How To Set Up Windows Autopilot in Microsoft Intune

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Love the video! good information and well delivered!
Only think I will say is move the Mic out of the shot, it covers way too much of you. But that is just a pet peeve of mine

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jishua9 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
so in today's video we're going to be taking a look at how you can get out of the world of traditional imaging of windows devices into a place where you can just purchase a device ship it to your user and they can just sign in and be productive almost away so if you're new to this channel my name is harry lawson i'm a technology strategist for microsoft and the goal here is to really teach you technology and hopefully show you a few things that's going to help you and your organization so today you might be in a position where you're getting a new device to somebody takes quite a few steps it might be fairly manual or you may have automated a fair amount of it through things like configuration manager or the microsoft deployment toolkit but even if you've automated it there's still a lot of steps where you've got to create your own custom image add all your applications some customizations maybe some languages all that kind of jazz but with that that does add quite a lot of operational overhead somebody's got to manage this this isn't a free ride so to speak so you know then if somebody actually needs a device you have to procure it that device gets shipped to you maybe your ite office whatever it might be it already comes with an operating system you go ahead and image it again you probably make a few manual tweaks then you box it up ship it out to your end user there's quite a few steps there so in a current remote world you may not want to be going into the office you may not even have the option to so you probably have to think about how do you change the game of getting devices to your end users and this is exactly where windows autopilot can really help us out so windows autopilot we can change what i just went through with those manual steps for example to a world where we purchase a device from an oem provider we then just ship it straight to our end user our end user then unboxes it connects to wi-fi signs in with their corporate credentials and then all their software the settings updates features that even their user data all drops down onto that device ready for them and they're pretty much productive straight away so that's a world that i'm pretty excited about and i think should hopefully help your organization as well so before we dive too deep into windows autopilot i'm going to show some demos of how to get started with it i do want to just mention there are a couple of prerequisites that you're going to want to have to think about and really i'm just going to talk about the licensing side because one you're going to need to have is your active directory p1 or b2 so however you purchase that that's going to be what you need you're then also going to need a mobile device management provider so that could be things like microsoft intune for example and lastly you can need a windows 10 operating system that's 1703 and above for this to work out so there's just a few kind of key things you need from a licensing world and it's also worth noting there's multiple different ways that you can get autopilot to work we're only going to be looking at the cloud only version today so we're not going to be in if you're familiar with this we're not going to be looking at hybrid adjoin and how you connect your on-premises to your cloud any of that we're just going to be looking at the cloud only how do you get started get a user where they can just sign into that device the applications drop down and the settings all right so enough preamble let's dive in and have a look at how this looks in the console and from a virtual machine as well all right so i just wanted to set the scene of kind of what we're going to be following along with pretty closely so i'm actually going to be going through most of the steps on a document that we have called demonstrate autopilot deployment because you know i could just go through a whole load of steps and you may forget some of them so i want you to be able to go back to this reference material if you could forget any of these steps and that's just going to be able to help you out to get to autopilot faster so again we're kind of going through this uh this documentation i have gone off the beaten track a few times potentially so let's kind of get ourselves to where we're at uh right now we're in a world where i've already downloaded windows 10 media i've got hyper-v installed on the laptop that i'm working on and then i've done a couple of these initial steps so if i just scroll down a moment you know enable hyper-v you can just quickly do that even windows features turn on and off all that jazz and then i went through this created demo uh vm so i've downloaded the eval for windows 10 i've then renamed it as they asked for here and then the nice thing is is they actually give you all the powershell commands to get up with your vm so how you start and create a demo vm you can just use this powershell here which just creates a new vm switch quit creates a new vm so on and so forth so i've already done all of this section here and then i've also installed windows 10 so just went through the basic install of windows 10 selecting united states making sure i've got the keyboard right you know language blah blah blah so i've already gone ahead and done all of that for us and with that being said now so we're at this point here where we've got to do capture hardware id so let's just roll back a moment what is this capture hardware id step well we already mentioned that with autopilot what we do is we can get a device from an oem provider ships straight to our end users they can sign in with their corporate credentials and away they go but how does autopilot how does things like microsoft intune know about this device and that it's autopilot ready so to speak so that's where this device id comes into play because we can either upload this device id manually and that allows us to then attach what we call an autopilot profile to a device so that it knows that it's ready for autopilot or which is probably the way you're going to do it in production is you're going to allow your oem provider to upload these hardware ids for you into your intune or whatever your mdm provider is so that you can get rocking and rolling straight away so we're at this stage right now let's go ahead and actually look at getting the hardware id now into intune before we go any further all right so now we're on our virtual machine our windows autopilot vm which is running on our laptop let's now go ahead and play that role of the oem provider and go ahead and get this hardware id so on this computer you can see here it's really just a very vanilla windows 10 device nothing on here but we're going to just go to uh powershell i've got an admin version of powershell and then i'm just going to go ahead and copy in the script that's on that documentation and as you can see here it's made directory for my hardware id and now it's going ahead and actually installing a script on this computer i've got to hit y for yes but it's actually going out to that nougat package provider and downloading it for us let's just wait for that to download and there we have it the script is around you can see here it's gathered all the details we need for this device's serial so if i just close down powershell we can now bring up windows explorer let's just hit this pc i'm going to go into the local disk and we have this new folder for you know hwad so hardware id and now it's in a csv you can go ahead and open it if you like you're not going to really see too much information because it's really hashed out and it's ready for us to upload to intune so what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to copy this and add it onto just my normal desktop so let's just paste it in there and then we're going to go ahead and upload it all right so from the portal so i'm in the endpoint manager admin center what we're going to do is we're going to go to devices and then we're going to choose windows because this is for for windows 10 and then we're going to do windows enrollment and then i'm actually going to do here devices you can see it's got manage windows autopilot devices this isn't an autopilot device right now but it will be and at the top here we've then got these options where we can do import and you can see at the top here it says asking for that csv file again as i say this is because we're doing it manually in your world hopefully the oem provider will do this for you so select a file and we're just going to go ahead and go navigate to our documents and then i'm going to go into youtube windows autopilot and here's my autopilot hardware id csv that we got earlier so i'm now just going to go ahead and open that and then you can see i've got one row formatted correctly good news and now i can just go ahead and hit import all right great news we can now see that the device has been imported properly and we can see over in notifications we can also see here underneath windows autopilot devices that we have one device before we didn't have any now we've got one we can see it's a virtual machine manufacturer microsoft but there's no profile status at the moment we've not assigned it to any actual windows player deployment profiles but before we go ahead and look at building any of that there's a few things we need to do just to get prepped in this environment so the next thing we're going to do before we get too far is we're going to reset the virtual machine this is important because autopilot all works from that out of box experience well we can't really have windows installed and logged into at this point we need to go before that so let's reset this device and of course in the real world you won't have to do this because you know your device is going to be coming ready for them to log in for your end users but we're going to go to settings then we're going to go to update and security and then from here we're going to go to recovery and then to reset this pc and then choose get started and then from resets pc we're going to just use remove everything you know we don't want to keep anything and then we're going to choose local reinstall and then hit next and that's going to go ahead and then reset this device so let's just choose reset and let that go um we'll come back to this later on after it's reset all right so in my example i now have the windows autopilot vm reset note this can take a long time so i probably recommend doing some of these steps i'm about to show in the meantime but just for my recording i want to get that thing reset for later on so let's go back into the endpoint manager console there's a few things we need to do and actually first before we go there i'm going to go into active directory and from azure active directory you want to make sure that your company branding is set up these are the things that people are going to see when they start signing in with their credentials they're going to see this so in company you know we're just here said we're into azure active directory now company branding and if you haven't set this up just go ahead and do so you know give yourself uh an image in the background a banner logo sign-in page text all that kind of jazz in this video we're not going to dive deep into this just want to let you know you are going to want to set up your company branding next thing you want to do from mobility mdm and mam and then i'm just going to do microsoft intune the next thing is you want to make sure that you have mdm user scope and the mam user scope set up so mdm is our mobile device management auto enrollment and then mam is kind of we used to call it mobile application management now it's really the app in tune protection policies but you know in my case i'm just going to move this to all and all if you're testing this and going through this in your environment you might want to choose some and then just scope it down to an active directory group for example i'm just going to do all in all and click save so the next thing i'm going to do is just go ahead and create a group for our autopilot device that way we can assign policies to it applications that kind of jazz so i'm going to go back into the microsoft endpoint manager console i'm just going to go to groups and then it's going to do new group and then we'll keep it as a group type security and the group name i'll just do autopilot um lab for example easy as that owner i'm just gonna add myself so it's gonna do the admin the mod admin and then just do select so i'm just gonna keep this membership type as assigned you could go ahead and make this dynamic in the real world you are going to want to make this dynamic and just say you know devices that are windows 10 or blah blah blah you know you choose that there and then members i'm just going to choose this autopilot device that we imported so this is a serial number we saw earlier i'm just going to hit select and create so now we have ourselves a group that i can assign to things inside these next parts of our demo all right so now we've got that let's now go ahead and actually set up the uh the autopilot profile all right so we're going to go to devices and then i'm just going to go to enroll devices and from here we're going to go to deployment profiles and then this is where we can create that windows autopilot deployment profile that we're going to attach to the virtual machine that we rolled back earlier so i'm now going to go to create profile and we're going to do windows pc it's pretty cool there that we saw hololens now i'm going to give it a name so we're just going to call it autopilot lab profile i'm going to keep the bottom here for convert all targeted devices to no and then we'll move forward so let's do next so there's quite a few different things that you could do and change in this out of box experience so for example you could do user-driven to self-deploying in azure id join we could change it to hybrid you can change privacy settings and so on and so forth in our case we're actually just going to keep this as the default because this is going to do what we need for this demonstration but you if it makes sense for you to change the language or to apply a device naming template so for example you know be autopilot dash the serial number for the machine you can go ahead and do that here as well but we're going to leave it as default as the azure adjoin and user driven and hit next and now you can see here that we have to choose where are we going to assign this to well we just created a group so let's do select in groups and then we're going to choose this autopilot lab group to be in here and do select and then next and now we can just review what we've done yep user driven adjoined yep all good to go let's hit create okay so now that we've got our autopilot lab profile bill and it's been assigned to our our group let's go ahead and go back to devices and then go to enroll devices and then back to devices here so we can see our device again our virtual machine with the serial number let's just go ahead and choose synchronize here and we'll come back in a bit to make sure that this profile has been assigned all right so great news we now have this virtual machine has been assigned to a profile which in this case is our windows autopilot profile that we just created and assigned that group to so you need to make sure that this says assigned before you go any further if it doesn't then it's not going to work when you go try windows autopilot for the first time so now that's done what we're going to do is now assign an application to that same autopilot as your active directory security group so let's go to apps and then we're going to go to windows 10 and then from windows 10 i'm going to choose this microsoft 365 apps for windows 10 and then let's go to properties and from here you can see what i'm doing you know i'm installing excel onedrive outlook so on and so forth what we're going to do is i'm just going to go to assignments and choose edit and i'm just going to add a group and i'm going to add in this autopilot lab hit select this is under required i want to force this installation as if the user just got that device and then they're going to sign in for the first time and they're going to get all their applications or all that in this case office applications deployed to them straight away so we're going to do review yeah we're happy with that and then i'm going to do save okay great so we're now really at a point where we can test this out we have the windows autopilot profile we've assigned it to a device we've assigned an application of course you can go ahead and assign policies for security and so on and so forth but we're going to do that in this lab all right so now we're going to go dive over to the virtual machine and see what it looks like all right so let's go see the user experience of windows autopilot you've now gone through all the kind of administration task let's see what it looked like if that box lands in the home and they're unboxing it and signing in for the first time so i've booted up our virtual machine remember i just snapshoted it back and you know we reset it to be a brand new out-of-the-box kind of windows 10 virtual machine there is going to be a few things that mine goes through it's going to tell you it's setting up and just wait a moment but after that you end up in this landing page and the out-of-box experience where we can see here we've got welcome to contoso enter your contoso email so this is already branded for my organization this is why we set up all that branding in azure active directory so your users are always already going to get kind of the look and feel for your organization so all they've got to do then is just enter their corporate email address so i'm just going to get mine pasted in here now and then we can go ahead and hit next and this is then going to start setting up windows 10. so first thing i've got to do here is put in my password for us to move forward let's just put that in and go next again now the nice thing here is that the users are going to be informed throughout kind of the stages of autopilot so not just sitting there wondering what is happening but for me after it's done this initial part and rebooted and i've logged in the next step for me is to set up the device for windows hello for business so i'm going to use the phone authentication which is going to send me a text message and then i'm going to put in you know the code that i get back as my additional security verification and then from there i've got to put in my super secure pin that i'm going to use with this device moving forward and then in my case you know there's not really many more policies or anything else that i put in i just had one application so it's pretty fast so we can just now look at the next part of this experience and there we go that was the user experience we logged into windows hello there we've signed into this windows auto piloted machine and let's have a look if everything came in we asked for it to install the office applications and there we go we've got powerpoint publisher excel we've got all the tools we need to be productive straight off the bat and that was really it i mean we can dive now back to the uh to the intune console for example we can go to devices and then if we go to all devices let's have a look we can now see look we got this new device in here managed by intune compliant and enrolled by my id so there we are we have one device which is now fully gonna be managed by mdm it's gonna get all the corporate policies you need and that uses productive pretty much straight off the bat of course there was some more time in that that i cut out from the video editing process but hopefully that helps you get started with windows autopilot make sure you like and subscribe and we'll bring more videos around windows autopilot in the future with things like hybrid id join and we'll talk about things like white glove and so on and so forth look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: Harry Lowton
Views: 34,638
Rating: 4.9627905 out of 5
Keywords: Windows Autopilot, windows autopilot step by step, windows autopilot setup, windows autopilot demo, windows autopilot user-driven mode, windows autopilot deployment, Windows autopilot training, windows 10, microsoft 365, microsoft intune tutorial, windows autopilot, microsoft intune autopilot, microsoft 365 fundamentals, microsoft endpoint manager for beginners, microsoft intune, microsoft endpoint management, microsoft intune device enrollment, microsoft windows
Id: 7YgCmYqeyFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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