangle [Music] and we're going to click and hold here and move to your polystart tool with the properties of this tool we're going to select a 3 here so that we can draw a triangle and as i oh i'm going to pick another color and let's pick this red and as i draw this you'll see that it's a triangle hold down the shift and so that we can draw this triangle kind of like this double click on it and right click convert to symbol triangle [Music] and then bring this down it's a little bit big so grab the transform tool and scale it holding the shift and then move it down there it is there's our seesaw and i'm going to draw this cup here i'm going to zoom in a little bit i am going to select a white now with the black stroke but this time i'm going to select the rectangle tool and this time i'm going to do maybe a little bit less maybe a six [Music] and then i want to do rounded corners so let's try a five for the rounded corners and let's make something here yeah just about that like that let's uh go ahead and move it right here to where it's supposed to be let's make another rectangle with the color red and then let's do it right about here i'd like to go ahead and double click that and grab our transform tool hold down the command so you can get that and then bring this in to right about there all we have to do now is the couple lines right here get my line tool and i am going to make a line right here from right here to hold down the shift to right here from right there and i'll make another one right there and there's our cop let's select the whole thing right click convert to symbol we'll call this uh cup a graphic and the registration in the center say okay and there's our cup now let's go ahead and create our ball click and hold on the rectangle tool to get to the oval tool and i've got the red selected and i've got the uh the black stroke with a stroke of six holding the shift key down i'm going to draw a ball and right about maybe that size and i'd like to add a stripe so we can see the ball rotate as it goes down i'm going to zoom in on it and i am going to what i'm going to do is i'm just going to select the center shift click to deselect the lines and then all we have to do is change the color to whatever color we want in this case it would be yellow so we've got the ball marquee select everything f8 to convert to symbol let's call this red ball [Music] leave it a graphic registration in the center say okay now it is a symbol and it is in our library red ball right there and so let's go ahead and animate it i'm going to do command 2 to zoom out uh the triangle is on its layer let's create another layer this one is the cup and we're going to grab this one delete and then on the cup paste it there it is the ball let's uh go ahead and cut it command x create a new layer we can call this red ball paste it in there and so it's going to be here and it's going to bounce here bounce here bounce here bounce there and then land right here let's go ahead and get that uh get that animation done uh we're gonna do it in about 50 frames so i'm going to select the 50 frame on all of these layers one thing that i failed to mention is that we are working in the essentials uh workspace and i'm going to convert it to the basic uh here are the workspaces this is the essentials workspace and i failed to see the buttons here that i need so i'm going to convert it back to basic and then these are the buttons that i wanted once you have selected all of the frames here on frame 50 we can go ahead and add insert a frame boom there it is and now we have an animation from frame uh 1 all the way to 50. there's nothing moving yet but now we can hit the play button and it'll actually play there it is and so at frame 50 we're going to animate this ball all the way down here let's make a copy of this red ball and uh right click duplicate symbol and let's call it a blue ball blue ball here we go and this blue ball here we're going to bring in here we're going to change it we're going to change the color i'm going to zoom in click on this red click on the red and on this red shift click on it and let's change it to blue all right cool this is the blue ball command two and then we notice that i notice that this one is now blue so right click on this one swap symbol and we can bring in the red ball here again there's the red ball this is the blue ball and this blue ball i'd like to make it a little bit smaller shift and then bring it right here and so the ball is going to bounce down the stairs hit the seesaw and then push this one into the cut and so we've got everything selected we've got everything drawn out in the next video we'll animate the ball hitting the seesaw and i made this ball falling into the cup i'll see you then thank you guys
Channel: Learn 2 Animate
Views: 534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Animate CC, animate beginner tutorial, adobe animate tutorial for beginners, Adobe Animate Interface, Adobe Animate CC workspace
Id: SD22IslEmfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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