How to Add Win32 App Supersedence in Microsoft Intune

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today we're looking at configuring superstudents for win32 applications within microsoft intune if you come from a configuration manager world you probably are quite familiar with this concept however it's been a highly requested feature within intune so what is superstudents well supersedence allows us to tackle a couple of really common application deployment methods and really that is one update so how do we update an application to a newer version and secondly how can we replace applications so for example in the update model here we can take a win32 application maybe we have our app version one and we want to update that to our application version two and then in replace we can have a win for a2 app and we want to replace that with an entirely new win32 app so for example you might have conferencing tool one and you want to replace that with conferencing tool two i'm not going to name any technology names here i don't want to start a war in the comments but you can probably guess my recommendation for conferencing tools so in this video we're going to be looking at configuring super students within intune and we're going to look at the end user experience of actually updating an application so let's go ahead and dive in alright so we're now here inside the microsoft endpoint manager admin center looking at intune so let's get this party started on how we can configure supersedance so to do that we're going to go ahead on the left hand side and choose apps and then we're going to do windows because well win32 apps is for windows and we can see here that you know like any old cooking show i've got some of the ingredients prepared and we have two applications that are we're going to focus this video on so we've got 7-zip 1604 and 7-zip 19. and if you're thinking right now well hang on how do i create a win32 app because i'm not going to go through it in this video well i'll put a link on the screen somewhere or in the description and i actually made a video all around creating win32 applications within intune so if you want to make sure that you know how to do that go check that video out but in here we're just going to look at configuring the superstudent site so our scenario is we're going to go from the 7-zip version 16 to the 7-zip version 19. but before we do that i'm just going to show you a couple of things in the application so from 7-zip 16 you know we've got all the normal stuff configured you know version logo all that kind of good stuff we also have an install and an uninstall command of course it's always best practice to have these both set up but when it becomes to super students it is important to know does your application just easily in place upgrade or do you need to uninstall the application first and then install the newer version so i have both of those configured the other thing for both applications is under the detection rules i'm using msi and then i've been very specific about the product version you know if you have this old version i want to make sure that we can detect that and then detect that we're updating this to a newer version so we can see that we had that if we go back to the windows apps under 7-zip 19 properties again let's just rock down here if we go back to detection rules we can see on here again i've been very specific with the product version that is going to be 19. so at this point we have both applications we have the older app that's been in this case assigned and deployed out to our fleet of laptops or desktops and now we want to get everyone updated to the version 19. so let's dive into that 7-zip 19 application let's go back to properties and then from here if we scroll all the way down we can now see that we've got the superstudents and it is in preview right now so you know it's in public preview so everyone can try this out hopefully it doesn't change too much when it goes into general availability but if it does i'll probably cover that in another video we can also see right now that i haven't deployed this there's no assignments for this application so for superstudents let's just go ahead and select edit and now you can see a fantastic paragraph talking all around supersedent so for example here we can select which app is going to be updated or replaced whether or not we want to uninstall the previous version or application but then we have this learn more and that brings you to this fantastic documentation i'm not going to drain all the documentation here but i do want to cover the superstitions behavior because i think this is important and you're probably going to have a few questions on it so there's three scenarios so scenario one and i'll go through this as quick as i can is the superseded app is installed on the device already and we've selected that we want to uninstall the previous version so everything happens kind of as we would expect the superseded app will get uninstalled from the device before then installing the new superseding app but it does note here that even if you haven't targeted the superseded app as uninstall to the user or the workstation it's still going to go ahead and be uninstalled for you and then in the company portal you're going to see the superseding and the superseded application but this is good news is what we want you're only or the user is only going to be able to install the superseding application so the new application that you're trying to deploy and if they go ahead and try install the old version or old application it's just not going to work for them and then scenario two is again the superseded app is installed on the workstation but we're gonna go ahead and not uninstall the previous version and this is where it's really important to understand the behavior of your application so if you choose this you want to make sure that you know that when you install the new version there's just going to you know install right on top of the old one and you don't have to uninstall it so right here it's going to use the behavior of the superseding apps installer and then again in the company portal you're going to see the superseding and the superseded application we are only going to be able to install the superseded application and on the third scenario the superseded app does not exist on the device and therefore superseding application the new application is just going to be installed and only the new app is going to be displayed in company portal so those are the you know free main behaviors and they're pretty much as you would expect so let's go ahead and go back to you know the superstudents here in intune and let's get this going so first of all you're just going to go ahead and hit add and then from add you can search all of your applications so again 7-zip 19 is our superseding application this is our end state but we want to supersede the version 16. so let's just go ahead and select that and now we can see that that's selected down here in the add apps and let's just select select and now that we've chosen this 7zip 16 we can go ahead on the right hand side and choose whether or not we want to uninstall yes or no i'm going to just choose yes for this demonstration but again this is where you really need to know the behavior of your application of course if i'm not happy with this i could go ahead and remove it as well so let's just go ahead and go to review now and save and that's it we've got super students set up but nothing happens now if you haven't obviously got any assignments the applications like i don't i don't have any assignments so it's not going to go start uninstalling the old app or anything funky like that so what we want to do is we now want to add an assignment so to do that i'm just going to go edit on the assignments and then we're going to go you could do this as required you know we want to force uninstall the old application the old 7-zip and install the new 7-zip or you can do available and just to make this demo a little bit easier i'm just going to select the available add a group and of course you want to add a you know scoped group here be logical about this i'm just going to type in intune and deploy it to my intune applications available group and hit select and now of course you can change any of the kind of delivery and deployment methods so you know want to show all totes notifications do you want any delivery optimization or when you want it to be deployed i'm just going to choose as soon as possible and we'll go from there so let's just hit review and save and then hit save again great and at this point now we're going to supersede the old 7-zip with the new on version 19 and we're going to deploy this as available so let's go ahead and jump over to the client and have a look at what this looks like okay so we're now here in a windows 10 client and in our world as we saw i've assigned both applications to my user so we have right now inside the company portal as we saw is the 7-zip 1604 and we have the 7-zip 19. and we can see here that the 1604 is installed we can also look at add and remove programs we can see the 1604 version is there and i could also bring up 7-zip as well and then if we just went to about 7-zip we can see the 16 version is here so at this point then to really get this to work out and it could have been required as we're doing available i can just go here into this new 7-zip version and then go ahead and just select install and now at this point we're going to start seeing as a user because i left them open all the kind of toast notifications popping up on what's happening and because we chose that we want to uninstall the old version of this application install the new we're going to get toast notifications showing us through that so it's going to tell us that this new application is going to be downloaded and then we're going to start replacing 7-zip 16 with 7-zip 19 then it's going to inform us that we've successfully uninstalled the old application and then at the end of it we've installed the new at that point we can see that everything has been successfully installed as it's available i could go ahead and reinstall it if i want to as well and now if we go ahead and look at the 7zip file manager here and we go to help and about we can now see that we're on version 19. so that's exactly what we wanted to see and this worked perfectly it uninstalled the old app and installed the new one and i can obviously go and check that if we go to appwiz.cpl here and we go ahead and refresh we can now see the 16 version is gone and we've only got that 19 but as we said earlier even though it's been installed we can still see both versions in here but the old versions now are not going to install over the top so if i clicked into the 7zip16 for example and i hit install this isn't going to go ahead and do that same thing so once it's checked in here we're going to see that nothing's going to happen in the company portal it's just come back to install and and we're done so that's all there is to it when it comes to super students within intune of course they recommend again read the documentation because some fantastic scenarios and explanations there and if you really enjoyed this video and you want to see more in tune videos check out my playlist where you can see more about installing and creating winfrey 2 apps to windows autopilot and make sure you like subscribe and we'll see you next time for another video
Channel: Harry Lowton
Views: 1,789
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Win32, intune applications, microsoft intune, microsoftintune, microsoft intune tutorial, microsoft intune for beginners, intune application management, intune training, microsoft intune company portal, microsoft intune 2021, Microsoft intune tutorial 2021, intune app deployment windows 10, microsoft intune demo, microsoft intune setup
Id: 3e0S5LhOMXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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