How to Add Points, Lines and Polygons in QGIS Project

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in this video tutorial we will see how to add points lines and polygons on map using qgis software we will create and update vector layers in qgis software we will also see how to create new shape files it is like exporting data in dot shp files which can be used in other gis based software special thanks to developer of qgis for providing such a nice software now i am going to use india.jpg raster file for demonstration in this project three new vector layers will be created in this project points to represent major cities as you can see in the map of india lines to represent new highways polygons to the present damn site so download image of your country for practice purpose and let's develop a qgis project to add points lines and polygons start qgis software i will be using india.jpg file in this project let's add india map into this project first for that create one raster layer in this project locate your india.jpg file add it to this project and close this window now one layer will be added into this project which contains map of india now our next objective is we are interested in adding various points on this map we will add some points on this map which represents the location of city in this country so for that go to this layer now let's create a new shape layer let's give appropriate file name here city layer and we want to save this city layer at specific location so let's select that location qgis data under gis folder here dot shp file will be created with this name called city layer dot shp so let's save this now we are interested in adding points so select geometry type as point and then related to every point we are interested in storing some information so let's save a name let's create one field called name and the size is let's keep it to 50 characters add this field let's add one more field called city id and let's keep the size as 10. so we have two fields which are related to every point on this map so just click on ok now you can see here one more layer which is added in this project now so click on this city layer and then just go to this toggle editing button click once then select this add point feature click here once and then go to this map let's add one point for new delhi so this is the area where new delhi is located just click here and then specify name new delhi and let's set cd id 101 just click ok so one point is added to this ct layer let's add few more points 1.4 amdabar so name is m.r ctid102 1.4 bombay city ctid103 and 1.4 somewhere here chennai ctid104 likewise we can add many points on this layer now all these points are actually added to this layer so just click on this city layer right click on it and go to this open attribute table where you can see these are the city which are recently added as a part of this layer so if we deselect this you can see the impact on this map if i deselect india the only city layer points will be visible and when we make both this enable we are able to see city names city points as well as map of india now if you are interested in displaying city name just click on this label abc and under this select single labels and here now you can see the city name is also visible here so this is how a points can be added as a part of vector layer into qgis project now let's add some lines which represents highways between various cities for that go to again this layer menu and create a new shape layer which represents highway so let's create layer for highways and we will save at appropriate location under our project qgis js data and again a new file shp file will be created at this location select geometric type as line because we want to represent line in this layer and then give a name so [Music] let's create a name and let's keep size as 50 add this field and just create a layer for id so this is national highway id and let's keep sizes 10 add this field now a new layer for representing highways is added in this project so now let's create one highway as a part of this layer highway layer between new delhi and amdava for that again go to this edit button click it once then go to this line add line feature and click on new delhi first and then one by one just represent your line up to a specific city and once the line is the highway is actually represented you just right click on it to finish your line and give the name new delhi one click ok so a new highway is added in in the form of line between new delhi too and let's add one more highway between bombay and chennai for that click on bombay and then just represent the highway and hni just right click again give highway name bombay to chennai expressway national highway 102 is the id now two lines are added here as a part of this highway layer so again go to this label and you can select this single labels this will print a name of highway also here and we can also select id if you want to represent only id national highway id so just click nhid so we'll be able to see this ids here and this is how lines can be added on this layer called highways now let's add some polygons and for that we will create a polygon layers to represent various dams in this country so for that just save your highway layer go to layers create one layer for damp site so let's create a polygon layer and this is polygon layer which represents dams so and save this at appropriate location as shp file so let's save it here dams dot shp file select geometric type as polygon give the field name and let's keep the size as 50 add this field let's keep this id as it is then id and just click on ok now you can see damn layer is added here so to add information to add polygon on this map just select this toggle editing click on this here add polygon feature click on this and let's represent a polygon which indicates that sardars are over dam so sardar servo dam is somewhere here around gujarat region so just click and once we are done with the representation just right click on it and give the id called d101 and then sardar server damn click on ok so this is a representation of sardar server dam on this map in the form of polygon let's add one more polygon which represents one more dam site which this is the area where the m102 id and this is the area where the roy dam is located so just click on ok these are the indication of two polygons which represents them on this map and once again you can go to this label you can select the labels which you want to represent like this sardar over time which you can see here and if you want to change the color in this so just select this and select the color which you want to add so let's add the color which is somewhat related to water applied and this is how a polygons are added now we have four layers india which represents the outline of this country one layer which is related to city layer which represents only points one more layer which represents highway which is actually we are representing lines through this layer and a layer for dam which represents polygons so this is how we can add various layers on map now remember that in this case this india layer is a kind of raster layer and this city layer highway and dam these are the vector kind of layers now let's export all this information in the form of image so go to this import export menu and click on export map to image just click on save and select your location where you want to save this india with city highway and dam dot png's file so this will create one file with all this information now let's go to that location and you can see inside this folder not only this a file containing all information is added but along with this you can see here highways dot shp file is created then city layer dot shp file is also created as well as dance dot shb file is also created so these are the vector files containing this information so this is how adding points lines and polygons in qgis project is very simple
Channel: Self Study Tutorials
Views: 11,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GIS Tutorials, QGIS Tutorials, Importing Raster File in GIS, Creating Vector Layer in QGIS, Kuntal Patel, Exporting PNG files from QGIS, How to add points in qgis, how to add lines in qgis, export images from qgis, exporting .png and .shp file from qgis, how to add polygons in qgis
Id: vSR4onNaSzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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