How to Adjust Ski Boot Cuffs

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hi this is Diana from harps key systems the video we are showing today is how to adjust your boot comes how to align your cuffs to your legs this is an important part of our alignment process if the cuffs are misaligned to the skier is legs so I have two people with me we're gonna see how we measure that see how we adjust the boots and then we'll take a look at the first step in setting your boot cuffs there are a couple prerequisites actually if you need a footbed you need to have that footbed inside the boot if you need to do some boot fitting because the shell hits against you then you need to do that first as well but we're gonna assume that we've done that so Walker is standing in a set of planes and the lines themselves take a peek all right they're in neutral position zero on their dial they're both there so what we do we have Walker's stand with his boots parallel and they're in the width of stance that he uses in a straight run if he's just gliding along going straight so he stands in them with the skis with the feet parallel we buckle the cuff we take a look and we see that Walker's legs are actually touching he's gonna bend forward just a little bit we can see that Walker's leg is actually touching the outside of the shell and there's a significantly larger gap here no out there which is the other group we see same thing we have a big gap on the inside and contact right there his leg is touching on the outside ideally we'd like to see that the cuff is parallel to delay or that it has an even gap on both sides so in Walker's case what we need to do we need to make this cuff lean further to the outside so that this portion of the cuff comes closer to this side of his like this portion of the cuff needs to move away from his leg same thing mirror on this side that cuff the boot top needs to lean more to the outside so that this comes closer diminishes the gap so that this portion of the cuff goes away from his leg and creates a larger gap to do that we are going to loosen the adjustment which on the Liang is only on the outside we are going to loosen it and then we are going to push down on the lateral side the outside of the cuff but that's gonna do is create some of that tipping action so I'm gonna do that adjustment and then we'll cut back in if you take a look now at the adjustment when the Lang you can see that the the metal circle with the little hash marks is now sitting lower relative to the screw we have loosened it pushed down and then retighten it we've done that on both boots let's take a look and see how we did wear boots parallel same stance width as before boots buckle lightly all right Walker bend your knees forward a little bit try to get him not all the way forwards not all the way F right somewhere in between we take a look at this leg you can see that he's no longer riding on the edge of the car and we have now a much more even gap but the same amount of distance here as we have here take a look at his left leg we can see that the left leg the situation the cuff is is better aligned it's closer to parallel than it was before but it still isn't just far out as we would like it to be he is closer on the lateral side still and has a larger gap here this is as far as the boot can go so if we were just limiting ourselves to what the boot offers and this would be as good as it gets but if we're able to get a boot that has more travel of the cuff and it's gonna ski better for Walker so we've seen what do we do when we need to tip the cuffs out further to match a person's legs we're gonna switch to Becky and we're gonna see the opposite situation here is Becky these are very similar to the boots that she normally uses so once again we have her foot beds in the boot if she had needed any fitting it's been done and they are parallel and in the width of stance that she uses when gliding along without making turns so let's take a peek you're gonna see on Becky's leg so she stands here flex just a little bit for its Becky we can see that Becky has the inside of the cuff digging into her leg on both and there is a larger there's a gap on the outside so remember on Walker it was different than Walker it was touching on the outside we had the gap on the inside I'm Becky on the inside gap on the outside pull back a little bit this cop is tipped out relative to Becky's leg we want to tip this cuff more vertical so that lines up better with her leg same thing here this cuff is already tipped out we want to tip this cuff to the inside so that it ceases to touch on the inside and comes a little bit closer on the outside the head boot has double cuff canting it has an adjustment on the inside and the outside so for each one of them we're gonna use that adjustment the inside we're gonna move down the outside of the boot we are going to move we do is tip the cuff to the inside so we're gonna take a break we're gonna make that change and then we'll come back and show it to you so we have tipped both of Becky's cuffs to the inside as far as they go and if we look closely we see that this rebecky is really not quite enough for her to ski well even though it is the cuff on this side it's a little more upright the cuff on this side is more upright remember we did that by moving the inside down moving the outside of the cuff the adjustment up but if we take a look we see that Becky is still hard up against the inside of the cuff itself contacting her leg although her left leg if we take take a look it's now just grazing the inside you can see that the cuff has moved but it still is quite biased against your leg this would not ski that well for Becky but you can see the process that we've gone through to try to improve it now each each of them back in walker is going to put on their own boots so that we can see where their own cuffs line up in their scheme these are the head boots that becky was just wearing the cuffs are still tipped as far to the inside as they go in this particular model I'll just take a look and we know that this was still the cuffs were still tipped out too far for Becky's legs but then I'm going to show you her boots to wear we have done some retrofitting to be able to tip the cuffs further to the inside so I'll show you those boots and then we'll show you Becky wearing those boots here are Becky's current boots if you take a look especially on these with the yellow spine flex adjuster you can really see that the cuff has been tipped to the inside not just a vertical but the cuff is leaned in leaned in on each of these boots Becky's back in her boots there's one important consideration here if you take a peek you'll see that Becky's boots have plates on the bottom those are the canting plates if a boot has already been canted on the soles whether by an added plate by shaving by an intra salt plate you have to decant it in order to look at the cuffs we want to always set the cuffs adjust the cuts before we've done any under boot canting so even though becky has those plates we have brought her back to zero and zero on the angles these are her boots pink can see that on the right boot where the stock adjustment still had the cuff digging into her leg it's not just grazing and the outside has a tiny gap and if we look at her left leg bent floor it's a teeny bit Becky go you can see we have finally a tiny tiny tiny little gap on the inside and similar similar gap on the outside and that's by moving the cuffs further to the inside than the stock adjustment but that's what ends up skiing pretty well for Becky now we're gonna take a look at that same thing for Walker here are the lying boots that we showed Walker wearing so you can take a look and you can really see the angle of that cops tipped out relative to the lower same thing here you can really see that the cuff is leaned to the outside compared to the lower but we know that this was not quite enough especially on walkers left leg here are Walker's actual ski boots once again he has under sole alignment plates you can see those but once again we have neutralized that canting brought it back to zero and you can take a look and see or sure the left cuff tip way to the outside angles very far from vertical tip towards outside right boot tipped up they're not quite as much as the left but significant amount so now we'll take a peek at how they look on Walker's legs so we have Walker standing in his own boots now take a look at his alignment in the cuff alignment bend your knees forwards Walker great we don't want them to be touching on the shin we want about an even space BP in front of the shin and then behind the calf look at right leg and we have to remember that I'm Walker his his widest portion is kind of just aft on his leg so right here is his wide place and you can see we've got about a one centimeter gap on the outside the lateral side and we have very very similar perhaps tiny bit last but really really really really similar gap now on the medial side and the lateral side and here is his left leg on his left leg and again if we look this is wide spot a little bit closer to a centimeter gap on the lateral side just a little bit less on the medial side remember in the language even when we had tipped the cuffs out as far as they would go walker was still actually in contact here so it's super that we now have moved the cuff far enough to the outside that he has a gap there so to recap the way that we adjust boot cuffs if you have legs like Walker's that are curved to the outside if you need to lean your boot cuffs further to the outside in order to get a more even gap on the lateral side that's the medial side if you have dual cuff canting as these boots do you're gonna move the medial side of the cuff up the lateral side of the cuff down that's gonna lean the boot cuff to the outside it will decrease any gap that you have on the medial side of the leg it will increase the gap on the lateral side of the leg if you have a single cuff canting boot those are always on the lateral side then you're going to move that side the lateral side of the cuff downwards to lean the cuff out if you need to move the cuffs to the inside then we're gonna do the opposite if you have dual cuff canting you would move the medial side of the cuff down the lateral side of the cuff up that would lean the cuff to the inside it would increase the gap on the medial side of the leg it would decrease the gap on the lateral side if your boot only has single cuff canting on the lateral side to move your cuff inwards you would move the lateral side of the cuff take some time at home to set yourself up in front of a mirror and see where your cuffs align relative to your legs if they're misaligned and you can make some changes in your boots to make them better aligned you're gonna find it easier to roll on edge easier to roll off edge and for a lot of skiers it's physically more comfortable and how the tongue and the cuff fit around your leg if you have any questions send us an email or give us a call thanks for watching you
Channel: Diana HarbSkiSystems
Views: 65,376
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: skiing, ski boots, ski boot fitting
Id: 4bCR0AlqRZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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