How To Always Have An Organized & Clean Home I Simple Habits Of LAZY People I Minimalism

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and if you're new here welcome my name is Isabelle and my channel is all about minimalism finances and saving money and today I want to tell you how I went from being a totally messy person to someone who always has a tidy home with really no effort at all so guys I think it makes sense to start with my past and to tell you where I came from so I mentioned this I think in one or two earlier videos of mine that I was a really messy person I hated to tidy up and to clean my room and my apartment and I was a real mess a totally chotic person I had way too much stuff way too much Furniture so it was all really crowded and stuffed and I was really a mess like to the point that you weren't even able to see the floor sometimes because my stuff was just l lay everywhere like books clothes stuff whatever everything was sometimes just laying like on my desk on my bed on my floor so that's how you can imagine I was like in my teenage and early um adult years I was a totally mess and um what I did back then a couple of times per year I think was decluttering I always love decluttering and it somewhat helped me to be better at tidying and cleaning up but I don't know I just I think I just had too much stuff and that's why I was so easy to clutter everything again and then I wasn't able to really you know have an always constantly tidied home and I really struggled with that for many many years and that's where I came from and for now um I really almost always have a very tidy home or at least I can make it look really clean and tidy in probably 15 minutes when I when someone comes to visit or something and today I want to tell you how I went from being a totally mess to someone who has um a nice tidy and clean home almost all of the time and yeah how I went to become a person who actually enjoys tatting up and cleaning I can say that it's kind of a hobby of mine and I love doing that but it's actually not a pain in the ass anymore and I actually enjoy it because I just love like a beautiful tidy up and organized home and today I want to tell you what I did and what helped me out in becoming this kind of person or to have this kind of apartment that is just looking tidied up and organized all of the time so first things first and I can't say that enough I think I mentioned this in so many videos because for me decluttering is really the first step for actually improving your life and improving your habits and to you know gain more healthy habits and I can only just I don't know recommend to you if you have an issue with Tiding up your apartment on a regular basis that or at least it was the case for me I just had way too much stuff way too much furniture and just things like started overwhelming me really quickly because my my drawers my my um Furniture everything was so stuffed and so cluttered that I wasn't always able to find a place for everything and I don't know I think I just didn't know what to do and what Habit to build to have a tidy home home and I think simply the first problem was that I just had too much stuff I actually want to say dramatically decrease the things you own because it's as simply and easy as that that the less things and stuff overall you own in your apartment or within your home the less clutter you can you know put everywhere in your apartment so for me it's basically the thing that I just don't own that much stuff anymore so I'm actually not able to put stuff everywhere all of the time so my desk wasn't like cluttered anymore the there's nothing on the floor um I just have way way less stuff my drawers are not full anymore so I am able to put something in there when I need some space for for things so it really makes things so much easier so I can really really recommend in the first place if you have an issue with tidying up I think because it was actually really the case for me that usually that's a sign to have too much stuff and to not really have a place for everything and just um two full drawers already and just overall too much stuff too much items in your home and that's what makes it so difficult to tidy up on a regular basis in the first place and that's also the reason why your apartment or your home gets cluttered so fast again and so quickly after you tid it up in the first place and then there's something that we say in Germany that goes like or a means like tidying up or to have your apartment tidied up or organized is almost cleaned which means that and I didn't understand that when I was younger because um a friend of my mother I think once told me that um because she had a very very clean and tidied and organized home and I was like how do you do that and she was like you know um it's it's so easy because it's just I tidy up and then it's almost clean and today I really understand what she meant because if you don't have a lot of stuff you know standing everywhere on your on your kitchen counter on your drawers on your boards on your desk whatever you can really clean so quickly so in the past when I wanted to clean my apartment I really had to move things first so I needed to put stuff and put it from A to B in order to clean this area or just I had to work myself around piles really piles of stuff on the floor for example so that really makes it more time consuming and more difficult and more stressful to clean in the first place so I can really recommend you declutter and then you have just way much space nothing's cluttered anymore on your counterparts on your desk on your chair on your whatever in your kitchen and if you want to clean an area it's so easy because you don't have to move things or have to work your way around stuff and that's makes it very comfortable easy and really way more quicker than if you would would have to tidy up in the first place and put stuff around so that's what also really helps so I would start with decluttering and the next thing that's really important is what Marie condo says in her book um magic cleaning which with the things you left behind you really need to have a place for that because if you are tidying up in your apartment or in your house it's really time consuming when you for example need to search for things or if you don't know where to put it back because this is just takes time and brain capacity and you lose focus so for example me I know that we have a scissor a small one a big one and a pencil in our drawer in the kitchen and if I use anything of that or if it lays around I know exactly where to put it because I know not always not all things that we have in a basement Etc about most of the things I actually know what we own and where it is in our apartment so when I'm tidying up it's really simple for me to just grab something and put it where where it's belonging and that's what's really important because it makes every tidying up and every cleaning in your in your apartment in the future really quickly and really efficient because you just simply can take stuff and just put it as its place or as its home so this is really important to have a home or a place for each item that is left within your apartment and then I think this is one of the most important recommendations I can have and give to you is what I am doing and this that's what I'm doing on my daily business in my day-to-day life which is let me tell you an example maybe I'm polishing my nails here in the living room and at some point maybe I just do it right away but sometimes not because I'm lazy or I'm I'm reading my book or something afterwards but at some point I need to go to the bathroom right so I need to go to the toilet and my nail polish needs to go to the bathroom too so what I'm doing is I never go empty-handed so for example when I go to the bathroom and there's I just simply check or I know okay I have the nail polish here or something that belongs to the bathroom I just just take the thing with me and put it back to its own and that's what I'm doing each and every day that doesn't mean and I think that some people are doing that that immediately when they have done something they put it back that's not what I'm always doing because I'm a bit of lazy person as you probably could tell because I told you that I was a really messy person so I am a lazy person so I'm not putting stuff way um um away right away after using it not all of the time because I want to read something blah blah blah but I really do this every day that I just put stuff in the Bri room whenever I own my way and if you notice or if You observe you move a lot around in your apartment each and every single day you go to the bathroom several times a day you go to the kitchen several times a day to get a coffee or to get a water or to cook or you get to the you go to the basement to do the launch country whatsoever you're in on the go a lot of the time each day and if you start taking anything with your something with your hands each time you will have a real tidied up home it's no effort because I'm going to the bathroom anyway right so I can also just take the nail polish and put it as its place when I'm when I'm going to the bathroom and the same goes for the kitchen so when I'm going to the kitchen for example to get a glass of water and I have my empty coffee car beside me I just take it with me and put it right away in the cleaner and that's what I'm doing each and every day all of the time and it's no effort it's no work it's not like oh I need to tidy up my apartment or I'm tidying up because it just goes hand in hand with what you're doing anyway so it doesn't feel like cleaning or tidying up and the same goes for the kitchen for example so as I'm cooking and for example if you cook something and then it needs to simmer for 20 minutes or you put it in the oven for half an hour what I what I'm doing in the meantime is I clean the corner so I clean it um I put stuff in the cleaner um so I clean everything that I don't need anymore for eating for example for this dish and I just do it like while I'm cooking while I'm working so that's what I'm doing each and every day and that's makes it really simple really effortless and you always have a tidy home and even if it's not tidy like for example I was I don't know lazy and tired and I didn't want to put my stuff at the right place actually if stuff's laying around usually it doesn't take me more than for probably 15 minutes to really tidy up because there's just not much stuff laying around in the apartment anyway I think what I was searching for what I was looking for and um yeah it's just a daily habit and it's really easy I don't I don't know anymore why why it was such a pain in the ass for me I mean I know why why it was such a pain in the ass because I had full drawers I didn't know where to put a stuff I had too much stuff overall so it really tidying up and cleaning was pain in the ass but for the reasons I just mentioned it's not at all anymore actually to me and it's very easy easy and effortless to have a tidy home almost all of the time and I do enjoy it that's the thing why I enjoy it today because it's so easy and so simple and with cleaning it's the same thing actually I don't know how you are doing this or I think it depends on the type of person but for me example I still don't like cleaning that much and I don't like cleaning like for two or three hours um all of the time like straight through so what I'm doing is I do something each week and that's what makes it to me also not that much of a work not that much of a deal not so much effort so I try to do maybe an hour each week sometimes more I don't know I didn't let you know look up the timing I usually listen to a podcast when I'm cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen or so to just you know have something to distract myself into something interesting to listen to so it doesn't get boring and then it it's also not feeling like a lot of work because I'm just doing something each week and it's probably I think an hour or something to do this and it's not really an effort and I think the main thing also is because there's just not so much stuff anymore so declutching is really the first step for everything because there's not much stuff here anymore so when I want to clean it's very easy because I don't have to move things around as I told before so it's also way way easier than I used to know it when I was younger and I had so much stuff so yeah I think um that was my main tips and recommendations for always having a tidy and clean home with no effort start with the cluttering start for the the the rest of the things you own start searching or or building a home and a place for each and every item and knowing where it is and then never go empty-handed from run room to another and always like use when you go to the bathroom and you go to the kitchen just never go with empty hands put it as its home or as its place just right away and then cleaning I mean this depends on each and every person but also if you have a tidy home like if you're tidying home like like me just every day with walking around in your apartment you don't have to tidy up a lot just in the sum like I I don't you know tidy up my apartment one hour or even half an hour each week because it's simply not necessary I just do that from time to time each day with the little small things and that's why it doesn't accumulate that much and you don't have to do a huge and big tidying up process once a week because you just do it from time to time each day so really never go empty-handed from R from one room to another and that's actually what the magic is um and then you will notice that it's so so easy and so effortless to have a tidy home and also cleaning you will notice that it's way way more easier way quicker and way simpler than before because you just don't have to move things around or working your way through your paths and that's what I did that's what really helped me out and that's why I actually enjoyed hiding up today and I do have to say that I was a real messy person and it was okay I mean it was no issue back then for me but to be honest I'm really enjoying to have a beautiful tidied up organized and clean home I just feel way way more comfortable because it's just not so overwhelming and I don't have the feeling that I'm need to do a lot of cleaning in my apartment and it just looks nice it's very calming and it really makes me very happy so I'm really glad that I did this kind of development till this day I'm really happy that it's so easy today and so simple for me to take care of the apartment and yeah so if you are a person who is a bit messy or lazy as I was or if you simply struggle with organizing tidying up and cleaning I hope that some of my recommendations will be helpful for you I'm very curious if you have any further tips for this community also for me of course for having a tidied and organized home all of the time and I also hope to see you in my next video Until then take care of yourself as always and bye-bye
Channel: Isabel turns the page
Views: 2,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: habits for a clean home, simple living, organization hacks, minimalism, clutter-free, tidy home, how to declutter, decluttering and organizing, decluttering tips, clutter free home, clutter free, minimalist home, how to keep a clutter free home, cleaning hacks, habits for a tidy home, cleaning tips, daily habits, clean with me, minimalist living, simple life, habits for a clean house
Id: G8berVX8ZSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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