how to add coordinate grids to maps i QGIS

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and I common workflow been working with topographical maps is that you need to put on grids or grata Coons on the map I mention this word graticule this year we have in this case we have 2 grid situation we have one video that following UTM network then we have in black and then we have this red lines which have that giving the latitude and longitude as degrees there's a multi Breeze in this case so we have two grids and traditionally recall if you're using an attitude long - we call it a radical and anything else we call it a grid so often we need to add these things to our topographical maps so incubus I will bring up my pretty bird like one this one and I will then add my map frame yep so add my map frame this this is my I - I just move my map frame for easier and I'll move the content inside my map frame that I might set the scale to one to 50,000 it's not bad so I have a map frame and if I want to add a grid to that type item property so if you go over here we see behind me my - properties - poverty and my extend my whatever I got up here if I go down under grids I can press the little green plus and I can specify my grid how is it good displayed which coordinate system it is I will start up a grid in the same coordinate system as my map let's use that one there and then specify how large I want my crystal be and say I want them to be a hundred meters 500 meters oops under meters by a hundred meters I say that was maybe a bit nicer color was a bad kilometer so we now have a grid network here where we have a grid for each kilometer I can so that was a grid and I specified its parameters how close the bar in map units I can go down and I'm going to add a frame so model these super frames it when an aligned with the grid so it changes color from black to white for each grade we have we can and sure do want to have divisions and yeah I like this fair I want to have them coordinates and you have the all the coordinates a bit too many disciplines get rid of those like that so now I have my coordinates all the way along here I don't want to have them in my right so this is able them there and I don't want them in my bottom bonus these even those that I've got them in my left and my top side I only need those two because what I want to do is I want to add a new grid so I go up and again place the Queen this time I'll go down and change my to the vgs so rail it's your longitude coordinate system and i want to add a grid for each port let's see what happens if i say one one line they're probably they say 0.05 so i write those two nines and others user 105 on the axis and add the moon would be donuts black palace chains by nine style down here to be the black but i had them in red so the red ones are my second grid - which is a graticule because it's based on then - the lump suit and I can then go down and say I want coordinates of those but this time I only want them on my eye a bit close to the nip I don't want them on my top so let's disable them there and I don't want them on Myra left so disable them there fusing like that and then I will add a bit more space so see this one like that so now we have my latitude longitude information of this moon degrees here and we have the grid here with my UTM coordinates so here I've added two different grids onto my same topographical map so adding a grid is a property of the data frame map frame in the print composer so you choose them make sure that your map frame is selected and you can then choose from the item properties of that map frame and you go on the grids you press the little green plus and then you can add grids off and you can use different coordinate systems so you have both a Uttam in this case and and attitude launcher a graticule on your map then of course have different colors and you can play around with all these different properties of the grid
Channel: Geoinformatics
Views: 110,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QGIS (Software), map design, Tutorial (Media Genre)
Id: c4q_w9hAknI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2015
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