PDF Data Extraction using AI Builder | Power Automate #powerautomate #powerapps #sharepoint #ai

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hello everyone good evening this is Farhan Khan your Learning Partner hope you all are doing good so in today's session we'll try to understand and get an overview of what AI Builders is and we'll try to see a simple scenario where we can extract the data from a PDF file and send it to ourself over email over an email so let's just check it out what you have to do is go to make.powerautomate.com and select AI Builder tab under this we have extract cuts from information from the documents we have this as a custom model click onto that create custom model apart from this we'll be using a power automate flow as well and automated flow which will be triggering whenever an email is arrived so that whenever we received in PDF file over the email will be extracting the reader from it and sending it to ourselves or maybe we can save it to our SharePoint list or in the database anywhere we can do that and we will be seeing those scenarios as well in the coming videos and we'll be making another video onto that so that uh we'll see how we can use it in our powerapps so I'll just name it as extracted data flow I'll use Outlook as a connector when an email is arrived create I'm just creating it so that it is taking time to you know to load so now if you see we have uh two types of documents which we can use on a structured document and a structured document structure document means like this where the format of a document is a specified and it is going to be constant throughout the training module you see this invoice invoice number bank transfer build it these all these details will be intact within the frame but the unstructured document could be anything like it could be in a paragraph it could be in a data table or it could be anywhere in the time so that is an structured document and today we'll see an option of structured document training model click on next now you see choose information to extract now if you go over here the PDF you will see there are multiple options available we have invoice number we have P2 we have date and we have email address as well so we'd like to uh you know uh extract a few of the information from it let's see how we can do that click on the drop down select field and name it as invoice Voice number maybe K2 that's the field date so these three information we would like to extract from this PDFs which we'll be training in the AI training module click on next so if you see now we are having an option to add collection of documents so minimum we require at least five documents to train our AI model and you can go up to 20 so that it functions better for now we have five documents let's try to add those documents into it click over here scroll down add documents my device I have all these documents in the AI folder I'll add all the PDFs which I have maybe I'll arrange it by type so now if you see we have all these documents added over here I have taken this from the internet you can also do the same thing you can go to your internet download any sample invoice and go to your paint and make changes into it so that you can also uh train your aim order I'll upload it done click next so now if you see we have all these five documents but we are seeing a red icon over here it means that these single documents are not yet mapped to the fields which we have created so what I'll do is one by one I'll go to the invoices which I have and and I'll map all those invoice pay to and date to the extracted document invoice you see invoice number has been mapped to invoice pay to Azure so I have mapped it to other or maybe you can just select the name itself date select date only go to the next document by clicking onto it it will load and then wise you can select invoice noise number A2 for Han Khan and select P2 now date select update like this you have to train all your five six or eight whatever the number of documents that you are uploading it's logged like that but if you are training only one document you can go ahead with that you have to train all your documents invoice number P2 James date first document invoice number date fifth the last one Voice number Jeff that's the date now what you have to do is you have mapped all your document you can see a check sign on all your documents which you have uploaded click on next now if you see five examples and five extracted name or information which you are willing to extract click on trail it might take a minute or two to train our model meanwhile what I'll do is we'll go to the power automate desktop flow which we have created in the background click on show Advance option what you can do over here is you can specify include attachment yes because we will be getting this information over the email only you can filter it by subject if you would like to importance any only with attachment yes if you want you can also specify the sender so that if you are receiving an email from a specific domain or specific deal or specific email address you can also specify it from here the next option that we have is AI Builder click on to that and now write extract extract information from the documents click over here that's still getting trained so you see the accuracy of this AI Builder will be 86 percent so before using any model or any uh app you must be aware that you have to publish it so that it is available for all the uh users and everyone so what you can do is go and click on publish so that you can also see this option so now if you see the model name is document processing if you would like to change the name of it you can also do that document extraction model I'll rename it next saved same collection I'll be using same text field same documents next I may have to click on train again it is just finalizing and go to the page and see the accuracy of it again to the 86 percent now let's go and see if we can see it over here if you are not seeing it just go ahead and delete this step click on Next Step again AI Builder extract extract information from business see document extraction model that's our AI window model which we have created form type it would be PDF documents form will be having it from the attachment so select attachment content so now if you see it is applying to each wire because every single time we receive an email in our inbox it will be analyzing that attachment and extracting the information from it but what we need is we need those information again in our email as a text so what you can do you can add another action within this section and send an email I'll send it to myself AI extracted data body we have voice pay to date so invoice will be mapped to invoice number value A2 will be mapped to P2 if you don't see it you can go ahead and search in the dynamic 365 content and date will be mapped to date value so now we have all these options let's just try and save it so we have our AI Builder model ready we have created our follow the accuracy is 86 percent now let's try testing the same I'll go to my Outlook I'll create an email again and I'll send it to myself AI data and send it so now if you see I have received an email a PDF file in my inbox so now I'm expecting my power automate flow to start automatically open this ai3.pdf document extract all those information which we have mapped invoice pay to and date and send those details to us again on the email address so let's see if we receive an email address or email or not we'll wait for some time we have received an email automatically which is having all the different on different options or all the different values that we have mapped invoice is double two double two two three p two James and date so now if you see there is a Minor error into it because it is showing invoice twice why because when I was training this model instead of selecting the invoice number only I was selecting entire invoice hash so that's the reason I'm seeing like this so once you are trying to do it just try to go ahead and select this information like this you will be seeing a correct information I hope you liked the video and will be having another video onto AI Builder very soon which will be using our apps in the background so let's see how it goes and I hope you like the video again and thanks for your time and thank you thank you again
Channel: Farhaan Khan
Views: 5,263
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Id: 9envlqh8sto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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