How to add(parse) PDF content into Excel List through Power Automate Desktop

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hi everyone hope you are doing well uh so today i want to share you how to pass the pdf document content and add them into the excel list so firstly let me share you okay this document okay my request requirement here so i want create i want to pass the forward invoices pdf and add some content like the the invoice number the peel number and the the total account total amount into uh excel document the list here so okay let me show you how to do that okay firstly let's create a new flow here okay here we go uh we we can see at uh invoice pdf to uh to excel right okay excel hurry up hurry up okay so firstly uh let's get the the files uh this document the pdf documents firstly let's see get files get files here okay get the files in folder the folder should be the test we can go to the no the document test and we should set the filter just for pdf pdf and okay we need to include the subfolder so okay for now we got we have got all this pdf documents here then next we need to open the target excel so we just see uh launch excel here we need to we okay we launched a not new document we have created a template there we just open the following document it is this one okay save so next we need to parse each of this pdf document here so it could be a loop so we need to parse each document for each we just drag here and variable a value to to it rate uh we choose uh this one we should choose the current now we choose the files because we lose the files right these files is the document the pdf document here save and in the loop we need to parse now we need to um extract the the content from pdf firstly so we can see extract extract text from pdf then pdf file or not we needn't specify the document we just set the current item for each loop right the current term then we just pass all pages that's it save then we for now we got all the content of the pdf then we need to parse them and find the information we required we're requiring right so next is parts pass text here we just text pass that's the text from here for me this step that means the output of this step let's see the name here is extract pdf text okay let's choose the yes this one and the text to find okay let's look at the document here firstly we got we need to find the invoice number uh we just copy it then go to okay we just text to find and starting from the position zero that means we from the beginning to find to look for the invoice number this string okay save so after this step we will find the the starting position of invoice number but you know we need the actual number is the number is from from from here right not from here so for this for now we we got the position here right so we need to add the length of the title right the name so let's check its length one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen okay sixteen we just add 16 right we can see uh variable increase we choose the variable is uh let's see the variable okay the position the position we need as the position position here select and add 16 the length of the title so now we got the we get the position of this number right so we need so we need to cut we need to count the length of this number uh to extract okay see it's uh okay it's eight digit digits so next we just get the sub text text get subcon text so okay the original text it must be the this one right because we call this text from the the pdf this this is the output of this step then we start index we just choose the position from a specified position what's the position the precision is recalculated from the previous step and the length how that means how many how many characters we need to uh extract we just count it is eight digits right then it will this is output that means that we just uh extract eight digits uh or eight characters and save it into this variable so we can change the name here it should be the invoice number voice okay just remember no blank we just put it online number okay save it well for now we have got the invoice number but we need three numbers so it's the first one we just copy ctrl c ctrl v then ctrl v because for another two numbers right and okay here we just change this one is not invoice number the second one is for the peel number that means all the number ctrl c and paste here and we need to uh okay we just find the position then we need to increase that means we need to add this the lens and find the position of the the actual number the number required copy it and paste in the node path and the calculation length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 okay 18. add 18. save it okay next we need to know the length of this number okay only five digits right okay next guess context should be five and we will save it not the invoice number it should be the other number all their number save then next we the last we will find the total total number it should be same total be faster okay save it and then get the position okay one okay we just start from the dollar and one two three four five six seven okay seven at seven same and the country gets the context and okay the number okay from here i need to let you know if if you know in my invoices the number or in the four invoices the total number is have a fixed length it's total six digit including the point but if your invoice invoices has maybe the different numbers it's not if they're not if they're not fixed so you can you can follow my previous step just the parse the text and find the position here and then find the position here right then just use this position minus this position so you can get the length of this number right then you can use the use this number in the gas subtext step right so that this is not a fixed length but here i just follow my just use a fixed length because my invoices have a fixed length for the total that's six okay it's not invoice number here we need to change to total okay so for now we have got all the three required numbers then next we need to save that into the excel but before the save step we need to find the first available or the first three rule right so uh okay here so we need to get the first available lower uh we just choose the excel instance this instance is is the this one right this one because we have only one option you you could not make a mistake just and then we have two outputs the first one the three column the first free ruler this means the first available column the first available ruler but here we just maybe we only we will use only this one save it then we will okay this is a get get the ruler next we will save it right into the excel here okay so write values firstly we need to add the invoice number the invoice number here select then column uh okay the column here you can see invoice number is the first column right we just set one here the drawer is the first free ruler here let's save it okay next we can receive another number to copy paste ctrl c ctrl v okay so for the rest two numbers we just choose first they remove that and got all the number just to make sure you know if you just choose this directly it will be added into this new variable it will not remove the previous one just so firstly you need to remove the the old value here and uh and add the new on new variable okay it's odd number and then yeah others we should set the column is the second one the next the last one we choose the total you can see if we set the total but it will keep the previous one right just remember remove that the total and we add into the third column that's it and okay up the loop ends so we need to save that the excel excel we need to save it and we need close it okay we will save the document here okay that's it let's have a try so let's close the document here let's close document here let's give it a try okay run hmm okay it's time let's check the result here oh nice so we have added the ford invoice and content the required content into this list well that's it guys so if you have any questions just let me know hope uh this video is helpful for you okay thank you thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: SMART IT
Views: 31,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power automate desktop, power automate pdf, power automate desktop pdf, power automate desktop parse pdf, parse pdf, extract pdf content, parse pdf content, microsoft power automate desktop, microsoft power automate tutorial, power automate desktop app, power automate desktop automation, power automate tutorial, power automate pdf automation, pdf automation using power automate, pdf automation - power automate, extract text from pdf power automate, extract text from pdf
Id: G8ujVexd7is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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