How To Add Mods To Minehut Server (Full Guide) | Get Mods On Minehut Server

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in this video i'll show you how to install mods on your mine heart server i'm going to go and join the server right now and prove to you i've got mods installed as you can see here we are when i go and press on e on my inventory as you can see i've got the jei mod installed and it's showing me all of the recipes i go and click on one and it's going to go and show me how to go and craft it if you're new to the channel please go down below and consider subscribing to the channel once you've done that please go down below answer leaving a like as well and now let's go and get straight into this here we are on my desktop and the first thing you need to do is go and open up a web browser so here we are i'm going to hop into mine here you can use any one you want to come to google or any search engine now before i go and show you how to install the mod to mine up i want to quickly go and show you how you can go and install the mod to your own version of minecraft on your computer because in order to go and play with mods and servers you must have the mod installed on your own computer however if you already know how to install mods on your computer then you can go and skip straight to the mine hot piece of this guide which will be later on i'll try and put a timestamp but if you haven't got the mod already installed on your computer and you don't know how then make sure you watch this whole guide so the first thing you want to do is come to google and you need to go and search for something called forge now forge is a great tool and it's an add-on which allows us to go and add mods to minecraft so basically you have to have force to go and do this guide so go and make sure you come to forward click here and then here we are then all you want to do is come to the left hand side we've got minecraft version you need to go and select the version of forge for minecraft which you want to go and download so in my case i'm going to go and get 1.17.1 and it doesn't really matter as long as you go and get all of the same versions throughout this guide for example we need to go and set mine up for the same version and we need to get mods for the same version for example if i go and say get forged for 1.17 we need to set the server to 1.17 and get mods for minecraft 1.17 so they've all got to be the exact same version of minecraft don't worry i'll explain it throughout the whole guide so in this example i'm going to go and get um the 1.17 version for minecraft so i'm going to click here and then go and click 1.17.1 then once you're here all you need to do is go and click on the installer i recommend just going on the latest or recommended now you want to be really careful we're going to be on add wall as you can see it's saying add this extension completely ignore this just wait in the top right where we've got this countdown and then go and click skip then as you can see this download actually went and started i'm just going to go and click back so every browser is going to be slightly different to where downloads appear but all you need to do is go and open up your downloads folder in your file explorer and you're going to go and find the file and depending on which browser you use you may need to go and click on keep but like i said every browser is going to be slightly different and now we need to go and find it in our downloads folder so i just open up my downloads folder and here is the forge installer so i'm just going to go and drag it onto my desktop just like so now we need to go and install forge and as you can see i've got this coffee logo on forge so if you go and double click on it it should go and open up to a forge installer as you can see we go and get this mod system installer however if it doesn't do not worry this is simply because you don't have java so all you need to do is head back to your browser and you need to go and search for or just go in google java so go to go and hit enter it's going to go and take us here so go and click on download java and it's going to download your computer and then you need to go and install it and then once it's installed you may need to go and reset your computer you need to go and click on the file here the installer right click on it and then go and click open with and then you want to go and click more apps make sure you go and select java tm platform se binary that's going to fix a lot of issues i know when people try and install forge it doesn't always install but anyways go and double click on it just like so and it's going to go and open it up and you just want to go and click install client and go and click ok and then as you can see it's now installing once it's finished it's going to go and say successfully installed and you can go and press ok now all you need to do is come back into your browser and now we need to go and find a mod which you want to go and install the site i personally use to go and get mods for minecraft is called curseforge you're going to search for curseforge just like so and you want to come to and here we are then all you just need to do is go and look for featured games and go and click on minecraft and as you can see this is over a hundred thousand mods which is crazy and here we are so as you can see at the moment we're in mod packs i'm just gonna go and click on mods i just want a single one and then you want to go and scroll down until you can go and find a mod so when you go and find a mod we then need to go make sure we go and get the same version of which we downloaded minecraft ford for in this case i need 1.17.1 but you need to get whichever version which you downloaded personally i'm going to go for just enough items it allows you to go and view the recipe so go and click on it just like so then all you need to do is go click on files and wait for it to load and then once it's loaded you then need to go and scroll down until we can go and find the version we want so personally i need 1.17.1 so i'm going to go and scroll back until i can go and find it so it took a while but i just found out as you can see it was on page six so all you need to do is go click on the download file button just here and it's as you can see it says your download will begin in a few seconds and it's then gonna go and start once again it's gonna be in a different place depending on which browser you use but i do need to go and click on keep just like so and there it is so now all you want to do is minimize once again and all you want to do is open your download folder and go and find the file so here is the file i just dragged it on to my desktop now the next thing you need to go and do is go and press on the windows key on your keyboard and go and press the r button as well both at the same time and we're going to go and get this thing called run now run allows us to go and type the name of a program folder or document and it's going to take us straight there so what you want to do is type in percentage app data percentage literally just that all one word and go and press ok and it's going to go and take us to this folder here and all you need to do is go and press on dot minecraft right at the top and then you're going to have a folder called mods now if you don't have this folder do not worry you need to just go and create one so right click and go and click new and folder and just type in mods and then you want to go and double click in it and once you're inside of it then all you need to do is move the mod into it so as you can see i've got this 1.17.1 mod here i'm going to go and drag it in and there we go and that's literally it guys we've now installed the mod so go and close off of this folder and now we need to go and open up the browser once again and now you need to come to mine art so come to minehart and as you can see we can go and view my servers so once you go and see the server which you want to go and install the mod on in this case for me it's skyround 2 i've already done it for this first guide round the first thing you need to do is go and click on the version so as you can see at the moment i'm using paper 1.17.1 i'm going to click on this just like so and then you need to go and click on server type and change it to spigot then once you've changed it to spigot then you click on server version and you need to go and select the same version for the server as you went and downloaded the mod 4 so because i went and downloaded the mod for 1.17.1 i need to go and have the server set on 1.17.1 and also guys all the steps i just showed you you need to go and tell your friends to do as well so they can join the server as they must have the same mod version as the server is which is 1.17.1 so you can just go and tell your friends to watch this video and as you can see it's now been set to spigot 1.17.1 so you can click on activate server just like so and it's going to go and start it as you can see it takes 30 seconds then all you need to do is go ahead and continue just like so and they were now taken to the server dashboard now what's really important is when you go and change the version of a server you need to go and reset the world so come to this top bar and go and click on weld just like so and you then need to click on reset world and go and click yes then it's going to go and reset the world it's really important and if you want to go and use your world again just go and download it as you can see but now we need to go and install the mod you then need to go and click on file manager just like so and once you're in file manager you then need to scroll down and i'm going to zoom in a bit for you guys and what you need to go and do is is go and click on create folders it's got a folder with a plus go and click on it and as you can see we need to enter a name so i'm going to go and name this mods just like so and then go and click create and then as you can see in the left hand side we've got this new mods folder so go and click on it just like so then all you want to do is go and click on this upload file button which is a file with a plus in it once again just before we go and upload the mod we need to make sure we've got a copy ready of the mod so once again go and press the windows key in r and we're going to go and get this run thing go and click ok and it's going to take a moment to load and then all you need to do is go and press on dot minecraft and go to mods again and here is the mod i want to upload so i'm just going to go and copy this onto my desktop just like so go to desktop and go and paste it in uh just like this boom there it is come back to minehart and go and press on the paperclip and it's going to go and launch our folder i want to go and upload this mod here so i'm going to hit open and go click upload and it now should be uploading as you can see there it is so what you want to do is just go and restart the server as we've just gone and uploaded a mod and go and click yes so now all you want to do is go and open up minecraft and then we can go and join it so i'm just going to go and copy the url just like so and what's really important is when you're on the minecraft launcher make sure you go and select forge and go and click play minecraft is now loaded and you'll know you've installed four successfully and the mod because you're gonna have this mods button on your main menu you can click on mods and as you can see there is just enough items now let's go to multiplayer i'm going to click add server i'm going to go and paste in on your address by doing control v there it is go and press done as you can see it's online i'm going to click join server and we're now joining so i've just loaded into minecraft now and i'm going to prove to you it's installed i go and press e as you can see we can go and see i've got the j e i mod i can go and see all the recipes i can go and click on one it's going to exactly tell me how to go and craft it if you found this video useful please go down below and consider subscribing to the channel leave a like for more peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 133,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to add mods to minehut, how to add mods to minehut server, how to get mods on minehut, how to get mods on minehut server, how to add mods to my minehut server, how to add mods to my minehut, how to get mods on a minehut, how to get mods on a minehut server, how to add mods on a minehut server, minecraft how to add mods to your minehut server, how to add mods to minecraft server minehut, minehut
Id: -uSS8n6nPz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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